The Night's Dawn Trilogy (177 page)

Read The Night's Dawn Trilogy Online

Authors: Peter F. Hamilton

Tags: #FIC028000

“Did the AI pull anything out of the cerebral convulsion?”

“No. It was pure randomization.”

Dobbs watched Skibbow’s physiological display creep down towards median. “Okay, let’s go in again. That trank should take
the edge off his neurosis.”

This time the three of them stood on a savanna of lush emerald-green knee-high grass. Tall snowcapped mountains guarded the
horizon. A bright sun thickened the air, deadening sounds. Before them was a burning building; a sturdy log cabin with a lean-to
barn and a stone chimney.

“Loren!” Gerald shouted hoarsely. “Paula! Frank!” He ran towards the building as the flames licked up the walls. The roof
of solar cell panels began to curl up, blistering from the heat.

Gerald ran and ran, but never got any nearer. There were faces behind the windows: two women and a man. They did nothing as
the flames closed around them, simply looked out with immense sadness.

Gerald sank to his knees, sobbing.

“Wife Loren, and daughter Paula with her husband Frank,” Dobbs said, receiving their identities direct from the AI. “No sign
of Marie.”

“Small wonder the poor bastard’s in shock if he saw this happen to his family,” Earnshaw remarked.

“Yeah. And we’re too early. He hasn’t been taken over by the energy virus yet.” Dobbs datavised an order into the AI, activating
a targeted suppression program, and the fire vanished along with the people. “It’s all right, Gerald. It’s over. All finished
with. They’re at peace now.”

Gerald twisted around to glare at him, his face deformed by rage. “At peace? At peace! You stupid ignorant bastard. They’ll
never be at peace. None of us ever will. Ask me! Ask me, you fucker. Go on. You want to know what happened?
, this happened.”

Daylight vanished from the sky, replaced by a meagre radiance from Rennison, Lalonde’s innermost moon. It illuminated another
log cabin; this one belonged to the Nicholls family, Gerald’s neighbour. The mother, father, and son had been tied up and
put in the animal stockade along with Gerald.

A ring of dark figures encircled the lonely homestead, distorted human shapes, some atrociously bestial.

“My God,” Dobbs murmured. Two of the figures were dragging a struggling, screaming girl into the cabin.

Gerald gave a giddy laugh. “God? There is no God.”

•  •  •

After nearly five hours of unbroken and mercifully uneventful travel, Carmitha still hadn’t convinced herself they were doing
the right thing in going to Bytham. Every instinct yelled at her to get to Holbeach and surround herself with her own kind,
use them like a fence to keep out the nemesis which prowled the land, to be safe. That same instinct made her queasy at Titreano’s
presence. Yet as the younger Kavanagh girl predicted, with him accompanying them nothing had happened to the caravan. Several
times he had indicated a farmhouse or hamlet where he said his kind were skulking.

Indecision was a wretched curse.

But she now had few doubts that he was almost what he claimed to be: an old Earth nobleman possessing the body of a Norfolk

There had been a lot of talk in the last five hours. The more she heard, the more convinced she became. He knew so many
. However, there was one small untruth remaining which bothered her.

After Titreano had spoken about his former life to the fascination of the sisters, he in turn became eager to hear of Norfolk.
And that was when Carmitha finally began to lose patience with her companions. Genevieve she could tolerate; the world as
seen through the eyes of a twelve-(Earth)-year-old was fairly bizarre anyway, all enthusiasms and misunderstandings. But Louise,
now; that brat was a different matter. Louise explained about the planet’s economy being built around the export of Norfolk
Tears, about how the founders had wisely chosen a pastoral life for their descendants, about how pretty the cities and towns
were, how clean the countryside and the air were compared to industrialized worlds, how nice the people, how well organized
the estates, how few criminals there were.

“It sounds as though you have achieved much that is worthy,” Titreano said. “Norfolk is an enviable world in which to be born.”

“There are some people who don’t like it,” Louise said. “But not very many.” She looked down at Genevieve’s head, cradled
in her lap, and smiled gently. Her little sister had finally fallen asleep, rocked by the gentle rhythm of the caravan.

She smoothed locks of hair back from Genevieve’s brow. It was dirty and unkempt, with strands shrivelled and singed from the
fire in the stable. Mrs Charlsworth would have a fit of the vapours if she saw it thus. Landowner girls were supposed to be
paragons of deportment at all times, Kavanagh girls especially.

Just thinking of the old woman, her sacrifice, threatened to bring the tears which had been so long delayed.

“Why don’t you tell him the reason those dissidents don’t like it here,” Carmitha said.

“Who?” Louise asked.

“The Land Union people, the traders flung in jail for trying to sell medicine the rest of the Confederation takes for granted,
the people who work the land, and all the other victims of the landowner class, me included.”

Anger, tiredness, and despair spurted up together in Louise’s skull, threatening to quench what was left of her fragile spirit.
She was so very tired; but she had to keep going, had to look after Gen. Gen and the precious baby. Would she ever see Joshua
again now? “Why are you saying this?” she asked jadedly.

“Because it’s the truth. Not something a Kavanagh is used to, I’ll warrant. Not from the likes of me.”

“I know this world isn’t perfect. I’m not blind, I’m not stupid.”

“No, you know what to do to hang on to your privileges and your power. And look where it’s got you. The whole planet being
taken over, being taken away from you. Not so smart now, are you? Not so high and mighty.”

“That’s a wicked lie.” “Is it? A fortnight ago you rode your horse past me when I was working in one of your estate roseyards.
Did you stop for a chat then? Did you even notice I existed?”

“Come now, ladies,” Titreano said, uneasily.

But Louise couldn’t ignore the challenge, the insult and the vile implication behind it. “Did you ask me to stop?” she demanded.
“Did you want to hear me chat about the things I love and care about the most? Or were you too busy sneering at me? You with
your righteous poverty. Because I’m rich I’m evil, that’s what you think, isn’t it?”

“Your family is, yes. Your ancestors made quite sure of that with their oppressive constitution. I was born on the road, and
I’ll die on it. I have no quarrel with that. But you condemned us to a circular road. It leads us nowhere, in an era when
there is a chance to travel right into the heart of the galaxy. You shackled us as surely as any house would. I’ll never see
the wonder of sunrise and sunset on another planet.”

“Your ancestors knew the constitution when they came here, and they still came. They saw the freedom it would give you to
roam like you always have done, like you cannot do on Earth anymore.”

“If that’s freedom, then tell me why can’t we leave?”

“You can. Anyone can. Just buy a ticket on a starship.”

“Fat bloody chance. My entire family working a summer cupping season couldn’t raise the price of one ticket. You control the
economy, too. You designed it so we never earn more than a pittance.”

“It’s not my fault you can’t think of anything other than grove work to do. You have a caravan, why don’t you trade goods
like a merchant? Or plant some rose groves of your own? There’s still unsettled land on hundreds of islands.”

“We’re not a landowning people, we don’t want to be tied down.”

“Exactly,” Louise shouted. “It’s only your own stupid prejudices which trap you here. Not us, not the landowners. Yet we’re
the ones who you blame for your own inadequacies, just because you can’t face up to the real truth. And don’t think you’re
so unique. I want to see the whole Confederation, too. I dream about it every night. But I’ll never be able to fly in a starship.
I’ll never be allowed, which is much worse than you. You made your own prison. I was born into mine. My obligations bind me
to this world, I have to sacrifice my entire life for the good of this island.”

“Oh, yes. How you noble Kavanaghs suffer so. How grateful I am.” She glared at Louise, barely noticing Titreano, and not paying
any attention to where the cob was trotting. “Tell me, little Miss Kavanagh, how many brothers and sisters do you think you
have in your highborn family?”

“I have no brothers, there’s only Genevieve.”

“But what of the half-bloods?” Carmitha purred. “What of them?”

“Half-bloods? Don’t be foolish. I have none.”

She laughed bitterly. “So sure of yourself. Riding high above us all. Well I know of three, and those are just the ones born
to my family. My cousin carried one to term after last midsummer. A bonny little boy, the spitting image of his father. Your
father. You see, it isn’t
work for him. There’s pleasure, too. More than to be found in your mother’s bed.”

“Lies!” Louise cried. She felt faint, and sick.

“Really? He lay with me the day before the soldiers went to Boston. He got his money’s worth of me. I made sure of that; I
don’t cheat people. So don’t you talk to me about nobility and sacrifice. Your family are nothing more than titled robber

Louise glanced down. Genevieve’s eyes were open, blinking against the red light. Please don’t let her have heard, Louise prayed.
She turned to look at the Romany woman, no longer able to stop her jaw from quivering. There was no will to argue anymore.
The day had won, beaten her, captured her parents, invaded her home, burned her county, terrorized her sister, and destroyed
the only remaining fragment of happiness, that of the past with its golden memories. “If you wish to hurt a Kavanagh,” she
said in a tiny voice. “If you wish to see me in tears for what you claim has happened, then you may have that wish. I don’t
care about myself anymore. But spare my sister, she has been through so much today. No child should have to endure more. Let
her go into the caravan where she can’t hear your accusations. Please?” There was more to say, so much more, but the heat
in her throat wouldn’t let it come out. Louise started sobbing, hating herself for letting Gen see her weakness. But allowing
the tears to flow was such an easy act.

Genevieve put her arms around her sister and hugged her fiercely. “Don’t cry, Louise. Please don’t cry.” Her face puckered
up. “I hate you,” she spat at Carmitha.

“I hope you are satisfied now, lady,” Titreano said curtly.

Carmitha stared at the two distraught sisters, Titreano’s hard, disgusted face, then dropped the reins and plunged her head
into her hands. The shame was beyond belief.

Shit, taking out your own pathetic fear on a petrified sixteen-year-old girl who’d never hurt a living soul in her life. Who’d
actually risked her own neck to warn me about the possessed in the farmhouse.

“Louise.” She extended an arm towards the still sobbing girl. “Oh, Louise, I’m so sorry. I never meant to say what I did.
I’m so stupid, I never think.” At least she managed to stop herself from asking “forgive me.” Carry your own guilt, you selfish
bitch, she told herself.

Titreano had put his own arm around Louise. It didn’t make any difference to the broken girl. “My baby,” Louise moaned between
sobs. “They’ll kill my baby if they catch us.”

Titreano gently caught her hands. “You are… with child?”

“Yes!” Her sobbing became louder.

Genevieve gaped at her. “You’re pregnant?”

Louise nodded roughly, long hair flopping about.

“Oh.” A small smile twitched across Genevieve’s mouth. “I won’t tell anyone, I promise, Louise,” she said seriously.

Louise gulped loudly and looked at her sister. Then she was laughing through her tears, clutching Genevieve to her. Genevieve
hugged her back.

Carmitha tried not to show her own surprise. A landowner girl like Louise, the highest of the high, pregnant and unmarried!
I wonder who…

“Okay,” she said with slow determination. “That’s another reason to get you two girls off this island. The best yet.” The
sisters were regarding her with immense distrust. Can’t blame them for that. She ploughed on: “I swear to you here and now,
Titreano and I will make sure you get on the plane. Right, Titreano?”

“Indeed, yes,” he said gravely. “Good.” Carmitha picked up the cob’s reins again and gave them a brisk flip. The horse resumed
its interminable plodding pace.

One good act, she thought, a single piece of decency amid the holocaust of the last six hours. That baby was going to survive.
Grandma, if you’re watching me, and if you can help the living in any way possible, now would be a good time.

And—the thought wouldn’t leave her alone—a boy who wasn’t intimidated by Grant Kavanagh, who’d dared to touch his precious
daughter. A lot more than just touch, in fact. Foolhardy romantic, or a real hero prince?

Carmitha risked a quick glance at Louise. Either way, lucky girl.

•  •  •

The longbase van which nosed down into the third sub-level car park below City Hall had the stylized palm tree and electron
orbit logo of the Tarosa Metamech Corp emblazoned on its sides. It drew up in a bay next to a service elevator. Six men and
two women climbed out, all wearing the company’s dull red overalls. Three flatbed trolleys, piled high with crates and maintenance
equipment, trundled down obediently out of the rear of the van.

One of the men walked over to the elevator and pulled a processor block out of his pocket. He typed something on the block’s
surface, paused, then typed again, casting a nervous glance at his impassive workmates as they watched him.

The building management processor array accepted the coded instruction which the block had datavised, and the elevator doors
hissed open.

Emmet Mordden couldn’t help the way his shoulders sagged in sheer relief as soon as the doors started to move. In his past
life he’d suffered from a weak bladder, and it seemed as though he’d brought the condition with him to the body he now possessed.
Certainly his guts were dangerously wobbly. Being in on the hard edge of operations always did that to him. He was strictly
a background tech; until, of course, the day in 2535 when his syndicate boss got greedy, and sloppy with it. The police claimed
afterwards that they’d given the gang an opportunity to surrender, but by then Emmet Mordden was past caring.

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