The Outlaw's Dirty Dancer (11 page)

She gagged, and the fear that she would choke on her own vomit slammed into her, but fortunately the nauseous feeling left her slowly.

“I knew you were something I could use to my advantage since I have seen that bike motherfucker hanging around you like some kind of lost dog. But I figured he wouldn’t let you out of his sight. Lucky for me he gave me this opportunity.”

Darra felt her eyes widen at his words.

He chuckled almost sinisterly. “Yeah, I know all about you screwing that bear, but I wasn’t following
.” He looked at her right in the eye. “It’s a shame you got in the middle of it. You were just at the wrong place at the wrong time, but I can use you to get back at that asshole and his worthless club.”

Darra shook her head and struggled against his hold, but it was no use. He was bigger and stronger than she was. She needed to play this safe, and maybe she could get out of this intact.

“Oh yes, I will use you to get my point across. The Grizzlies should have known not to fuck with the Wolverines.”

She had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, but she didn’t care. There was laughter down the alleyway, and Darra struggled harder. She tried to bring her knee up and get him in the crotch, but he had his leg wedged between her thighs, making that impossible.

“Next time those MC fuckers want to hurt my business they need to know there are repercussions involved.” His words were slurred, but his drunkenness wasn’t what frightened her. It was the fact he was telling her all of this stuff. This was incriminating evidence if she told the club, and because of that she knew he had no intentions of letting her walk out of here alive.

“I may not have all the connections that Jagger had, but killing off the Wolverines made my business obsolete.” He pressed his crotch into her and ground his erection into her belly.

Bile rose in her throat. He took a step back from her, and the surprise that she had enough room to breathe, and to even kick and fight back had her reacting instantly, but he had planned this, and when she went to make that first move he brought his fist to the side of her head. He used so much force her entire body spun around and crashed back into the dumpster. The sound of her slamming into the metal was loud and echoed. The vibrations went through her whole body, but before she could regain herself he had his hand wrapped around her throat and lifted her off her feet. The light slashed across his face when he shifted position, and she could see how dilated his pupils were, far more than what they would have been in the darkness. God, he was drunk and high and intent on killing her to make his point. He brought his fist to the side of her head again, and again. Blood filled her mouth, and she couldn’t hold it, especially not when he hit her again. A mouthful of spit and blood sprayed from her mouth and covered his face and chest.

“You stupid fucking twat.”
He spat out, and spittle came from his mouth with as much force as his anger. He tossed her into the brick wall.

The pain was like nothing she had ever felt before, so mind-numbing and crippling that even breathing hurt. But he wasn’t done yet. Darra knew one thing: she wasn’t going to go down without a fight. She had known people like him her whole life, ones that derived their strength and pleasure from hurting others. He came after her, and when he wrapped his hand around her throat once more, hauled her up and pressed her to the wall, she used that moment to bring her knee up. He wasn’t prepared for her act of rebellion, and she made contact with his dick. He grunted and the hold on her throat loosened. He tossed her aside like she was nothing but a ragdoll. No way was he this strong naturally, so the most logical thought was that whatever he was on was making him like this. She knew enough about drugs that some gave people super strength, PCP being one of them. So, he was either on that, or there was shifter blood running through him. Either way he was far too strong for her, and she had grown up fighting her whole life.

He had stumbled back a few paces after she kneed him, but she saw his rage start to escalate and numb out his pain. He charged at her once he seemed to get his bearings again, and the low sound that left him led her to believe this man might very well have the devil inside of him. She wanted to scream, but her throat was so raw from him choking her that her breaths came out like wheezes. She tried to stand and run, but he kicked her in the belly, and she fell back to the ground.

“Darra, you out here?”

She struggled to stand when she heard the prospect’s voice.

Where the
fuck are

Reaching her hand out, she prayed to whoever would listen that he saw the tips of her fingers from behind the dumpster.

.” The drunk was pressed tightly against her, and had his hand on the back of her head. He pressed her face into the pavement so hard that the gravel dug into her skin.

A small whimper left her, but even that tiny noise hurt her throat. She closed her eyes when he breathed against the side of her face. “Help…” That lone word sounded pathetic coming from her.

“Come on, girl. I don’t want my ass kicked by Brick because I lost track of you. A few people inside said you came out this way.” A beat of silence passed. “Shit.”

Tears were a steady fall down her cheeks, and when she heard the gun cock behind her, and felt the cold, hard butt of the barrel press to her temple. All she could do was close her eyes and wish things had been so different.

The sound of a gun firing was so close to her that her ears rang. That realization, and the fact she didn’t feel the pain of a bullet wound, had her opening her eyes. There was another shot fired, and the asshole on top of her grunted. Something warm and wet was trickling onto her temple, and then the realization of what it really was had her stomach roiling.

He rolled off of her and pulled himself up to a standing position, but he staggered forward. Darra pushed herself up and watched as the Derek—the prospect—dodged behind the dumpster just as her attacker fired off another shot. He was holding his shoulder, letting her know Derek had gotten a shot in, but was the prospect okay? Her heart thundered, but before she could move, or try to scream once again, the sound of the backdoor opening and slamming against the brick wall seemed to have everything stilling.

“What in the fuck is going on out here?” The sound of Marin’s enraged voice was even louder than the pounding of her pulse. Her attacker snapped his head to the side, and she wondered if he planned on taking on Marin and his two bodyguards, but instead he held his hand on his shoulder and took off in the other direction.

She reached out, trying to stop him, trying to call out that he was getting away, but her head hurt so
. She was pretty sure she had a few broken ribs from him kicking her. She started gagging on the blood that dripped don the back of her throat and filled her mouth. The sound of guns cocking just on the other side of the dumpster had her shaking her head and using all of her strength to push herself up. Agony tore through her, and she stumbled forward.

“Boy, you better fucking tell me what the hell happened out here or I’m about to put another bullet in your body.”

Derek’s voice came out strong, but she didn’t miss the strain in it. “Some bastard was attacking Brick’s old lady. Fuck, I have to check on her.”

“Shit, you
’ about Darra?” Marin’s voice took on an almost frantic quality.

“Yeah, so unless you want Brick and the whole Grizzly MC wrath coming down on you, I suggest you back the fuck off so I can make sure she is okay.”

She lifted her head and saw Derek move around the dumpster and come to her quickly. Marin and two of his guys were right behind him. Another wave of dizziness washed through her when Derek lifted her off the ground and pressed her body close to his.

“Shit, he fucked her up.” Derek pushed her blood-soaked hair away from her face. “This is bad, really fucking bad. Brick and the MC are going to have dead bodies littering the ground.”

“I got a doctor that works for me on the DL. He can be here in five. Bring her to my office.”

Darra tried to relax against him, but every move he made jarred her, and pain lanced through her entire body.

“It’s all right, Darra. I’ll call Brick, and he’ll be here in no time. Then we will hunt down that fucker and make him pay for this. I’m so sorry. Fuck, I’m so sorry I wasn’t here sooner.”

But those last words he said sounded distant, and she knew that the darkness that was creeping around her vision was about to take her under. That was all right, though. Darra just wanted to vanish anyway.

Chapter Ten


Brick leaned back in his chair in the Utah charter’s new clubhouse. It was huge compared to the Grizzly Colorado chapter, but this was more of a compound since their last place became compromised. And since they had a lot more “sensitive” things they bought and sold they needed to make sure it was heavily protected.

“Free Bird” played overhead while club whores preformed stripteases for several members. Diesel had taken one of the females to the back to fuck, Dallas was currently letting another female stroke his shit through his jeans by the bar, and Arrow had another one perched on his lap. Her tits were hanging out, and she licked at his neck like she was a damn cat. This charter was tight with their club, but whereas the Colorado charter had never dipped into the coke they hauled, this one did. There was a group of Nomads circled around one of the pub tables taking in lines of blow. The liquor was flowing, the pussy was aplenty, and the drugs were getting everyone fucked up, but all Brick wanted to do was go home and be with his female. He had seen her before he left, but with the ride to Utah and them being busy with moving the guns with Arrow, Brick hadn’t had time to talk to her.

He had sent her a text, but she might still be at work as she didn’t respond. That thought had him gritting his teeth. Yeah, her stripping was over as soon as he got back. He had briefly mentioned to Jagger about Darra doing the books for some of the more legitimate club businesses. Stinger was a genius with numbers and had been the one to handle that shit, but with his arm out of commission for the time being, and this almost distant attitude that was starting to claim him, it was no doubt he needed a break for a while.

“Hey, sugar.” Brick inhaled from the joint between his lips and glanced up at the club pussy walking up to him. She wore nothing but a thin strip of elastic that hardly covered her nipples, and a shirt that was short enough that he could see her transparent panties. “You look awfully lonely over here.”

“Find someone else. I have an old lady.”

She grinned and shook her head. “Sugar, half the boys in here have old ladies, and you don’t seem like a newbie, not with that Sergeant patch, so I know you know having one doesn’t mean shit.”

Brick inhaled from the joint again, held the smoke in for a few seconds, and blew the smoke out. “It means
’ to me.” He eyed her and curled his lip in distaste. “Not interested.”

She shrugged and walked off. Brick’s cell
and he reached in his cut and pulled it out. The screen showed Derek’s number.

Brick flipped the phone open and held it to his ear.
“Everything good?”
Brick shifted in the seat and brought the joint to his mouth again, but when Derek started rambling off about Darra getting hurt he stood so quickly the chair he was sitting in slid across the floor and banged into the wall. With each passing second, and with each word Derek spoke, Brick’s rage and worry grew tenfold. “I’m coming now. Keep her there. We’ll talk about the fucker that hurt her, and we’ll talk about you not doing
fucking job and watching my female.” He shut his phone, looked down at it, and threw the damn thing across the room until it shattered on the wall. The music still played, but he felt everyone’s eyes on him. Diesel was by his side instantly.

“What is it, brother?”

Brick turned and looked at his VP. “My female is hurt, and I’m going to kill the motherfucker that did it.”


Brick tore through the strip club. The place was shut down, and the only one in the main room was the bartender drying glasses, but Brick kept his attention focused forward. Diesel and Dallas were following behind him. He knew Jagger and Court were already here. After he got the call he’d phoned Jagger, needing some of his brothers watching over his female. Stinger had stayed back with the Nomads at the clubhouse and made sure things were locked down tight there. Whoever this bastard was that had hurt Darra might very well go after more Grizzly old ladies and their families.

There was a man standing outside of a closed door, but he could smell Darra, and the scent of her blood filled his nose. It was taking everything inside of him not to go hunt down the bastard that had hurt her. The asshole by the door was lucky he stepped aside, because Brick had been two seconds away from knocking the human’s teeth in. Brick shoved the door open, but stopped in his tracks when he saw Darra lying on the couch. Jagger was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, and a grave look covered his face. There was a guy on his knees in front of Darra, blocking the upper part of her body from Brick’s view, and he snapped. All he could think about was that this fucker was keeping him from his female. But before he could take a step forward Dallas and Diesel grabbed his arms, and Jagger was right in front of him.

“Chill, man.
That is Marin’s private doctor. He’s doing one more once-over on your woman.” Jagger didn’t move for several moments, obviously waiting until Brick got his shit under control.

Brick nodded and gritted his teeth. He could control himself—for now. The doctor grabbed his black leather medical bag and stood. He moved over to Court, and the two started talking. Court may only have EMS training, but he knew more medical jargon than any of the other members. Looking at Darra fully now, Brick’s throat closed, his heart stopped, and his bear roared out violently. Her face was beaten to shit, with one of her eyes swollen shut, a nasty bruise taking over one whole side of her face, and dried blood on her nose and the corner of her mouth. She had a blanket pulled up to her chin, and when he moved closer to her and stopped at the edge of the couch, his anger took the backburner to his concern for her. The next thing he realized was he was on his knees at her side and reaching out to brush her hair away, but he stopped before he made contact. The blonde strands were matted with blood. He curled his fingers into his palm and squeezed his hand into such a tight fist he felt his nails dig into the flesh, breaking open the skin.

“Leave.” His voice was low, his focus on his woman. He looked over his shoulder and stared at all of them. They stood there with uneasy expressions on their face. “Get the fuck out.” He roared the words out so forcefully he swore the pictures on the wall shook. They all headed out, and once the door was shut behind the last person he turned back around and placed a hand lightly on her chest. “Baby, I am so fucking sorry.” Brick lowered his head close to hers and brushed his lips along hers. “I’m going to make the asshole pay that did this to you. I’m going to make him bleed and suffer, and pray for death.” There was this turbulent storm inside of Brick, one that wanted to consume him, and wanted to let his bear take control. Once he was a safe distance from Darra he would more than happy to let his animal out and do some major destruction.

Brick gripped the edge of the blanket. His mouth was dry, his tongue thick with emotion, and slowly he pulled the blanket down. She had no shirt on, but her bra barely covered her breasts. The nasty bruises that he could see peeking out of the bandage wrapped around her ribs had him ready to explode from his rage and the pain he felt that his female was hurt. He squeezed his eyes shut and forced himself to relax and pull the blanket back up to cover her.

He leaned forward and kissed her lightly once more. “Shit, Darra, I should have been the one to protect you. I should have been the one to make sure you were safe.” He wouldn’t forgive himself for this. Not ever. He’d kick the prospect’s ass after he killed the bastard that had done this to her. Brick stood, and reluctantly turned and left her side. He didn’t want to, but he needed to find out if she had been able to tell anyone who her attacker was. He opened the door and stepped out in the hallway, but he didn’t shut it behind him. He needed to have this small connection to her still, and shutting the door seemed like he was closing her out. Yeah, since meeting Darra he had become this philosophical pussy-whipped bear shifter. But he didn’t care, didn’t even blink at the thought. In fact he was proud of that shit and would have worn a patch stating how he felt for her.

Everyone stood in the hallway, no one speaking, and all of their expressions serious. Marin was by his two bouncers, and since this happened on his property he’d grill the bastard first.

“You know who the fuck did this to my woman?” Before Marin could answer Jagger was speaking.

“Darra woke up shortly after we got her inside and before the doc gave her some meds for the pain.” Jagger’s voice dropped to a deadly growl. “She started murmuring about the Wolverines, and that the asshole that attacked her was going to kill her.”

“She was thrashing after saying that, and I gave her the pain medication before she hurt herself.” The doctor pushed his glasses up his nose. He was an older human with thinning grey hair.

“So the guy that attacked her was involved with the Wolverines.” Brick didn’t state it as a question, but racked his brain on who would be taking retaliation on them when the Colorado Wolverines were all dead. As far as Brick knew the Wolverines hadn’t had any real allies.

“You think it’s another Wolverine charter?” Diesel asked from beside Jagger.

from the Arizona Wolverine charter told me all of the Wolverine charters were all glad Trick and his club were gone,” Jagger said.

Yeah, Brick remembered that conversation, but that didn’t mean anything. “Could it be a rogue?” Brick addressed the club members, but it was Marin that answered.

“Doubt it. Had my men out there, and called in one of my guys that
a tiger shifter to come by and sniff the place out. He said all he smelled was humans and the scent of your prospect.”

“I think we can
scent out who this asshole is.” Dallas snapped his teeth and glared at Marin. “You have cameras that record the back?”

Marin shook his head, and Dallas growled.

“Maybe you should get on that so this doesn’t happen to another female.” The club owner nodded.

“Where the hell is the alley?”

Marin pointed to the backdoor after Brick growled out the words. Brick was about to go out there, but Jagger grabbed his arm.

“Diesel and Dallas got this. We need to talk about the next move.” Jagger looked at Marin and his goons. “Make yourself scarce.” Once they were alone Jagger fully faced Brick. “How do you want to handle this, brother?”

Brick ran his fingers along his scalp and breathed out. “I’m going to handle this by finding out who hurt Darra, and I’m going to kill him.”

Jagger nodded once. “I know, brother, but you need to think rationally with your human side and not let your animal control this. I can sense your bear tearing through you right now, and see it flickering across your face. You’ll shift right now if you don’t control yourself.”

Brick loved Jagger like family, but his words pissed him off. “Tell me,
, if that was Sonya lying in there beat to shit, what would you do?” Jagger didn’t respond, but the dark look on his face told Brick enough. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Now, let’s go find this fucker—”

Darra’s voice was so soft and distant and sounded slightly confused.

He pushed open the door and was by her side a second later. On his knees and with her hand in his, he waited to see if she had woken up, or if she was just talking in her sleep. “I’m here, baby.” He brought their conjoined hands to his mouth and kissed her knuckles.

Her brow furrowed, and she groaned as she shifted on the couch.

“Don’t move, baby. You’re really hurt.” God, he hated seeing her like this.

She opened the eye that wasn’t swollen shut, and although he sensed her pain she smiled. “Yeah, I know. It feels like a freight train ran me over.” Even like this she tried to be strong. “What time is it?”

“It’s late, baby. It’s really late.”

She sighed and nodded. “I feel a little loopy.”

Brick lightly brushed hair away from her forehead. “The doctor gave you some pain meds.”

“I hurt all over, but my face and side hurt the worst.” She shifted again on the couch. “He was going to kill me, Brick.”

He pressed his hand to the top of her head, and brought her knuckles to his mouth to kiss them once more. “He won’t hurt you ever again, baby. No one will ever hurt you again.”

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