The New New Rules: A Funny Look at How Everybody but Me Has Their Head Up Their Ass (21 page)

Read The New New Rules: A Funny Look at How Everybody but Me Has Their Head Up Their Ass Online

Authors: Bill Maher

Tags: #Humor, #Form, #Political, #General, #Topic, #Political Science, #Essays

New Rule:
I don’t need a bigger, “Mega” M&M. If I’m extra-hungry for M&M’s, I’ll go nuts and eat two.
New Rule:
Take the stupid “Coexist” bumper sticker off your car. Oh, if only there were a place where Muslims, Christians, and Jews could live together in peace. Actually, there is; it’s called Los Angeles, and you’re
driving through it.
Try putting that sticker on your rental car in Jordan and see how far you get before your Prius blows up.
New Rule:
Activists have to stop preying on my liberal sympathies outside of Whole Foods. I know my signature is vital to the antiwar movement, clean-needle programs, music in schools, a free Tibet, and the fight against autism in gay polar bears, but I just need some hummus and a can of pinto beans—for $37.
New Rule:
If you’re going to have sex with your students, you have to let them up for air. A teacher in Delaware allegedly had sex with her thirteen-year-old student twenty-eight times in one week. Oh, to be young again! I’m getting dehydrated just thinking about it. Jesus Christ, lady. What do you teach, Spanish fly? And, son, if you’re out there, Larry Flynt asked me to pass along this message: When you turn eighteen, you’ve got yourself a job!
New Rule:
Stop pretending that drugs have an expiration date. So what if the Tylenol expired last year? It’s acetaminophen, not egg salad. Besides, the other day I found some mushrooms in a jacket I haven’t worn since 1986, and they worked just fine.
New Rule:
If bowling passes for high school athletics, then maybe it is time for a draft. That’s right, bowling, an activity that requires rolling a ball without spilling your beer, is America’s fastest-growing high school sport. “Congratulations, Tad, you just lettered in fucking off.” On the upside, there’s nothing like polyester pants and a Ban-Lon shirt to help a guy honor his abstinence pledge.
New Rule:
Don’t let the guy who wrote
Glengarry Glen Ross
The Diary of Anne Frank.
David Mamet is writing Anne Frank. He’s a great playwright, but I don’t need to hear Anne tell her mother, “Fuck
I’m staying in this attic, you fucking fuck.” Although Pacino could play the hell out of the part.
New Rule:
Canadian bacon isn’t bacon. It’s ham. In addition:
Stop letting fifth-grade boys name hot sauces. Is it possible that I might be able to enjoy a touch of habañero without having to read about ass rape, the devil, or death? I’m flavoring my soup, not camping out for tickets to Ozzfest.
New Rule:
When I ask how old your toddler is, I don’t need to know in months. “Twenty-seven months.” “He’s two” will do just fine. He’s not a cheese. And I didn’t care in the first place.
New Rule:
You’re not posing nude unless I can see your genitals. A peek at Scarlett Johansson’s rump isn’t good enough, especially when I’ve had Jake Gyllenhaal’s ass in my face twice this year. Which is weird, because I haven’t seen
Brokeback Mountain.
New Rule:
If America can’t get off its back and get something done, it must lose the bald eagle as our symbol and replace it with the YouTube video of the puppy that can’t get up. As long as we’re pathetic, we might as well act like it’s cute.
And I’m sorry, we are pathetic. Inert and lethargic. Unable to end bad things—like wars, farm subsidies, our oil addiction, sixty thousand troops still in Germany, the drug war, useless weapons programs. And unable to initiate anything good—and even when we do address a problem, the plan is always half-assed, and it can never start until years later. Like the climate-change bill in Congress now: It mandates a whopping seventeen percent cut in the greenhouse gas emissions that are killing us . . .
by 2020.
Who’s in charge of this program, FEMA? No, really, fellas, don’t rush, only the whole western half of the United States has been on fire for a month.
We might pass new mileage standards, but even if we do, they wouldn’t start until 2016. In that year, our cars of the future will glide along while achieving a breathtaking thirty-five miles per gallon. My goodness, is that even humanly possible? You socialist dreamer.
“What do we want!? A small improvement! When do we want it!? 2016!”
When it’s something for us personally, like a laxative, it has to start working
My TV remote has a button on it now called On Demand.
You get your ass on my TV screen right now, SpongeBob, and make me laugh now!
But with big, important things, we’re that puppy. The president has said about health care, “If we were starting from scratch, then a single-payer system would probably make sense.”
So let’s start from scratch.
Instead, we have a crappy lobbyist-written blowjob-to-corporate-America bill, and it doesn’t even kick in until 2013, during which time close to two hundred thousand people will die because they’re not covered, and three million will go bankrupt from hospital bills. I have a pretty good idea of the Republican plan for the next three years: Don’t let Obama do anything. What kills me is: Apparently that’s the Democrats’ plan, too.
We weren’t always like this. In 1965, President Johnson signed Medicare into law, and eleven months later, seniors were receiving benefits. In World War II, FDR converted car companies to making tanks and planes virtually overnight. In one eight-year period, America went from JFK’s ridiculous dream of landing a man on the moon to
landing a man on the moon.
This generation has had eight years just to build something at Ground Zero. An office building, a museum, a Pinkberry, I don’t care anymore. America: Home of the Freedom Pit. Which, ironically, is spitting distance from Wall Street, where they knock down buildings a different way—through foreclosure.
That’s the ultimate sign of our lethargy: millions thrown out of their homes, tossed out of work, lost their life savings—and they just take it. Thirty percent interest on credit cards? Are you kidding me? It’s a good thing for the banks the Supreme Court legalized sodomy.
I still like the president; I can’t help liking the president—but what happened to “change,” and when did “the fierce urgency of now” become “Your call is important to us, please continue to hold”?
—September 25, 2009
New Rule:
Americans must choose: Either they believe in science or they believe in Punxsutawney Phil. You don’t believe in evolution or global warming? In that case, you have to base every decision in your life on a rodent coming out of a hole and seeing its shadow. “Should I get that lump in my testicle looked at? Punxsutawney Phil says no!”
New Rule:
The outside world is not your house. Is it me, or will people wear just about anything to the supermarket? You hear that announcement over the PA: “Cleanup in aisle seven”? They’re talking to you! It’s heartwarming that you held on to those comfy gym shorts from high school, but I can see your balls. Which reminds me, I’m out of kiwis.
New Rule:
Next year, someone has to put an initiative on the ballot that bans all ballot initiatives. Can you follow these things? “Vote yes to say no to the people who support the opponents of Prop 13 by voting no on Prop 11, which says yes to energy independence and not no to our teachers and firefighters.”
New Rule:
This better not be a device that allows women to pee standing up. Okay, it is, and it’s called the Go Girl. The manufacturers say it’s much more sanitary than sitting on a public toilet seat . . . unless you consider the fact that you’re walking around with a piss-soaked funnel.
New Rule:
California Republicans shouldn’t be mad at Arnold for betraying family values by screwing the maid. They should be mad because he’s from Austria, and he was making an anchor baby. I’m not sure what an Austrian/Mexican fifth-grader would sound like, but I think I talked to one when I called AT&T to change my cell-phone plan.
New Rule:
If your blood flow is such that you have to choose between maintaining an erection or your heartbeat, it’s time to take off the Snuggie. A new study finds men who sit around and don’t exercise are much more likely to have a heart attack during sex. And the heart attack, it turns out, doesn’t come from the exertion but from the surprise that anyone is willing to have sex with you.

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