Read The Legacy Online

Authors: Fayrene Preston

Tags: #Romance, #Regency, #Fiction, #General

The Legacy (20 page)


Unconsciously, he shifted closer to her, anxious to make her understand. “But it’s Elena, don’t you see? Stubbornly, she’s held on to her secret all these years. But now she’s ill, and she wanted us to know what happened. I promised her I would try to find this package, and for her sake, I’m glad I did. It’s evidence that she and a young man named John Deverell once loved and dreamed of a future together. Now she can live out what time remains of her life in peace.

“But this changes nothing for you and me. As a lawyer, I can tell you that your inheritance is abso

lutely safe, but if it will make you feel any better, I'll sign a prenuptial agreement giving up all claim to SwanSea and your money. ”

She felt an aching lump of tenderness grow in her throat. “Aren’t you overlooking something? Forget the money. You’re a
Nico. You’re part of SwanSea. You’re Edward’s great-great-grandson."

“I haven’t overlooked that, but it won’t affect us. We’re second or third half cousins, once removed—or something like that.”

“That’s not what I mean. I think we’re missing something very significant here. My grandfather once told me that Edward's two burning obsessions were SwanSea and having a large family. Who knows what really happened back then, but whatever did, our side of the family never knew about you, and your side of the family never knew about us. But now, through our marriage and our children, we will restore the line that was broken so long ago.” “Does that mean? ...”

“Nico, a few hours ago, I was staring into the barrel of a loaded gun, and I didn’t know if you were dead or alive. Compared to that, everything else pales. Except the love I have for you.” She laughed. “My grandfather would get the biggest kick out of this. And I think this news is wonderful. I can’t wait to tell the rest of the family.”

Relief flowed through his body with a force that had him trembling, and he didn’t even notice that his face was damp from tears of joy. “Thank God, ” he said softly. “Thank God. ”

For the moment, the idea of Edward, his dreams, and his house weren’t real or important to him. Maybe someday they would be, but for now, only the woman before him had meaning and importance. “Will you marry me, Caitlin?”

“Yes, my darling, I’ll marry you. Here at SwanSea, with both our families around us. Well hire an entire army of doctors, nurses, planes, ambulances— whatever it takes—but I want our very special guest to be Elena.”

“That would be absolutely right and perfect,” he whispered.

For a moment, he allowed himself to bask in the warmth and love of Caitlin’s eyes. There had been times in the last few terrifying hours when he’d thought he would lose her. But there she was, warm and generous, giving and loving. He leaned forward and kissed her gently. There had been enough words. He wanted to show her how much he loved her, how all the days of his life, he would cherish and adore her.

Caitlin slipped her tongue between his lips, deepening the kiss and lying back on the sun-heated floor, pulling him with her. She felt swamped by a tidal wave of love and happiness. Her world had once consisted of her family and SwanSea. Now Nico was in her world, filling it to bursting.

Perhaps they’d been luckier than the Deverells and the DiFrenzas that had gone before them. Somehow, they’d been able to hold their dream. They had survived the events of last night, and now another day was beginning. Soon the workmen would arrive, and later she would visit her father. But for now, she and Nico badly needed the passion and fire that only the could give each other.

The morning sun continued to rise, its streams of light surrounding the two lovers with warmth. And outside, in the sun’s golden rays, the windows shone, as if the great house SwanSea were smiling.

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