The Power of One (The Forever series Book Two) (23 page)

Devon’s ears prick up at that nugget of new information.

“What property? What client?” he demands but then he
connects the dots as I knew he would. “Oh,” he says flatly.

Cole looks from him to me and says, “Well?”

“It’s just an old property in France that he owns that I
want. CK always gets his way,” I add pointedly.

“So I’ve noticed,” Cole mutters darkly but still fails to
mention the conversation.

Giving up, I down my drink and tell the boys I’m tired after
only an hour’s sleep and a stressful couple of days and am going to bed. To

Cole’s face falls in disappointment but he doesn’t follow me
as I head to the back of the plane. Pulling my mini dress over my head and
slipping out of my shoes I climb into bed and am asleep as soon as my head
touches the pillow.




“Liv! Liv! Baby, you need to wake up,” I hear Cole’s urgent
voice and ignore him grumbling to him to go away. “Liv! We are about to land at
JFK, You need to wake up.”

JFK? What?

Forcing my eyes open I struggle to focus on Cole’s worried
face. “Liv. Thank god. Are you all right? We haven’t been able to wake you
since you crashed after we left Milan.”

“What?” I ask, failing to follow what he’s saying. My head
feels like it's stuffed with cotton wool.

“Liv.” It’s Devon talking to me now. “You fell asleep when
we left Milan and we are now about to land at JFK. You need to get up and get
buckled in.” So much for the gentle touch, but I know his brusqueness is to
hide his concern.

“I’ve slept all this time?” I ask dumbly, struggling to sit
up. Cole is sitting on one side of me and Devon on the other, both peering at
me with matching worried faces. Cole nods.

“Are you okay?” he asks again.

“Yes, I think so. I was just so tired. I feel better now
though. Hungry but better,” I say, coming to.

Dev offers his wrist to me but I push him away. “Not that
kind of hungry,” I murmur and he looks at me mischievously while Cole looks

I sigh and climb off the bed, picking up my dress on the way
to the bathroom.

“You shouldn’t knock it till you’ve tried it,” I hear Devon
say smartly and Cole’s growl in return.

Closing the door I look in the mirror, I look hideous. I am
paler than normal and very drawn. My hair is a right mess and my eyes are all
glassy. Nice of the boys not to mention my less-than-perfect appearance and I
set to work to rectify it. A few minutes later Cole knocks, “Liv we really need
you to come sit now.”

“I’m coming,” I snap and pull the dress back over my head,
mindful of my hair.

Pulling the door open he hands me my shoes and I put them on
gratefully. “Sure you okay?” he murmurs as he drops a quick kiss on my head.

“Yes. It’s been a long, energy absorbing few days. I guess
it just wiped me out,” I reassure him.

“Hey, are we getting off for duty free?” Devon asks and I
nod. I have to get off this plane.

“I’m telling you there is no fucking way I’m getting back on
this thing next week,” I grouch and Cole looks immensely pleased at my comment
until I add, “I’m just going to Astral into HQ and stay there. No one has to
know I’m in Italy.”

He frowns and Devon asks, “Why are you going back next

“Council work, and stuff,” I say vaguely.

“She has an arrangement with Constantine to go two days a
week. Alone,” Cole fumes at my side much to Devon’s surprise.

“Arrangement? And when were you going to tell me this?” he
asks hurt and then adds, “Hey, do I get two days too?”

“No! Fuck no!” Cole yells in my ear. “Liv, not a fucking
chance. Do you hear me, not a fucking chance!”

I glare at him to quit yelling at me and he does but not
before he thumps his fist on the table spilling most of our drinks.

“Calm yourself,” I use CK’s words and tone on him and he
sits back mutinously. “Dev, hunny. It isn’t how it sounds. I have to go to
Milan for Council work and this Gregor and Eloise assassination plan. I will
just have some sire time while I am there. That’s all.”

“It’s exactly how it sounds,” Cole grouses unhappily.

“What about my sire time?” Devon pushes.

“Every day is sire time for you,” Cole is really snarking
off now and I tell him to shut it.

“Let’s just drop this before someone says or does something
they will regret. And to be clear that someone is going to be me,” I growl at
the pair of them and they both have the good sense to keep quiet.




Abandoning them as soon as Jenna lets me off the Gulfstream,
I make my way into the airport and get myself lost on purpose. Knowing it’s
pointless as Devon will be able to track me down, I just need some headspace.
Ironic in a crowded airport, but it’s all good. Reaching a decision that
something needs to be done about this I resolve to talk to them on the way to
LAX. If I decide to get back on the jet, I think stubbornly.

Meandering over to get a take away coffee I stand in the
line patiently, enjoying being on my own. Catching a whiff of AB Neg in the
region behind me I realize how hungry I am for blood now. Turning slightly, I
am caught off guard as it is the same man I saw in the lobby of the hotel the
day before in Milan. Turning completely around I run my eyes up from his broad
chest to his gray eyes and back down to his mouth.

“You again,” he says in that monotone. “Should I be

“I’m just here for the coffee,” I say, folding my arms.
be worried, seeing as
you seem to be following me now?” I ask pointedly referring to him standing
behind me in the line.

His serious face lights up momentarily before the shutters
come back down. “I’m just here for the coffee,” he says dismissively.

I turn my back to him as my turn comes up. “Black coffee,” I
order, “and whatever he’s having.” I point over my shoulder. 

“Same,” he says, “But I will buy my own thank you.”

“I can afford it, really, it’s okay.”

“So can I,” he says.

He is so frustrating, worse even than CK, and that is saying

“Fine. Buy mine for me then.”

He does with bad grace and I smile inwardly. Progress.
“Where are you connecting to?” I ask as we step aside.

“Nowhere,” he says.

“You live here in New York then?”


“So why are you buying coffee in the airport instead of
heading home?”

“I’m waiting for someone.”

I blink at him and he blinks back. Sighing he asks politely,
“Where are you connecting to?”

I say, “LAX.”

“Well, I should go and wait for my… someone,” he says as
Devon steps up to my other side with a suspicious look on his handsome face.

“Wait, I didn’t thank you for the coffee…”

“Not a problem,” he says, ignoring my attempt at gaining his
name. He turns and walks away as Devon says, “Time to fly Kitten. The G6 is
refuelled and waiting for you, with a very crabby passenger on board.” I sigh,
and turn away but for a split second I see Mr. AB Neg pause and look back, much
as he did in Milan.

“Who is that?” Devon asks as he drapes his arm casually yet
possessively over my shoulder.

“No one,” I say slinking my hand round his waist and sliding
my hand into the back pocket of his jeans in a familiar gesture.

We head to the escalator and step on.

“Liv, I know that look,” he says in warning. “Don’t go on
the prowl. You are married now,” he reminds me sardonically.

“Yes, thank you for reminding me,” I snap, irritated that he
knows me too well. Stepping off the escalator I turn to lean over the railing
to find Mr. AB Neg staring at me from the level below. I focus my attention
entirely on him as he does me. He mouths, “Call me Cade,” and I tilt my head in
response. He half nods in acknowledgement that I got what he said and he
disappears into the crowd. Cade. Not much to go on but am sure it’s enough.

“Liv?” Devon snaps at me.

“What?” I ask bringing my attention back to him.

“Don’t do it. You are just asking for trouble,” he grumbles.

“Devon Savant? Liv Nelson?” comes an excited voice from
behind us.

We both turn in response to our names and a group of half a
dozen teenage girls are standing behind us, camera phones at the ready.

“Can we get a picture with you?” they ask excitedly and we
look at each other in amusement. “Sure,” Devon says, far too comfortable in
front of the camera for my liking and oozing charm as only he can. They all
giggle as he saunters over to them but I hang back not entirely sure I want my
face plastered all over Twitter again, but I get pulled into the impromptu
photo shoot by a lovely redhaired girl who says how much she loves me and my
“look.” Well, a girl loves a compliment so I pose for a photo with her and then
with her and Devon who takes full advantage to cozy up to me. Shithead.

“Is Cole here as well?” they all ask hopefully.

“He’s back on the jet,” I say much to their disappointment.

“I heard you guys got married?” one of them asks. “Is it

I smile and flash my rings, “Yes.”

“Oh my god!” they all scream as they grab my hand. “It’s
gorgeous. I want one just like it when I get married.” Feeling the love, Devon
and I just grin at their enthusiasm. Only humans so young could be this
excitable. God, we are so jaded, I think ruefully.

Extracting my hand I tell them we have to go and they take
one last photo of us together and we say our goodbyes having attracted a rather
large crowd by now. Our photo is snapped a dozen times by the time we reach a
frantic Jenna who has come to find us with a handful of security guards.

“There you are,” she says in relief, passing me the phone
she has in a death grip. “We were just coming to find you.”

It's CK. “Why has your jet not taken off from JFK yet?” he
snaps before I can even say hello.

Stalk much?

“Devon and I got sidetracked, it’s no biggie. We’re on our
way back there now,” I snap back.

“Sidetracked how?” he asks suspiciously.

“It’s nothing for you to concern yourself with. We’re fine.”

He grunts a response and I add, “I’ll call you when we land
in L.A., okay?”

“Fine,” And he hangs up in a temper. Great, I sigh, just
another moody Vampire to deal with. Remembering Devon’s comment about Cole I
ask, “How bad is it?” gesturing towards the jet.

“He knows how to get himself in a mood all right,” comes the

“Don’t provoke him, Dev. You know he’s still sensitive to
all this,” I motion my hand in a big circle.

“I’m not provoking him,” he says innocently and I huff at
him as we embark.

Devon checks his phone while I go and sit next to Cole
taking his hand in mine. He sulks at me but is happy that I am touching him.

“Don’t be in a mood, my love,” I murmur to him and he smiles
weakly at me.

“I’m okay. Just frustrated. I’ll get over it.”

He brings his hand up to stroke my face and I can smell his
blood and my fangs drop unexpectedly. He chuckles, “Hungry?”

“Famished,” I say before I grab his wrist and sink my fangs
into him. Flicking his eyes from me to Devon he squirms uncomfortably. I know
it's because I have never fed from him with someone watching before. Sated, I
release him and kiss him softly. “That was awkward,” he mumbles.

I giggle, “You’ll have to get used to it my love.” He pulls
his face.

“Hey, check it out! We’re all over Twitter already!” Devon
remarks from the other side of the table and pushes his phone across to me. I
pick it up and look. Yep, sure enough we are hashtagged all over the place. I
fondly note my #LivODell and point it out to Cole.

He grins, “That’s the first time I’ve seen it used,” he
says. He, however, is not so pleased as he sees the photo it is attached to:
Devon and me grinning at the camera, arms around each other, clearly
comfortable with each other. Okay, now is the time for my conversation I decide
and push the phone back to Devon.

“Right boys, there is something we have to discuss,” I turn
all business-like on them and they look at me in surprise. They both sit up
straight as they can sense a serious conversation coming and I begin, “This
infighting has to stop. We are a team now, the three of us. Well, four of us.
And I cannot have you bickering and snarking at each other. I can’t cope with
it and I won’t tolerate it. There is a lot to accomplish in the next few weeks
and a lot more besides to come. I need you together, with me, and with each
other. I know this situation is difficult but we all have to make it work.
There can be no dissension, no jealousy, no bitching, and no chink in the armor.
We all have to be on the same page so whatever issues you have you need to get
over it. Do you understand me?” 


“Do you understand me?” I say louder this time and they both
nod at me.

“Cole? Do you have issue with Devon? If so, speak now or forever
hold your peace.”

“It’s petty jealousy. I’ll get over it,” Cole stammers under
my blazing sire gaze.

“Devon, do you have issue with Cole? Speak or shut it.”

“No issue.”

“Fine.” Now comes the big question. “Do either of you have
issue with Constantine?” And they both look away in confirmation.

“Speak,” I snap.

Cole bravely goes first. “I’m worried you will leave me for
him. I don’t think I could bear that,” he says shyly, acutely aware that Devon
is listening. Before addressing his issue I focus on Devon, “What of you?”

“He gets to have you to himself for two whole days. It’s not
fair,” he pouts like a sullen child.

Softening as I turn to Cole, “Baby. I love you. I told you
that I am not going anywhere. You are my husband and my charge and I need you.
Don’t be jealous. Of either CK or Devon. What we have is different,” I whisper
in his ear even though I know Devon can still hear me. I kiss him and he seems
happy with my words and he relaxes.

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