Read The Next Thing on My List Online

Authors: Jill Smolinski

Tags: #Fiction, #Literary, #Contemporary Women

The Next Thing on My List (33 page)

Yet when I wrote down my first task, I surprised even myself.

After all, there were so many places to visit. So many things to do. Maybe marriage or babies. Taking up tap dancing. Reading the classics. Buying a sportier car. There were a million things I could put on my list.

But what I wrote was, #1. Go skydiving.

What was up with that?

I’ d never had the slightest urge to skydive. In fact, I’ d always thought it was about the silliest thing a person could do.

Yet suddenly the idea of making a wild leap-hurtling through the air, yet trusting that I’ d know when to open my parachute so I’ d have a soft landing-well, it sounded like something I might like to try.

Table of Contents


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