The Sextet - Sharing [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (4 page)

realized all three men now stood before her.

“Let me introduce my friends,” Adrian said. His hand swept out to

indicate the tallest of the three men. “This is Nicholas.”

The Adonis with the chestnut hair bowed slightly, although his

dark eyes never left hers. The intensity she saw was raw, exciting, and

she realized this man wanted her. She loved seeing such naked desire

for her reflected in his warm gaze. Katrina almost closed her eyes to

give in to the wave of longing that flooded her pussy with heat. What

about Adrian—about all these men—made everything inside her

scream to get closer?

“I’m Ethan,” the blond interjected, drawing her attention away

from Nicholas and Adrian. He leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to


Elizabeth Raines

her lips.

This one might have grace, but he had no subtlety at all. She

found that incredibly sexy. And refreshing. Katrina decided to return

the favor. After Ethan stepped back, she bluntly asked, “What do you

three want from me? ’Cause I don’t think I was invited here just for


Adrian’s hand reached out to take her purse, and he tossed it

aside. Then his hand settled her shoulder. “Yes, my darling Kat. We

want...something from you.”

The knots of desire inside her turned to tendrils that snaked

through her body, blazing a path of desire. “Explain.” Her voice

sounded husky with need.

Ethan’s beaming smile took her breath away. “We’d rather show

you.” Her hand was suddenly cradled in Nicholas’s strong, warm

fingers. He raised it to his lips and brushed a kiss over her knuckles.

rather show you.”

Oh, yeah. I’m in trouble.

She figured she should run. Very far and very fast. But Katrina

stood her ground, somehow knowing these men, these gorgeous men,

wouldn’t harm her. It was stupid to stay, knowing she was about to be

made love to by three guys she didn’t even know.
Damned stupid

“All right then, gentlemen. Show me.”

Immortal Kiss


Chapter 3

All three men grinned as their eyes widened, and Katrina could

swear their pants fronts tightened in unison. No wonder they were

surprised and excited. Shit,
was surprised and excited by her answer.

This is a dream
Just an erotic dream
. That explained the surreal feeling surrounding her from the moment she’d walked in the ancient

mansion. She wasn’t here, and it wasn’t night. After Adrian had

signed the closing papers, she’d gone back to her crackerjack box of

an apartment and fallen asleep waiting to go back to his house for

Yep. A dream.

Adrian’s hand stroked her cheek, drawing her back to reality. His

skin was as silky as his voice. “Are you sure, my darling Kat? You

really know what we want from you?”

Strong arms encircled her waist, and Ethan pulled her back against

him, pressing her back against his firm chest. Soft lips touched her

sensitive neck, and Katrina’s breath caught in her throat. Her pussy

tightened, feeling empty and begging to be filled. By all of them. A

tilt of her head gave him permission to keep doing exactly what he

was doing. “I know what you want from me, what
of you want

from me. Because I want it from all of you.”

The sound of silverware clattering across the stone floor broke the

air. A sweep of Nicholas’s arm had emptied the table, and the chairs

were tossed aside to lie in odd angles in the corners. Ethan lifted

Katrina off her feet and carried her to where Adrian and Nicholas

waited, taking off their jackets and jerking open their shirts so fast

that buttons rained on the stone floor like hail. Trousers hit the ground

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as Ethan sat her on her feet, and as he stripped, the other two faced

her. Naked.

They were
. Everywhere. Bulging muscles shaped their pale

skin. Nicholas’s chest was smooth as a baby’s ass. The patch of dark

hair on Adrian’s chest looked so soft, she wanted to run her fingertips

through it. Swallowing hard, Katrina let her gaze touch each of their

swollen cocks. The drops of moisture on the tip of Adrian’s made her

lick her lips in anticipation.
Does he taste as good as he looks?

Heart pounding against her rib cage and every inch of her skin

feeling alive, she tried not to flinch when hands suddenly dragged

down the zipper on the back of her little black dress. Ethan was

clearly the most impatient of their group. Nicholas pulled the straps

down her shoulders, never letting his eyes leave hers. His desire, his

eagerness made her pant in anticipation, matching him breath for

breath as she squeezed her thighs together to keep from squirming. He

followed the dress to the floor and gently removed her high heels as

he pressed a kiss to the small of her back that made her buttocks


Adrian, on the other hand, watched with patience as the other men

undressed her down to her black thong, bra, and thigh-high stockings.

The appreciation in his eyes forced a flush on her cheeks and a rush of

moisture to her pussy. She tried to avert her gaze, suddenly feeling

overwhelmed by her own desire. She wanted them. All three of them.

Several times. On the table. On the stairs. In a bed. Yet she knew that

Adrian would be first. The best.
And damn, but someone better touch

me soon, or I’ll go out of my mind.

The clasp on her bra popped as Ethan stripped her of it, and the

cool air of the hall washed over her breasts, making the nipples

tighten to hard pebbles.

“So beautiful,” Nicholas whispered in a reverent voice before he

stepped forward to tease her tits with his fingertips and touch his lips

to her cheek.

As if knowing what she needed, Adrian brushed Nicholas aside

Immortal Kiss


and reached for her. Pulling her close, he settled his mouth on hers.

Ethan’s warmth pressed against her back again, his shirt and pants

gone as heated flesh touched hers just as Adrian’s tongue invaded her


The rigid length of Ethan’s erection pressed against her ass cheeks

before nudging between her thighs. She squeezed him tight as he

pressed gently against her, rubbing his dick across her wet thong,

simulating the act they all clearly wanted and hitting her swelling

clitoris enough to make her moan into Adrian’s mouth.

Not sure who to touch where, Katrina blindly reached out.

Nicholas grabbed her hand and gently wrapped her fingers around his

hard shaft. She stroked his cock, marveling in the heat, in his size,

tracing the veins with her fingertips. She swirled her thumb around

the pre-cum emerging from the slit, moistening the head. His skin was

satiny as her fingers slid over an erection hard as granite. His groan

brought a smile to her lips, and when he started to push his hips

toward her, she increased the speed of her caresses, pumping him and

hoping to drive him mad.

Her other hand reached for Adrian, stroking his chest and tangling

in the covering of hair. His lips were torn from hers, and she almost

cried out in disappointment.

“Oh, no, my love. We’re past teasing. I want you to touch

something else.” He pressed her palm flat against his chest and began

to guide it along the line of hair running down his body. Her eyes

followed as he led her over the firm and muscled abdomen to the nest

of crisp, dark curls and finally to his enormous cock. Her fingers

touched the silky, soft skin, tracing the length and running around the

engorged head. She rubbed the drops of his juice from the tip between

her fingertips then put her fingers to her lips and gave them a long,

exaggerated lick that made Adrian groan.

“God, you’re hot,” Ethan said from behind her as he rubbed his

dick between her thighs until she clenched them tighter, cradling his

heat with her own. A throaty growl was her reward.


Elizabeth Raines

“Very hot,” Nicholas echoed before groaning again as Kat

increased the pace of her hand.

Adrian’s smile reached deep down and squeezed her heart, and

she watched that smile brighten as she took his cock in her grasp and

stroked. His eyes closed as his head fell back in surrender, spreading

his dark hair against his broad shoulders.

Three men. She was really making love to three men. At one time.

And nothing had ever felt so right, not even the times when sex had

been an expression of heartfelt feeling and not merely a physical

release. What about Adrian, Ethan, and Nicholas called to her so

deeply and so completely? Why did she feel as if she’d known the

three of them forever? Why did the idea of ever leaving them feel

akin to ripping her heart from her chest?

Before Katrina could ponder that thought, Ethan backed away,

leaving her feeling cold and empty. Adrian brushed her hand away,

grabbed her around the waist, and lifted her to sit on the table. The

cool wood against the back of her thighs contrasted with the heat

pounding through her pussy. Ethan and Nicholas moved to the sides,

leaning in as Adrian wrapped her legs around his hips. Mimicking the

act she wanted, he pushed his erection against her, only the thin, damp

material of her thong keeping him from joining with her.

About to reach for the stupid panties to yank them down her legs,

Katrina found herself distracted by Nicholas. He forced her shoulders

down until her back pressed against the chilly table. His mouth

covered her left breast as he reached for her face, his fingers gently

touching her cheek, her chin, tracing her lips. Sucking one of his long

fingers into her mouth and swirling her tongue around it, she arched

her back to let him know she enjoyed his intimate kiss. She moaned

when his hand left her face to join his other as Nicholas cupped her

breast before drawing the nipple between his teeth and tugging.

“Oh, God.” Heat flooded her cunt as it spasmed with want.

“You like that?” he asked.

“Yes. Yes.”

Immortal Kiss


“Then you’ll love

After an exaggerated lick of the pebbled nipple, Nicholas drew the

whole areola into his mouth, sucking until she felt a zing all the way

to her toes.

Katrina closed her eyes, not sure why something so simple made

spasms race through her until her muscles tightened and her clit

throbbed. She was going to come if he kept that up much longer. The

three of them overwhelmed her with their scents, their touches, their

incredible heat.

As Ethan brushed his lips over the sensitive skin of her wrist, she

turned her head to watch as he licked her palm and then her fingers,

taking them one by one into his mouth to wrap his tongue around

them and apply suction. The ache inside her grew, pounding through

her and making her turn to look at Adrian, the man she most wanted

to feel inside her at that moment.

His dark eyes met hers. “Soon, my darling Kat.” Hooking his

fingers under the sides of her thong, he dragged it slowly down her

legs until he could drop it on the floor. Then he crouched and kissed

the inside of each knee, taking small, stinging bites up her thighs that

he soothed with long licks of his velvet tongue.

“I need you inside me,” she begged, arching her back again and

trying to squeeze Adrian between her thighs. “Now!” His shoulders

forced her legs to remain open and exposed as he slowly,

maddeningly worked his way to her pussy. Opening her wet lips with

his fingers, his tongue tickled against her tight hole before moving to

her clitoris. A gentle suck drew it into his mouth, making her gasp.

Katrina’s eyes squeezed shut as she enjoyed the exquisite torture of

three men loving her.

“You taste like the finest wine,” Adrian said when he stopped to

rub his cheek against the tender skin on the inside of her thigh.

“Sweet. Exquisite. I can’t get enough of you.” He stabbed her

entrance with his tongue, again and again until she thought she’d go

insane with passion.


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The sharp pinch of Nicholas’s bite made her eyes fly open. She

gaped at him as he suckled her breast. A thin trickle of dark red traced

a path away from the corner of his mouth. With one last suck that

made her pant with desire and fear, he turned his head to smile at her,

baring a set of blood-coated fangs. “Did you feel that, Katrina?” he

asked. “God, you taste so good!”

About to scream, she loudly gasped when Ethan’s teeth sank into

her wrist. Her head whipped around to face him. His bloodstained lips

curved into a smile as he licked her wounded wrist.

“No! Let me go!” Katrina fought against the six strong hands that

suddenly held her down on the cold table. In that horrifying moment,

she knew she was going to die, all because of misplaced trust and

pure, animal lust. “You’re vampires!”

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