Read The Unforgettable Ex (Captured by Love Book 5) (Volume 5) Online

Authors: Miranda P. Charles

Tags: #millionaire romance, #friends with benefits, #friends to lovers, #brother's best friend, #Romantic Suspense, #best friend's sister, #friends romance, #romance series

The Unforgettable Ex (Captured by Love Book 5) (Volume 5) (13 page)

“They’re not?” Biggs asked, amused. “I see you haven’t told your brother the truth,” he said to Natasha.


“Natasha!” Carter bellowed. “I told you not to go out with Gavin, even if he’s my friend!”

“I’m sorry,” she said in a small voice. “But he’s really hot. I couldn’t help myself.”

Biggs chortled, obviously finding the situation extremely funny.

A force propelled Natasha forward, almost making her stumble. Next thing she knew, Biggs was face down on the ground with Gavin on top of him.

Her heart thundered.
He must have tackled Biggs from behind.

Biggs was putting up a struggle, but Gavin had the upper hand. My, he was strong.

“Hello, Biggs,” Gavin said. “Great to see you.”

“Fuck off, you son of a bitch,” Biggs retorted, trying once again to get up. But Gavin was practically sitting on him and was holding his face against the ground.

“Stop moving, Biggs, or I’ll shoot you,” Carter warned, aiming his weapon at the perp.

“It’s over, asshole,” Gavin growled, before looking up at Natasha, his features softening. “Hi, baby.”

“Hi,” she said, her throat suddenly closing up. She wanted to kiss him... so she ran to where he was, cupped his face, and gave him a thorough smooch.

“Tash,” Carter said dryly. “Can’t you see I’m pointing a gun at the bastard? Please get out of the way.”

She sighed, giving Gavin one more peck on the lips before getting up to kiss her brother on the cheek. “I’m so glad you guys found me.”

“You made it easy,” Gavin said, digging his knee against Biggs’ back to stop him from thrashing around. Biggs yelled profanities at his action.

“Don’t you have handcuffs?” she asked with a frown.

“They’re in the glove compartment of the car,” Carter said with a shrug.

“I’m so proud of you, Tash,” Gavin said, his gaze warm and tender.

She smiled at him.

“We both are,” Carter said. “So how did you to fool this idiot?”

“Well, he asked for my phone as soon as we got in the car. But I’d already anticipated that he’d sequester it, so I made sure I took an old one with me and showed him it had a flat battery. I was sure he’d prefer that so no one could call me or track me down. But my real one is here.” She lifted her top to reveal her phone still securely held against her body by the band of her jeans. “Anyway, I had this crazy idea that if I made up stories about Gavin’s work, employees, cases, exes, then he might hold off doing what he’d planned to do until you guys found me. And it worked! While I was putting on this act, he was pretending he was just a friendly driver so I would keep on pumping out information.”

“And you probably thought she was just a talkative bimbo, hey?” Gavin goaded Biggs.

The perp glared at her.

The sound of approaching cars distracted them and soon, several police officers appeared.

Gavin got up, letting the other guys cuff Biggs, and hastened to her. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” he croaked, taking her in his arms.

His words triggered her tears. Suddenly, the enormity of what she’d just been through hit her and she let out a soft sob.

“Shh,” Gavin crooned, caressing her hair. “I’m here. You’re safe.”

She clung to him, relief and gratitude making her knees weak.

“Can I give her a hug too?” Carter asked.

“Sure,” Gavin answered, holding her tighter.

“Well... can you let her go for a second?”


She smiled against Gavin’s neck, content to stay in his arms.

Carter exhaled loudly, and put his arms around her and Gavin.

“It’s not over between you and me, Redford!” Biggs called out. “This is not the end!”

The three of them looked at Biggs, who was being led away.

“I’m afraid it is, Biggs,” Gavin responded.

“What about your other girlfriend, huh?” Biggs said with a snarl. “I know you haven’t forgotten about her.”

Natasha couldn’t help her snicker. “I was pulling your leg when I said to you that I think Gavin and Molly are sleeping together,” she said to the bastard.

Biggs laughed mirthlessly. “You think I’m talking about Molly? No. I’m talking about his
one and only
. Amber.”

The smile left her face.

“Don’t listen to him,” Gavin said, steering her away. “He’s pissed off at you because you made a fool out of him. But he can’t hurt you now. He’ll end up in jail for the rest of his life, just like his wife.”

Oh, she hoped that was the case. But still, the mention of Amber’s name dampened her spirits. Even Biggs seemed to know that Amber had been Gavin’s great love. If she wasn’t the only one who thought that, it really must be true.


There’s Gladys,” Natasha murmured, spotting the lovely lady tending to the plants at the front of her apartment building.

Gavin shook his head as they got out of his car. “Someone should educate her on the dangers of letting unknown people in the building.”

“I know,” she said with a sigh. “But she’d be so crushed, poor thing.”

could have been hurt by someone like Biggs,” Gavin pointed out.

“Yeah. I’ll say something to her.”

A thrill ran through her as Gavin placed his arm around her waist. She’d been waiting for the day that she and Gavin could date openly. The time had come, it seemed.

“Natasha!” Gladys said with delight. “And you must be Gavin, the boyfriend who planned something special for her today.”

“I’m afraid I didn’t send anyone to pick up her up this morning, Gladys,” Gavin said with a smile.


Natasha told Gladys who John really was.

“Dear Lord,” Gladys said, eyes round and hand on her mouth. “He was so charming and convincing. I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

“Yes, thank you. And he’s in police custody now,” she said soothingly. “I guess all of us just need to be careful in the future, and not let anyone in the building until we’ve checked with whoever they’re supposed to be visiting.”

Gladys narrowed her eyes at Gavin. “I haven’t seen you around here before.”

“Oh, I’ve been here a few times. We just haven’t met previously.”

“How do I know you haven’t threatened Natasha so you could get into the building?”

Natasha chuckled. “He
my boyfriend, Gladys.”

“After what you’ve told me, I want to see some ID,” Gladys muttered.

“Of course,” Gavin said with a grin, pulling out his wallet and showing Gladys his driver’s licence.

Gladys nodded. “You’re very handsome.”

“Why, thank you.”

“The two of you will make beautiful babies.”

Natasha blushed. “Well, we better go in,” she murmured.

“Enjoy yourselves,” Gladys said, giving them a big wink.

Gavin was still chuckling as they entered the building. “I like her.”

“Everyone does.”

The elevator door opened, and Gavin pulled her to him as they boarded. “Are you really okay?”

“Yes,” she said with a laugh, pressing the button to her floor before curving her arms around his neck. “That’s about the fourth time you asked me that. Don’t I look okay?”

Gavin smiled, tucking hair behind her ear. “You look more than okay. You look beautiful. I just wanna make sure you’re not covering it up so Carter and I won’t get too worried.”

“I’m really okay,” she murmured, drawing his head down for a kiss. And to prove to him just how fine she really was, she pressed herself against him, and encouraged his tongue to play with hers.

Gavin let out a low, sexy groan that had her moaning in response—which became a little shriek of delight as Gavin lifted her off the floor.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, kissing him hungrily... until the elevator doors opened. She tried to get off him as they exited the lift, but he merely held on to her tighter.

“Give me your key,” Gavin said as he carried her to her door.

She hurried to get her key from her bag, not exactly keen on being caught by one of her neighbours in a position that suggested they were about to have sex. In her haste, she dropped it.

Gavin set her down with a sigh and looked around for the key.

Spotting it first, she bent down to pick it up... and felt a hand on her ass. “Gavin! Someone might see us,” she whispered urgently, although she really didn’t mind him being comfortable enough to show some public display of affection.

Gavin grinned cheekily. “Can’t help it. Missed you so much.”

She rolled her eyes, although she was sure her smile gave away her pleasure at his declaration.

She opened the door, and as soon as it closed, she lifted off her sweater... slowly. When she’d pulled it over her head, the look on Gavin’s face made her breath hitch. He was gazing at her heatedly, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth.

Moisture pooled between her legs at the clear lust on his face. “You missed me, huh?” she said, licking her lips that had dried suddenly.

Gavin smiled lopsidedly and shrugged off his jacket. He threw it towards the couch, then stepped towards her, trapping her between his hard body and the door. He ran his fingers on her shoulders and arms before unhooking her bra and discarding it.

She let out a ragged sigh.

When Gavin unbuttoned her jeans and pulled the zipper down, all the while staring into her eyes with a smouldering look, she strived to control her breathing. She was starting to pant already!

“Well,” she said, caressing his chest and starting to work on his shirt buttons. “Since it’s quite cool in this room, I need for you to get undressed too so you can warm me up.”

“Warm you up?” Gavin murmured. “How about I make you burn instead?”

“Oh. That’s a better idea.” Gosh, she was more than halfway there.

Gavin chuckled as he let her take his shirt off him. Then he stepped even closer, exuding heat that drew out beads of sweat on her skin. She tilted her face up for him and moaned when Gavin captured her mouth for a searing kiss.

I love you,
she wanted to say, but she resisted that particular urge. She so did not want to be the first to say it this time around.


avin groaned, Natasha’s avid response to his kiss making him uncomfortably hard in his jeans. He undid his fly to give himself some room, then made good use of his hands by roaming her smooth skin. He cupped her breast and circled her nipples with his thumbs.

Natasha let out a gasp, arching her back against him.

“Babe,” he murmured, sliding a hand inside her undies as his lips travelled from her mouth to her rosy buds. As he laved a nipple with his tongue, he wet his finger with her juices and rubbed her nub.

“Gavin,” Natasha cried out, her head bumping against the door.

Ah, he loved it when she was this horny, knowing
was responsible for it. And he wanted more.

He pushed her jeans and panties down and pulled them off, one leg at a time. Then he knelt in front of her, inhaling the intoxicating scent of her arousal, before parting her pussy lips with his fingers and flicking her clit with his tongue.

Natasha gripped his shoulders, moaning.

Tirelessly, he pleasured her with his mouth, her lustful reaction making his dick painfully hard and begging to be part of the action. He pulled his erection out of his briefs and stroked himself as he buried his tongue in Natasha’s creamy centre.

“Gavin, oh God,” Natasha gasped, tugging at his hair and thrusting her pelvis out towards him.

He gave her more of what she wanted, his hand involuntarily tugging himself faster. Soon he was close.

Argh, he didn’t want to come like this. Reluctantly, he stood up. “Are the condoms in your bedroom or the bathroom?”

Natasha shook her head, her gaze dazed as she grasped his hardness in her hand. “I’m back on birth control. We’re good to go.”

That had him groaning out loud. He lifted her leg and angled himself against her crotch, then slid his hungry cock inside her slippery heat. “Tash,” he grunted as he thrust inside her, the door behind her back steadying them.

Over and over, again and again, he took her, his pleasure spiralling up and up. “Fuck.”

“Yes, yes,” Natasha chanted in response, her fingers digging on his shoulders as she hung on to him.

“So fucking good, babe,” he said, his hips pumping faster, his breathing loud.

“Gavin,” Natasha keened, tensing.

“Yes, sweetheart,” he panted. “Come for me and squeeze my cock with your pussy.”

And his Tash did just that, trembling as she cried out her release.

“Argh!” he groaned in sheer ecstasy, emptying himself inside her.


minute later they were still in each other’s arms, leaning against the door and giving each other sweet kisses.

“Do you want some lunch?” Natasha murmured.

“Yes. I didn’t have breakfast.” His tummy agreed with him by growling.

Natasha laughed. “Give me a few minutes to have a shower and I’ll whip something up for us.” She picked up their clothes from the floor, handed him his shirt, and trotted to the bathroom.

“I’ll join you,” he called out, taking off his jeans that had been around his knees. He’d just gotten himself completely naked when there was a knock on the door. Cursing silently, he looked through the peephole, then hurriedly got dressed.

“Hey, guys,” he said, opening the door to Carter and Cassie.

“Hi,” Cassie said, staring at him with wide eyes. “Did we... um... interrupt something?”

“No,” he said with a grin. He was sweaty and dishevelled, and there was probably some lingering smell of sex in the air—right there by the door. “You have perfect timing. Tash is just in the shower and I’m about to have one.”

Carter smirked. “I thought you were only dropping Tash off. You said you were busy.”

He rolled his eyes at his best friend. “It
the weekend, and she just had a frightening morning.”

“Hey, we could just leave these here and go,” Cassie said, holding up a bag of takeaway food. “Give you guys some time to yourselves.”

“No. Stay. Just give us a couple of minutes to get ourselves ready. I’m glad you knocked instead of just using your keys, though.”

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