Read Three Is Just Enough Online

Authors: Jon Keys

Tags: #Contemporary, #Mainstream, #Menage

Three Is Just Enough (15 page)

“No, Mom. I’m fine. I think I’m catching something.” Her expression shot daggers at the two men, which only spurred them harder. Cole slipped between her legs and tugged at the top of her panties as Dalton moved from breast to breast to lick and nibble. Cole pulled down the front of her underwear and kissed the smooth flat abdomen. He pulled them lower and exposed the beginning of her folds. Leaning in, he inhaled deeply and relished the tendrils of her scent that coursed through his system. Tugging her panties a little lower, he ran his tongue over the exposed folds.

Tara slapped her hand over the phone just before she moaned. “Oh god!” She shivered under his touch. A heartbeat later she mouthed
I’m going to kill both of you!

Cole reached up and tugged Dalton to him and kissed him hard, giving Tara a few minutes to recover while they explored each other’s mouths. They pulled apart with a strand of saliva forming a silver thread between their lips. Dalton grinned at Cole and shot him a quick wink before leaning in to kiss Tara’s stomach. Cole eased down Tara’s panties while she struggled to keep them on. Her focus remained on the conversation and she was destined to lose her battle with the guys. Once they slipped over the mound of her hips, Cole worked them lower, kissing the inside of her thighs as they slipped off her ankles.

Cole kissed the arch of each foot before working his way back up her shapely legs. The heat of the secret exploration left him hard and lusting after both Tara, and Dalton. Dalton was working on Tara’s breasts, moving from one nipple to the other, both of them hard enough to cut glass. Cole could tell Tara was having more and more difficulty holding up her end of the conversation.

“Ah huh, sure Mom.”

Cole spread her legs wider, finding little resistance this time, and kissed up her thighs. Reaching her slit, he softly kissed the top.

“Oh! Yes! That’d be good, too.”

Cole chuckled and flicked his tongue along the top of her pussy. He dipped his tongue in and Dalton moved in time with him as he licked her nipples. They teased her until Tara grabbed his head with her free hand and trapped it against her crotch. Cole didn’t need more encouragement and drove his tongue inside. The scent and taste of woman flooded his senses and he feasted on Tara like a starving man on steak. He pressed his face against her wet gash and attacked her clit.

Dalton worked with equal enthusiasm on her hard nipples. Tara’s body responded enthusiastically to their attention. Cole pressed her legs wider, feasting as he drove his tongue again and again into her wetness. She thrashed under him, the depths of her vagina rippling over his fingers as he slipped them in and stroked against her.

“Yes! Yes! Oh yes, Mom. That’s great. We’ll be…there!”

Tara frantically hit end on her phone as her body began to orgasm. She tensed and released again and again as the two guys hit every erogenous zone they could remember. She twisted across the bed for several moments and then drew her legs up tight and moaned. “Stop! It’s vibrating. Holy crap!”

They stopped, running their hands over her heated body as she lay panting. She dropped the back of her hand over her eyes as her chest heaved. The minutes slipped by and the guys caressed her gently, planting soft kisses on her fevered skin. Suddenly Tara lurched upright and started swatting both of them.

“You assholes! I can’t believe you did that.”

Cole grinned and ran his hand down her back. “I thought you enjoyed yourself.”

“I was. I did. But, damnit! That was my mother. I’m sure she knew what you were doing.”

Dalton kissed Tara’s cheek and she swatted him in the middle of his chest. “Well, you’re both going to be laughing out of the other side of your ass. Because I just told her we’re all coming to spend Christmas with them.”

Cole turned slightly green. “We are?”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Tara bounced down the bed and glared at the two of them, each with raging erections. “If you think I’m having sex with you two, you’re nuts.”

She grabbed some clothes from the wardrobe and headed for the shower. Before she disappeared through the door she stopped to look back at her two lovers. “Enjoy yourself.” And slammed the door behind her.


Chapter Nine



They struggled to get their bags from Tara’s car and to the door. None of the trio looked forward to the visit. Tara made it clear her family wouldn’t be as easy as Dalton’s parents. When pressed to tell them why, she only said her family was complicated.

Tara unlocked the door and led the group inside. She motioned for them to leave everything in the entryway and then went in search of her parents. Her mother was in the kitchen, surrounded with the beginnings of Christmas dinner. Tara stopped at the door and cleared her throat. Their house was always immaculate, and Tara never felt she met her mother’s standards.

The woman working at the counter had the appearance of a crazy combination of stereotypes from the Fifties. From the gingham apron to the beehive hair do, she looked like she was from a much earlier time. She turned after a few seconds and spotted them. “Tara!” She flew across the room to lean forward and give Tara a peck on the cheek. She took in Cole and Dalton without a change in her facial expression, but the atmosphere of the room chilled considerably.

“I put clean linens on your bed today. Your friends can have the boy’s room and they’ll sleep in the living room. It’s like a Christmas camping trip for them.”

“Mom, where is Dad and the kids? I told you we needed to talk.”

“Oh, I sent them out for a few things. Chestnuts, can you believe I forgot chestnuts for the dressing?”

“Mom, come on. Stop for a second so we can talk.”

“Oh, dear. You know how busy I am. Can’t you just tell me what ever your little secret is? I’m sure it’s not that important.”

Tara bristled at the comment, her temper flaring. “Sure, I can tell you my
little secret.
These are my boyfriends.”

Tara’s mother slowed until she came to a stop, never turning back to her daughter. The frozen tableau stretched, making the awkward situation worse. Then she turned, her face deep red but still in the same sing song voice. “Which one…dear.”

“Both of them.”

The pause this time lingered until the next question popped out like a festering boil. “And just how does that work?”

Tara felt the heat rising in her face. She understood her mother’s question. For the first time, she was embarrassed by her relationship with the guys. She steeled herself to the consequences and pressed forward. “Mother, we’re each others partners. We all sleep together.” Tara swallowed hard. “We’re all intimate together, too. The boys are bisexual.”

Tara turned to a soft shuffling sound and saw Dalton’s bright red face. Cole’s gaze traveled from one person to the next, impossible to read. She turned back to find her mother still gaping at them. Finally the words Tara feared came from her mouth.

“You brought those people in our house?”


“Well, we’ll just have to make the best of a bad situation. Don’t mention this transgression to your father. He has a gun, you know. I don’t want the kids exposed to all this.”

Cole touched Tara on the shoulder. “Maybe Dalton and I should find a hotel for the next couple of days. It’ll be fine.”

“No!” Tara’s mother barked out. “The children are expecting their big sister and her friends.” She glared at the boys. “You will conduct yourselves as Christians in my house!”

Tara’s expression pleaded with the guys to stay with her. Dalton nodded without hesitation. Cole took a few moments longer with an expression of distress flicking across his face, but then nodded in agreement. She turned back to her mother.

“Alright. We’ll go put our bags in the rooms. I’ll come down and help you.”

Her mother spun around again. “Do. Not. Touch. Each. Other,” she hissed.

The trio moved to the entryway to retrieve their bags, and started up the stairs. As Cole picked up the last of the suitcases, he muttered, “Like this puts me in the mood to do anything romantic.”


* * * *


Dalton and Cole sat in the living room, trying to avoid drawing attention. Cole already felt like crosshairs were fixed on him. The front door burst open to a din of happy racket that instantly filled the ominous silence. Cole watched as four adolescents ran up the stairs and were followed by a huge bear of a man with a black stocking cap and a full salt and pepper beard. Easily as tall as Cole, but far larger. He towered over Dalton. He stomped his feet at the door, looked at the two guys, and smiled.

This smile carried to a twinkle in his eyes, already making him less intimidating than Tara’s mother. He peeled off his boots and stopped at the bottom of the stairs to yell instructions. “Get your good clothes put up before you mess them up!”

He walked into the room and Cole discovered that both he and Dalton had risen to their feet without realizing it. When the huge paw of a hand came forward, Cole thrust his hand outward. The grip was firm, but not crushing.
This is the guy who’s going to shoot Dalton and I?

“Evening. I’m Brian, Tara’s dad.”

“Hey, I’m Cole


“Nice to meet you guys. I need to get cleaned up before the better half takes my hide. Be back shortly.”

Cole turned and chuckled at the expression of disbelief on Dalton’s face. “Yeah, I agree.”

Tara appeared at the doorway. “What’s going on?”

“We met your dad. He’s upstairs cleaning up.”

“We’re almost done in here. On Christmas eve, we snack, since we always have a huge meal on Christmas day.” She paused for a minute, mouthed
and tilted her head toward the kitchen and her mother.

Dalton shrugged and shot her a small smile before sitting down.

Cole winked and began to lower himself into the chair. He realized it was probably Brian’s chair, which meant he had a perfectly good reason to sit beside Dalton. His butt barely hit bottom before Tara’s mom stood at the door glaring at them.

“I thought…” she cut her eye to the chair.

“I figured that was your husband’s chair,” Cole said.

She drew her lips up like an old raisin and spun to walk back into the kitchen.

“Don’t piss her off. She’ll make it worse for Tara,” Dalton said.

Cole blew out his breath and nodded. “Yeah. You’re right. This is just…it’s not right.” He turned to Dalton and they locked gazes. “Why can’t everyone be like your parents? Why do people have to be so judgmental?”

“My parents aren’t perfect. But I’ll keep them.”

Cole nodded as Brian walked back into the room in a clean t-shirt, his sleeves rolled above his massive forearms. He took the chair Cole had vacated and then smiled.

“We’re glad you could come. Grace said the last time she talked with Tara the connection was a little garbled.”

Cole fought down a grin. His glance at Dalton found him in a similar state. Pulling himself together, he nodded. “We’re glad to be here. We both work the day after Christmas, so this is our only chance to celebrate.”

“Well, Grace goes nuts at the holidays. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.” He dropped his voice and grinned at them. “She’ll send home enough food to keep the three of you fed for a week, too. She always does.”

Cole leaned back against the couch, a smile plastered on his face.
I bet there won’t be leftovers this year.

The rest of the evening went without incident, as Tara’s father seemed to be the chief entertainment for the family. He had the trio laughing so hard at times that they gasped for breath. The younger kids could talk of nothing but Santa’s arrival. Around ten-o’clock Tara’s mother stood and ordered everyone to bed. Cole smiled, thinking how early it was compared to when they normally fell asleep. Given the relatively pleasant evening they’d had, he happily went along to keep the peace.

They wondered into the room they’d been given. Without a word, Dalton and he changed into t-shirts and basketball shorts for sleeping. They were straightening the room when a sharp rap came to the door and a shrill voice announced. “Lights out, boys! Tomorrow comes early.”

Dalton looked at him and shrugged, climbing into one of the two twin beds. Cole pulled back the blankets on his bed and walked over to flip off the lights. He chuckled when a pair of Power Ranger nightlights flashed on. He crawled onto the narrow bed and lay staring into the strangely lit room.
I wish I’d remembered my ear buds, then I could have at least listened to music.
Cole closed his eyes, hoping he fell asleep quickly.

The night stretched to interminable lengths. There was a light touch on his shoulder and his eyes shot open to find Dalton standing beside the bed. He leaned down and whispered to Cole, “Can I sleep with you? This place is creeping me out. I promise I won’t try anything.”

Cole chuckled softly and pulled back the blankets. “Come on. I’d like the company. There’s no chance of anything happening. That woman is the best boner control, ever.”

Dalton snorted softly, crawled into bed and pulled Cole’s arm over him. He turned, his face inches from Cole’s. “You realize of course if we get caught, I’m so throwing you under the bus.”

Cole chuckled, and pulled them tight against each other. The comfort of Dalton in his arms relaxed him. He leaned down and nipped at his ear. “Yeah, whatever. I don’t believe you.”

“Nah, I have your back. But you have to admit, she’s scary.”

Cole thought back to his own coming out and shivered slightly. “I’ve seen worse.”


* * * *


Banging at their door jarred both young men awake. Dalton flailed against the bedding and was on his way to a face plant on the wooden floor when Cole caught him. The banging started again. This time Tara’s voice zipped through the door. “Wake up. We’re opening presents in a few minutes.”

Cole grumbled and pressed his face against Dalton’s back, then lifted his head. “Okay, we’re coming!”

Dalton enjoyed Cole’s wakeup kiss against the back of his neck. “Come on. We better go.”

The two crawled out of bed. The clock informed them it was before seven in the morning. They pulled on their jeans and clean shirts, then moved into the tiny bathroom to wash the sleep from their faces. Cole leaned over Dalton and ran his hand over his cheeks. “Should I try and shave?” asked Cole.

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