The Snow Leopard's Mate: BBW Snow Leopard Shifter Paranormal Romance (8 page)

"No, no. It's nothing bad. It's just, well, I suspected it from the second we met, but when we were together, I was sure. I don’t know how much you know about shifters and how they mate, but we each have one single person that we’re destined to be with. And Alethia...You're mine. My mate."

Ali stared at him. Horror sent icy ripples over her body. She was so shocked that she couldn't even speak.

Grey looked confused. "I can explain it better if you don’t understand."

"I understand you." Her voice was flat.

"You don't look happy," he said quietly.

That shook her out of her heartbroken daze. Now hot fury washed over her. "Of course I don't look happy!"

This could
be happening again. She couldn't believe it. She'd thought Grey was different.

"Why would you say that to me?" Her voice cracked.

He looked bewildered. She hadn’t thought he was that good of an actor. "It's the truth, Alethia."

the truth!"

"Of course it's the truth! Why would I lie about something like that?"

Ali shook her head, tears starting to prick at her eyes. "Why would anybody lie about it?"

"I don't know why anybody would lie about it!" Grey ran his hands through his hair, agitated. "I don't understand why you're upset."

Because you're using that horrible lie to trick me into going to bed with you again. Why would you even bother lying to me, when all you had to do was ask?

But she wasn't going to say any of that out loud. If she spoke again, she was going to burst into tears.

She'd bought everything he said about respecting women, hook, line, and sinker. Worse, she’d bought everything he’d said about

She'd gone to bed with him the night they met, and he’d turned out to be a lying no-good asshole. The sort of asshole who lied to get women into bed, made promises they couldn’t keep, and then dumped them when they got bored. She couldn’t believe she’d fallen for it

Shaking her head, she started for the door.

"Alethia, wait, where are you going?"

"Home." It didn't sound like a sob, did it?

"You can't go home, it's miles away. How will you get there?"

"I'll walk!" she threw back. "I'll hitch! I don't care!"

care, Alethia!" He followed her out the door and caught her arm.

She threw a dagger look back at him. "
Let go of me

He let go instantly. "I apologize. Alethia, please at least let me drive you home."

"No! You're just going to try and convince me you're not lying."

—" He stopped and took a deep breath. "Okay. I won't try and convince you of anything. But Alethia, I can't let you leave on your own. We drove here in the dark. There's no way you know the way back to Ryder's Lodge, let alone to Prescott. I'm driving you home."

He was right.

Frustration and anger were building inside her, but she had to swallow them back down, because he was right.

But Ali Parker was used to swallowing her pride. Ali Parker was used to being with guys who didn't respect her, who lied to her and only cared about getting her into bed. She could endure one ride in a truck with one more lying man.

"Okay," she bit out. "
. No talking. No trying to convince me you're telling the truth. Or I get out of the truck and find my own way home, I don't care if it's doing fifty miles an hour."

"Alethia, just listen to me."

"Take it or leave it." She was pleased to hear the steel in her voice. Her tears had vanished somewhere.

Off to spend time with someone who still had some pride left, probably.

"All right," he said finally.

She didn't let him help her up into the truck, this time. She could climb up on her own, and she did, even in her stupid heels.

They sat in silence as he pulled out of his long driveway. Ali wanted to spend the whole drive staring out the opposite window, but she couldn't help looking at him.

Because you're an idiot
, her brain helpfully supplied.

A muscle was jumping in his jaw, and his hands were clenching hard on the steering wheel. He looked like a coiled mass of tension.

Oh, are
? she thought.
Has this situation been difficult for

What an asshole.

But she hadn't thought he was an asshole. These days, normally she could spot them. Even when they were pretending to be nice guys, there was always a hint of their real personality showing through. She hadn't been taken in like this in a long time.

In years.

Ali bit her tongue and turned her head to stare out the opposite window.

It reminded her of last night, watching the darkened forest sweep past them, illuminated for just a moment in the headlights, color washed away by the night. Now she could see it all in the daylight, and it was as gorgeous as she'd imagined, a wild and verdant and beautiful mountain forest.

The difference was, last night she'd been feeling excited and full of life, and today all of her color was washed away.

"Alethia, just listen to me," Grey tried.

She undid her seatbelt.

"Never mind. Please put that back on. These roads aren't safe."

She waited to see if he'd keep talking, but he didn't. She buckled her seatbelt again.

He stayed quiet. She watched the forest.

Why did everything always have to turn into a disaster?




The drive felt like it lasted a thousand years.

Ali clenched her teeth and dug her fingernails into her palms and curled her toes inside her shoes, trying to stay silent and not yell at Grey,
Why? Why couldn't you be who I thought you were? Why did you have to be a lying jerk like everyone else?

She guessed that was what she got for believing that this one was different. No one was ever different.

To her relief, Grey stayed silent for the rest of the drive. If he'd tried to talk to her again, she wouldn't have been able to stop herself from yelling at him.

She remembered how last night, the cab of the truck had seemed like a little pocket of warmth and happiness. Today it was stifling, thick with anger and sadness.

When Grey reached Prescott, she gave him directions in a flat voice. She thought about having him drop her off somewhere public, but if he showed up at her house again, that would give her an excuse to call the police on him.

At least that would be satisfying.

As he turned onto her street, he said, "Alethia, for the last time, I'm telling the truth. I know that you're my mate."

"I don't believe you. I didn't believe you before, and I'm not going to believe you now, no matter how many times you say it." She kept her voice monotone. "So I don't know what you think you're getting out of repeating a lie."

"It's not a lie."

"Please stop talking."

The truck came to a stop and she undid her seatbelt and got her purse.

"Will you at least tell me why you don't believe me?" Grey said as she opened the door.

Ali looked back at him, one foot on the step. "This isn't the first time someone's used that line on me."

She hopped down.

For the first time, her skill with heels failed her. Her ankle twisted painfully when she hit the ground. She ignored the pain and walked straight to her front door, not looking back.

When she got inside, she let her face crumple at last. Two tears spilled down her cheeks as she leaned back against the door.

you are. What took you so long?" Molly stopped when she saw her. "What happened to you?"

"He—" Ali didn't know what to say. "He was a jerk," she whispered finally.

Molly shook her head in exasperation. "You always end up with jerks. Do ever think maybe it's because of you?"

Ali sucked in a breath. It hurt.

"Anyway, come help me clean the kitchen. Work will make you forget about it." Molly turned to go, and then looked over her shoulder. "Well?"

Ali swallowed down her tears.
No pride
, she reminded herself. She followed Molly into the kitchen.




Grey kept his truck sitting in front of Ali's house for a long time after she went inside.

He'd been completely blindsided by her reaction. He'd thought he might have to deal with a little disbelief. But he'd figured that if she knew shifters, she'd at least have heard of the idea of mates before, and a little explaining would get it across.

He'd also worried she might think he was coming on too strong. He'd known some guys who had freaked their girlfriends out by talking about marriage too quickly, and this amounted to the same thing.

But he hadn't expected this.

She'd been angry. And not just angry, but
. Like he was deliberately doing her a wrong, somehow, by telling her she was his mate.

He hadn't understood it at all. He could understand if she were frightened, or if she didn't believe him, or if she laughed at the whole idea. But hurt and angry?

But then her parting words in the truck had made it all make sense.

This isn't the first time someone's used that line on me.

Some other man had told Alethia that she was his mate.

And since Alethia was
mate, that man
been lying to her. Maybe he’d told her she was his mate to get her in bed. Or keep her with him when she really wanted to leave? All the possibilities were absolutely disgusting.

He didn't want to believe any shifter man would do that to a woman. Only a worthless excuse for a man would.

But he could hear it now.
No, baby, don’t go. We’re destined to be together. You’re my one true love. My mate. So you can’t leave, see?

Grey snorted to himself. Yeah, some people would do that.

And one of them had done it to Alethia.

Grey started the truck with a sudden, violent twist of the key.

He couldn't stay here any longer, or he'd go knock on the door and demand that Alethia tell him who the guy was. Grey wanted to pound the hell out of him for doing that to his mate.
mate, not some lying asshole's.

He wondered how long ago it had been. Was the guy here in town somewhere? Or in Ryder's Lodge? Was it one of the logging crew?

He pulled away, cruising slowly down the street, away from Alethia, while his thoughts raced ahead of him.

He had to fix this. If he didn't do something, he could easily picture himself never seeing Alethia again. He rarely came into Prescott, and she had told him last night with all sincerity that she was sick of coming to Ryder's Lodge. After today, he couldn't see her wanting to go out to the bars there anytime soon. Plus, he'd always been planning to get the hell out of here the second he got another ranger job.

There wasn't any reason they would casually run into each other. There was nothing keeping them from never crossing paths again.

His jaw firmed. Not if he had to say anything about it.

The trick was how to find her and talk to her again. Even though he knew where she lived, Grey would never show up at a woman's home uninvited.

Turning another corner, he saw a sign for
Mae's Diner
. That looked like a better idea than cruising aimlessly around Prescott in his truck. He'd go in, get a cup of coffee, and think about his options.

And he wouldn't leave until he'd found one that would work.




Ali was mopping the kitchen floor, while Molly plated her snacks in perfect spirals, when she heard the doorbell. It was too early for book club.

She heard Paul as he came into the kitchen. "Hey, babe." His voice perked up. "Hey, food.”

," Molly snapped. "That's for the book club. Do not touch."

A second later, an outraged noise told Ali that Paul had snatched something from a plate anyway.

"It's good," he said with his mouth full. "The book club’s going to love it. One more!"


"Can't blame me when it tastes so good," he said in a muffled voice. Then there was a scuffle. "Ow! What's wrong with you?"

Ali kept her eyes on the floor. A second later Paul appeared. His boots left dirty footprints on the wet linoleum. "Hey, Ali, what's up?"

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