Read The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories Online

Authors: Brina Courtney,Raine Thomas,Bethany Lopez,A. O. Peart,Amanda Aksel,Felicia Tatum,Amanda Lance,Wendy Owens,Kimberly Knight,Heidi McLaughlin

Tags: #new adult, #new adult romance, #contemporary romance, #coming of age, #college romance, #coming of age romance, #alpha male romance

The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories (306 page)

“You’ll see.” I wanted it to be a surprise. Too many of our nights ended up with her picking the location or giving me directions or telling me where things were. The downside of her knowing this town better than me. I’d been searching for a spot like this for weeks. Now that I’d found it, I wanted it to be all my own doing. And I wanted to see the look on her face when I showed it to her. Prove I could make a damn good plan when I wanted to.

She stuck her lip out, pretending to pout. Damn, she was adorable when she pouted. “You’re way too cute for me to feel sorry when you do that,” I told her.

She broke into a smile and we drove on.

When I made the left onto the overgrown dirt lane she cut me a curious look. I just smiled and kept driving. The truck jostled over potholes and I slowed, not wanting to damage the food I’d stashed behind our seats. The trees on the right gave way to open space and then the lake came into view, sparkling in the late-day sun and rippling with bugs too small to see from here. I downshifted when we hit the incline. Darla chugged along, not complaining a bit.

At the top, I pulled to the right so she couldn’t see the view around the bend and cut the engine.

“We’re here,” I said when Summer didn’t move.

“Where is here?” she asked, looking around uncertainly.

“Not private property,” I assured her. She caught my eye and we shared a smile, both of us remembering the mud fight—and our unexpected audience. I didn’t want any interruptions so I’d checked the records on this place. It was on the very edge of her dad’s property and considered public land. We were good to go.

“Come on. I want to show you something,” I said, getting out.

I came around and took her hand before leading her up the tiny path I’d found a couple of weeks ago. Branches overhung the trail and I used my free hand to hold them away so we could pass. “Watch your step,” I warned when we reached the briar patch that’d grown across the trail.

“Ford, this isn’t even a trail. Where are you taking me?” she demanded.

“It’s worth it. You’ll see.”

I pushed the last of the branches out of the way as the trail ended, giving way to the grassy hilltop and the overlook of the valley below. I walked to the edge and pulled Summer to my side, tucking her into my shoulder and wrapping an arm around her. I waited a beat, letting her take it all in, wanting her to see it for herself without me pointing it out.

“What do you think?” I asked finally.

“It’s ... beautiful,” she began. “And wait—is that ...?”

I followed her gaze. “The site of our first date?” I finished. “Yes.”

“It’s not muddy anymore,” she said, straining to see the spot where we’d fallen and first made out.

I pointed farther out, past the dirt road. “Just over those trees, you can make out the rooftop of Sadie’s.”

“The other half of our first date,” she said.

“And there,” I pointed, swinging my arm all the way right, “is your backyard.”

She stood on her tiptoes. “I can just make out the greenhouses from here. Wow. I didn’t realize we were so close to the farm. Oh, and I can see the hill we use for the bonfire.”

“Another of our dates,” I added.

“All of our memories can be seen from here.” She turned to me, her eyes wide in wonder. “Ford, this spot is ... How did you find it?”

“I wanted a place you didn’t know about. I wanted you to see your world from a different angle.”

She slid her arms up my chest and locked her fingers around my neck, rising on her toes so we were face to face. “I already do,” she whispered. “Every single day. Thanks to you.”

When she kissed me, the view had nothing on the wonder of her mouth on mine.

I ended the kiss before I could get carried away. I could see the desire in her eyes when she looked up at me and it was all I could do to step away. I adjusted my jeans and gave her a rueful smile. “I thought most girls expected dinner first?”

“I’m not most girls,” she said with a wicked smile.

“No. You’re definitely not. But tonight’s mine and we’re sticking to the plan.”

Her jaw dropped open dramatically. “Ford O’Neal. You have a plan?”

“Shut up.” I planted a kiss on her lips so she’d do just that. She laughed around my kiss and I shook my head. “I’m going to get some things from the truck. Be right back.”

“I’ll be here.”

I hurried back to the truck and grabbed the bags of food I’d brought with me. Back on the hillside, I spread the blanket out and set the bags down, pulling out the containers of fruit and cheese.

“Wow, this looks great,” Summer said, sitting down in front of me and uncovering a bowl of grapes. She popped one into her mouth. “Mmm. You did good for someone who never plans ahead.”

I raised a brow at that.

“All right, you did good period.”

“Thank you.”

I reached into the bag and pulled out the clear glass bottle I’d stashed. I wrapped it underneath the hem of my shirt, dusting it off and revealing the dark red liquid inside.

“What’s that?” she asked while I opened it and poured.

“Something special I’d set aside. Just waiting for the right night to come along.”

“And tonight’s special enough?”

“You’re special enough.” I met her eyes and held them. Her stare pulled me in, unspoken words passing between us like a conversation of emotions. There was so much I wanted to say but couldn’t. I had a feeling she could see it all in my eyes anyway. “Drink?” I asked, blinking myself back to some semblance of reality.

“Thanks.” She took the plastic cup with lowered lashes and sipped. I wondered where her thoughts had gone that made her want to let the moment pass without words. Summer was usually a fan of words—and defining moments. “Mmm. What is this?” she asked.

I winked. “Homemade brew. Family secret.”

“It’s really good.” She took another sip. “And this view is gorgeous.”

My heart pounded, blood rushing in my ears. I scooted closer, enjoying the feel of our bodies pressed lightly together from ankle to thigh, and slung an arm around her shoulders. “You’re gorgeous,” I whispered.

She blushed at the compliment, and the slight redness that colored her cheeks made me want to kiss her until she couldn’t breathe. I loved that blush.

We sat in silence, both of us sipping our wine. It was a recipe my dad and I had made up together the summer before I left for college. The secret was letting it ferment long enough. Patience. I hadn’t had much of it back then, but he’d taught me good things come to those willing to wait. I thought the lesson applied pretty well to more than just wine. Summer’s taste was just as rare. And worth the wait it’d taken to find her.

I drained my glass as the sun disappeared over the tops of the distant trees. Pink and orange streaks lit the sky in all directions, layered by thin white clouds. It was a gorgeous view but I’d seen it already—and I wanted a view of a different kind.

I set my cup aside and watched as Summer swallowed the last of her wine. The way her neck exposed itself as she tipped back was sexy as hell. She lowered her cup and I took it and tossed it aside. I wrapped my palm around the back of her neck, sliding my fingers in around her hair, and pulled her lips to mine. She tasted as sweet as the wine.

I inhaled, wanting to drink in every inch of her—taste and scent. Orange blossoms and mint. I’d never met anyone who smelled that way. It was intoxicating without the alcohol blending in behind it. I wanted more. Of her. Of this. Of all of it.

I gently pushed her back so that I lay over her. My elbow braced my weight and with my hand, I trailed my fingers down the length of her body from shoulder to thigh and back. I let it brush her breast and she tensed up. A small noise escaped her mouth between kisses. I parted her lips with mine and slipped my tongue inside. Her breath was hot on my face, her open mouth warm and inviting. Asking for more. I slipped my hand underneath her shirt and unclasped her bra before catching her nipple between my fingers and gently pulling. She whimpered and pushed her hips against mine.

My jeans, already tight, filled to the point of painful. I pushed against her, feeling my bulge hit the spot between her thighs. I was rewarded with a soft moan and then her hands reached down to grip my belt loops. She held me there while she grinded her hips against mine, her tongue massaging at a pace that made me want to get rid of these clothes and match it with an entirely different body part.

I slipped my hand around to her ass and inside the hem of her shorts, working my way up the inside of her thigh. I pushed her panties aside and stroked her clit, my fingers light and teasing. She pulled me tighter against her, hips straining, tongue moving. And the noises she was making were sexy as hell. I found her already wet and slipped a finger easily inside her, pushing slowly. She held on tight and moved against my hand, a silent plea for more. I gave it to her, stroking in and out, my movements excruciatingly slow.

“Summer ... I want you,” I whispered, still stroking her insides.

“Take me,” she whimpered back.

“Right here?”

“Right here,” she pleaded.

Still, I didn’t remove my hand. I increased the pressure, pushing harder into her with my fingers, pausing to tease her clit before sliding back inside her folds. She moved against me, her rhythm attempting to increase the pace, but I kept it slow.

When she began to shake, I knew she was close. Her breathing turned shallow and she let out a small cry. I kissed a trail up her neck and pulled her earlobe into my mouth, inhaling the heady scent of her perfume. I exhaled, letting my breath tickle her ear.

Summer shuddered, clinging to me with nails that dug into my flesh even through the fabric of my shirt. “Ford,” she said on a breath.

After a moment, her entire body went limp and her kiss turned lazy. I slid my fingers out and traced small circles around the outside of her. I was rock hard and ready to go but I didn’t want to miss this moment—the way she looked in the low light with her hair spread around her and that satisfied-yet-hungry grin playing at the edges of her mouth.

I stared down at her, taking in her half smile and closed eyes. “I love being the one to make you look like this,” I whispered, my face only inches from hers.

“Mmm. Ford, I love you,” she replied.

The second the words were out, she froze. My hands stilled in surprise and before I could react, she was scooting out from underneath me, her eyes opened wide in horror. I had no idea what to say. It wasn’t a phrase I’d expected to hear from her. Ever. Though, now that I’d heard it, a slow wave of warmth was spreading over me, and I couldn’t deny how ridiculously giddy it’d made me that she’d said it. That she meant it.

When I didn’t say anything, Summer jumped to her feet, adjusting her shirt and running a hand through her hair. “Shit—I’m sorry. I don’t know where that came from. I didn’t mean—Forget I said that.” Her face was three different shades of red as she tried to recover from the unintentional slip.

I climbed to my feet, knowing I needed to say something to make this right. And not just for her, I realized, but for me. I
to say something back.

“Summer, wait.” I caught her hand just as she turned away and pulled her back to face me.

“What?” Her expression was tight as if she’d braced herself.

I used my free hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. I wanted to see the look in her eyes for this one. I wanted to remember this moment. “Did you mean it?”

Her face reddened another shade and she bit her lip. It took her a long time to answer, or maybe to decide how to answer. When she did, her shoulders sagged in some version of defeat. “It doesn’t matter. You’re leaving.”

“It matters for right now,” I said.

Her expression told me she wasn’t convinced. I took a deep breath. There was a strange fullness in my chest right over my heart and I knew that although she’d had the guts to say it first, I felt the same. Despite the fear, I pushed on. “It matters because ... I love you too.”

“Ford.” Her eyes filled with tears.

I recognized that look and the argument that would follow. I pressed on without giving her a chance. “No matter what happens after this, you’ve changed me, Summer. I love you for that and for the fact that not once have you asked for that change. What we have, what we are, is beautiful. Don’t ruin it by worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet. This moment right here is ours. Let’s take our moments.”

She blinked and when her eyes opened, they were clear and shining. Slowly, she reached up and wound her arms around my neck. “All right,” she said softly. “Let’s take our moments.”

When she smiled, I saw the way she had to work at it. I knew the feeling. Letting the love in was a scary choice. One I’d choose over and over again if it meant holding onto this feeling. Holding onto Summer. The only thing better was feeling her hold onto me.

Chapter Twenty-Five


"After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one's own relations."

—Oscar Wilde
A Woman of No Importance


he sight of your father standing over your bed in the middle of the night is weird at best, creepy at worst. I barely held back the scream that bubbled in my throat when I opened my eyes to the sight of him bent over me and shaking my shoulder to rouse me.

“What ...?” I began, closer to sleep than awake.

“Wake up, honey,” he said. His voice was oddly gentle. That, more than anything, let me know something was up. Something serious.

“What is it?” I asked.

“It’s your mother. She was in a car accident. We need to go.”

I threw the cover back, six different types of alarm bells sounding in my head. Panic shot through me as my feet hit the chilly hardwood. “Is she okay? Is she—?”

“She’s stable. That’s all I know. Can you throw some clothes on?” He backed off to give me some room as I rummaged in the darkness for the jeans I’d thrown aside earlier.

I went to the closet and ripped a shirt off the hanger. “I’ll meet you downstairs in five.”

He was already out the door, his boots creaking down the steps as he went.

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