The One (108 page)

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Authors: Vivienne Harris-Scott

Really, and how do you plan to prove that
to me?

she had quipped, eyebrows arched.

He couldn

t answer, so he tried a different angle.


re engaged
he said slowly,

One would assume

I don

t care what one would assume Julian! It

s me, and I

m not ready!

she yelled back. They stared down at each
other until she said in a low voice,

Do you want your ring back?

He was too shocked to reply, and wondered
what in the world was happening to her, was it the hormones?


he said as calmly as he could,

I do not want the ring back, I want to
know what comes next. With you I never know what to expect, and this

Julian, this is what being in a relationship
means, giving space to the other when they need it, but if you

d rather be with a woman who bends to your
will every time you say jump, I am certain there are plenty of women with poor
judgment in this world who would be happy to oblige! If I recall, Frances
Palmers is one them!

she said with a dreamy smile, and
challenging eyes.

He felt like he

d been physically punched, at the mention
of Frances.

He got up and said in a hollow voice,


m leaving before I say something I will

He walked to the door and giving her a
last glance said lowly,

I love you. I hope you

ll reconsider. I

ll call you tonight, ok?

and he exited the room when she had given
him a light nod.

Once outside, on the pavement, he pulled
his cell phone out, pressed 1, and before his interlocutor said a word, he

We need to talk. Meet me at Harry

s bar as soon as you can.





The art of war

Melissa, Vi, Ethan and Charlie


2 rue Le Tassé, 75016, Paris.


To say he was stunned by the sight in front of him
would be an understatement.

It took him a full minute, to realize who
the visitors were, and what their presence could mean.

Hello Ethan!

Melissa said happily, moving forward to
give him and hug before he could even place a word.


s been forever

ten years, no eleven, my wedding wasn

t it? Or was it mother

s funeral? Yes, six years!

she smiled at him.

Mel! Yeah, it

s been a while
he said, his voice uncertain, remembering
it had indeed been six years, but not for Helen

s funeral. Another

s one, they

d all rather forget.

This is Charlie, my husband! Remember him?

she asked pointing at the man besides

The men exchanged a firm handshake.

So, are you going to invite us in?

Melissa asked, as they were all still
standing on the porch.

Sure! Sorry!

Ethan mumbled, letting them pass before
closing the door, and as he turned to face the woman he hadn

t seen in a years, she said,

Well, E. where is my future sister-in-law?
I understand this is where she lives?




Vi and Melissa



m sorry
She said looking at the woman sitting
across her.

Oh? But don

t be!

Melissa replied cheerfully, flicking her

The circumstances were a tad bizarre to
say the least
she laughed.

They were in Vi

s sitting room, adjacent to her bedroom in
her new home, chatting about their previous encounter at Julian

s birthday party, commenting on their very
short-lived introduction.


m here to remedy just that! In fact, I

m here to throw you a proper engagement
party! And that

s only the beginning, next is the wedding

Melissa was cheerful, and it was very hard
for Vi to resist the woman

s natural joyfulness. She didn

t know her at all, but already liked her,
and felt they would be very good friends.

Well, what did you have in mind?

she asked, as Lily was flying back to
Boston the following day, and she wasn

t in party planning mode, and certainly
not on her own.

Leave it all to me!

Melissa chimed,

but in exactly two weeks, you and my
brother will announce this engagement to the world in proper McCarty fashion!

Vi shook her head,

Two weeks? That

s too soon! There isn

t enough time to

No, two weeks is perfect. You are twenty
three weeks pregnant, and still can stand, and have a little fun

this might change in the last few weeks of
the pregnancy, so let

s do this while we still can, shall we?

Vi relented, because she knew Melissa was
right. This pregnancy was very different from the last one. She wasn

t as big this time around, she wore baby
doll and long sundresses to hide the bump, and actually one would never guess
she was carrying if they didn

t know her or if she didn

t say so; but, she was extremely tired,
constantly, as if her nerves could only deal will small amounts of stress, and

s had had her full in the previous months.

Yes, she had said to Julian she

d marry him after the birth, but a formal
engagement party couldn

t hurt, and it certainly would reassure
him, considering he was none too pleased with her new ownership status and the
living arrangement resulting from it.

She smiled, saying,


m almost scared of what you

re planning, but you

re on, let

s get it done!




Phase 1 is complete.

Melissa said as she waltzed into her

penthouse with Charlie in tow.

Julian looked up from the stack of papers
he was reading and smiled, asking,

Really? Just like that?

Did you doubt my powers of persuasion?

she quizzed with a grin on her face.

No, never! You just made more headway in a
day than I did in months!

he replied, laughing.

Well, all she needed was a woman

s touch and advice! The right woman!

she pointed at herself with both hands.

The men laughed.

So when is it?

he asked seriously.

Two weeks. In two weeks my dear brother,
you will be officially engaged to the woman for the world to see, and I
guarantee you, she will be spending every day in this very penthouse right

You really think she

ll move in with me?

he had asked, still unconvinced.

I don

t think. I know!

she exclaimed with uncontradictable


m going to be spending almost every minute
of the next fourteen days with her, and trust me when I tell you, she will fall
on your laps as a ripe fruit, by the time of the engagement party, if not

This living with Ethan thing will soon be
a thing of the past!

she grinned,

I can even have a wager, if you

re tempted


he decried. Melissa never gambled if she

t sure to win, both Ethan and himself had
learned the hard way when she taught them poker in their teens.

Do I need to even ask how you

ll manage to do this?

Julian asked derisively, shaking his

You could, but a
never tells!

she grinned pouring herself a celebratory

He laughed heartily when he said,

a regular yenta huh?

complimenting her on her matchmaking

No, that

s Charlie!

she replied, deadpan, lifting her glass,
and swallowing her scotch in one single gulp.






All is fair in love

Melissa and Vi


2 rue Le Tassé, 75016, Paris.


You know, it can

t be easy for him
she said in a collected voice.

But Mel, I can

t throw him out! He bought me this place!
Besides, he
Vi tried
to protest.


ll never say it out loud but woman to
woman, you are doing him and yourself a great disservice
Melissa interrupted in a soothing voice.

She had promised her brother his fiancée
would move in with him. She hadn

t told him that instead of pleading his
cause, she would plead Ethan

s, showing Vi the errors of her ways

Look, I

m sure you know him better than I do

after all, you two were married once
she sighed,

but the Ethan I remember from years back
was a very private person who doesn

t let his emotions out very easily, and I
am certain he is hurting!

Vi looked at her, surprised by her

I understand this house gives you freedom,
and I

m all for it! Us, women, must stand on our
feet when it

s all said and done, so I really do not
fault you for accepting this extravagant gift. I say, accept it and enjoy it

and as Vi was about to retort, she added,

But, for a man like Ethan to be here with
you every day, seeing you pregnant when you are engaged to another man, his
best friend no less

this has got to be breaking him! And I am
sure you still have enough feelings for him, not to want to hurt him that way,
with the constant reminder

Vi was torn. When she moved in, she had
only thought of herself, being away from Kevin, and being at bay from Julian,
but it never really occurred to her what her presence would be doing to E., day
in day out, and with Julian visiting her there

and Melissa spelling it outright, when
him, the one concerned party, had said nothing, and behaved as if the situation
was normal, was suddenly sending a clear message to her brain.

She had been selfish because she liked
having Ethan around. It reminded her of her last pregnancy and how E. could
really be counted on in times of crisis or when she needed to adjust to
situation she wasn

t prepared for. Once again, he had been
there for her, so she just couldn

t ask him to pack up and leave her alone
in the triplex. She didn

t want to.

It was her place, he bought it for her,
and she couldn

t throw him out in the streets or

the Plaza.

Truth was she had her cake and wanted to
eat it too. She had Julian and E, and her world was perfect within their
boundaries. Ethan had asked her if she wanted him to go, and she had flatly
refused telling him, he could stay as long as he wanted, as long as he could
bear living with a hormonal pregnant woman who one minute to the next didn

t know which way was up. He had laughed,
saying he had in the past, and was certain he would cope.

But Melissa had made a very valid point
she couldn

t ignore. This situation couldn

t be good emotionally for E.; it probably
would hurt him even more when she did decide his presence was no longer needed.

She realized with stupor, being here with
him was cruel.




Charlie and Ethan


Man, what a conundrum you got yourself

Charlie stated, sitting down in a plush
armchair as he watched Ethan.


m sorry?

Ethan said pouring them drinks as he
was wondering what the hell this man was talking about.

Well, of course this is none of my
business, but I sure wouldn

t like to be in your shoes
Charlie added with a deep sigh.

Care to explain?

Ethan said curtly, handing the glass to
the unexpected guest.

Ethan you

re a smart man amongst other things

living with your ex-wife while she

s pregnant and engaged to be married to
your best friend

Are you a masochist?

asked Charlie, a mask of sheer curiosity
displayed on his face.

Ethan was simply flabbergasted by the
question and the audacity of the visitor. Where in the world did he get off
asking and commenting on a situation that was indeed none of his business?

As he was about to voice his opinion,
Charlie casually added,

Or you simply have no pride

Ethan closed his eyes. He couldn

t lose his temper. This was hardly the
time or the place.

He sat down in silence, just watching the
man in front of him sip his scotch.

Not another word was exchanged between the
two of them, until they heard Melissa voice in the corridor approaching the
sitting room they were in. Then, Charlie got up, placing the glass on one of
the coffee tables, and as he was passing Ethan by, said,

Ethan from a professional psychiatrist

s standpoint, I advise you to extricate
yourself from this situation. The sooner, the better. Your mental sanity
depends on It.

he patted the man on the shoulder,

Trust me, I

ve seen enough of these cases. It never
ends well.

he concluded, giving him a slight nod and
leaving the room to meet his wife.




Vi and Melissa



s wrong sweetheart?

Melissa asked concerned, as the woman I
front of her had tears at the corner of her eyes.

I don

t know what

s wrong with me, I have an incredible
fiancé, an ex-husband some women would fight over for, and I just, I just
her voice broke.


Melissa said with solicitude.

They had seen each other every day from
her arrival in Paris, and every single time Mel had asked Vi how Ethan was,
making sure to never mention Julian. Of course, these two saw each other every
day too, and were growing closer since Julian had miraculously accepted her
current accommodation never raising the subject again after their last dispute.
Melissa knew Vi was about to have the final breakthrough in regard to the
situation, and Julian would get his bride into his home.

Is this about E.?

she asked lowly.


s about E., but also about me
Vi had sniffled.

You want to talk about it? You never did
say why you refused to move in with my brother
she started encouragingly.

Well, at first when he got to Paris, after
his birthday, he demanded I returned to LA with him
she replied hesitantly.

No, he didn


Melissa exclaimed,

Jesus, men are stupid!

she added shaking his head, pursuing,

As if any woman would follow him after the
birthday episode!

she sighed,

I simply can

t believe him!

she added angrily,


s lucky you forgave him that quickly!

But that

s the thing, I

m not sure I can trust him
Vi stated facing Melissa, scrutinizing
her face.

So really, this is about Frances? You

re afraid, he can

t be fully committed to you and your

No. I know he loves me. He moved to Paris
to be with me, he bought the penthouse, he

s been with me every day

Then what is it?

Melissa asked.


m afraid because I have forgiven him that
quickly, once he has me in his place, he

ll just stop being this man I have fallen
in love with. He

ll have full control over me and my child

Melissa couldn

t let her finish, and said,


re wrong. One thing Julian has learned
from his last marriage is to let go of control. Trust me, this is a lesson he

s painfully learned, as you know

and it is NOT a mistake he

ll ever repeat again, quite the contrary
her voice
trailed as she thought of the lengths Julian was willing to go for this woman.

What do you mean?

Vi enquired as Melissa

s voice was suddenly cool as steel.

Let just say that I have seen my brother
since you two first met, and dear, this man loves you more than anything in
this world. I truly believe you are The
for him! He doesn

t want to control you at all! He

the one who is afraid here, afraid you

ll abandon him, or you leave for E. or
else when the going gets tough

you are the one with the control Vi. Can

t you see that?

she questioned.

Sure he gets hot headed, and his
insecurities make him go about it all the wrong ways, but in all honesty, I
think you moving in with him would fix it all! He

ll tolerate this peculiar friendship you
have with E, hell, I

m sure these two would even reach some
sort of understanding, so you can all have untainted relations, not filled with
fear, hurt and suspicion as it is now
she proceeded with logic.

You really think so?

Vi asked in a hopeful voice.

Look, the way I see it, this is your
house, no one can take it away from you, so you are a free woman if things turn
sour whether with E. or my brother. Now, your fiancé would rather have you at
home with him, which is understandable, and I suspect once that has happen, his
relationship with E will improve dramatically! You love them both right?

her future sister-in-law asked.

Yes I do.

Vi simply stated, feeling her heart

Then put each of them out of their misery!
Move with in with Julian. This will send a clear message to E. You need to rip
the Band-Aid while you still can do it without much more damage to either. This
is the only chance you three have, or someone will have to give
she concluded with sadness.

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