The New Girl (Fantasy Heights) (5 page)

She was stepping out of her panties when the door opened once more, and Josh came in.

She quickly learned how wrong she’d been about him. They stood absolutely still a moment, and when she met his eyes she saw a depth of hunger, a ferocious need, awaiting her.

She never knew which one of them moved first. She was in his arms the next instant, his mouth over hers, his arms closing around her. Frenzied, she pulled his shirt over his head, then tugged his jeans button open. She deliberately prolonged the lowering of his zipper. More stroking and caressing went on than unzipping. His hands cupped her breasts, his mouth still hungrily seeking, both of them awash in relieved delight to find their desire was shared.

Her own need rocketed ahead of his, and she stopped playing around. She roughly stripped him of his boots, jeans and boxer briefs. Josh denied her a chance to look at him. He hoisted her up and backed her against the wall, slipping inside her.

She cried out at the rapid, forceful joining. This was not the Josh she expected, but she adored how out-of-control things had flown, how demanding he’d turned out to be. The man certainly knew how to perform in this position. He used the wall and his strong hands to support her while powerful legs set up a slow grind so hot it made her eyes roll up into her skull.

Almost immediately she felt the sweet ache of orgasm begin to gather strength. She couldn’t gain a foothold against it, couldn’t contain the sensation as he poured on the fuel.

Mouth against her neck, he shook his head. “And I planned to be so calm and suave about this.”

The wry humor destroyed her utterly. She started to laugh and came completely undone, the ache between her legs billowing into sweet agony.

Her release had a nearly violent effect on him. He lost his balance for a second and she was pressed against the wall as his body locked itself into orgasm, raising him up onto his toes, holding him rigid. He wasn’t even breathing. Five, ten seconds he remained prisoner to a powerful orgasm. He was so still she could feel every tiny flutter and stronger grasp of her internal muscles as they milked him, sucked him, extending his pleasure even further.

When finally he exhaled, she drew a deep, contented breath. She clasped her ankles behind his back and tightened her arms around his neck, pressing her mouth to the velvety flesh there.

He groaned, letting the tension flow out of his frame. “Sorry about the hair trigger.”

“You? I don’t think I’ve ever come that fast in my life.”

“Mmm. It’s good though. Now we can both relax. Have some fun with this.”

He wasted no time placing her onto the bed, face down. The wedge conformed to her, providing a comfortable, solid support. She was glad of it as Josh grabbed a bottle of oil and began to massage it into her skin, starting with her feet.

“We’ll do this real slow,” he said. “Get you completely relaxed, start with something really small and get you used to it. We won’t go any further until I feel you ease up again.”

She nodded, murmuring at the gentle heat of his hands and the soft jasmine scent of the oil. He moved up her legs and onto her back, massaging small circles at the base of her spine, then finally centering on her buttocks. By the time his fingers first approached her pussy, she was a glassy pool, so relaxed she was half asleep.

That changed when he brushed over her anus the first time. She was so anxious for this, so excited for the penetration. She wished he’d get on with it, to satisfy both her curiosity and her appetite.

He silently proceeded just as she wished, slipping a generously oiled finger into her hole. The electric sensation was pleasurable, but she felt her muscles involuntarily tense against the intrusion, and knew he would go no further until she relaxed once more. And she tried. It required more concentration than she expected to relax those muscles, especially when the sensation of pleasure was so strong it was an effort to breathe, let alone concentrate.

Finally she managed not to clench at his finger, breathing deeply.

“Nice, nice,” he murmured quietly.

He pressed harder, and though she had to concentrate still, the sensation remained constant, unchanged, even when he pushed his finger in all the way. He left it there for a time until he was sure she could remain relaxed.

“Okay. On to the next step.”

He showed her a glass dildo much smaller and longer than the type she would choose for vaginal play.

“This will hurt a bit. There’s no avoiding it, no matter what anyone might have told you. Just tell me to stop if it’s too much, and don’t worry. I won’t push if you tense up.”

She nodded, impatient to feel more, and very, very glad he was experienced at this. She wasn’t sure she could have trusted anyone else with so delicate a process. And he was right. When first the glass dildo slipped inside her anus, the sensation was not immediately pleasant. It was relentlessly intense, and complex. It stung and it burned but it also felt good, illustrating for her what others meant by painful pleasure.

This time it took many deep breaths before she could relax against the pressure, but Josh was endlessly gentle and patient, massaging her back when she needed to breathe, sometimes rubbing her clit when he thought it might help. It did help. The more she wanted him, the faster she was to relax, the more eager to feel him deeper inside.

All the while, she was aware of having a very narrow focus, of being almost overwhelmed with the sensations inside her anus. It was almost like being hypnotized, crystallized to pure, decadent sexual delight.

The thought occurred to her that she might be asked to do this with clients she didn’t know. She immediately tensed up.

“Hey, whoa,” Josh said. “What’s wrong? Does it hurt?”

She whimpered, unable to relax again. “No, it feels great. I love what you’re doing, it’s just... I don’t think I could do this with clients. It’s too...”

“Don’t worry.” He rubbed the small of her back. “It’s easier for some people than others, and we don’t have to go any further if you don’t want.”

“No, I want to keep going. I want you to take me all the way.”

He went quiet again and continued to massage patiently while she breathed through the tension. Once she’d relaxed, he removed the small dildo and moved up to a medium-sized version, warming and lubricating before teasing it against her sphincter a moment, melting her all over again, then pushing it in.

This time, the pleasure-pain was even greater. She was getting better at breathing and relaxing now, even when saturated with sensation. They cycled up through two more gauges. With the largest, Josh gave her a few soft, experimental thrusts to test whether she could remain relaxed.

She did it, and begged him to fuck her. Everything inside was liquid and quivering and demanding satisfaction.

Josh did not immediately give in to her pleas. When he finally did take the ultimate step, the feel of his cock, the tip superheated and softer than the glass dildos, was glorious. He was built more bluntly than the substitutes, however. He had to progress with agonizing slowness, tiny thrusts of his tip against her resistant, puckered hole. When he did manage his entire tip, the sensation was more full, more overwhelming than with the placeboes. He was so slick with lubricant that the feel of him was more pleasure than pain as he carefully, slowly, began to move. She could feel him shaking much as he had that first night in the shadowbox, holding himself under staunch control so as not to hurt her.

It only barely registered. She trusted him completely and such a delightful pressure was building inside, such a beautiful, glowing heat, she felt herself narrowing and tightening. Her breath fell shallow as a new tension unlike anything she’d ever felt began to gather. Every bit of sensation he delivered with his cock inside her ass was tripled inside her cunt, brewing like a crackling, whirling tropical storm.

Behind her, Josh growled out an, “Oh, God. I can feel you. Hold still a second.”

She stopped moving, stopped breathing as he drew back a bit. He inserted something very thick and warm and vibrating into her cunt. She could feel it was ribbed, and as he pushed into her once more, her mouth opened involuntarily to drag in a mindless, helpless breath. So full. So wonderfully, beautifully full. She hoped he felt something close to this. She wanted him to feel this sensation, to enjoy this as much as she was.

That was the last thought before the intensity overcame her, pushing her into a deep chasm of dark, pulsing pleasure so thunderous all reality disappeared for a time. She returned only briefly when Josh’s breath caught and stuttered. He once again went rigid, unable to control a thrust that sent her flying off again, her pussy and anus clenching down hard on the ribbed dildo and his cock.

His senses returned before hers. She whimpered as he withdrew from her, and took the dildo away as well. She felt him lifting her, too relaxed to care much about anything as he elbowed the bathroom door all the way open and lowered them both into the hot tub.

The warm water felt good everywhere. She clung to him, twining her arms and legs around him once more as he settled them in. He kissed her then, a deep, intimate exploration.

When he took his mouth away again, he said, “You were beautiful. You

“Mmm.” She licked her lips where the taste of him lingered. “Thank you. For the compliment, and for everything else. I don’t think I could have enjoyed it so much with anyone else.”

He moved his hands, sliding them up her ribs to cup her breasts. “I’m glad you liked it. But I need to ask you. Would it make things difficult or uncomfortable if I became a regular?”

Her first reaction was one of hesitation. Then she realized what he was really asking. Josh was a widower who, by all accounts, did not intend to enter into another relationship either. If she agreed to this, they would both be safe to enjoy each other without complications neither of them wanted or needed.

She was okay with that. But what about Josh? Was he really as disinterested in an attachment as he seemed?

“Don’t frown,” he said. “I’ve been around this stuff a long time, Amanda, and I know things can get intense. People think they have the emotional side of this figured out, but they never really do. The only thing I can tell you for certain is that as long as you don’t hide anything from me or Thomas or Steph, you’ll be just fine.”

She raised her brows at him. “Okay, now that you bring it up, let’s rewind to the part where we were walking together after my threesome. I asked you about being a contractor and you didn’t tell me you were part owner of this place.”

A guilty smile warmed his features. “I don’t advertise it, is all. And I don’t usually involve myself with the staff, but it’s different with you. I guess I understand why Thomas says you don’t belong here.”

“What? Why does he keep saying that? I love it here.”

“You can love it all you want, but you can’t know what it’s like for the rest of us, watching you be so aggressive and seductive and open and so terrifyingly corruptible and naive at the same time. You could get hurt very badly here, and never see it coming. None of us want that to happen.”

She rested her head on his shoulder and thought about what he said. She had a sense of what he meant, and she supposed she had to concede his point. This was still all new to her, and there was still endless novelty and promise in the sexual delights she had yet to discover. There was a terrible innocence to her position. She was the proverbial blank slate, after all, and no one could ever guess the future.

He said nothing more and they stayed there together in the hot tub until he hauled them both to the bed. Even as tired as she was, she held on to wakefulness until she felt the rise and fall of his chest come in smooth, even waves. Only then did she fall into a deep, dreamless sleep, the deepest she’d had since coming to Fantasy Heights.

In the very early morning hours, his phone woke them both. He growled out a groan, stretching one long, muscular arm over to the nightstand while tightening the other around her.

She heard a soft electronic note as he unlocked his screen. Then he answered the call with his own croaked surname. “Taylor.”

Unable to avoid eavesdropping, she clearly heard a male voice say, “Sorry, man, but we need you on site today.”

The voice went on, describing some problem or other. She lost the details when Josh closed his fingers around her right nipple and began to pull and pinch and twist, starting a wildfire in her pussy. Her hand went to his crotch, finding his cock scorching hot and stiff, pulsing a clear message.

Without making a sound, she sleepily straddled him, rubbing her pussy against the tip of him. He dropped the phone and had to fumble after it, ringing off with a muttered, “I’ll be there soon as I can.”

The phone slid off the bed and Josh showed himself to be nearly as arrogant as Thomas. He lay back, folding his hands behind his head, watching her, his eyes devouring every tiny move she made but not touching her, simply allowing her to ride his cock.

Fine by her. She put on a good show for him, writhing and undulating in a slow, methodical rhythm. She let her hands wander, squeezing her breasts, torturing her nipples with extra hard pinches, and then snaking down between her legs to rub her clit.

Beneath her, Josh moaned out a laugh. She rewarded him by picking up the pace and grinding his cock. The quickening began in earnest, and she could feel him growing hotter and hotter inside, already nearing climax.

Legs quaking with effort and pleasure, she bounced on him, hard and relentless until he arched helplessly off the bed, spilling into her, hands coming out to clamp onto her hips. She thought she had control of him until that moment. He pressed down with his hands and up with his hips until she felt a stinging starburst of bottomless pleasure rend open inside, flooding her with sparkling, sizzling, agonizing sweetness.

A lot of murmuring and deep breaths later, he untangled them and ordered her back to sleep. She was off until Monday. She was grateful for it when she woke later and felt the aftereffects of a long, steamy night with Josh Taylor. Her walk may have been a little ginger as she entered the offices to check the roster for Monday, to find out where she needed to be and at what time.

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