Read The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories Online

Authors: Brina Courtney,Raine Thomas,Bethany Lopez,A. O. Peart,Amanda Aksel,Felicia Tatum,Amanda Lance,Wendy Owens,Kimberly Knight,Heidi McLaughlin

Tags: #new adult, #new adult romance, #contemporary romance, #coming of age, #college romance, #coming of age romance, #alpha male romance

The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories (114 page)

I tried to concentrate on making drinks since we were swamped, but all I thought about was Brooke. Damn my father for being right. This woman consumed my every thought, but honestly, I didn’t care.

I called Bethy and had her come in to relieve me. I needed to get to Boston.


What’s Nicole’s address?


I need the roses.

I gave them to B already. We are having dinner.

What’s B’s address then?

Avery texted me her address after asking me why. I didn’t have time to explain other than I was on my way. I was already on the road to see

As I neared the exit to take to get me to her apartment, Rascal Flatts came on the radio, singing about not wasting time with the one you love and to give it all as if it was your last day. I couldn’t waste any more time. I needed her to know how I felt. I needed her to feel what I felt, and I wasn’t leaving Boston until she knew.

My palms became sweaty as I parked on the street near her building. When I was an hour away, Avery texted me that he was lagging on getting Brooke home, so I could get to her before she fell asleep. I knew he was truly my best friend, because I figured he wanted to be buried deep in Nicole instead of “babysitting” Brooke for me. He told me after dinner they went for ice cream then coffee. He tried everything, but Nicole was getting antsy, and he couldn’t stall anymore.

I just hoped she was awake.

Still awake?

Just got out of the shower and trying to stay awake for your call. How’s work going?

I got out of my car and started to walk towards her building.

Busy. I just made myself take a break. I miss you.

I miss you more.

I found her apartment and started to walk up the stairs while I dialed her number and smiled at her words. There was no way she missed me more.

“Hey,” she answered. I could hear the smile through the phone.

“Hey, I just wanted to hear your voice.”

“You’re always telling me pick-up lines.”

“How is that a pick-up line?” I asked, still smiling as I stood outside her door. The lights from inside her apartment glowed through the blinds.

My palms were still sweaty. Why was I so nervous? This was my Brooke. The one I spent seven nights with on a cruise. The one I talked to every night before bed.

“You always say things that make me melt.” Knock, knock, knock. “Weird, someone is at the door,” she said, losing her train of thought.

“Who could that be this late at night?” I asked, still smiling like the Cheshire Cat from
Alice in Wonderland

“Probably Nicole. Ever since we’ve found out about my tumor, she’s been babying me. Tonight, she and Avery acted like they couldn’t leave me home alone because I would be depressed or something. After dinner, they took me to get ice cream
coffee,” she said, dragging out the word “and”. “Hold on, let me see what she wants.”

I heard the wind through the phone as she made her way through her apartment. My heart was racing more than the day I held Cheyenne in my arms. The day my Peanut was born changed my life. I hoped tonight was life changing, too.

I could see her shadow as she looked through the peephole and I waited nervously.

She gasped and then said my name. “Easton...what...”

The deadbolt turned, and she opened the door. She stood with the phone held to her ear and in
boxers and Halo t-shirt she never gave back on the cruise.

My phone was still to my ear, too. “Hi,” I said, smiling—still. My smile hadn’t faltered since she answered the phone.

She bit her bottom lip, and my cock jerked in my jeans. “Hi,” she said, taking the phone from her ear.

I lowered mine, pressing the End button and stepped forward as she did the same. Our bodies were inches apart, hers smelling like apple orchards and mine smelling like a stuffy bar.

“What...” Brooke started to say, but I grabbed her face with both hands, my phone still in my right hand and kissed her like the night we kissed on the cruise. Her phone fell to the floor, and she then reached up, running her fingers through my hair and pressing her body against mine. My dick grew hard with the contact, but this time, she didn’t pull away like she had the first time she felt my cock stiffen when we kissed.

I kicked the door closed behind me, and she led me to her bedroom with our fingers laced. No words were spoken; they weren’t needed. So much sexual frustration had been built up between us, and now that we were both single, we knew what was coming.

I’d been waiting for this moment for what seemed like eternity. Every noise from the busy street that ran in front of her apartment building disappeared as our tongues lapped at each other again. Her moans made my cock stiffen more, and I had to fight every urge to not throw her on the bed and make her scream my name before we even had time to say more than hello.

This was going to be my first time with her, and I wanted it to be perfect. It would be my last first time with anyone. If someone would have told me three weeks ago that I would have fallen in love with the first woman I saw on the cruise around my age, I would have told them they were crazy.

Avery was looking for
the one
, but I found my own.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, never breaking the contact of our lips.

I didn’t break them either as I responded against her mouth. “I had to be here for

“I would say the roses were enough, but this is better,” she said, crawling backwards onto the bed.

“They were a decoy. I planned to come after work, but I needed to see you sooner.”

I stepped closer as she kneeled on the edge of the bed on her knees, her arms wrapped around my neck, sending shivers down my spine as she ran her fingers through my hair. There had been plenty of women to touch me, but it never had an effect on me like this before. Every time Brooke touched me, it was like I had never been touched before. Every touch felt new.

“Now we can christen the sheets since you promised,” she said, leaning back to look into my eyes.

“Oh yeah?” I smirked at her.


I could feel the hardness of her nipples as they poked through her shirt—Christ,
shirt. As they poked through
shirt. In that moment as I took in how hot she was in my clothes, I made a mental note to give her all my t-shirts. I would buy new ones and then give those to her in a few years when the others were worn out.

I reached down to the hem of her t-shirt. “I like your shirt.”

“I wear it every night.” She blushed.

“Mmmm it smells clean and like you,” I said, bending down to sniff the side of her neck.

“Well I wash it, but I just put it back on the same night I do laundry.”

“I’m going to give you more so you don’t wear it out too fast. I like you sleeping in my clothes.”

“That’s fine with me,” she said, smiling.

I kissed the side of her neck where I had been memorizing her scent. My tongue slipped out to taste her skin and made her moan again. She tilted her head to the side, granting me better access, my tongue tasting the saltiness of her skin. I ran my tongue from the top of her shoulder to her earlobe, feeling little goose bumps on her skin as she moaned again.

She tasted like heaven, and I wasn’t even to the good stuff, yet. I couldn’t imagine what her pussy would taste like. If it tasted as good as her skin, I was going to be eating her for breakfast, lunch and dinner until the day I died.

I grabbed the hem of the black t-shirt, raising it until it was over her head and on the floor. I stepped back a foot, capturing the sight of her bare, plump breasts. My mouth watered in anticipation, as if she were a food my brain knew would be good.

“You’re the most beautiful woman in the whole world.”

“You’re just sayin’ that.”

My eyes darted back to hers. I remembered how compliments made her blush and that she didn’t believe the ones I paid her on the cruise. “I’m serious. I just want to suck and lick every inch of you right now.”

“Well do it.” She smiled.

She didn’t have to tell me twice. I threw my shirt on the floor beside hers and stepped forward, grabbing her left breast with my right hand. It was the perfect size for my hand. Just big enough to spill over in my palm, but not too big that I wouldn’t know what to do with it all.

I bent down enough to stick it in my mouth, twirling my tongue around her puckered nipple.

“Do you want to turn the light off?” she asked.

I looked up at her. “Why would I want to do that?”

“I...I don’t know.” She shrugged.

“We can turn the lights off if you want, but I want to see you, Baby.”

“Okay.” She smiled again.

There was something in her look that told me that when Jared fucked her, he did it with the lights off. He was a worthless piece of shit that probably got off to women that looked like men instead of this beautiful woman in front of me.

His loss!

I took her other breast in my mouth, giving her nipple the same attention as the first one. Her hands continued to play in my hair, and I could smell the distinct fragrance of her arousal.

Stepping away from her, I unbuttoned my jeans, throwing them and my boxers on the floor with our clothes. I watched Brooke watch me, making me smile as the look in her eye was like a tiger about to pounce on its prey. But I was the tiger, and I was going to claim her first.

As I stood before her naked body, placing my hands on her hips and hooking my fingers in the elastic band of her boxers, I shimmed them down her legs, taking her panties with them. When I got to her bent legs, she laid back, straightening her legs so I could remove the rest of her clothes.

I’d imagined her naked body a thousand times, but nothing would compare to the real deal. Her smooth, golden, tanned body radiated as I looked down on her. I would never get the image out of my head as it was now engraved in every part of my brain. I wanted to go to sleep every night with
and wake up every morning to
was mine. She was mine.

She scooted back to the center of the bed, laying her head against a pillow, and I crawled over her, looking directly into her eyes until we were face to face. I brushed my lips against hers and started to taste her body again with my tongue, starting at her slender throat.

“Do you have a condom?” she asked.


“Fuck, I didn’t expect this to happen. I left the bar too quick and came straight here. I don’t have one.”

“I have an IUD.”

“A what?” I laughed.

She laughed back. “It’s a pregnancy prevention thing that gets stuck up in your vagina.”

“’s means you won’t get pregnant, right?”

“Yeah.” She smiled. “It’s like the pill, but not.”

I shrugged. “I’m clean if you trust me.”

“I trust you, and I’m clean, too.”

“Good. Now that we got that out of the way, can I continue my trail?”

“Uh huh,” she said, biting her lip and smiling.

Her fucking smile made my cock twitch every time I saw it.

If she kept looking at me all cute, it was going to be over sooner than I wanted it to. I was trying to draw it out. Trying to make this memorable for both of us, because she wasn’t just some random chick I picked-up at Halo. This was
Superwoman, and I wanted our first time to be the best we’ve ever had.

I continued down to the valley of her breasts, stopping to suck each one in my mouth again. The scent of her arousal was getting stronger, and I needed to find out how wet she was. While I sucked a nipple into my mouth, I reached between her legs, running my middle finger between her folds.

The instant I felt her slick juices, I groaned against her chest. My dick stood at attention, jealous and wanting to be covered in the fluids that my finger was getting. She gasped as I touched her clit with my finger, throwing her head back against the pillow and arching her back off the bed.

I rubbed her nub as I continued my trail with my tongue, licking her stomach, dipping into her belly button and going further south until her coarse hair tickled my tongue.

I grinned against the top of her mound as realization was settling in that I was about to taste her pussy for the first time. Going down on Brooke was better than my first time with my neighbor, Page. All my senses were on high alert, and my cock throbbed, screaming at me because it wanted to be in Brooke’s warm cunt.

I needed to taste her. I’d waited too long, and even though I wanted nothing more than to give my dick what he wanted, I wanted to feel Brooke squeeze my head with her thighs as her first orgasm shot through her.

As I inched down further, a bead of pre-cum glistened on the tip of my cock. I was ready to explode just hearing Brooke moan at the first swipe of my tongue against her pussy. It tasted like candy.

Sweet fucking candy.

I lapped at her core as she continued to moan and clenched the comforter on her bed. When I flicked her clit, her body jerked a little beneath me. Her pussy was as sweet as a fucking lollipop and the best cunt I’d ever tasted—and I’ve had my fair share.

I spread her folds open with my fingers and continued to lick up her sweet juices. I couldn’t believe that I was in her apartment and tasting her—about ready to fuck her. I laid on the bed on my stomach, and with my other hand, I slipped first one finger and then two into her pussy as I sucked and flicked her clit.

Her body started to tighten as she was on the verge of shattering. I sped my fingers and tongue up, needing her to release so my cock could experience her tight pussy bareback. I hadn’t gone without a condom since I was married to Dana. I’d forgotten how it felt, but knew it was going to feel awesome.

My two fingers curled inside her drenched pussy, and that was Brooke’s undoing. She moaned, back arching more and her legs clenching my head like I wanted. I slowly continued to fuck her with my fingers until her body relaxed and started coming down from her high.

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