The UltraMind Solution (64 page)

Chronic autoimmune diseases

Chronic hives or urticaria

Inflammatory bowel disease

Irritable bowel syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome


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Scoring Key—Gut

Score one point for each box you checked

The gut is a snakelike, disgusting, and smelly thing that we hope will silently do its job of digesting, absorbing, and assimilating our food. We trust it will prevent toxins and bacteria from intruding into our systems, while eliminating our wastes in a timely and efficient manner without the least awareness on our part. Just do your job, please.


Unfortunately, while the gut is a source of great intelligence, is it is also the source of great mischief for millions.

Nearly 70 million people suffer from some form of digestive disorder. More than 6 million diagnostic procedures are done for digestive problems and 45 million people visit the doctor for gut problems every year. Forty percent of all visits to internists are for “functional bowel” disorders such as reflux and irritable bowel syndrome. And the cost for treating digestive disorders is $107 billion a year.

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