The Shortstop (7 page)

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Authors: A. M. Madden

You kids have plenty of time to get married. You kids have plenty of time to have kids
I was way too young when I had you. Find yourselves first
.” Ugh…she went on and on. Mind you, I agree. I’m not ready for a family yet, but that’s beside the fact. Mrs. Lawson stayed suspiciously quiet during the conversation. She either agrees with my mom or is afraid to say that she doesn’t.

Mr. Lawson ran through his agenda regarding Quint’s schedule and contract details, not to mention managers, agents, and publicists that are all waiting to meet with him. By the time Quint and I got back to our apartment, I had a pounding headache. I didn’t share that with him. He’s on such a high, and I don’t want to be his buzzkill. I did make them all promise to not bring up weddings or baseball during graduation day. So far, they’ve been on their best behavior, but in all fairness, the night is young.

Tonight we’re all having a celebratory dinner.

Tomorrow reality hits.

We say our good-byes to our friends, pack up our apartment, and head home. Not New Jersey home…Baltimore home.

New beginnings.

It’s not unusual for me to get nervous before a change. Every year, the first day of school would always wreak havoc on my nerves. Moving to Florida wasn’t any different. It’s in my personality. But this time, being nervous is an understatement. I’m downright terrified.



Chapter Seven


From the minute we arrived in Baltimore, I haven’t stopped to take a breath. It’s been a whirlwind of change. Everything’s happening simultaneously, forcing reality to hit hard, and although we thought we were mentally prepared—it turns out we weren’t.

I’ve been practicing and/or playing ball daily, not having any time off since starting two weeks ago. Regardless of my insane schedule, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I’m living my dream, with my fiancée by my side. I’ve been waiting for this.

Unfortunately, Annie isn’t in the same place. Every few days, I have to travel to away games with the team. I’ve been away more than I’ve been home, leaving Annie alone to figure out her new life on her own. She hasn’t been herself, and I know she’s not sharing my euphoria. I voiced my concern that she didn’t seem happy being in Baltimore.

Q, I love being here with you. I love watching you play. I’m just feeling like a spectator looking in. Except for being Quint Lawson’s girl, I have no purpose yet

Annie, you’re not just my girl. You’re smart and driven. Professionally, you’re in limbo, but once you resume your studies, you’ll feel better. Take the time to relax and enjoy life before schoolwork demands your time again

“You sound like Daphne. True, I have nothing to keep me occupied and I’m bored…but that’s just part of it.”
She looked lost when her eyes met mine. I prompted her to talk to me. After a few long seconds, she finally opened up.
“Q, I’m trying to figure out where my career will fit in your life or, more so, how it’ll fit. These past few weeks I’ve gotten a taste of your fame, and you aren’t even a pro yet. I always thought being a schoolteacher was all I wanted. When you do make it to the pros, I no longer see that being a possibility if I want to support you. I didn’t think my career through, and I guess I just need some time to figure it out.”

Her admission was a smack to the head.
I worry she’ll end up sacrificing her dreams and goals just to accommodate mine.

“It doesn’t have to be that way. I’ll support anything you want to do, always
,” I said, trying to ease her mind and my own.

I know that. Hey, I love you.
I don’t want you worrying about me. You just play your ass off and make me proud

We kissed, made love, and when we were wrapped in each other’s arms, she mentioned a waitressing job at a local pub that she might take.

We briefly discussed her working part time, even though I don’t want her to. There are other ways she can keep busy until school starts. We don’t need the money. She can’t seem to accept that my success is her success. My contract leaves us wanting for nothing. There’s no reason for her to bust her ass at a local bar to earn a paycheck. I get she’s bored…but seriously, waitressing? What the hell was she thinking?

Quint, it’s just a job. The tips are good, and it would give me something to do in someplace that’s fun when you travel. It’s temporary until school starts

I know the type of pricks who frequent those places, and I can’t be worrying about who is pawing at you while I’m playing ball
,” I said, pacing furiously. The bliss I felt after making love immediately took a nosedive.

She misinterpreted. “
You don’t trust me

“Where the fuck is that coming from, Annie? It’s everyone with a cock between his legs that I don’t trust.
Forget it, Annie. No way
.” Shit hit the fan when I forbade her to take that job. Her emotions must have been bubbling up because that argument caused her to erupt.

No way
?” she asked incredulously.

It started as a disagreement that quickly escalated into a major clusterfuck of a fight. The angrier she got, the more frustrated I got. As I fought with her, it was my selfishness I was angry about. How dumb of me to think I’d get her up here and all would be perfect as she sat around watching me living my dream. Did I truly expect her to sit around with no plans, no responsibilities, except to be there for me? That night, I realized she needs her own dream. I quickly apologized.

I’m sorry, baby. I just don’t want you to give up your dreams for mine

Q, you are my dream
.” Fuck, she brought me to my knees instantly with that one statement. Her declaration did little to make me feel better. Her entire happiness has always been wrapped around mine. Maybe it’s time I stop being a selfish prick and let her live her life the way she wants to?

We made up and moved on. Well, she moved on. I can’t say the same. Our fight only fueled my guilt. She’s wanted to be a schoolteacher her whole life. Her admission of finding a new career is now stuck in my head…and it’s fucking killing me.

That same admission must have lifted a weight she’s been carrying because I could see a difference in her. Daphne’s arrival has helped Annie’s mood as well. Although, the only thing that chick wants to do is lie on the beach all day and party at night. At least she’s keeping Annie busy when I travel. She’s also been an ally in my mission to find Annie her own dream. Like me, Daphne feels she’s very talented at writing, and she should truly consider it as a career. Who could have predicted we would ever be on the same page about something?

Despite the stress in my head, I’m playing well. My coaches couldn’t be more pleased. My dad has the summer off and has taken on the role of my manager. He and my agent have been meeting with Orioles management, negotiating any possible opportunity that would have me moving up sooner rather than later. They have also been in contact with many of the majors, keeping an eye on the disabled list. Playing shortstop limits the possible openings, but it also increases my chances to step up and fill in for someone if they get hurt. Annie said it was awful to sit around hoping someone gets hurt. I agree, and yet I still hope it happens.

Tomorrow I meet with an Orioles publicist for the first time. It’s not unusual for a minor leaguer to capture the attention of the sports world, and this season they’re focusing on me. Knowing my story, they’ve been anxiously waiting to see the kid who turned down some of the biggest scouts in the business to get his college degree. Like sharks, they circle the waters I’m now treading to get their exclusive story. I’m thankful to have my father with me. He’ll always have my best interest at heart. I just want to play ball and do it well. I also want to make a ton of money doing it. I’ll leave that to my support team to figure out how.

I finally have a night off. Mentally, I’m exhausted. I want nothing more than to relax with Annie in our apartment. I plan on spending the night reminding her how much I love her. I debated taking her out since our last real date was the night I proposed, but I quickly decided that I’d much rather be alone with her.

She’s on her way back from the beach. She has no clue I’m home tonight. I texted Daphne to be sure she brings her straight home. It’s a good thing I did because Daphne had plans for them later. Unlike Annie, Daphne loves the beach-bum lifestyle, but she does get bored…and when Daphne gets bored, I worry.

She and Billy are kind of back together. After we’d left Florida, they spent a few weeks bonding. They decided to try again, and Billy will be moving to Delaware in a few weeks. He’s studying to be a CPA and will continue his education with Annie at the University of Maryland this fall.

He does love Daphne, that much I know. He wouldn’t be moving up here if he didn’t. Daphne understands that to be true as well, and we think his decision to move has humbled her. She’s so used to being alone and guarded because of her past love experience that Billy has been a very positive influence in her life. I wish them all the best.

“Q?” Annie walks into a romantic wet dream complete with dimmed lights, flowers, and her favorite band, Devil’s Lair, on the iPod. I even ordered in a gourmet dinner. A sexy smile spreads across her sexy face. “You’re here. What’s all this?”

“Night off.” I walk straight toward her, taking her bag off her shoulder before wrapping her in my arms. “This is to show my girl how much I’ve missed her.” After a long, hard kiss, I bury my nose in the curve of her neck. “Mmm, you smell like coconut and beach. We may have to eat later.”

“Eww, Q. I’m all beach-gross.” She giggles as I continue to nuzzle her neck.

“No, you’re not.” Within thirty seconds, I have her shorts and T-shirt off, and I’m working the strings on her tiny bikini. “You wore this?” I ask, admiring it before tugging on the strings at her neck.

“No, I had a snowsuit on, but I left it in the car.” She rolls her eyes, adding, “I thought you liked this bikini.”

I ceremoniously drop her top onto the tile floor leaving her exposed. “I love it as long as I’m with you.”

“Q, enough with the jealousy thing...”

When I attach my lips to her nipple, her words are replaced with a soft moan. That sound is enough for me to hoist her over my shoulder. She squeals and squirms against me. “Food can wait. I’d rather eat you,” I say before biting her ass and carrying her into our room.

“You’ve missed me, Mr. Lawson?”

“Every fucking inch of you.” Once I have her on the bed, I tug the two side strings of her bikini bottom.

“Can I take a quick shower?”

“Later.” An amused smile plays on her lips as she watches me strip out of my shorts and T-shirt. Without a word, I align myself over her and slip right into her warmth. “Oh baby, I missed you.”

“I missed you, too,” she says lovingly. She watches my face while I slowly slide in and out of her. Her blue eyes shine brightly as I make love to her. She reaches for my hand, entwining our fingers and resting them above her head.

My Annie seems to be back. I’m hoping, with time, she’ll figure things out. In the meantime, I’ll keep doing what I do best…playing ball and loving her.

“When did you become so…domesticated?” Daphne asks Annie with a scowl. “The only thing missing is a frilly apron and pearls.”

Annie laughs while chopping vegetables for the salad. “Shut up.”

“I think it’s sexy as hell,” I admit before pressing up against Annie’s back and wrapping my arms around her. Speaking directly into her ear, I add, “I do like the frilly apron visual.” Annie squirms in my arms and giggles.

Billy rises to help himself to another beer. “Dude, she’s working a sharp knife. I wouldn’t distract her like that.”

I smile at him with a shrug. “I trust her.”

“I don’t think I could trust Daphne holding a sharp knife,” he teases.

“That makes you a smart man,” she chastises him with a raised brow.

Billy takes the seat beside her and shrugs. “I’ve seen how dangerous you can be with a shoe.”

We all laugh at Billy’s comment, except for Daphne, who smacks his chest. She turns her focus to Annie as she expertly peels a cucumber. “Seriously, what’s gotten into you? You used to have anxiety over making scrambled eggs.”

“I have a lot of time on my hands so I’ve been learning how to cook. I took a class and I’m getting pretty good at it.”

Stealing a tomato from the salad bowl, I nod while grinning. “Everything she makes is delicious. I had to add thirty minutes of cardio to my workouts.” I pat my belly and frown. “I can’t get fat now.”

Annie blushes as she resumes her peeling. The cardio I refer to is sex, lots of it. Daphne groans without missing a beat. “Ugh, you two are nauseating.”

Billy looks at the three of us, confused. His eyebrows quirk when he realizes our inside joke. “Dude, that’s awesome.” He pulls Daphne closer and says, “Learn how to cook so I can reap the benefits.” He kisses her quickly right before she shoves him away.

“You learn,” she quips. “I’m very busy.”

“Lying on the beach?”

She levels me with her glare. “I’m preparing for my demo reel, hotshot.”

“Right. The mega-tan you need to wow the producers. Got it.” I grab my beer off the counter. “Do you need help?” I ask Annie as she moves on to preparing potatoes.

“No, I got it.”

I always offer, and she always says no. No doubt, my lack of mad kitchen skills has something to do with it. Only when it’s time to clean up am I suddenly needed.

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