The Weekend Girlfriend (5 page)

Read The Weekend Girlfriend Online

Authors: Emily Walters

Chapter 6

“I heard you sneaking in early this morning. Give me all the sordid details, now.”


“I need coffee first,” I grumbled at Gretchen, reaching for a mug. I had only slept maybe two hours since Kyle had dropped me off at my apartment. It had been a long, silent ride back, Kyle’s mind obviously on his client and the case. It did sting a little when he didn’t as much as touch me in any way, shape, or form, but I sucked it up, being the big girl that I knew I was going to have to be. At least that was what I was telling myself.


“OMG, you slept with him didn’t you?”


I narrowed my eyes at Gretchen, who was sitting at the breakfast bar, her legs swinging back and forth like a child waiting for something exciting to happen. “I can see it on your face, you know. You might as well fess up.”


“Okay, I did,” I forced out, grimacing at the hot liquid as it slid down my throat. “Geez, I think you live for this kind of stuff.”


“I can’t believe you are banging the boss,” Gretchen grinned, stretching her arms over her head. “Was he as good as we thought he was?”


I gave a tiny smile, knowing full well I wasn’t about to spill my guts about the best sexual encounter I had experienced in my entire life. It was awesome and my body was feeling the effects of my little escapade. I would probably be feeling it for weeks.


“I knew it,” Gretchen smiled, wagging her finger at me. “You lucky dog. When are you going to see him again? I hope you are going to draw the line at office sex. No offense, but I don’t want to have to worry about finding you two going at it in his office.”


“We have to spend time together next weekend,” I replied with a frown. “We didn’t make any plans otherwise.”


“Well, maybe you already have him panting for more,” Gretchen said, sliding off of the stool. I watched her walk back to her bedroom, the frown still on my face. Kyle hadn’t made any plans with me, heck, I didn’t even know of any plans in the near future. Crap, I was starting to feel like one of those women and I didn’t like it. What had I gotten myself into?




A short while later, after a mind-clearing shower and fresh clothes, I headed uptown, intent to get my retail therapy in. I needed some new clothes for the trip next weekend, clothes that were befitting of being the girlfriend of a successful lawyer. It was apparent by his short words that I was going to struggle against his family anyway and I wanted to make a good impression, one that might get them to actually like their son. It was sad, I thought, as I looked through the racks of my favorite store. How could a family be like that to an obviously great person and hard worker just because he didn’t fit into the mold they wanted him in?


Selecting a great pair of slacks and glitzy top off the sale rack, I paid for them and walked outside, enjoying the sunshine on this wonderful day. My stomach growled, reminding me that other than coffee, I hadn’t eaten in quite a few hours and I stepped into one of my favorite delis, determined to take care of that problem. After collecting my sandwich and drink, I sat down at a corner table, pulling a paperback out of my purse. I didn’t go anywhere without one because there was always a wait at least once a day.


The doorbell tinkled and I looked up, seeing Kyle’s profile entering the deli as well, my heart going pitter-patter as I enjoyed the view of him in his court attire. I then did a double take and crouched down in my seat, realizing that he was not alone. A tall redhead stood with him, her attire not court-appointed by any means. Her sundress fit her body like a glove, showing off her tanned skin and long legs that seemed to never end. Together they made a striking pair and my stomach sunk at the sight. He was grinning at something she was saying and I felt my blood boil at the sight of her fingers on his shoulder, the same shoulder I had just bit only hours before.


“Dear lord,” I muttered, pulling myself farther into the corner. I was turning into a jealous fanatic. There was no claim on him yet my declaration of not being a casual sex kind of girl obviously meant nothing to him. I shouldn’t be surprised, yet I was hurt, far more hurt than I really should be. The redhead tittered with laughter as they waited to order, Kyle’s face relaxed as I had seen it just twelve hours previously. He kept his hands by his side, but they were definitely friendly with each other, anyone could see that. I hunkered down in the corner and watched as they ordered their meals to go and walked out a short time later, never once spotting me. Sucking up the tears that threatened to cascade down my cheeks, I threw my food in the trash and exited. I had suddenly lost all appetite.




After another restless night, I procrastinated on even getting ready for work on Monday. It was bad enough that I would spend almost a week with him, alone, knowing that he had obviously enjoyed himself yesterday, from doing something pretty doggone amazing with me to the redhead. To have to sit in the office after that humiliation was killing me, but I was glad it was my secret humiliation. I didn’t dare tell Gretchen about the redhead and unless she was draped over his desk when we walked into the office, no one else was going to know that I had been dumped in a span of a mere twelve hours. Choosing black to match my mood, I threw on my clothes and walked to my car, driving at a snail’s pace to delay the inevitable.


“Geez, you are moving like my grandma,” Gretchen remarked as she met me at the elevator. “Are you still sore from your weekend fun?”


“Shove it, Gretch,” I muttered, pressing the button.


“Wow, who peed in your cornflakes?” she asked, crossing her arms. “Spill it.”


“I saw Kyle with another woman yesterday,” I blurted out, surprised by the onslaught of tears in my throat. There went the idea of it being just my humiliation. “And not his grandmother.”


“Oh geez,” Gretchen said softly, pulling me into an awkward hug. “It’s okay, Jess. Don’t let him see that you even care about it. Sucks that you got to spend this week with him now. Do you want me to take him out? I need some practice at kickboxing anyway. He won’t see it coming.”


“No,” I laughed, clearing my throat. “I’m being a ninny for even letting this bother me. It was just casual sex and there is nothing going on between us.”


“Well, I can always spit in his coffee,” Gretchen remarked as the doors opened and we stepped into the office. “Just let me know.”


“Thanks,” I said, grateful that I had a friend who had the potential to be violent on my behalf. Thankfully, Kyle’s office was dark when we settled in and I threw myself into my work, trying to complete some things since I would be leaving for the rest of the week.


Around ten my inbox chimed and I opened the email, my face flushing as I read the contents.
What are you wearing?
it said. I looked at the sender and sighed, seeing Kyle’s email as the sender. No doubt he was texting my email, as he did numerous times throughout the day when he needed something done.


None of your business,
I typed back quickly.
Aren’t you supposed to be paying attention in court?


I am,
came the reply a few moments later.
Waiting on the judge’s ruling so I can come back to the office and see you. Is it see-through?


I fought the urge to smile as I hovered over the delete icon, knowing that I shouldn’t be bantering with him this way. I was supposed to be mad at him.


, I finally typed back. It had to be easy for him to switch from one girl to the next, to have no feelings or regret for doing so.


Why don’t you leave early today?
the next email stated.
Meet me at the house for dinner. I still have yet to feed you appropriately.


I bit my lip as I struggled to turn him down, knowing full well dinner wasn’t the only thing on his mind. How he could want to sleep with me again after seeing the redhead was beyond my comprehension, but I wasn’t going to allow him that chance, not tonight.
, I wrote back.
Got to finish packing.


When I got no reply, I felt a little let down that he didn’t put up much of a fight to get me to accept. No doubt the redhead would be the next email he sent out. Grumbling, I pressed my palms to my eyes and forced the jealousy back to its hiding place deep within me. This was ridiculous. I was acting like I was in middle school and my boyfriend had cheated on me with the head cheerleader!


Turning back to my work, I concentrated on the case I was researching and not on my current sex with the boss issues.

Chapter 7

“Are you sure you want to do this? I mean you could back out now, Jess, and let him fend for himself.”


“I will be fine,” I smiled, hefting the suitcase in one hand. “Thanks for dropping me off, Gretch.”


“Yeah well, smart move to meet at the airport,” Gretchen replied, handing me my purse. “Less of a chance for a quickie before you left.”


I rolled my eyes and shut the door, well aware of the airport security coming our way. “You better get out of here before you get a ticket,” I said through the open window. “I will call you.”


“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, oh wait, you already have!” Gretchen grinned, turning on the engine. “Have fun!”


I straightened and walked into the airport, taking a seat to wait for Kyle. Truth was, I wasn’t so worried about the quickie. Okay, maybe I was and I was being chicken about spending time with him, alone. I hadn’t seen him the rest of the day yesterday after turning down his offer for supper and had sent him an email stating I would meet him at the airport rather than have him come get me. I was afraid I would attack him at first opportunity as well, which didn’t bode well for this trip. I could only hope that his parents were stuffy and insisted on separate bedrooms.




I looked up and found Kyle standing over me, dressed down in a pair of jeans and green shirt, his sunglasses hooked into the buttons. His eyes drifted over me and I grew warm, nearly knocking him over as I stood. “Yes, let’s go.”


“First,” he said, putting his bag down next to me. “I’ve been waiting to do this.”


“What?” I asked before his arms went around me and his lips collided with mine, his kiss full of hunger and promises for later. I nearly melted against him as he slid his fingers into my hair and cradled my head, his tongue delving into my mouth. I grasped his shoulders in an effort not to slide to the floor, my body reacting to his closeness and touch in a way that I thought maybe we should go and do a quickie.


“I really wish you had come to the house,” he whispered, rubbing his lips over mine. “We could have woken up together.” He then looked down, his smile turning into a grimace as he took in my attire. “It’s going to be a long, painful ride knowing you have that skirt on.”


“And potentially no underwear,” I smiled as he kissed me softly and drew away, collecting both of our bags in his hand and holding out the free one. There had been a reason to wear the cute summer skirt and apparently it had worked.


“Come on, minx.”


Putting my hand in his, I felt the turmoil of emotions as he interlinked our fingers and moved us to the desk to collect our tickets. Kyle was acting like we were picking up where we had left off yet I knew that I hadn’t imagined the redhead nor the interaction in the deli. Had I misjudged that whole encounter? Why was he being so, so confusing? He was not a one-woman man, I knew that when I slept with him, but had something changed? Could I even dare to think that perhaps I could compete for this man’s affections?


“You sure are deep in thought.”


I turned toward Kyle, finding him watching me with those oh so sexy eyes and gave him a tentative smile, hoping that my emotions were not playing out live in my expressions. “I’m just nervous.”


“Yeah, me too,” he grinned, handing me my ticket. “But we will be fine, you will be fine. Come on, let’s get this over with.” We got through security without a cavity search and boarded the plane first, finding ourselves in first class to my surprise. “I find it hard to sit anywhere else,” Kyle remarked as we sat in the two plush seats near the front of the plane. “Is this okay?”


“Okay?” I laughed, wiggling my feet out in front of me. “This is awesome.”


“Good,” he replied, bringing my hand up to kiss the back of it. “Too bad it’s not a red-eye flight. We could possibly have some airplane fun in the dark.”


“You never stop, do you?” I said with a grin, finding it very hard to stay upset with him. It would come up later, but for now, I could try and pretend that we were two adults, with no feelings involved.


“I try but it’s very hard,” he grinned back, leaning his head against the seat. I looked at his handsome profile, my heart doing a silly dance inside my chest and knew right then I was sunk, big time. There were feelings, lots of them.


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