Their Ex's Redrock Two (4 page)

Read Their Ex's Redrock Two Online

Authors: Shirl Anders

Tags: #General Fiction

sure you know this about women, honey,” she started to explain back. “But we
have a good sore and bad sore and this, baby, is a
good sore.
It’s going to put me back into our hot moments together, all day, whenever I
feel it.”

moments,” he stated, with his gaze trailing over her really naked body, in the
light of day. It was one thing to see naked bits and parts of her, here and
there, but all at once, when she was sober. Eek. She scurried to the bathroom,
her finger pointing at him. “No shower sex, now. No,
. Get me? No!”

She got
ready in less than twenty minutes. It was record time and mostly because
Vincent was gone from the bedroom when she got out of her quick shower. Putting
on her makeup, she realized that she hadn’t been thinking about her disintegrating
marriage, her hurtful asshole husband, the cheating, or any of it

been too busy having an amazingly hot and dazzling affair with a man who was
the definition of
. She’d have to mull it all over later at work,
because she didn’t have time then to analyze it.

later, when she came slowly down the stairs, she could smell coffee, while her
gaze searched for Vincent. Next she sighed with a happy and excited breath at
the sight of him, leaning on the kitchen island with his shirt opened, his feet
bare, and his ridged belly drawing her gaze down to the unzipped top of his
jeans. Wow. Tingles leisurely tingled through her and she wondered if she'd
ever been more attracted to a man as she acutely felt the truly good soreness
between her legs. Vincent watched her over the rim of his coffee mug, tilted to
his lips, as his gaze roamed over her.

chosen a pleated, leather mini skirt with a ruffled, print camisole and a pair
of leopard-print short, kit boots with four inch heels. She might have gone
overboard trying to impress Vincent, but his gaze said, even though her hair
was still wet, he liked what he saw.

He set
his coffee cup on the island top and he started to walk toward her with
intentions striking his features. They met before she took the last step down
and it put her to his height with her heels on.

wear this to work?” His voice was low as he latched onto her waist with his
gaze traveling over her, down to her sexy boots. Then he commanded, “Tonight. You
naked. In

He was
looking at her leopard kit boots, that were very hot, and the tingles turned into
heated throbs caused by his words. She wasn’t going to be able to get his sexy,
hot idea out of her head all day.

Then his
voice rumbled, “Hell, there's not time for what I wanna do to you this second.”

His hand
grabbed her ass and skirt, pulling her to him. She laughed with excitement,
bracing her hand on his shoulders, then she mimicked his deep voice. “Hell,
there’s no time for what I want to do to
this second.” Her hands
stroked down the warm tight skin on his bare chest, showing him how she felt
about his shirt being open. He chuckled and she loved the sound of it.

never going to get a chance to talk,” he muttered.

tilted her head, while roaming her hands down the sides of his cut waist.
“There's no pillow talk with you,” she agreed. “Afterward there's only wipe-out

grabbed her waist, lifting her in the air, and she quickly grasped his
shoulders. “Wipe-out glow, is it?” He brought her down slowly, pressed into his
body the entire way. “Might have to call you to talk.” Then he said, “Give me
that pretty mouth, no tongue, so you can get to work.”

sounded so good she did it, winding her arms over his shoulders so she balanced
on the tip of her kit boots, while he grasped her wet hair and moved her mouth
to his. Right before their lips touched, he said, “Easy on me now.”

laughed as they started their kiss, which did turn hot even without tongue. She
was lost in their hot kissing, and not tracking, but there was a clicking
sound, a rattle, and then Vincent stiffened against her. Next a voice threw her
completely out of the kiss.

“Who the
hell is

lips tore from hers. “Fuck,” he barked, dropping her and standing back.

screech got louder. “That’s Steven’s fucking bitch!”

It was
Luna freaking Whitehorse standing in the entryway with what looked like a key
for the condo in her hand. Tess stumbled back to the stairway and grabbed the
rail as Vincent moved to the island, but in front of her. With a vicious throw,
Luna threw her key ring at Vincent with such force it would have cut him had he
not ducked to the side.

fucking her!” Luna screeched. She stomped forward. “Are you fucking her!” Her
beautiful face was twisted. “Are you fucking her, Vin!” she shouted. “In my

Was this Luna’s condo?

before Tess realized, Luna grabbed a decorative bowl off the island and had it
in the air with a heave, but she’d thrown it toward Tess, while shrieking, “He’s
mine, bitch! He’s
mine, bitch!”

cried out as the bowl went sailing, but Vincent snagged it out of the air with
a bat of his hand and it sailed into the sink, hitting and shattering. Then
before Tess could blink, a metal serving spoon came at her next.

upstairs now!” Vincent shouted, just managing to bat the spoon away.

bitch! That fucking bitch, I'll tear her up!”

Tess was
shaking and panting as she ran upstairs. The woman was insane! She hit the
landing and saw Vincent had tackled Luna’s attempt to follow her. Vincent had
Luna by the waist from behind swinging her away from the stairs. Tess didn’t
look anymore; she just ran to the bedroom and slammed the door shut, locking it.

she panted, leaning against the door. “It’s like she’s mentally ill or

could hear shouting downstairs, but not the words. She grabbed her purse, to
get her cell while wondering if she should call 9-1-1. The only way to know was
to look downstairs, so she kept her cell in her hand and slowly unlocked the
door. As softly as she could she opened it and she could hear raised voices,
but they weren’t shouting any longer.

tiptoed down the hall but her heartbeat stalled for breathtaking and agonizing
seconds, when she heard Vincent saying. “I just did her to get back at you, Luna.”
His words were snarled and low. “I knew you were doing Navarro.”

hand shot to her mouth so she wouldn’t scream. “Baby, I thought I
do him to get my shot at fame.” That was Luna. Tess sank down against the wall
with tears burning her eyes.

“I don’t
fucking want her, Luna, it was a point,” Vincent’s voice growled.

no, no,
cried through Tess’ mind.




stomped into the office of Rowdie’s Motel, hoping her puffy eyes and red nose
looked more like she was drunk, than the truth, she’d been crying. It was
freaking nine thirty in the morning so if she were drunk it had to look like a
bender. She saw her target and marched to the counter. There was a vague bit of
surprise in the back of her mind seeing Finn O’Neil behind the counter that
early. Really, her surprise was how hot he looked in a really badass criminal
way, but she was heartbroken and could not dwell on that.

“I want
a room,” she stated in a voice that sounded like an everyday calm voice, which
she was proud of, seeing as Vincent Whitehorse had just crushed her heart, used
it, and then tossed it back.

avoided Finn’s crystal green eyes, until she heard his gravelly voice announce,
“No fucking way, Chiquita.”

“Ah …”
she started to say, looking up at him and seeing his black goatee pulled down
with the line of his firm lips. Those eyes of his gazing straight into her gave
her an inappropriate, but nevertheless, thrill of awareness. “You can’t deny me
a room,” she explained.

He stood
from a stool he’d been sitting on. It brought him over her and the counter
between them even with her high-heeled, kit boots on. Her heartbeat fluttered
more as he leaned over the counter and she forced herself not to back away.
That close he was even more handsome with long dark eyelashes and black hair so
thick it shown as if it were wet. Then she smelled a yummy Irish spring soap
smell, mixed with man, wafting over her that must linger from a very recent
shower. She tilted toward the smell before she could help herself.

brilliant jeweled eyes of his narrowed slightly as if he studied her, suddenly
becoming very intent. She might have forgotten to breathe.

he ordered on a rumbled growl. Tess shuddered and sucked in a breath. “Where’s
your man, Vincent?” he demanded, looking at her mouth, which got nervous and
she had to lick her lips.

seemed to narrow his gaze further. “He’s not my man,” she hissed. “I’m
married,” she blurted, and why she thought to add that ridiculous assertion was
beyond her.

need to tell you the affair on that one,” Finn said with a gentler, deep voice.
Tess blinked. Hell, he knew! Finn, owner of the dive motel in town, knew about
her husband’s affair. Had the cheaters come to Rowdie’s? The question was on
the tip of her tongue, when he continued.

“I know
you know. Now take your sweet ass back to Whitehorse.”

though Tess liked his deep voice calling her ass sweet, she almost growled out
loud, but instead of snarling in frustration she snapped at him. “You know too
much about my business, Mr. O’Neil.”

“Finn,” he
snapped back.

just to piss him off more, she put her elbows on his high motel office counter,
got up on her toes because she was short, and she leaned in. “
she said, snottily. “I demand a room.”

His body
arrowed over the counter with his nose to her nose and she sucked in another
breath. “You.
Fucking call
, Finn, Chiquita.”

sex-appeal-domination vibe sort of rolled over her making things perk on her
that had no business perking. “For a room, I’ll stop,” she tried, seeing so
close that he had gold spikes in his incredibly charged green eyes.

dangerous here,” he muttered.

“I need
a room,” she whispered. “Really need one.”

started to shake his head slowly with his lips drawing a firm line inside his
goatee and her gaze was so close she saw how young he was. Not like younger
than her but his overall bad vibe adding to his facial hair and tats, when
standing back, made him seem older. But he’d been in her class in high school.

Finn,” she tried some more.

“This is
not the place for a babe like you,” he stated in the lowest, quietest gravelly
voice she’d heard from him yet.

quelled the shiver trying to run through her and opened her mouth to try again,
when a swishing sound sounded behind her, then a scratchy woman’s voice
demanded, “I need the key to twelve if you're done
her with
your gaze.”

kind of jumped back from Finn, while he moved slower, then Tess looked over her
shoulder to see a slender blonde woman approaching the counter. The woman was a
very pretty, Suzy-homemaker type and all that was missing was the apron. She
had blond hair in a twist with a modest, pink shell top and Capri pants over
flat sandals along with a shoulder purse. She even had small pearls at her

growled at the woman, but it didn’t faze her as she reached across the counter
with her hand raised out. Finn turned stiffly, nabbed a key, turned back and
slapped it on the counter. “Don’t break him, Katie,” he rasped, pulling his
hand away, leaving the key.

going to
his brains out,” Katie decreed without a glance to Tess,
who stood with her lips parted in surprise. Then Katie grabbed the keys and
turned, but stopped to look at Tess. “Piece of advice,” she said, nodding
toward Finn so the unwanted advice she was going to impart had to be about him.
“Be an animal in bed or he will toss you aside.”

Then she
stomped away, as Tess stuttered, “I-I’m not going in his bed.”

uttered, “Fuck,” under his breath.

was out the door and Tess saw her meet a tall, bald man outside, who grabbed
Katie’s ass, then they both swung toward one of the rooms.

“Who was
that?” Tess exclaimed, not really thinking she’d get any answer. It had to be
an old fling of Finn’s

Finn’s voice barked behind her.

she …” Tess turned to him, then looked back at Katie and the man opening the
door to a room. “But she’s …” Tess swung her hand around. “But you let her …”

Finn growled. “And just so you know, babe, I don’t give a fuck. I begged for
that pussy once. Never do it again.”

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