The Sextet - Sharing [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (34 page)

“Oh, no…” Greg waved his finger in the air as he smiled at her.

“That should be coming off, not going back on.”

Sam cocked her head. “I’m standing here mostly naked, and you

want to worry about this robe while the two of you are fully dressed?”

That got a laugh out of both men. Glancing around the room, she

pointed at a blanket on the sofa. “Just for that, Dallas goes first. You

grab that blanket and put it next to the fire and wait your turn.”

Dallas laughed even harder while Greg furrowed his brow and did

as he was told. Sam, meanwhile, got to work on Dallas’s clothing.

With each button of his shirt she unfastened, she placed an

openmouthed kiss on the exposed skin. He took in a shallow breath

when she kissed his chest, running her tongue around a masculine

nipple. His stomach muscles tightened as she moved lower. When his

jeans blocked her path, she tugged his shirt free and ran her hands up

his sides to his shoulders. She kissed the base of his neck and

continued across his broad shoulder, pushing the shirt down his arms

and to the floor.

Admiring the gorgeous view, she licked her lips as she gazed at

his chest and washboard abs.
Wanting to see the rest, she

started to work at removing his jeans. Realizing he still had on his


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boots, she instructed him to sit down on the blanket. Her eyes locked

on him, watching his muscles bunch with his movement, and her

desire for him grew.

With his boots and jeans finally tossed to the side, Sam allowed

her robe to fall to the floor, then knelt in front of Dallas. He was

sitting up, with his arm resting on his knee, and every muscle from his

shoulders to his legs seemed to be toned to perfection.

Placing her hand on his arm, she leaned in to kiss him. But what

started gentle quickly turned all-consuming as he pulled her onto his

lap. A surprised gasp escaped her lips as her hands reached up to hold

his face. His erection pressed the cotton of his briefs against her thigh.

Wrapping her left arm around his neck, she pulled closer to his cock

while her right hand traced a path down his stomach and lower.

Dallas’s breath caught when her hand began to caress his shaft.

He moaned and wrapped his arms around her. But when her fingers

found their way into the opening of his briefs and she began playing

with his balls, he growled, “You’re killing me.”

“Isn’t that the point?” She nipped his lower lip, then sucked on the

soft skin. Meanwhile, her fingers continued to torture him, tracing the

shape of his erection and rubbing her thumb over the sensitive tip,

smearing the drop of fluid leaking from the slit.

With a quick move, he rolled Sam onto her back. “You had your

chance. Now it’s my turn to play.” Kneeling in front of her, he ripped

off his briefs.

The sight of his hard dick made her stomach muscles constrict and

a wave of heat flash through her body. He was larger than any man

she’d ever seen, and as he hovered over her, the need to have him

inside her raged to a fever. His body pressed into hers as he settled his weight on her, and the ache between her thighs grew.

Supporting himself with his left arm, he stared down into her eyes.

“God, you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen…” His finger brushed

over her lip, then held her jaw as he kissed her, his tongue mating

with hers in a sensual dance. Her arms tightened around his neck,

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holding him close. He moved a hand down to her breast and kneaded

the soft, supple skin. He began a trail of kisses along her jaw, down

her neck and chest, and into the valley between her breasts. His mouth

moved to her nipple, and his tongue teased the pebbled skin to a hard


Sam loved how his teeth scraped against her nipple before his lips

latched on and began to suck, making her feel as if she might explode

yet again. Moving her hand down his body, she stroked his shaft, tip

to base, and smiled when she heard him moan.

Lowering his head to her chest, he took in a shaky breath before

looking into her eyes. “If you want this to last, you better stop.”

“What if I don’t want to stop?”

Catching the glint of mischief in her eyes, Dallas groaned.

Reaching down, he removed Sam’s hand from his erection and lifted

it to his lips. Kissing her fingertips, he then placed her hand above her head and nodded at Greg. “Would you mind holding onto this for


Greg took Samantha’s hand as he moved to her side. When he

accepted her other hand from Dallas, he held them both above her

head while her eyes locked on his face.

Dallas resumed playing with her breast. Her body squirmed

beneath him when he squeezed a nipple between his fingers. And

when he finally tugged the other nipple with his teeth, she moaned

while arching her back.

Closing her eyes as waves of pleasure ran through her body, Sam

felt helpless not being able to touch Dallas. She looked at Greg with

pleading eyes only to see him laugh.

“This is what you get for making me go last.” Greg leaned down

and kissed her lips.

Dallas moved his hand down Sam’s body, his fingers dancing

over her clit. She tightened beneath him as she cried out his name. He

stretched up and kissed her deeply, then got up on his knees.

Shock and confusion filled her as she watched Dallas pull away.


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He leaned over and grabbed his jeans, pulling out a string of foil

packs and tossing them onto the blanket.
Condoms. How could I not

think of that?
“You came prepared tonight.”

He grinned as he tore off a packet, ripped it open, and rolled the

rubber on. Then he nodded to Greg, who let go of Sam’s hands.

Slowly, he crawled up her body, his eyes locked on her. “Do you still

want me inside you? ’Cause that’s exactly where I wanna be. Now.”

Her legs locked around his hips as she reached her hand behind

his head to pull him down to her. Her tongue forced its way into his

mouth, leaving no doubt what she wanted.
. Her breath caught as he pushed inside her and began to move, each sensuous surge forward

and back setting her ablaze. Her fingers tightened their grip on his

hair. “Dallas…I…”

She tightened around him, milking him with each contraction of

her muscles. With a final thrust, he arched his back, pushed even

deeper inside her, and groaned out her name as his body rocked with


Ecstasy filled Sam as Dallas pulled her in closer. She was still

trying to catch her breath when she turned, looking for Greg.

Reaching out, she grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. Still

panting, she smiled while she spoke. “So I made Dallas shout my

name, now it’s your turn.” She tossed him a playful wink.

Greg laughed with wide eyes. “I can’t wait.”

Samantha turned back to Dallas and kissed him. “I might need a

little help torturing Greg, if you’re up for it.”

Dallas grinned as she ran her finger over his chest. “Whatever I

can do to help.” He winked at her, and she smiled.

Sitting up, Sam moved closer to Greg. She lifted her hand to the

base of his neck and played with his hair. Leaning in, she flicked her

tongue behind his earlobe and down his neck, then whispered in his

ear. “I think it’s time for me to repay you for the other day…and

earlier.” She heard him huff out a breath and nipped at his chin. “But

first, you’ve got to lose these clothes.”

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Tendrils of pleasure snaked through her body as his hand ran

down her side and over her hip. He turned into her, finding her mouth.

His kiss was so inviting, soft, and so damn hot, she couldn’t get

enough of him.

He pulled her onto his lap. Their kiss turned sloppy, undisciplined

as each plunged deeper into the other’s mouth. Sam tugged on his

shirt, wanting to feel his body against her own.

Pulling away for a breath, Greg’s eyes locked on Sam. He reached

down and ripped his shirt over his head and tossed it haphazardly to

the side. Moving his hand behind her head, he cupped her neck,

pulling her into another hungry kiss. She pressed her breasts against

his chest, letting his hair caress her sensitive nipples.

Sam rocked her hips against Greg while their hands ran wildly

over each other. Feeling his hard cock beneath her, she ached to have

him deep inside. Pulling away, she recognized the heat in his eye and

slowly pushed him onto his back. Sliding down his legs, she opened

his jeans and slipped her hand inside. Her grin grew. “Commando?


A sly smile formed from the corner of Greg’s mouth.

Hearing a crackling sound, Sam closed her eyes and reached into

his pockets—pulling out several foil packets. “You guys came

prepared, didn’t you?”

“A man can hope, can’t he?” Greg tried to sit up, but Sam forced

him back down. “You didn’t say anything about Dallas pulling them

out of his pocket.”

“Dallas wasn’t
under his jeans.” She looked over at Dallas

and smiled before turning back to Greg. Slipping her hand into his

jeans, she wrapped her fingers around his shaft and squeezed.

With a playful smile, Sam turned to Dallas. “If he tries to get up

again, would you mind holding him down?” Greg gaped up,

appearing shocked and surprised, while Dallas nodded and laughed.

Rolling off Greg’s lap, Sam tugged on his confining jeans. He

lifted his butt so she could finally pull them off. Pushing his legs


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apart, Sam moved between them and ran her fingers up and down his

hard cock. Bending down, she licked the tip and saw his hips shift and

savored his responding growl. Her fingers squeezed his balls, and her

tongue traced a path up and down his dick until he squirmed beneath


“Sam…Sugar…” A ragged breath escaped his lips. “If you want

me to fuck you…you better stop…”

Feeling daring, she scraped her nails from the base to the crown,

then ran her tongue over the hot skin to soothe it. Hearing his growl,

she reached to the side and grabbed a condom. Ripping open the

wrapper with her teeth, she slowly rolled it down his erection. Sitting

up on her knees, she positioned herself on top of Greg and slowly

impaled herself on him as he filled her with thick heat.

Closing her eyes, Sam couldn’t breathe. The heat from Greg

spread through her body with each thrust of his hips. Her head fell

back, and her eyes closed as her muscles tightened around him. With

a final thrust, Greg cried out her name. Giving in to the demands of

her own orgasm, she groaned and fell onto his chest, entirely spent.

Greg wrapped his arms around Sam, kissing the top of her head as

she lay with him, trying to recover. “I’m thinking Dallas and I need to

talk Tommy into hiring you as a full-time hand.”

Sam ran her hand over Greg’s chest, teasing the patch of crisp

hair. “Well, he did say I had good instincts the other day when we

were bringing in the cattle.”

“He also said he’d hire you if your writing gig didn’t work out,”

Dallas added.

“Maybe I could do both…” She reached for Dallas, who moved

closer and placed his hand on her stomach, caressing her. Greg raised

his brow and smiled wickedly at Samantha then looked over her

shoulder at Dallas. “Or both of us could do you…”

Shock registered on her face in a deep red hue that spread over her

He must be joking.
Feeling Greg’s heated gaze upon her, she nervously glanced toward Dallas, only to be met by a pair of dark

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eyes that were filled with sinful intent.

With both men on either side of her, Sam had no way to escape

from Greg and Dallas’s penetrating stares. Instead, she closed her

eyes, covered them with her hand, feeling suddenly anxious and


Dallas must have picked up on her apprehension. Trailing his

fingertips up and down her side, he grazed her breast before retracing

the path to her thigh. Leaning close, his firm lips pressed against her

shoulder. “You are so beautiful, Sam.”

“Beautiful and luscious,” Greg added, taking Samantha’s hand

away from her eyes and kissing the tops of her fingers. The gleam in

his eyes, as well as his smile, caused heat to pool in her belly. But

when he turned her hand over and licked, then kissed her palm, her

hips lifted off the floor.

Suddenly Samantha found herself not so nervous. She began

wondering what it would be like to be with both men—sandwiched

between their hard, muscular bodies. How it would feel to have both

Greg and Dallas moving inside her.
Can I really do this? Both of

them…at the same time?

Dallas leaned down and ran his tongue along the rim of her ear,

causing her to shiver. His warm breath almost caused her to come as

he whispered in her ear. “Let us pleasure you, Sam.”

Heat coiled in her belly and moved down between her legs. She

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