Read The Weekend Girlfriend Online

Authors: Emily Walters

The Weekend Girlfriend (4 page)


Kyle’s eyes darkened as he traced a lazy circle around my nipple, lifting my breast as if testing the weight of it. I moaned when he crossed over the naked nipple and he lowered his head, his teeth grazing the aching bud and nearly causing me to jump out of my skin. When he took the entire thing in his mouth, I felt my knees buckle and reached up, grabbing ahold of his warm shoulders to support myself. “Like that, do you?” he whispered, moving to the other one to torture it as well as his hand drifted down, touching my belly, then the outside of my panties.


I stilled and he lifted his head, his eyes boring into mine. “I’ll stop,” he rasped, his expression tight. “I won’t do this if you don’t want to, Jess. Dammit, I’m not, it’s not…”


My heart pounding, I hesitated for a moment, knowing that I probably should stop him. “I’m not looking for a quick fuck,” I whispered, steeling my courage. “You need to know that.”


“I know,” he simply said, surprising me. His hands left my body as he pushed them through his hair, sending spray of water in all directions. He was as tight as a bowstring, yet he had stopped. Dipping into the water, I pushed my breasts back into my bra with trembling hands, my arousal still weighing heavily on my body. My body was in shambles, his touch shaking me to my very core and sending all sorts of questions flowing through my mind at why he was doing this, with me.


Kyle ducked under the water and disappeared for a moment, presumably to gain control as I was trying to do, before surfacing, giving me a long, heated look. “Let’s go back to the boat.”


I sighed loudly but didn’t object as he guided us back to the ladder, climbing on board before helping me up and out of the water, handing me a white towel in the process. The sun was warm on my exposed skin as I watched him grab a beer out of the galley and take a large swig of it, nearly draining it in one gulp, tension evident in his face. I entered the galley as well, watching as his eyes lingered on the knotted towel around my body. “Kyle.”


“Don’t,” he said harshly, putting the bottle on the table and grabbing another, the cap flying off. “I need a moment, Jess.”


“I’m sorry,” I said softly, watching as he finished that one as well in record pace.


“Don’t be,” he finally said, putting down the bottle before looking at me. “Hell, I don’t deserve to be touching you this way. You are helping me out and I am damn near molesting you every chance I get.” He then swore and rubbed a hand over his face, something akin to longing in his expression. “You deserve someone better than me.”


My heart stopped as I took in his words, the look on his face. I couldn’t believe that he was saying something like that to me when I was thinking the exact same thing about him. “It’s not your fault, Kyle,” I finally said, reaching up to cup his cheek. “I’m just as much to blame in this.” I then reached up with my other hand, cradling his face between my hands. It was my favorite thing to do to him, to feel the warmth of his skin, the prickled stubble under my palms. I also felt the strength in him, his very life vibrating under my touch. “You are an awesome guy,” I said softly, looking into his eyes. “Anyone would be lucky to have you.”


Kyle closed his eyes for a moment and we just stood there, the sound of the water lapping around the boat the only noise for miles. He was awesome, I wasn’t lying to him. Did I trust myself to take the next step with him? If I did, it was only a matter of time that I would lose myself as well. I was already in danger of doing that very thing.


Leaning in, I gave him a brief kiss on the lips, gasping as his arms went around me and he deepened the kiss. It wasn’t a kiss of pleasure; it was pure, unadulterated passion as he ravaged my mouth in a way that I could feel it clear down to my toes. Our tongues danced and tiny shivers of passion shimmied down my body, making me acutely aware of my chest pressed up against his, his leg now wedged between mine. My body was on fire as he pulled away, his hands working furiously at the knot in the towel.


“I need you,” he rasped, ripping the material away. “Please.”


I could hear the desperation in his voice and felt the first seeds of emotion unfurling in my heart for him. I was going to lose my heart to him. “Okay,” I heard myself say. “Okay.”


Kyle’s nostrils flared as he pulled me into the bedroom, sending me tumbling onto the bed as he loomed over me, an odd look on his face. “Why are you agreeing to this, Jess?” he asked, leaning over me until our foreheads touched.


A thousand answers ran through my brain, that all were discarded nearly immediately. Truthfully, I didn’t know why but I knew he needed me, desperately, in more ways than one. So, I told him the truth. “You need me,” I said softly, reaching up to touch his cheek. “And I need you. Isn’t that enough?”


A shudder went through him as he backed away, his eyes roaming my body in a leisurely manner. “I will make this good for you, Jess.”


“I have no doubt,” I replied with a smile as his fingers trailed down my stomach to the waistband of my panties, still wet from the swim. His fingers danced over the cotton and I arched against his touch, knowing this was going to be quick and furious. Kyle hissed as he pushed them aside, touching my core with one, then two fingers.


“Kyle,” I breathed, feeling his fingers slip across the sensitive nub, causing me to cry out as the first orgasm shattered me.


“Come for me,” Kyle said, his fingers rubbing me over the edge.


“Kyle, oh dear God,” I nearly squealed as the second overcame me, whimpering as his fingers disappeared.


“Shh, darling, I’m just getting ready,” he said, the audible tear of a condom wrapper filling my ears. “God, you are gorgeous and so ready.” The bed dipped as he loomed above me, his fingers interlacing with mine as he positioned himself. “Look at me,” he said harshly, causing me to open my eyes.


“I see you,” I said softly, arching against him. His grin was feral as he entered me, filling me to the core and causing me to gasp.


“You feel so good,” he said just above my ear, his rhythm beginning to take shape. “I won’t be lasting long, Jess.”


“I’m. Coming. Again,” I panted as he rocked against me over and over again. It was wonderful, it was hot, and I was being pushed over the edge rapidly.


“Say my name,” he rasped in my ear, the bed beginning to squeak against our movements. “Please.”


“Kyle,” I said, locking eyes with him. “Kyle.”


“Yes,” he roared, picking up the tempo. I felt him pump harder and faster, my cries echoing his own as he came hard and fast.


My eyes never leaving his face, I watched as he enjoyed the throes of his orgasm, wordlessly watching this incredible man above me. Touching the sheen of sweat on his chest, I ran my hands over his shoulders and into his hair, not believing what had just transpired between us. It had been amazing and I couldn’t tell if it was because I had waited so long or because I was with him.


He slowly pulled out and disposed of the condom before lying beside me, his breaths matching mine. We lay there for a few minutes as the boat rocked gently around us, not saying a word, not touching. Finally, Kyle propped up on an elbow, his blue eyes bright as his finger traced my cheek, then the upper swell of my breast, still encased in my bra.


“Well,” I breathed, unsure of what to say, what to do. It definitely wasn’t the time to freak out about sleeping with my boss. That would be much later, with alcohol. “At least it won’t be awkward if your parents put us in the same room together.”


Kyle chuckled, kissing my shoulder. “You are pretty awesome, you know that? All this time, under my nose.”


“Yeah well, there was a reason,” I retorted, giving him a dirty look. “I mean really your office can be a revolving door sometime. I mean how do you remember all of their names?”


“I don’t,” he shrugged, stretching out beside me. “I have no reason to. They want one thing and I give it to them. End of story.”


A tiny silver of hope died inside me with his simple statement, the hope of me being different in his world going right out of the window. I had done the very thing I hadn’t wanted to do, become just another face in his long line. “That’s cold,” I said gently, keeping the hurt out of my voice. I had entered this bed and I would deal with the consequences later.


“It’s the truth,” he replied, settling his arm around me, pulling me against his hard, warm body. “But I will tell you one thing, I’ve never brought one here. Never.”


I sighed and melted against him, my fingers trailing over his chest in a mindless stroke. That had to mean something, to make me feel better about this whole thing.




I awoke sometime later, night all around me. The boat was swaying gently still, Kyle’s front pressed up against my back, his arm draped over my middle. A cover had been pulled over us both and for a moment, I reveled in the fact that I was still in bed with the hottest man I knew, because he wanted me to be there. It was nice to be wrapped in someone’s arms again, someone I barely knew yet knew well. There was a great deal to be worried about but in this one moment, I found myself smiling. This was definitely not what I had expected to happen when I had accepted his outing today.


Kyle shifted beside me and then groaned, turning over to push himself up off the bed. I flushed as I shamelessly looked at his body, barely visible in the dim moonlight. Holy hotness, his penis was huge.


A grin stole over his face as he stretched then yanked the covers off of me, the cool air assaulting my naked flesh just before he covered me with his body. “Tell me you are on the pill,” he whispered, rubbing himself against me.


“I-I am,” I rasped, the friction igniting my senses into overdrive.


“Good,” he said as he entered me to the hilt, causing me to gasp at the difference of him without the condom. “I don’t think you could feel any better than you do right now,” he said, gripping my legs as I brought them around his waist.


I smiled as he rolled his hips, reaching up to touch his face, bringing him down for a soul-searing kiss. “Show me what you got.”


“Yes ma’am,” he smiled against my lips. I arched my body just right for him to slide in deeper. I moved with his thrusts, meeting him at every one, and he was the one who moaned low in his throat, gripping my legs tighter.


“Oh yes, Kyle,” I urged as he took me higher and higher, the slow quiver of an orgasm building. One more thrust and I screamed out, causing him to bury himself harder and deeper, his hoarse cry following mine.


His body collapsed on mine as he shook, my hands going into his hair to hold him close. “Damn,” he said, raising his head to look at me. “That was…”


“Pretty darn good,” I finished, eliciting a grin out of him.


“You feel amazing around me right now,” he whispered, his tongue grazing the shell of my ear before delving inside. “But I don’t think I have anything left at this particular moment.”


Laughing, I pushed at his shoulders until he rolled off me. I sat up on the bed as my head cleared from the haze of sex. Kyle sat up as well, reaching up to turn on a small lamp on the only piece of furniture in the room. In the dim light, I looked at him, taking in his sexy stubble on his jaw, the way the light bounced off his tanned skin.


“You are beautiful,” I whispered, reaching out. He was and my heart ached at the sight. This was the man under the suit, the man that few rarely saw.


Kyle captured my hands and kissed my fingers, his other hand tangling itself in my hair. “I’m going to get something to drink. The bathroom is right through there.”


Blushing, I watched as he strode out of the room into the galley, admiring his ass the entire way. What a thing of beauty. Sighing, I gathered up my tank top and underwear, finding a washcloth in the minuscule bathroom to clean myself up. I then eyed myself in the mirror, seeing a woman I didn’t recognize staring back at me. There was a glow about me, my eyes sparkling in the light. I was a woman who had been very well fucked.


Grinning, I walked out to the galley, finding Kyle on his cell, a pensive look on his face. “Yes sir, I will be there in the morning. Thank you.”


Pressing the end button, he looked up at me and I gave him a tentative smile, noticing that his expression had slipped back into the weary lawyer I knew him to be. “We’ve got to head back, don’t we?”


“Yeah, that was the judge. My client has decided to waive his rights and plead guilty. I’ve got an emergency hearing in a few hours.” He then rubbed a hand over his face, grabbing his shorts from the bench. Without so much as another word, he went above deck, the sound of the engines roaring to life. Rubbing my arms, I went back into the bedroom to dress.


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