The Life of Anna, Part 4: Ensnared (41 page)

When Anna stopped at the security desk to ask
for directions, she was given a strange look. She must have looked
very out of place wearing spandex short-shorts and a loose t-shirt
and flip-flops. Very out of place for an office building,
especially in October. But when she told the security guard her
name, his demeanor changed to more respectful and he gave her
directions to Devin’s office.

She emerged from the elevator and saw that
Madison was still Devin’s secretary. The woman’s eyes narrowed as
Anna approached.

“Is Devin in?” she asked, slightly
breathless. More from nerves than exertion though.

“Miss Perkins?” Madison asked in a
disapproving tone.

“Kunze, actually,” she said, lifting her
chin. Madison had no right to act condescendingly to her. She
wasn’t Devin’s Mistress.

“You changed your name?”

Anna smiled. “Yes. And became a duchess, but
that’s not important. Is Devin in or not?”

Madison frowned at her and then pressed a
button on her phone. “Miss, Kunze is here.” She looked
back up at Anna. “You can go in.”

Anna bit her lip and walked to the large,
double wooden doors and pushed the nickel-plated handle to open the

Devin was standing at the window with his
hands behind his back, legs apart in a strong stance.

“Devin?” she said tentatively.

He turned and she could see his eyes blazing.
She took a step back in fear without thinking about it. He looked
her up and down and then pointed to the table in the corner. She
dropped her purse on the couch and walked to the table, afraid. He
took large strides as he crossed the room and turned her around,
pressing her chest firmly into the table. He pulled her shorts down
and rammed himself into her pussy a moment later.

She gasped in pain and surprise, but kept
quiet as he fucked her hard. What had she done to anger him? She
dug her fingernails into the wood to keep from crying out and
prayed that he wouldn’t use his spikes. She had hours of rehearsal
left this afternoon...if he let her go.

He grunted loudly as he came, and then was
still. She could hear him panting heavily behind her as he flexed
and relaxed his fingers on her hips.

After a long pause, he put his hands on the
table on either side of her head and leaned down to kiss the back
of her neck. “I’m sorry if I hurt you, Baby.”

Anna froze in shock. He pulled out slowly and
pulled her shorts back into place. She didn’t move for fear of
upsetting him, but he took her hand and led her to the couch. He
sat down heavily and pulled her into his lap, cradling her head
against his chest. She trembled, not knowing what to expect.

“I’m not angry at you, Anna. I’m sorry if I
made you think that.” He lifted her chin with his index finger and
kissed her gently. “Thank you for helping me calm down.” He kissed
her again, stroking her cheek with his thumb.

When he pulled away she could see his eyes
were no longer blazing. She gave him a nervous smile. “What

He frowned. “Fucking Jerry. He vetoed a bill
he was supposed to sign.”


“The fucking president. I told him I needed
the banking bill signed and he gave into peer pressure and vetoed
it. Fucking idiot.” Devin ran his hand through his hair. “We need
to go to DC on Friday. I need to see him face to face. And with
your help,” he smiled gently. “We will be able to show him his

“Oh.” Whenever they went to DC, she
inevitably ended up hurting. “Do I need to take time off of

“See if you can get out of there after lunch.
It’s a long flight and the time difference is a bitch.”

“Yes, Devin,” she said softly.

“Are you hungry?” he asked, changing the

She nodded. He pushed her gently off his lap
and stood. “Let’s go eat. I’m starving.” Before they walked out of
the office, he pulled her close and kissed her again. “Don’t let
Maddy intimidate you. She’s just jealous.”


“I’ve fucked her in the past, but she doesn’t
arouse me like you do. And you can take my anger. She gets pissy
when I fuck her like I just fucked you.” He kissed Anna’s neck.
“You know me and help me feel better,” he murmured against her
neck. “You can take what I give you.” He chuckled. “Feel free to
make her jealous.” He opened the door and let Anna go out first.
“Maddy, is Trent in his office?”

“I haven’t seen him leave, sir,” she said,
giving Anna a wary look.

Devin led Anna down a wide hallway. “Let’s
see if Trent wants to come.” He stopped at a desk where a pretty
redhead sat with a headset on her perfectly styled hair. “Hey,
Hailey. Has Trent gone to lunch yet?”

Hailey shook her head and looked at Anna with
a raised brow. “He just got back from a meeting.”

“Okay. Hailey, this is Anna. Anna, Hailey,
Trenton’s secretary.”

“Hello,” Hailey said, still looking at her
with slight disdain. Devin kissed Anna’s neck and then nudged her
towards a set of double doors like his own. He opened the door and
guided Anna inside.

“What the f— Anna?” Trenton looked at her
with surprise until Devin walked in behind her. “Devin. You fucker.
You know I don't like being barged in on.”

“Ah, but I bring gifts,” he laughed.

Trenton smiled and pushed back from his desk.
“Hey, Anna. What are you doing here?”

“I had her come. Did you hear about the

Trenton growled. “Yeah.”

“I’ll take care of it this weekend. Anna and
I are flying out on Friday to...have a discussion.”

Trenton chuckled. “If that’s what you call

“It’s PC.”

Trenton stood and walked around to the front
of his desk. He looked down Anna’s bare legs. “You in the middle of

She could feel his arousal. “Yes.”

Devin pushed her toward him and he opened his
arms. She smiled. She liked Trenton.

“I can’t say I haven’t imagined having you
bent over my desk,” he murmured, running his hands down her

“Feel free,” Devin said, sitting down on the
black leather couch across the room. “Maybe you can make her feel
better than I did. I had to release some steam.”

Trenton looked down at her. “Was he rough
with you?”

“It’s okay. He needed to.”

Trenton kissed her and ran his hands down her
neck and cupped her breast. Anna sighed at the gentle touch as he
massaged it and pressed her hips against his erection with his
other hand.

“God knows I could use some release too,” he
said quietly. “But I’ll be gentle.” He tugged at her shorts and
Anna pushed them down her hips. After moving some items around on
his desk, he guided her chest onto the hard surface and took a step
back. “That is a beautiful sight, isn’t it?”

Anna clenched at his words, knowing both men
were looking at her wet pussy. She heard a zipper and Trenton slid
into her.

“Oh, yeah,” he murmured. “Fuck.” He held her
hips and gently thrust in and out.

She moaned softly and pressed her hips
towards him.

“Feel good, hon?” he asked softly.

She nodded and scratched at his desk as she
felt tingling deep inside. “Please, may I come?”

Trenton chuckled. “Absolutely. Just keep it

She pressed her lips together and moaned,
scratching at his desk as the orgasm overtook her. He grunted and
quickened his movements. She squeaked as he rammed himself deep

There was a beep and then. “Mr. Needham?”

Trenton gave a hard thrust and Anna held her

“Yes, Hailey?” he asked in a very strained

His fingers dug into Anna’s hips and he
throbbed inside her. He was coming as his secretary called him.
Something about that aroused Anna and her eyes rolled back into her
head as another orgasm overtook her. She bit her lip and tasted
blood as she tried to keep silent.

There was a pause. “Um, your wife is on line

“Thank you,” he said, his voice still
strained. There was another beep and Trenton groaned. “Fuck!” he
exclaimed softly. “Did you come again, Anna?”

“Yes,” she said nervously.

“I could tell. Damn that was erotic.” He bent
forward. “Your lip is bleeding.” He kissed her cheek and then
pressed a button on his phone. “Hey, love,” he said loudly.

Anna’s eyes widened. He was talking to Maki
while his cock was still semi-hard inside her now very wet and
swollen pussy.

“Hello, dear. How are things?”

Trenton smiled and grunted softly as he
pulled out of Anna. “Good, now.” He caressed her ass. “Devin
brought Anna over to see me.”

Maki laughed lightly. “Ooh, should I be

“Never, love.”

“Hello, Maki,” Devin said, walking up to the

“Devin, how are you?” Anna could hear the
smile in her tone.

“Better than I was. I have to go out of town
this weekend.”

“I heard about the bill. That’s not the way
it was supposed to go, is it?”

“No. But I’ll deal with it.”

Trenton caressed Anna’s pussy and slipped a
finger inside. She was still bent over his desk and she arched
towards him. She buried her face in her hands to keep silent.

“Is Anna still there? I don't hear her.”

“She’s trying very hard to be quiet, love,
and I’m making it very difficult for her.”

Maki laughed again. “Lucky girl, Anna. Devin,
we need to get together again soon. I haven’t had the pleasure of
tasting Anna in a long while. Is she still as sweet, Trent?”

Trenton knelt down and licked at Anna’s
pussy. “Oh, yes,” he said, and licked her again.

Anna gasped in surprise and pleasure. She
desperately tried not to moan, but one escaped anyways at Trenton’s
insistent tongue.

“Let me hear you, Anna,” Maki said. “You make
the most beautiful sounds when you come.”

Anna looked up at Devin and he nodded. She
allowed a soft moan as Trenton sucked on her clit. “Oh!” she cried.
Knowing Maki was listening turned her on even more. She mewed and
moaned as Trenton sucked and lapped gently at her pussy and then
kept her cries as quiet as she could as another orgasm exploded in
her body.

Devin petted her hair. “Good girl, Anna.”

She panted, her sweat-damp forehead pressed
against the desk as Trenton continued to kiss her pussy.

“How was that, love?” he asked between

The sound of panting and moaning came through
the phone and then Maki cried out loudly as she came, but how, Anna
didn’t know.

“I think she liked it,” Devin commented with
a smile. “Was that by yourself or with your assistant?”

“Myself. Brady’s gone to lunch. I was hoping
for some phone sex,” she giggled. “Thank you, Trent.”

“Always my pleasure.”

“So, Devin,” Maki said, and Anna could
picture her composing herself behind a desk somewhere. ‘What is
your schedule like? I want a turn to play with Anna.”

Devin laughed. “We’re leaving Friday
afternoon, so either before or after that.”

“Tonight?” she asked.

“I love your eagerness, Maki,” Devin said. He
glanced at Trenton, who was still teasing Anna with his tongue.
Trenton nodded. “Sounds good. Your place or mine? Anna’s living
with me now.”

“How wonderful. Either is fine. Discuss it
with Trent and let me know.”

“Sounds good. I think he’s having lunch
without me.”

“Lucky man. I will see you all tonight.”

The call ended and Devin looked at Trenton.
“Care to join us for lunch?”

Trenton gave Anna’s wet pussy one last kiss.

“I’m going to lunch, Hailey,” Trenton said as
the three of them walked out of his office a few minutes later.
Anna felt a little weak-kneed.

“Yes, Mr. Needham.” She narrowed her eyes
slightly at Anna, making Anna wonder if she had heard anything.

Devin put his arm around Anna and the three
of them walked to the elevator. “How about Shea’s?”

“Devin, I’m not exactly dressed for that
place.” Anna had been to the upscale restaurant a few times and
knew a certain level of dress was expected.

He looked her up and down. “Hmm. Yes. You
need to keep a change of clothes in your car for situations like

“I will from now on. I promise.” She looked
up at him earnestly.

“I know you will,” he smiled.

“But if you two want to go without me, it’s
okay. I can grab a sandwich on the way back to the studio. I don’t
want to ruin your lunch”

Devin was quiet as they stepped into the
elevator. “You probably need to get back to rehearsal soon as

Anna glanced at her watch and nodded. “I’m
sorry, Devin.”

He kissed her head. “It’s all right. You
helped me feel better. I can let you go. But make sure you

“I will.”

They exited into the lobby.

“I’ll call you and give you the details about
tonight,” Devin said as he kissed Anna goodbye.


“Why the change of attitude?” Trent asked as
the two men walked out the front door of the office building.

“It makes her happy.”

Trenton arched a brow. “You care about making
her happy now?”

Devin shrugged. “It’s a means to an end. When
I told her I wouldn’t have Wilhelm killed, she literally kissed my
feet and was incredibly obedient the rest of the night. Kaveh
pointed out that, if I treat her right, she might become my willing

“You’re going to kill her?” Trent exclaimed a
little too loudly.

Devin frowned. “Of course not. The child, you

Trent sighed in relief. “You scared me for a
minute. You’ve put so much work into her.”

“And I need her. No. You’ve seen how happy
she is. By just...being nice to her, she’s willing to do anything.
I suppose there is something to be said about a happy slave. And I
only have to do it....” He sighed, “...until the bonding ceremony.
God, can I last that long?”

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