Read TheSmallPrint Online

Authors: Barbara Elsborg

TheSmallPrint (23 page)

He put his hand on Matty’s arm and pressed his face into her damp hair. “I hate to see you hurting,” he whispered.

“Pain going now.” Matty took a deep breath and he watched the tension seep from her body. Her breathing eased and she opened her eyes.

Catch leaned up on his elbow. “What was all that about?”

“Every so often…I get this bad pain in my chest…but it goes.”

He stared at her bare shoulder.
Is she naked?

“It doesn’t last long,” she said.

Matty moved, so did the duvet, and more creamy flesh came into view.
Shit. My stupid cock. Down, boy!

“It’s probably something I caught on my last trip to Mars,” she said.

If he tugged on the duvet, just a little, he’d— “What?”

“You weren’t listening.”

“I am, but you’re too distracting. You’re naked
the duvet. I’m naked
the duvet. We need to get rid of the duvet.”

Her head shot up so fast, she hit his nose.

Catch winced. “Ouch.”

“Why are you naked?” Matty asked.

“I threw myself in the river to rescue a princess and I don’t have a spare set of clothes. I’m cold. Could I get under the covers with you? We could warm each other up.”

“What would Turner think about that?”

He kissed her chin. “I’m not asking Turner. I’m asking you.”

“I…I saw you and him in the drawing room.”

Catch’s tongue stopped halfway along the line of her jaw. “What were we doing?”

Matty squirmed. “You…want details?”

“We were fucking?” He lifted his head and stared straight at her.

She nodded. Neither of them had heard her open the door.

“What did you think when you saw us?” Catch ran his tongue down her neck.

“Think?” she squeaked.

Catch wondered if he’d ever asked a more important question in his life. What she said now could destroy any hope he had of one guy and his two hands becoming two guys and a woman with six hands and endless possibilities.

“I was jealous,” she whispered.

Catch’s heart stuttered. He mouthed two words three times before he could spit them out. “Of whom?” He’d even managed good grammar. Hadn’t he?

“Both of you.”

His cock wanted to leap in the air and yell
Thank fuck it couldn’t. The yelling bit anyway. It embarrassed him enough as it was. Only he still wasn’t completely sure what she meant.

“You wanted each other so much. I could see it in your faces and in every gesture.” She gulped. “Not that I watched for long. Honestly.”

She looked everywhere except at him, and Catch didn’t think he’d seen anything so enchanting in his life.

“You do know we’re bisexual.”

When Matty didn’t say anything, Catch wondered if he needed to spell it out.

Or show her.

Oh God.
He didn’t want her to leave. He wanted
. He wanted Turner.

“Does that mean you like to wear dresses?” she whispered.

“No, it fucking— Ah, very funny.” Catch narrowed his eyes. “What it means is that I like to fuck men and I like to fuck women too. If I’m lucky, I get both at the same time.”

Her fingers slid down his arm and his breath hitched in his throat.

“And are you?” Matty asked.

Catch’s brain had liquefied. “Am I what?”


At that precise moment, he thought he was the luckiest guy in the world, but he told the truth. “Not often,” he muttered.

“Did you know even when you were a young boy that you were bi? I’ve been thinking. Turner said you hadn’t seen each other for twenty years so you must only have been in your teens when you last met and yet—”

“Teens?” he asked with a laugh, and then as if a blast of arctic air had cleared his head, Catch realized she had no idea what Turner was, how old he was. “Instant attraction,” he blurted.

He could almost see her thinking. He didn’t need her to think too hard. At all, come to that.

“I’m a bad boy, princess. The sort parents warn their daughters about. The reason they’d have locked you up in an attic and put an armed guard at the base. And you know what? I’d still have found a way to get to you. I’ve slept around my whole life. Except for…one guy, they were easy lays that meant nothing once I walked away. But I was always careful and I’m…clean.”
Oh God, he’d nearly blurted Turner’s name.

No way for him to catch anything nasty, but if she didn’t know Turner was a vampire, Catch could hardly tell her what
was. He didn’t see why
had to be the one to freak her out. Let Turner tell her first. He pressed his finger on her lips when she started to speak.

“Let me finish, please,” he said. “I talk a lot—talk all the time—but I’m struggling for the words here because I want to get it right. Something is different with you. You make me feel…as though everything suddenly has meaning. I want to look after you, protect you, cherish you. I want to give you everything. I want to make you happy.”

Matty stared at him, her eyes glistening. “You’ve only just met me.”

“But I’ve been waiting for you for years. What the fuck took you so long?”

She laughed. “And this has nothing to do with the fact you want to get rid of the duvet?”

“Hell, I want to rip this damn duvet into shreds and incinerate it.”

Matty smiled and then chewed her lip. “You’re not doing this to…get at Turner?”

“It’s me and you here, not Turner. I’d love for Turner to be here too, but he’s not. It takes him awhile to get his head around things.”

“You’re talking of…three of us being together?” she whispered.

Thank you, God.
“Yes, you lucky girl.”

She released a nervous laugh.

“We can take this a step at a time. Anything that makes you happy.” Catch wasn’t sure if she was jittery or playing coy.

“If I asked you to, would you just hold me?”

“Yes. One part of my anatomy would never speak to me again, but yes.”

“Does he speak to you?”

“Oh yeah. A real chatterbox. A bad influence. I blame everything on him.”

Matty slid from under the duvet and joined Catch on top.
Catch’s jaw dropped and he thought his heart was about to stop.
Gorgeous breasts.
She was so beautiful, smooth and soft, all hills and valleys and flowing curves.
And those breasts.
She ran one finger and thumb all the way up the sides of his cock, brought them together to gently pinch the foreskin over the crest and his heart

She opened her eyes wide. “I didn’t know they came in that size.”

Catch laughed, and damn if his cock didn’t grow another inch. He knew she was only flirting. He was no bigger than Turner, but he loved her for it.
Loved. Shit.

Matty blew out a breath. “Wow. I think I need to go and get my whip and chair.”

Oh God, she is perfect.
Catch was torn between wishing Turner there and wanting Matty to himself. He’d like both, but Catch had always been one to seize the moment. She hadn’t freaked out at the idea of three. They could do that later. He just had to take this steady.


Matty’s heart raced.

Three? Well, two at the moment.

This is wrong. I shouldn’t.

Oh God, yes I should. Why not? I’m out of here tomorrow.

When Catch caught hold of her foot and lifted it to his mouth, Matty groaned and shivered. A rasp of a long, wet tongue across her sole and the only parts of her body that stayed in contact with the mattress were her head and shoulders. A nibble at her toes and she whimpered. A suck on her big toe and the muscles in her core tightened and pulsed.

Catch licked a slow, sensuous path up her body, trying to hold her down while she writhed like a tormented snake. The touch of his tongue, the caress of his hair and every brush of his fingers made her wriggle harder. Caught between wanting to come and wanting the pleasure to last forever, Matty was desperate for distraction. Once he moved within reach, she swept her hands over his back, exploring the muscular dips and curves of his body.

When his hands cupped her breasts and he moaned, the explosive sensation of his touch and the joy in his bright eyes almost tipped her over the edge.

“I want to lick you and kiss you and fuck you all over,” he whispered, and pressed his face to her belly.

Matty almost came from those words alone. Catch dropped wet, hungry kisses over her ribs to her breasts while his cock kissed in a different way, trailing a line of pre-cum up her leg. Under the flat of his tongue, Matty moaned as her nipples crinkled and tightened to the point of pain.

“More,” she groaned.

He moved from one hard peak to the other, nipping then soothing until Matty’s grip on his back turned desperate. She wrapped her legs around one of his thighs and bucked against him, trying to rub her clit.
So close.

“More,” Matty whispered.

His kisses reached the hollow of her neck and when he slid his mouth along the line of her collar bone and up her throat, she swallowed hard and felt him laugh against her neck.

“More,” she gasped. “Give me more.”

“Demanding little thing. Why don’t you tell me exactly what you want?”

Matty faltered and he smiled.

“It’s not hard to say the words,” he whispered.

“Yes, it is.”

“Okay. I’ll start. I want to slide my cock, slow and steady, into your slick heat. I want it coated in your cream. I want your muscles squeezing me.”

She released a strangled growl.

“And I don’t want you to come until I tell you to.” He nipped her throat. “Can you wait?”

That explained why there was one place he hadn’t touched her. He’d licked her groin, bitten her hips, but he’d bypassed her damp folds. He was
Two could play that game.

“Maybe,” she said. “But you’re so big and hard and long and thick and…wet.”

Matty opened her eyes wide, sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and nibbled on it. She didn’t miss the way Catch’s gaze darkened, the way he didn’t blink.

“You little monkey,” he muttered, and ground his erection into her belly.

She was as intensively aware of him as he was of her. Matty felt what he felt, knew what he wanted to do. The scent of salt and heat and raw man filled her head. He was tough in a way Turner wasn’t. Catch exuded danger from every pore, and yet Matty instinctively understood he’d never hurt her.

His kiss was rough and deep. The taste of him made her head spin, that and the fact he didn’t let her up for air. His tongue was all over hers, teasing, flicking, playing before it segued into a thrust that he echoed with his hips, rocking his shaft against her. Orgasm simmered, built, revved inside her, ripples fluttering from head to toe.

Catch lifted his head to stare into her eyes. “Matty, Matty,” he whispered. “I want you so much. I don’t have any condoms. I’ll pull out, I promise, but I’m desperate to feel you come around my cock.”

“I won’t get pregnant.” She hadn’t had a period in months. No bodily functions at all to speak of. When someone can’t eat or drink, they can’t—well, those functions she didn’t miss, though getting wet between her thighs and crying seemed to work just fine.

“I don’t—” He broke off, and she wondered what he’d been going to say.

Catch pulled back and knelt between her legs. His cock was ruby red at the head, swollen and angry-looking, his balls drawn up tight at the base as if they were trying to crawl up the stalk. Matty reached out and swiped a drop of glistening fluid from the tip of his cock. She spread it in a circle over the heart-shaped head, using the flat of her finger, and Catch sucked in a breath. When she lifted that finger to her mouth and drew it slowly down the center of her tongue, he let out a choked cry.

“Oh Christ,” Catch said. “As soon as I saw you cavorting naked on the roof, I thought you were bad. Now I know you are. And I am so glad.”

He positioned the head of his cock against her soaking folds.

“Don’t you dare come until I do,” he said.

“Fifteen minutes?” she asked, eyes wide, aiming for the innocent look.

“Let’s try for fifteen seconds.”

Matty laughed and then gasped as he slid inside her. One long, slow push and all the time he stared into her eyes.
That feels so good.
Her muscles clenched around him without her doing a thing and Catch tipped back his head and groaned.

“That’s not fair,” he gasped.

Matty deliberately tightened around him. He glared.

“What?” She squeezed his cock as hard as she could.

Catch glared harder.

She started to do it again.

“Don’t,” he groaned. “Please.”

Matty relaxed—well, tried to.

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