The Touch of Her Hands [The Wind River Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) (18 page)

Carefully, she climbed onto the bed and leaned over Zack’s groin. She glanced up at his face and found him watching her, his eyes a dark black as they searched her face. Smiling, she glanced down. His cock jutted out from his body, looking so big and hard, while his arms, legs, and torso were all finely sculpted muscle and firm, warm flesh. A thin sprinkling of hair spread low on his chest, narrowing down past his navel to a thicker mat cradling his erection.

Bending over, she kissed a trail down his smooth stomach. He moaned, his muscles quivering, as she licked her way down even further. She buried her face in his crotch, his pubic hair tickling her nose, and inhaled his masculine scent.

“Please, love, touch me,” he begged. “I want to feel those sweet lips around my cock.”

Zack reached down and took her hand, placing her palm against the veined shaft, and tightened her fingers around his cock, teaching her what gave him the most pleasure. He growled softly as one of her hands cupped his balls and squeezed, rolling them gently.

Grasping his cock firmly, Aurelia licked and stroked it from root to tip, feeling it harden even more and buck against her hands. He arched his hips ever so slightly, a silent cue for her to continue. Tilting her head back, she allowed his cock to slide deep along her tongue. His cock twitched when she nipped the silky skin gently with her teeth.

“Oh, yeah. Do that again,” Zack panted.

Aurelia moved further down and ran her tongue over Zack’s balls. Then she licked up his shaft, closing her lips over the purplish head. As she took more of him into her mouth and sucked harder and harder, he grasped her head in both hands.

“I love your mouth,” he rasped. Zack groaned, his cock jerking in Aurelia’s mouth. Reaching down, he cupped her cheek and brushed his thumb tenderly back and forth across her skin. “I need you to drink me down, love.”

Aurelia nodded and increased the suction around his cock. Suddenly, Zack shuddered and thrashed to a climax. He came with a ragged moan, his hand clenched in her hair, as he released his seed down the back of her throat.


* * * *


Zack cupped Aurelia’s head and gazed down into her eyes. Pulling her up, he captured her mouth in a hot kiss, his tongue swirling against hers, tasting himself in her mouth. He lifted away and buried his lips in the curve of her neck. “You didn’t have to do that,” he whispered.

“I wanted to.” She moaned as he dragged his mouth along the sensitive skin of her neck and shoulders. With his lips and tongue, he left a wet trail on her skin.

Zack flipped her onto her back and placed one knee between her parted thighs, covering her body with his. “Now it’s my turn,” he said. He cupped her cheek and ran his thumb over her full lips, and then slid lower. He captured one of her nipples between his lips, nipping at it gently with his teeth. He swirled his tongue around the tight bud and then gave the same treatment to her other side. Her entire body shivered when he clasped one breast in his hand and circled her nipple with his tongue right before he sucked it into his mouth.

He tortured her nipples for several minutes and then dropped a hand to search between her thighs. She moved her legs restlessly as he played with the soft curls at the top of her mound, tangling his fingers in the damp hairs. Gently, he pushed two fingers inside her pussy. She automatically squeezed her thighs together, trapping his hand inside.

Moving lower in the bed, he settled his upper body between her spread thighs and dipped his tongue into her navel.

“Don’t tease me,” she begged.

His fingertips probed, spreading her pussy lips apart. She moaned as he found her clit and rubbed the small nub with slick fingers. Leaning close, he replaced his finger with his tongue and licked up her slit, watching as a fresh batch of cream was released. Taking her clit between his lips, he sucked gently while stabbing two fingers into her sheath. Her body stiffened, her moans escalating into a strident cry as she came.

Zack crawled up and curled next to her in the bed. When she turned and smiled at him he kissed her soundly. “That’s was a hell of a way to wake up. I say we should make that one of our rules.”

Aurelia giggled. “I’m not sure we’d survive that rule.”

Zack cuddled her close. “You wanna head back to our place?”

“When are we gonna see the other children that are sick?”

Zack frowned. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea, love. This took so much out of you. Hell, you were out almost ten hours. I’m afraid you’re gonna wear yourself out if you don’t slow down.”

Aurelia put her hand on his chest. “I’m fine, Zack. The nap was what I needed. Somehow, our mating gave me an extra umph with my own power. It was nothing to heal all three of them at once.” She reached up and kissed his cheek. “Please, Zack. I need to be able to help. It’s my purpose in this life, and I have to fulfill it.”

Zack sighed. “It’s almost dinnertime. Let’s plan on leaving out in the morning, and we’ll visit Alpha Cardston’s pack. He’s the closest one that has two pups with the same symptoms.”

Aurelia threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you, for everything. You’ve given me back my life.”

“I love you, woman. I’d give my life for you.”

Aurelia looked into his eyes and then leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. She whispered against them. “I love you, too.”

Zack’s arms closed around her like a vise, and he let his eyelids drift closed. He felt like his world was complete and nothing could go wrong.


* * * *


Conrad watched Cecil pour himself two fingers of Scotch.

“We’ve tracked her to a little town called Takoda in Wyoming. There’s an almost cult-like family that runs the place, but with the right people, we should be able to get her out of there.”

Conrad narrowed his eyes. “Fine, do what you have to, but keep a low profile. I’d rather not call a lot of attention to us if we can help it. The best scenario would be if they think she leaves on her own.”

Cecil frowned. “I’ll try, but no guarantees, boss. I think she’s involved with one of them in a personal way.”

“So our little princess is no longer pure and clean.” Conrad chuckled. “So much the better for what I have in mind.” He looked up at Cecil. “Keep me apprised. I want her back here as soon as possible.”

Cecil nodded. “Yes, sir.” He left, closing the door quietly behind him.

Conrad took a sip of his Scotch. “Not long now.”


* * * *


Aurelia glanced over at Zack and sighed. His thin, black T-shirt seemed stretched to its limits as it hugged his broad shoulders and showed every contour of his muscular, upper arms. They’d left his apartment at daybreak and headed north toward Glacier Park in Montana. Alpha Cardston’s pack was located just north of there, right across the Canadian border.

They’d been on the road for almost five hours, and she desperately wanted to take a break and walk around. “Any chance of getting out of this rolling taxi for a while? My butt is killing me.”

Zack spared her a glance and chuckled. “There’s a rest stop coming up in a couple of miles. We can stop there and maybe get something to drink.”

“How much further is it to the pack?”

“It’s a little over six hundred miles to the pack settlement from the mountain, and we’re about halfway now.”

Aurelia could hear a faint buzzing in her ears, and then Zack’s voice came through, low and a little fuzzy.
“Wish we could find a nice, secluded place so I could strip you down and claim you all over again.”
Aurelia’s head spun around. “Knock it off with the X-rated thoughts, please. We’ve got a long way to go, and it’ll seem longer if all we think about is sex.”

Zack laughed. “Sorry, love. I’ll work on blocking those thoughts. If it’s any consolation, it’s no fun driving with your dick hard enough to pound nails.”

Aurelia giggled. “You have to teach me that blocking stuff. I don’t like the idea that I’m projecting everything I think all the time.”

“We’ll work on that after we get home.”

She grinned. “I’m gonna hold you to that.” She turned to look out the window. At intervals along the highway, open-air markets displayed colorful crates of fall fruits. Split-rail fences surrounded yards littered with abundant fall leaves. Squirrels, the color of the lawns, chattered and chased each other, still on the search for their winter feed.

Zack turned on the blinkers. “We can stop here and walk around a bit. We’re making good time. Are you hungry?”

“No, but I could use something to drink. Preferably something with caffeine.”

“They’ve probably got soda machines inside the visitor’s center.”

Aurelia grinned. “That’ll work.” Five minutes later they were getting out of the car. Aurelia clutched her jacket beneath her chin, raised her face, and sucked in the taste of the chilly air. “I didn’t expect it to be this cold.”

Zack came around and put his arm around her waist. “This is pretty tame. I can almost guarantee you that there’ll be a little snow on the ground when we reach the pack. They’re higher up than we are, and they usually get winter weather a month or more before we do.” He glanced around the empty parking lot and pulled her closer into his arms. “I wish we could have stayed in bed this morning, love.” He kissed her softly, stroking her tongue with his own. Her arms curled around his neck, and she felt a husky groan go into her mouth as he grew more insistent. They clung to each other in the bright sunlight with the chilly breeze wafting around them.

His fingers were tightening on her waist when the sound of a car horn drew them apart.

“Get a room!”

Aurelia looked up to see a couple of teenage boys get out of their car and head toward the small building that housed the restrooms.

Zack groaned and leaned his forehead on the top of her head. “Let’s make this a quick stop. The faster we get there, the faster we can be alone tonight.”


* * * *


Dr. Conrad Jackson looked up to see Cecil standing in the doorway. “What is it, Cecil?”

“We’ve caught a break, sir. The target has left the mountain and is presently headed north traveling with an unknown male. My man is going to wait until they stop for the night and then make his move. If all goes well, you should have Miss Salazar back in the fold within the next seventy-two hours.”

Conrad smiled. “Good work, Cecil. If he pulls it off, I want him rewarded handsomely.”

“Understood, sir.”

Conrad picked up his coffee and blew gently on the steaming liquid. “It won’t be long now.”


* * * *


Aurelia groaned when someone shook her arm.

“Wake up, love. We’re here.”

She struggled to an upright position and blearily blinked her eyes. Zack turned the car onto a paved driveway lined with a white picket fence. It led off into the woods where the trees had a light covering of snow. When they rounded the bend, Aurelia caught her breath. The windows of the Cardstons’ home were all ablaze, throwing uneven patches of gold across the snow of the early evening. The house was ranch-style constructed of weathered wood and red brick, situated on the side of a wooded hill. It was truly a picturesque setting.

“Remember, you’re not to give them any details about what it is you do.”

Aurelia nodded. Alpha Remus had made it clear that he didn’t want word of her gifts shared with anybody. She’d heard him on the phone with the Canadian alpha. He’d flat out told him that he could accept his terms, or he wouldn’t let her come to their pack and try to help. “They’re gonna want to know something. It’s gonna be hard to keep the mother from being in the room.”

“You let me handle that. Just concentrate on the kids, and with any luck, we’ll be on our way tomorrow.”

As they exited the car, the door opened and a tall man dressed in a Western sports coat, Stetson, and boots walked out onto the porch. His broad-shouldered frame was covered in lean, hard muscle. His angular face was more arresting than handsome. He was soon joined by a young woman dressed in fading jeans and a knit top. She was shaking and visibly frightened. Her blonde, shoulder-length hair flowed into soft, natural waves.

The man’s chiseled mouth twisted into a mocking smile. “Are you supposed to be the saviors from Wind River?”

Aurelia looked up into his narrow, cold, accusing eyes.

“I’m Zack Wind River, and this is my mate, Aurelia. We were told you needed our help, but if it’s not true, we can be on our way.” He turned toward the car and stopped when the woman cried out.

“Wait! Don’t go.” In the dim light she looked panic-stricken. “Please, come inside. We really do want your help.” She nodded toward the man. “This is my mate, Nathaniel, and my name is Erika. It’s our pups that are sick.”

Zack nodded. “We’ll do what we can.” He took Aurelia’s hand and helped her climb the icy steps up to the porch.

Erika opened the door. “Please, go on in. Alpha Cardston is expecting you.”

Aurelia walked in and found herself in a warm, friendly room. It housed a large table and chairs, filled bookshelves and a patchwork sofa in shades of brown and tan that projected a homespun feeling. The sound of a throat clearing had her turning toward the fireplace. There, perched in an overstuffed lean-back chair, sat a man. He had a bulging beer belly, bloated face, and an expression of cynicism that said the world owed him something. He ran his fingers through his perfect hair and slid forward on the chair. The smell of shaving lotion hung heavily in the air of the small room.

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