The Watchman of Ephraim (Book Club Edition)

Read The Watchman of Ephraim (Book Club Edition) Online

Authors: Gerard de Marigny

Tags: #suspensethriller, #christian thriller, #counterterrorism, #political thriller, #terrorism attacks, #border security, #911 fiction, #geopolitical thriller, #thriller military thriller black ops covert ops west point suspense

The Watchman of Ephraim


For all the family and friends of victims who lost their lives on 9/11



The days of punishment

have come;

The days of recompense

have come.

Israel knows!

The prophet is a fool,

The spiritual man is insane,

Because of the greatness of

your iniquity and great


The watchman of Ephraim

Is with my God;

But the prophet is a fowler's

snare in all his ways,

And enmity in the house of

his God. (Hos. 9:7-8)




Thanks to all my friends who visit me on my website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and MySpace … you know who you are!


Thanks to my Canadian friend and fabulous writer of fantasy, "S&M" … S.M. Carrière for taking the time to help me fix those pesky ellipses and single quotation marks. Please look for her written works!


My sincere gratitude and appreciation goes to Dean Wesley Smith, a great writer and mentor to neophyte authors like myself, without whose guidance and advice this novel would not have been published. Please check out his written works!


Special thanks to my wife Lisa and my sons Jared, Ryan, Jordan, & Noah …all my hopes!






Gerard de Marigny

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The Watchman of Ephraim (Book Club Edition)

Copyright © 2011 by Gerard de Marigny

3 4 5 6 14 13 12 11


Edited by Lisa de Marigny and Jared de Marigny


This book is available in print at, and most online booksellers



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Table of Contents


Chapter 1 - World Trade Center Mall

Chapter 2 - One World Trade Center

Chapter 3 - Dos Escuelas Park

Chapter 4 - Estancia De Niro (The De Niro Ranch)

Chapter 5 - Formerly Liberty Defense Contractors, now - The Watchman Agency

Chapter 6 - In a limo parked in front of the proposed site of the “Ground Zero” mosque

Chapter 7 - The Viewing Wall at Ground Zero

Chapter 8 - The Watchman Agency

Chapter 9 - Aboard De Niro’s privately-owned QSST (Quiet Supersonic Transport)

Chapter 10 - Estancia De Niro (underground complex 10 miles south of the main house)

Chapter 11 - The Offices of Zamani Import-Export Corporation

Chapter 12 - Executive Conference Room

Chapter 13 - The Coyote’s Den

Chapter 14 - The Main House

Chapter 15 - The Watchman Agency

Chapter 16 - The Foster Lafayette Hotel

Chapter 17 - Av. Nafta 69

Chapter 18 - The Watchman Agency

Chapter 19 - The Watchman Agency

Chapter 20 - “Narcogranja de Pacifico” (Drug Farm owned by Pacifico Cartel)

Chapter 21 - The Watchman Agency

Chapter 22 - The Coyote's Den

Chapter 23 - The Foster Lafayette Hotel

Chapter 24 - Aboard Santana

Chapter 25 - The Coyote's Den

Chapter 26 - Mission San Xavier del Bac

Chapter 27 - Security Office

Chapter 28 - The Offices of Zamani Import-Export Corporation

Chapter 29 - Back Porch – Main House

Chapter 30 - U.S./Mexico Border

Chapter 31 - Back Porch - Main House

Chapter 32 - Ridgeline approximately 1 mile northeast of town

Chapter 33 - Backyard of Main House

Chapter 34 - Ridgeline approximately one mile northeast of town

Chapter 35 - Just north of the intersection

Chapter 36 - Aboard Piper PA31-350 Chieftain (F-WCCY)

Chapter 37 - The Offices of Zamani Import-Export Corporation

D -

E -

F -
The Author

G -
Book Club Guide



Chapter 1

World Trade Center Mall

New York, New York

8:30a.m., Tuesday, September 11, 2001

(16 minutes before terrorists crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into Tower One)


The shopkeeper smiled at the handsome, well-tailored customer as she finished tying a ribbon around the box of long-stemmed roses he picked out. She noticed his wedding ring and could surmise for whom the flowers were intended. The earthy woman’s ruddy cheeks glowed with satisfaction as she affixed the final touch to her handiwork – a big red bow – to the top and center of the lid.

Will this be cash or charge?”

De Niro handed over his American Express black card as he flipped his cell phone open and hit an auto-dial button.

The shopkeeper raised her eyebrows when she examined the oddly-colored card and read the famous last name embossed onto it. After swiping it through the terminal, her blue eyes sparkled with curiosity as she handed it back to him. De Niro knew the look on her face well. He’d seen it countless times before, and though he bore little resemblance to the legendary actor with the same last name, curiosity got the better of most people.

If I had a dollar for every time someone gibed me with the famous line, “You talkin’ to me …” … I can only imagine what it’s like to – be – Robert De Niro.

Smiling politely, he answered her question before she even asked it.

No relation.”

Born Cristiano Stephen De Niro, De Niro had long ago given up teasing people by telling them, “We’re cousins.”

After deciding whether she should believe him or not, the shopkeeper flashed De Niro a knowing glance. Handing him the box, she added a little too loudly for his comfort, “I understand, Mr. De Niro.”

De Niro rolled his eyes and with a few curious stares from other customers, made a quick exit from the store.

Located behind the “Twin Towers,” the florist shop was nestled in the far corner of the concourse, the largest shopping center in Manhattan. The WTC Mall was also a main stop for a number of trains including the PATH that carried people into the city from New Jersey as well as the N, R, 1 and 9 lines that ran from Brooklyn and Queens to uptown. As he passed the entrance to the PATH train platform heading for the Tower One lobby, De Niro detected the familiar smell of the subway below. It brought to mind his harried youth, when he took the train from Brooklyn to uptown to go to work.

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