The Life of Anna, Part 4: Ensnared (44 page)

Finally, Devin took a deep breath and
relaxed, the fire inside him gone. He opened his eyes and they
locked on hers. Golden flecks dotted his normally black eyes.

“You must give her life, Devin. Your body
can’t contain everything I gave you.”

Devin nodded and rolled on top of Anna,
crushing his lips to hers. His tongue slipped between her lips and
she could taste something different in him. Spicy like cinnamon and
rich like cream. It was intoxicating. She kissed him back hungrily,
sliding her hands around his neck and into his hair. Her tongue
caressed his and she sucked on it, making him groan, sending
shivers down her spine.

His hands trailed down her body, caressing
the side of her breast and thumbing her nipple. He pulled his mouth
away to trail his kisses down her neck and she gasped in pleasure.
Every kiss branded her skin with his passion. He nipped at her
collarbone and slid his tongue down to her breast, taking a nipple
into his hot mouth.

“Devin!” she cried out as he suckled the
peak, harder and harder until she felt like he was going to suck
the rest of the life out of her through her breast. Her mind
whirled in incomprehensible colors, coherent thought impossible as
long as his mouth was on her. He sucked on her other nipple, making
her cry out in pleasure and pain as he positioned himself at her

“Please,” she begged softly, wiggling beneath
him. She needed him so badly she could hardly breathe.

He pressed into her hot wetness and she
screamed in pleasure. Every thrust sent waves of pleasure coursing
through her body. Her fingernails dug into his back and she arched
up to him, meeting every thrust, wanting to take everything he had
to give her.

“Yes!” she cried. “Oh, Devin. Yes! Deeper!
Deeper!” She wrapped her legs around him, wanting more.

He stopped moving for a moment and his
golden-flecked eyes met hers. She whimpered and writhed beneath

“Mine,” he said in a deep voice and thrust

“Yes!” she screamed.

He stopped again, looking intently at her.
Why did he stop?

“No!” she screamed as he pulled out, but when
he flipped her onto her stomach and pulled her hips up she

With one solid thrust, he rammed himself
deeper than he had been. He pressed against her cervix and she
screamed in pain and pleasure. Over and over and over he pounded
her. The colors whirled in her mind and then everything was
blinding white as Devin gave one last painful thrust. She couldn’t
even scream as her body shattered in pleasure. She heard Devin
yelling and felt his fingers dig into her hips, but the
overwhelming light of the explosion in her body overtook everything
else and she soared out of consciousness.


Devin slowly regained awareness of his
surroundings and looked down to see Anna fall to the bed below him.
She shuddered and then was still. He pulled himself away from her
and leaned forward, concerned that he had killed her.

He saw her breathing and relaxed.

“What the fuck happened?” he asked, turning
to Kaveh, who had watched everything from a chair at the foot of
the bed. The Immortal’s eyes were wide, which gave Devin a tremor
of concern.

“You took her,” Kaveh said softly, not taking
his eyes off the fallen form. “You took possession of her.” He
turned his golden eyes to Devin. “You may have broken her bond to

Devin looked back down at Anna’s limp body.
“How will I know?”

“You will see it in her eyes when she awakes.
If it isn’t broken, it is at the least covered over and

Devin smiled. “Did you know it was

“I have heard of such things, but they are
rare. You...have become very powerful, Devin.”

Devin’s smile turned into a grin. “That makes
me very happy to hear you say that, Kaveh.”

Chapter Fifty-Eight


Wilhelm sat in the dark theater in San
Francisco, restless for the Nutcracker performance to progress. The
second act had begun and it seemed that the dancing slowed more and
more as he anticipated Justin and Anna’s
Grande Pas de
. He hadn’t spoken to Anna since the assassination attempt
over a month ago. He had assumed that Devin had been keeping her on
a tight rein, though she still should have been able to call him.
When he and Kurt had arrived in town on Wednesday, they had hoped
to have time with her before the performance as they usually did,
but she hadn’t returned his calls. He was concerned.

He had called Travis to make sure she was all
right, though Wilhelm was fairly certain that Devin would have
called if something was severely wrong. Then again, the two men had
different ideas about when something was ‘wrong’ with Anna. Travis
said that Anna seemed okay, but distant and sometimes confused. She
kept to herself and seemed content. Travis hadn’t seen any sign of
abuse in several weeks, which was very relieving. She was
just...quiet. He did mention that he had tried to take Anna out one
afternoon and she flipped out, screaming about not leaving Devin.
Violently flipped out and nearly made Travis crash his car.

Mood swings with Anna weren’t unusual, though
Wilhelm couldn’t imagine Anna getting violent. He would have to see
her for himself.

Wilhelm leaned forward as the long awaited
music began and Anna stepped out of the oversized music box and
took Justin’s hand. The delicate dance began, and she was
beautiful. He smiled and leaned back in his seat to enjoy being
closer to her than he had been in months. She and Justin danced
well together and he couldn’t help but smile broadly as he watched.
When the dance was over, he applauded loudly, as did the rest of
the audience.

He saw Devin a few boxes away nodding in
approval. Jack sat next to him with a sickening grin on his face.
Wilhelm had nodded politely at intermission, but hadn’t spoken to
them. He would avoid Devin as much as possible. He hated the man
with a passion, but he knew he would have to speak with him about
spending time with Anna while he was in town.

When the performance concluded, he and Kurt
slowly made their way down to the marble lobby.

“She was wonderful, wasn’t she, Vati?”

Wilhelm looked over at his son and smiled.
Was he still harboring feelings for her? “She’s always

“I still don't understand why she didn’t call
you back. It’s so unlike her.”

“Yes, it is.” Wilhelm frowned as he thought
about it. Something wasn’t right and he would make sure he
discovered what it was before he left town.

Kurt and Wilhelm milled around the lobby,
chatting with people they knew while they waited for Anna to
appear. She and Justin had received a very long standing ovation
and were the talk of the lobby. The dancers slowly started
trickling in and Wilhelm kept a close eye on the door they walked
through. He saw Jenna and she came and said hello with her husband,

“Have you spoken to Anna?” she asked.

Wilhelm shook his head. “No. I called but
have not heard from her. Why?”

Jenna looked around the room.
“She’s...different, and I was hoping her seeing you”

He frowned at her words. “Different how?”

Jenna squinted as she thought for a moment.
“Nothing obvious, really. I mean, depending on what’s going on in
her life, she reacts differently, but, well, she’s...not herself.
We’d been eating together every day for two weeks and really, I
don’t know, becoming friends again. She didn’t share a lot of what
went on with Devin, but she was...willing to be friendly. But she
went out of town with Devin and...she came home and just said she
didn’t want to go anymore. She wasn’t angry or upset,
just...uninterested. And she’s just...God, I don’t know. It’s hard
to explain.” She looked up into his eyes intently. “I think Devin
did something to her, but I don’t know what. You’ll have to see
her. Or maybe I’m just paranoid.”

Matt shook his head. “No, something’s
different,” he agreed. “”

Wilhelm looked up to see Justin and Anna
walking into the lobby. She wore a beautiful, green silk, strapless
gown that made her eyes glow. She paused for a moment, looking
around the room. She looked in his direction, but didn’t seem to
see him.

A big smile spread across her face and she
walked quickly towards...Devin? He opened his arms and embraced
her. He said something to her and then kissed her on the lips, and
stroked her cheek. She smiled at Jack and kissed him on the cheek,
then leaned her head against Devin’s chest.

“What the...,” Kurt muttered.

“Holy shit,” Jenna exclaimed.

Wilhelm’s stomach tied up in knots. What had
Devin done to her? That was not normal. Jenna was right.

“Excuse me,” Wilhelm said, and walked as
calmly as he could to the trio.

Devin looked up and saw Wilhelm approaching.
The smile on his face did nothing to reassure Wilhelm that Anna was
all right.

“Hello, Wilhelm,” Devin said politely.

They shook hands and then Wilhelm looked at
Anna. His beloved Anna.

She looked up at him and smiled, but there
was no warmth in her eyes. “Hello, Wilhelm,” she said softly. Her
voice had a seductive, yet sweet, tone that was very alluring and
made his blood tingle. She didn’t reach out to him or do anything
that would indicate that he meant anything to her.

“Hello, Anna,” he said after a moment. His
eyes flickered to Devin, who was watching the exchange carefully.
“Might I have a word with Anna alone?” he asked Devin.

Devin smiled. “Of course.” He lifted Anna’s
chin and looked into her eyes. “Go spend time with Wilhelm.”

“Yes, Devin,” she said softly.

Wilhelm took her to a bench across the lobby
and sat down next to her. “Anna, are you all right?”

“I’m fine, Wilhelm. How are you?”

He saw a vacancy in her eyes that hadn’t been
there before. “I am worried about you.”

She laughed. “Why would you be worried about
me? Everything is fine.” She smiled. “Is there anything I can do
for you?”

He could tell by her tone she was asking
about sex. God, what had happened to her?


Devin watched Wilhelm’s face as he spoke with
Anna. He was worried about her. How touching. And unsurprising.

“Can he undo it?” Jack asked.

Devin took a sip of his wine. “It is unlikely
that he knows how. And he risks hurting her if he forces her.”

After the mind-blowing sex in the jet on the
way to DC, Anna had changed. She had turned into the perfect little
slave he’d been hoping for at the bonding ceremony. They’d gone to
the White House that night and gotten the president back under
control, and several other rogue politicians as well. She followed
his orders perfectly now. No more crying or emotional bullshit that
he’d dealt with for four years. She was perfectly content.

He kept her at his home because he liked
having her there. He’d brought a few women home, just to test her
reaction, and she went happily into her own bedroom while he fucked
the women in the place she normally slept. She had no emotional
reaction to it. But to be honest, he didn’t crave any woman but
her. She pleased him sexually more than any other woman had in his
life. She anticipated what he wanted and sought to please him in
every area.

When it came time to impregnate her, he
didn’t even have to use the serum to force her body to conceive.
Kaveh spoke to her as he fucked her and she did it all by herself,
and now there was a healthy little sacrifice growing inside that
sexy body of hers. The only problem with her pregnancy was his
limitation on how much life he could take from her. Kaveh said it
would turn sour when he needed to stop, and it did. But, he told
himself, that just meant the baby would have everything that he
would need when he took it.

They had bonded in the way that he had
desired for years. It wasn’t permanent; it had to be maintained,
but he wasn’t complaining. He fucked her every night anyways. Kaveh
had said this bond would last for several months before they needed
to repeat what happened in the jet.

It would become permanent when the final
ceremony had been performed. But this was a nice taste of the


“How would you like to stay with me

Anna blinked and looked around. Where was
she? Theater. Nutcracker. Yes, she remembered now. At least she
thought she did. She was so confused these days. She vacillated
from dream to dream, never certain of what was real or not. She
found herself in the middle of activities, unaware of how she got
there. It was always that way when she danced. She ‘woke’ every
morning at the studio, feeling as if she had dreamed her way there.
It was very disconcerting, but as soon as she stopped dancing she
started dreaming again. Or was she dreaming that she danced and her
dreams were the reality?

“Anna? Did you hear me?”

The familiar gentle voice made her heart
pound. She looked up to see a worried Wilhelm looking down at her.
“Wilhelm,” she exclaimed. She wanted to reach out to him, but her
body wouldn’t obey her thoughts.

His eyes widened in surprise. “Anna?”

She clasped her hands together and clenched
her fingers. Why couldn’t she reach out to him? She wanted to touch
him, but she couldn’t make her body obey him. She looked up with
tears in her eyes. “Wilhelm,” she pleaded softly.


Wilhelm watched Anna carefully. She had
looked at him the way she normally did and his heart leapt. He
waited to see what she would do next but she only wrung her hands
together as if battling within herself.

“Wilhelm.” She said his name so softly he
could barely hear it, but the despair in her eyes was very

“Anna, what is wrong? Why are you so
distant?” He reached out to cradle her cheek. “What did he do to

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