The Sextet - Sharing [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

Immortal Kiss


Chapter 4

Adrian leaned over the table, the terror in Katrina’s eyes reaching

inside him and seizing his heart. All he could do was try to soothe her,

to convince her they meant her no harm. In their eagerness to take her,

Nicholas and Ethan had pushed too hard too fast, giving in to the

bloodlust that overwhelmed a nightwalker when he made love to a

woman. He’d barely contained his own overwhelming need to sample

more than her sweet pussy. Now he faced losing their elusive mate

before he’d even tasted her blood, before he could join with her and

convince Kat of her own importance.


As she struggled against them, Ethan held her shoulders down as

Nicholas pressed against her hips. A quick glance to each of them told

Adrian their fears matched his. They could lose her, and how in the

hell could he go on if their mate vanished now? Her scent, her essence

was a part of him, and once he fucked her, once he drank her blood,

there would be no parting them. Ever.

He had to fix this. Somehow. “Look at me, Katrina.”

“No! I won’t!” Her head thrashed as she tried to move, hands

flailing like a drowning woman seeking the shore. His friends held

her down, gently but firmly. “Let me go! Please, please let me go!”

Adrian placed his palms against both sides of her face to still her.

“Please, Kat. Please, my love. Just listen to me.”

“You’re going to kill me.”

Both Ethan and Nicholas immediately and loudly protested, but

Adrian ignored them. His eyes stayed fixed on his mate as hers stared

back at him, wild and terrified—so very beautiful and vulnerable.


Elizabeth Raines

“We would
harm you, Katrina,” he said in a low and

soothing voice. “You’re too special to me. To us all. I’ve waited

centuries to find you.” Adrian pressed his lips to her forehead, hoping

to show her how he treasured her.

“” She stopped struggling, still eyeing him warily.

“You.” Adrian leaned in to kiss her forehead again, then brushed

his lips over hers. He took heart that she didn’t turn her face away in

anger or disgust. The fear in her gaze ebbed enough to let hope build

in his heart.

“B...but you’re...vampires. Vampires kill their victims.”

Ethan growled. “Fuckin’ movies don’t know what they’re talking

about. We don’t kill.”

“Not all of us, at least,” Nicholas added. “There are good and bad

vampires, just like there are good and bad people. And we certainly

don’t sparkle.”

Adrian kissed her again. Quick and fierce. “We’re called

nightwalkers, and most of what you’ve read or seen about us isn’t

correct. We won’t hurt you. We want to share you.”

As she slowly sat up, Ethan and Nicholas released their grips, but

they hovered, probably because they were sure she’d still run. Adrian

moved his hands from her face to rest them possessively on her hips,

sliding her forward on the table until he rested between her spread

thighs. His cock gently brushed her wet pussy. Her heat made him

hiss in need.

Katrina no longer seemed ready to escape. The longer he kept her

there, listening, the better chance he had of convincing her to stay.

Forever. He rubbed the swollen head of his cock against her clit again

for good measure and was delighted when she moaned in response.

Her beautiful brown eyes fixed on him, softening their censure.

The glint of desire slowly returned. “Share me? How can you share


“As our lover, as our mate. You’ll rest at our sides each day.”

“In a coffin?”

Immortal Kiss


Ethan’s snorting laugh pierced the air. “We’re not dead.” He

reached for her hand and pressed it against his rigid dick. “Does that

feel dead to you, angel?”

Her head tilted as she looked at Ethan, but she didn’t pull her hand

away. No, her fingers stroked him from crown to base before tangling

in his blond pubic hair then reaching to squeeze his balls. “But I

thought you had to die to become a vampire.” The curiosity in her

voice pleased Adrian.

“A nightwalker,” Ethan corrected, lifting her hand from his groin

and kissing her palm. “We give up much to gain immortality and

strength, but we don’t die. And we sure as shit don’t sleep in coffins.”

“It’s more of a...rebirth,” Adrian added, bringing her attention

back to him with a finger on her chin. “A rebirth we want to share

with you.”

Nicholas kissed her shoulder and stroked her breast, and Adrian

smiled when a shudder raced over her and she squeezed him between

her slender thighs. She still wanted them. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so

difficult after all...

Watching her carefully, Adrian leaned in, hoping to drug her with

another tongue-dueling kiss. If they could love her into sated

contentment first, then they could explain everything she needed to

know. Right now, the passion and bloodlust he felt for Katrina was so

overpowering, all he could think of was sinking his cock into her

sweet warmth, spending his cum inside her, and sampling her blood.

Then she would taste his blood so he could claim her as his mate. “Let

us finish what we started. Let us make you come.”

She seemed to consider each of them, clearly begging with her

beautiful eyes not to betray her trust. As her gaze came back to

Adrian, he drew closer, giving her a chance to pull away before he

kissed her. Instead of resisting, she leaned closer to meet him

halfway. He sealed her mouth with his own, sinking his tongue into

her honeyed sweetness. Again and again, he plundered her mouth

until he pulled away to catch his breath. Hers came in hitches and


Elizabeth Raines

gasps as if she’d run a great distance, all uphill. With a satisfied smile, he eased her to lie back on the table.

Blood pounded through his veins, the sound echoing in his ears

and drowning out everything around him. He was vaguely aware of

Nicholas and Ethan moving closer. The vision of Katrina in her black

stockings, lying on the table as Nicholas took up the pleasant chore of

kissing her while her hand reached out to grab his erection almost

made Adrian lose control. Obviously not wanting to be ignored, Ethan

led her other hand to his hard shaft. As she stroked Nicholas, she

turned her head to take the crown of Ethan’s cock into her mouth.

Adrian knew what she needed as if she’d begged him with words.

Kneeling between her thighs, he forced them farther apart with his

shoulders. Running his fingers up her slit, he separated her lips until

he bared the jewel he sought. Plump and pink and beautiful. He gave

her clitoris a long lick and savored the way she bowed off the table.

* * * *

Thinking had become too difficult for Katrina. All she could do

was feel. The heat of Nicholas in her hand as she pumped him, the

way his hips pushed into her touch. The saltiness of Ethan’s cock in

her mouth, the tartness of his excited juices on her tongue. And

Adrian. What Adrian was doing to her… The rhythm of his tongue in

and out, and in and out, and then he sucked her clit into his mouth.

It was all suddenly too much. She pulled away from Ethan,

released Nicholas, and arched her back as she came. Spasms racked

her body, her womb clenching as she moaned. She called to Adrian,

wanting him to join her in the blissful gift he’d given, needing to feel

his cock deep inside her.

And then he was there, entering her thick and full with one

dominant thrust. “Adrian!”

“Katrina.” He tugged her arms until she sat up. “Look at me.”

That moment became the most erotic of her life. Staring into those

Immortal Kiss


dark eyes while their bodies were joined, Katrina felt the rest of the

world simply…disappear. There was just her and Adrian and the feel

of his thick cock inside her. She squeezed her legs around his waist as

he slowly, maddeningly pumped his hips. On fire, she suddenly

needed more. She needed to be his. Forever.

“Soon,” his smooth voice replied. “I’ll make you our mate soon.”

The fact he was always in her head, constantly knowing her

thoughts should have creeped her out. But it didn’t. Instead, there was

comfort in knowing how in sync they were.

Adrian leaned in and kissed her with a ferocity that sent an inferno

gushing through her veins. His hips began to thrust harder, his tongue

matching the quickening pace. His body fit hers perfectly, hitting all

the right spots, rubbing against the walls of her pussy, pushing her

higher and higher until another climax washed over her. Too lost in

what this man inspired, Katrina didn’t even try to squelch her scream

of joy. His shout of ecstasy followed as he exploded inside her. She

rode the spasms he wrung from her, but all too soon, he’d pulled out,

leaving her lost and alone.

Panting after her release, she figured since she’d been treated to

two fantastic orgasms, it was time to return her attentions to the men

who were now her lovers. She never had the chance. Ethan had

shifted to the end of the table as Adrian rotated to where Nicholas had

stood. About to ask where Nicholas was, she startled when the table

creaked and he jumped to stand over her, that enormous dick jutting

up from his body like some medieval sword.

Dropping to his knees, he straddled her waist just as Ethan pushed

a long finger deep inside her cunt. Katrina gasped, her muscles

tightening around his intimate invasion. A second finger joined his

first, stroking the walls, finding sweet spots that made her pussy


Nicholas drew her attention away as he wrapped a hand around

her neck and pulled her up. She knew what he wanted and opened her

lips to take his cock into her mouth as a pillow slipped behind her


Elizabeth Raines

shoulders. Adrian, no doubt.

Finding an easy rhythm, she worked Nicholas until he was hissing

and pumping into her mouth. Then Ethan pulled his hands away, and

she felt the gentle probing of his erection.

“Now, Katrina?” he asked.

He wanted her permission, and simply knowing how considerate

her lovers were, she moved her lips away from Nicholas long enough

to reply. “Now, Ethan.”

Expecting him to slam into her due to his earlier impatience, she

was amazed as he eased inside, hissing his delight and making her

feel powerful at giving him so much obvious pleasure. Wanting to

have that kind of command over Nicholas, she smiled up at him and

licked his dick from stem to stern. His groan blended with Ethan’s

growl as he pushed himself firmly inside her until his balls slapped

against her.

Quickly setting a rough cadence, Ethan made love to her as she

matched that rhythm, sucking Nicholas’s cock. With a glance to the

side, she caught Adrian watching his friends taking their pleasure in

her body, watching her take her pleasure in theirs. His hand reached

for hers, but he didn’t place it on his returning erection. Instead, he

reverently kissed her palm as she felt another orgasm begin to crest

inside her. His tongue moved down to her wrist. Smiling in her

direction, Adrian bared his fangs and waited—for what, Katrina

wasn’t sure.

Drawing her knees up, she was ready to come for Ethan and

realized Nicholas was about to explode in her mouth. Had anything

ever seemed so sexy, so wonderful as bringing two handsome men to

orgasm at the same time? That thought pushed her over the precipice,

and, as if sensing the beginnings of her release, Adrian sank his teeth

into her tender wrist. The orgasm increased as wave after wave of

bliss washed over her, seemingly never-ending. She was vaguely

aware of Ethan pounding into her one last time before he called her

name, and the heat of his semen blasted inside her just as Nicholas

Immortal Kiss


erupted in her mouth. Spurts of his fluid rushed over her tongue, and

she sucked hard, wanting to capture it all. When his orgasm ended,

she gave him one last, deep pull, swallowed his salty essence, and

savored his flavor and the way both men panted for breath.

Thinking the last throes of her orgasm had ended, Katrina gasped

when Adrian sucked hard on her wrist and her pussy tightened around

Ethan again. The aftershocks were delicious.

Giving her wrist a worshipful kiss, Adrian moved back to the end

of the table as Nicholas gave her a hard kiss and jumped to the left

side of the table. Ethan moved to the right, yielding the place between

her thighs to Adrian.

“You’re our mate, Katrina.” His hand shot behind her neck and

dragged her into a rough kiss. Pulling away, he said, “I want you to

stay with us.”

“With us,” Ethan echoed.

of us,” Nicholas added.

“We need you, Kat.” Adrian kissed her again, letting his tongue

lazily explore her mouth.

Her body thrumming from the times she’d come for them, she

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