Read The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories Online

Authors: Brina Courtney,Raine Thomas,Bethany Lopez,A. O. Peart,Amanda Aksel,Felicia Tatum,Amanda Lance,Wendy Owens,Kimberly Knight,Heidi McLaughlin

Tags: #new adult, #new adult romance, #contemporary romance, #coming of age, #college romance, #coming of age romance, #alpha male romance

The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories (253 page)

I finally spotted a phone on a small side table by the row of back windows. I squeezed myself in the corner, sat on the floor, and picked up the receiver. The dial tone hastened me to action. My hand shook when I pressed the phone numbers on the keypad.

After two rings, a male voice said on the other side, “Special Agent Drasco.”

“It’s me, Gloria Glass,” I rushed breathlessly. My heart was hammering in my chest, my teeth chattering
. Don’t panic, don’t panic, don’t panic!

“Gloria? Are you okay? Where exactly are you?” his tone changed from the professional, held-back one to anxious.

“What? You don’t know
I am?”

There was a brief silence on the line, as if he hesitated. Finally he asked again, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, but I need help. You know that, right?” I was trying to get him to confess to the FBI spy tactics.

He sighed. “What do you want me to say, Gloria? We only have your best interest in mind.”

“I’m in danger again! They are coming. Actually, they are already here!” I shouted, unable to remain calm anymore. “And you’re pretending you don’t know shit. Quit your fucking games. Are we on the same page, or are you against me?”

“Wow, wow. Wait a minute. What are you talking about? What’s going on? Who’s there?”

I was stunned. Either he was a good actor, or he really didn’t know. But he was on my case, right? So what did he know? “I’m aware of the FBI vehicle with stingray,” I chanced. I was grasping at straws, making stuff up, hoping I was right. The stingray was Ethan’s assumption. We didn’t have a proof.

But that was the right move, because Drasco hesitated even longer than before. When he spoke again, his voice was measured, “Did you actually see the van?”

Why did he even ask that? What did that matter if I saw it or not? I didn’t have time for such crap. “What the hell does that matter? You guys know exactly where I am, so stop pretending and get your asses over here.”

“I’m on my way.” His voice was controlled. I didn’t expect that answer.

“You are?” But who was the informer? What if it was Drasco? “Is Special Agent Cornell with you?”

“Yes, he is.”

“I want to talk with him,” I demanded.

Cornell came on the line. “Gloria. We’ll be there soon. Will you reconsider the Bureau’s protection?”

“Is that why you’re coming here? To chat with me about returning to the witness protection program?” What game were they both playing? Were they in it together—two moles instead of one?

“No, not just that. I can’t discuss anything else on the phone, Gloria. But we are coming to help. Stay put, please.”

This was puzzling, and I still didn’t learn much. I was getting really angry. Maybe that was better than scared out of my mind. “Okay. Hurry.” I hung up, spewing a long string of profanities.

And then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of movement outside. Ethan! Good God, Ethan! He was running toward Jack’s hiding spot. He was okay. I wanted to pound on the window and scream in happiness. I didn’t of course. But I immediately felt lighter and upbeat. It was as if a ray of light cut through some damned darkness. A moment later both Ethan and Jack crept out from behind the bush. They stayed low to the ground, focused, muscles tensed. I watched them, anxiously, from the window in the corner of the cabin.

My heart sank when they disappeared from my view, and I rushed to the front of the house. There were two windows close to the front door. I peeked out and, after a moment, spotted them hidden behind a tree. “Where are they going?” I whispered to myself, my eyes huge. They ran to the next tree and then to another bush. Clearly, their destination lay somewhere past the driveway.

I stayed mostly hidden, carefully peeking through the window. Ethan and Jack cut across the driveway and disappeared into the woods on the left. Another firework whistled and exploded in the night sky. I got an idea. I rushed back to the phone and dialed 411, directory assistance. When a bored-sounding female voice answered, I asked for the local police station direct number. A moment later, I was punching it on the keypad.

“Hello, my name is Gloria Glass. I’m staying at one of the cabins by Devil’s Lake. I’m calling to report a disturbance. There is a lot of loud noise coming from some boats parked in the middle of the lake. They are shooting off big fireworks too.”

“Yes, ma’am. We just received two other phone calls about this issue. A patrol car is on its way.”

patrol car? That means what, one, maybe two cops at the most? But there was no point in demanding they send more officers. That request would be denied, so I just said, “Thank you,” and hung up.

I pulled my hoodie from my backpack, put it on, and stuffed the gun in my pocket. I scribbled on a napkin I found on the table: COPS ARE ON THE WAY. I’M HEADING OUT TO THE BOATS. GLORIA. He was going to be furious with me for taking such a risky step. I was supposed to stay inside and hide. But what if the gang blew up this cabin up just like they did with the warehouse? I had a valid reason to leave the cabin.

Taking the same exit route as Ethan used was the option that appealed to me the most. I didn’t want to go out the front door. Thinking about Ethan calmed down my nerves. He had that effect on me, no matter how much he infuriated me at the same time. Was that called a soft spot? No, I was afraid it was more. Much more.

I rushed to the garage, opened the side door, and peeked outside. The lights made it easy to see, but only to the woods’ edge. I was scared, but I wouldn’t let myself even think of that. My plan was to run toward the shore, close to the boats. This wasn’t a big town, so the police station couldn’t be far. They would be here soon, right? I banked on that thought. Quietly, I closed the door behind me, checking that it locked. It did. Good. I hoped Ethan had the key on him in case he needed to get back inside. Well, Jack had one for sure. I pushed all the thoughts about Ethan out of my mind. Remembering his touch, his dark, serious eyes, his amazing, knees-weakening kiss made me lose my focus.

Now, my best bet was to dig up the mind of sixteen-year-old Lisbeth from the darkest corners of my memory; the Lisbeth who delivered drugs to earn a living, carried a gun, and knew how to fool the other street smart people and the cops; the Lisbeth who was deceitful and determined; the Lisbeth whose only goal was to survive one day at a time.

I felt strangely calm, all traces of my anxiety gone. I became focused and watchful. The pistol in my hand had the safety on, but it would just take a flick of my thumb to fix that. I didn’t like running with a ready-to-fire weapon. I’d seen too many friends back in the day who shot themselves by accident. But I cocked it, so that step was out of the way in the event I had to defend myself quickly.

The trees rushed at me. I ran, weaving between them, to the shore, to the boats. I knew the cops had yet to arrive because the party was still loud and the fireworks kept bursting in colors in the sky above. They illuminated my path in the prolonged flickers of light. I was getting closer. A little farther and I would stand on the shore directly in front of the boats. There must have been people there, watching the fireworks either in awe or in annoyance—the neighbors and the tourists alike. Soon the cops would show up. Very soon. The lights from the nearby cabins filtered through the trees, so even in between the fireworks I could still see where I was going.

Something large and heavy jumped on my back. I fell down, hitting the ground with a dull thud. My breath got knocked out of me. I tried to scream, but a hand closed over my mouth. I bit down on the flesh, and the guy roared in pain.

He must have lifted his head a bit, because I felt a slight change in how his weight was now distributed on my back. I seized the opportunity and, dropping my head down for a stronger impact, slammed the back of my skull into his face. He shrieked and loosened his grip on me. I pushed him off and rolled to my side. The gun was gone from my hand. Frantically, I groped the ground for it. The guy held his face in both hands, moaning. I was sure his nose was broken. My head hurt from the blow like it was ready to split open. Where was that gun? Where the fuck was the gun?

“You bitch. You fucking little bitch. I’m gonna make you pay,” he snarled, coughing and panting.

I didn’t wait for him to fulfill his promise. My elbow connected with his eye once. Twice. He screamed. Yeah, that was fucking painful. Who’s in control now?

My hand closed on the familiar shape. Jack’s gun! I grasped it and turned to the guy. He was still holding onto his face, while trying to get up. Blood seeped between his fingers.

I jumped to my feet and pointed the gun at him. “Don’t move.” I slid the safety off. I’d never killed anyone, even back then, when I lived on the streets and had to defend myself on daily basis. I came close, though.

I was sixteen again and only my survival mattered. I wanted to live. I wanted to finish the college and make Jan proud. I also wanted to see Ethan again...

The guy stilled, his face twisted in a mixture of horror and hatred.

“What’s your name?”

“Fuck you.”

“Your parents must have hated you to give you such a repulsive name. Is your last name Asshole? Fuck You Asshole. Yeah, that goes together.” I was playing. I was sixteen again, a fearless smartass.

He was fuming, cursing and thrashing on the ground.

“I said, don’t move.” I pointed the gun at his knee. “You’ll never walk again if you don’t listen now.” I knew this was one of the gang members. I just knew it. I felt absolutely no mercy for them for what they had done to Helen. If I had to blow off his knee, I wouldn’t even blink. Hell, I would gladly shoot his balls off, but that would make him bleed out too fast. Yes, I was
Lisbeth again.

He stilled. Finally, he was taking me seriously. His hands were pressed around his broken nose and the quickly-swelling right eye.

“Your name,” I insisted.

His lips trembled—from fear? From anger? I didn’t give a fuck. I just wanted to know one of the assholes’ names.

I kicked his side. Hard.

The guy yelped, “Ed.”

The party boats’ noise ceased. The last firework lit up the sky. He removed his hands from his face, and I could see it now. I recognized it. God, I recognized him! It was
, Helen’s murderer! Tears blurred my vision, running down my cheeks and dripping onto to the ground. My breath hitched; my heart rate rapidly increased. The visions from that night were suddenly vivid in my mind—Helen’s screams, the men’s laughter, blows to the face, to the stomach, the rape, the knife, Helen’s blood, so much blood spraying from her throat in a big, red arc, spilling her life away.

I cried out. It was a guttural, angry shriek of pain. No fear, just pain. And then there was anger, so much anger. My finger slid onto the trigger. Ed scooted back on his butt and elbows, screaming. I took a long, deep breath, my jaw clenched, my vision focused. The tears were gone. There was only fury. Blood, so much blood spraying from Helen’s throat. And me—crouched helplessly behind the dumpster, paralyzed with fear, helpless, stupidly helpless. Why wasn’t I the Lisbeth from the streets then? Why couldn’t I defend my friend? Where was my gun, my knife, my street-learned martial arts? Why did I let her die? Why did I let them live? Now was my chance to make it right. The trigger, my finger, the pressure.

“No! Gloria! Stop!”

Who was shouting? Was that part of the memories? Gloria? I wasn’t Gloria then... my head snapped to the side.

Special Agent Drasco stopped a few feet away, legs apart, a gun in his outstretched hands. “Put the gun down, Gloria. I’ve got it.”

I almost did. But then I remembered... who was the mole? I pivoted forty-five degrees to my right and aimed my gun at Drasco’s chest. Three shots, bam bam bam, that’s what Ethan told me. I lifted the barrel so it actually trained on his head. I was sure he wore the vest. His head was a better target, just like what the street thugs taught me back when. “How did you know I was here?”

“Gloria, you called me from that cabin.” He slowly pointed with his chin toward Ryley’s cabin. It was behind him and to his left.

“I called from the landline, not from my FBI-issued cell phone.” My voice sounded icy and calm.

I heard a short, pop-like sound followed by a punch sensation in my shoulder, and then the pain exploded in my muscle. Drasco fired his gun. It was loud. Was I shot? Who shot me? I dropped my gun and fell to my knees, wheezing.

Drasco’s pistol was pointed at Ed, who lay sprawled on the ground, his arms thrown to his sides, a long-barrel gun in his left hand. No, it wasn’t a barrel. It was a silencer. That’s what that sound was. The asshole shot me! But Drasco shot him. Ed’s head lolled to the side; a red, bloody point marked the middle of his forehead. I couldn’t take my eyes off it. Helen... she should see this, not only me. At least, she was avenged now.

I glanced at Drasco.

He rushed to me, his gun down. “Let me see.” Kneeling by my side, he gently peeled my hand off my shoulder. “Hopefully it’s only a flesh wound. We’ll take you to the hospital.” His hand went to his collar. “Drasco. I have Gloria. One of the gang members is down.”

I didn’t want to hear anything. I could only think of Helen’s murderer, lying dead on the ground. But how about the rest of them?

I grabbed Drasco’s sleeve. “Where are the others? Was he alone here?”

“No, he wasn’t. We’ve got all of them.”

I hesitated. “Where are Ethan and Jack?”

“They are safe. They’re with the other agents.”

“Are they in trouble?” I felt sick to my stomach and not because of the excruciating pain in my shoulder. I had no idea what happened since I saw Ethan and Jack running into the woods with their guns at the ready. I was sure they had permits for the guns, so that wasn’t an issue. But there could be dozens of other violations they could be charged with.

“We need to get you to the hospital right away.” Damn Drasco. He wasn’t going to change the subject so easily.

“Stop avoiding the answer. You want my cooperation on this case? Then help me out here,” I said sternly.

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