Three Wicked Days (7 page)

Read Three Wicked Days Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

“Come with me, Kay. Let me feel your tight walls squeeze my cock again.”

His whispered, passionate, dirty words were all it took to make her explode in his

“Oh, yeah, baby. That’s it,” he growled. Throwing his head back, he pushed deep and
shouted her name into the night sky.

Kayla collapsed onto his chest. She was vaguely aware of him removing the dildo and
settling his arms around her back.

“I can’t fucking move,” she mumbled against his rapidly beating heart.

His chuckle rumbled against her cheek and she smiled sleepily. “Then don’t.” His arms
tightened around her, his voice soft as a caress. “Stay right here. Right where you

Chapter 7

Steve settled Kayla under the down comforter in the master suite of the yacht. For
a moment, he sat on the side of the bed watching the slow rise and fall of her chest
in sleep. She looked as though she might be having a bad dream. Her brow creased and
her eyes fluttered under her closed lids.

“Shh,” he whispered close to her ear. “Sleep, sweetheart.”

He lightly swept her bangs from her face and stood. He needed some air to think. Stepping
out onto the deck, he studied the water spread before him, reflecting the light of
the full moon. The ocean was calm, quiet. Even the yacht was silent, the motors shut
down for the night.

What had he been thinking earlier? Right where you belong? But she did. She’d felt
so right encased in his embrace. He’d wondered earlier if he was in love with her,
and he did again.

A strong breeze blew and knocked something off the table. The
caught his attention, and he looked to the floor. It was Kayla’s small purse, beside
it a thin pink plastic box. Squatting down, he picked it up, flipping it over to see
the typed information on the back. Birth control pills.

He’d been tested for HIV. He should ask her if she had. He would like nothing more
than making love to her with nothing between them.

Making love? Since when had he stopped calling it sex? For a moment he imagined himself
with a child like Nicole. She was such a sweetheart with the most beautiful and heart-tugging
smile. She’d been the daughter he thought he’d never have and he’d been okay with
that. But now, he could see himself with a girl of his own with beautiful blue eyes
like her mother’s. Like Kayla’s.

He studied the pills, then slipped them back into her purse. His hands shook with
the knowledge his head had finally caught up with his heart.

Son of a bitch. I’m in love with her.

Now how the hell was he going to make her love him?

* * * *

Kayla remained silent, pretending sleep until the door softly clicked shut. Opening
her eyes, she stared out the window across from the bed. He’d been so sweet to her
just then, but she couldn’t let him get to her heart.

At first, when they were outside earlier, she hadn’t been sure she’d heard him correctly.
Right where she belonged? Was he saying she belonged with him? In his arms?

She’d admit, being held by him was the safest, most secure she’d ever felt in her
life, but she just couldn’t fall in love with a pilot. It would be nothing but heartache.
A lonely life where her husband was only there a third of the time. Her mother had
been miserable. She refused to live her life that way.

The door opened, and she quickly shut her eyes, once again pretending to be asleep.
His warm body settled behind her. His arm encircled her waist, pulling her closer.

Instinctively, she snuggled, her body molding to his from her feet to their shoulders.
They fit together so perfectly, so right. He kissed the back of her head, the gesture
so sweet, so loving it brought a lump to her throat, and she swallowed.

God help her. She was in love with him.

* * * *

Something tickled the side of her neck, and she swatted at it, but whatever it was
came back, softly skimming along the flesh behind her ear, making her shiver.

With a jerk, she opened her eyes and stared into Steve’s smiling ones.

“Good morning, sleepyhead. It’s about time you woke up.”

He brushed a feather across her nose, and she grinned. “What time is it?” she asked
as she stretched her arms over her head.

“That makes such a beautiful picture,” he mumbled, his lips warm and soft against
her cheek.

“Does my stretching turn you on?” She slid her foot up his leg, teasing the hairs.

He chuckled. “You little minx. There’s not a damn thing about you that doesn’t turn
me on.”

She grinned. His hair was a mess with a few strands standing straight up. He looked
like a little boy just waking from a long nap. Except for the stubble that covered
his lower face. Now that was sexy.

“Are you hungry?” he asked.

Yeah, for you.
“I have to be up for a while first. But I could use some coffee.”

“I brought a carafe from the galley earlier. I’ll get us a cup.”

She watched him slip from the bed and walk naked to the dresser. Her gaze roamed over
his tight ass and firm thighs. The muscles of his back rippled as he scratched at
his head, and her flesh heated with the memory of the night before.

Trying to take her mind off the sex, she glanced toward the window. The morning sunlight
streamed through, lighting the tiny room. The blue expanse of the ocean was all she
could see for miles. “Are we still at sea?” she asked.

“Yes. We have the boat until noon.” He glanced at his watch. “Which means we have
about three hours.” He handed her a cup of steaming coffee. “Careful. It’s hot.”

She sat up and took the mug in both hands. “Thank you.” Putting her nose over the
steam, she inhaled the scent of Jamaican Blue Mountain. “It smells wonderful. I’ve
got to remember to get some of this before we head home. Blue Mountain was always
my favorite. But it’s so expensive in the States.”

“I know. It’s my mom’s too. I always get her some when I fly here.”

She glanced at him in surprise and quickly swallowed her sip. “I’ve never heard you
mention your family. Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

“No. Just me and my mom. You?”

“I have a sister, but she lives in California, so we don’t talk much.”

He sat on the side of the bed, facing her. “You have free travel, you should go see

She sighed, settling back against the headboard. “I know. I just never seem to find
the time. Plus she’s really busy with her life. We keep in touch through email so
I guess that’ll have to do for now.”

“Is she older or younger?”

“Older by three years. I’m the baby.”

“And spoiled rotten, I’ll bet,” he teased.


Steve chuckled, then his expression turned sober, almost uncertain. “You know, Kay.
We should probably talk about last night.”

“No.” She shook her head firmly. “It was great. Incredible, even, which would explain
why maybe some things were said that probably shouldn’t have been.” She ran her thumb
around the edge of the cup, contemplating her next words.

“It’s not that simple, Kayla.”

She raised her chin a notch. “Yes it is. We have one more day, Steve. Please don’t
start something we both know you can’t finish.”

“What?” he snapped.

She inwardly flinched at the anger and hurt flaring from his eyes. Opening her mouth,
she started to speak, but the words died in her chest with his next remark.

“Damn it, Kayla! Stop assuming you know what I’m about!”

She stared in shock as he stormed from the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

What the hell just happened?

* * * *

Steve paced on the deck, a towel he’d found on the way out wrapped around his waist.
He’d been so pissed, he hadn’t even thought to get his pants before stomping out of
the bedroom like a damn child.

What other reaction did he expect her to have? He’d all but told her he loved her
last night, now this morning, she was running, putting up those damn walls again.

For the first time in his life, he didn’t know what to do. If he told her he loved
her, would it push her away? Should he give her more time? He was afraid once they
left here, he’d be lucky if he could get her to talk to him, much less have a relationship.

Things would probably return to the way they were before—the occasional nod of hello.

Damn. What the hell was he supposed to do now? Maybe, he should call Nick. Or at the
very least Jordan. Now wasn’t that a kicker—the womanizer, Steve, asking advice about
women from a gay guy. His best friend would have a fucking field day with that one.


He turned at the sound of Kayla’s soft voice. She stood behind him, his shirt from
last night hanging almost to her knees. She gripped her hands in front of her, twisting
the fingers of her right hand. God, what he wouldn’t give to see her like this all
the time; dressed in his shirts, her eyes still full of morning sleep, her hair a
sexy mass of waves. His chest tightened with the love he wanted so desperately to
shout out.

“I’m sorry,” they both replied in unison.

They smiled at each other, the tension broken for the moment.

“I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions, Steve. It’s just…”

“I know, Kay. Between my reputation and your history with your dad, it’s understandable,
I suppose.” He shrugged, his lips lifting in a slight grin. “Doesn’t mean I have to
like it.”

“Let’s just make the best of the time we have left. Okay?”

For a moment, he was silent, his lips pursed in thought. He glanced at her nervous
eyes, her expectant expression. He had one more night. A few more hours to make her
love him. Would it be enough?

“Okay,” he finally agreed, with a smile. “But tonight, we do my fantasy.”

She grimaced, her nose wrinkling in the most adorable manner. “Why do I have a feeling
I should run for my life?”

Steve laughed. “Sweetheart, if you can handle last night and not flinch, tonight will
be a breeze in comparison.”

“Really?” she asked, her eyebrow arching.

Steve stepped forward and tugged at the top button of her shirt, popping it undone.

Her sexy, blue eyes glanced down at his fingers and a small smile curved her lips.
Peeking at him through her lashes, she purred seductively, “Just what do you think
you’re doing, Captain?”

His finger moved lower, lightly skimming the soft flesh between her breasts before
undoing the next button. “I wanted to talk to you about something. I think now might
be as good a time as any.”

“What?” she asked.

“Your purse fell this morning and your birth control pills spilled out.”

Her eyes widened slightly, and her lips formed a silent O.

“I get tested regularly for HIV. Matter of fact, you’re the first woman I’ve been
with since I was tested a couple of months ago.”

“Well, now that it’s been brought up. I get tested too, and I’m all clear.” She licked
her lips, and Steve’s cock twitched in response. “Are you telling me this because
you want to forgo the condoms? Do you ask this of all the women you’re with?”

Steve lifted his hand and gripped her chin, forcing her uncertain gaze to his. “You
would be the first woman I’ve ever taken without a condom. You’re the first woman
I’ve ever wanted to.”

Her face flushed, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Is that a
line, Captain?”

“Absolutely not,” he replied firmly.

After a second, she gave a small nod. Steve kissed the tip of her nose as he gripped
the edges of his shirt. “You have on entirely too many clothes.”

Her lips quirked playfully. “One shirt is too many clothes?”

“Yes,” he growled and tugged at the third button. “Especially when I’m dying to see
that gorgeous body of yours spread out on that table.”

She looked over her shoulder, then turned to face him with a heart-stopping smile.
“That table?”

“Yes, ma’am. That very table.”

Slowly, he walked her backward until her hips hit the edge. She moaned and grabbed
the towel he had around his waist. With one tug, she removed it and tossed it somewhere
across the deck.

Her fingers circled his hard cock, gently squeezing, and he drew in a harsh breath.
“I like it when you do that,” he whispered against her lips, his tongue softly tracing
the edge, teasing her.

He’d wanted to keep it at least a little slow, but the second his lips touched hers
it was all he could do to keep from devouring her.


Kayla opened her lips, anxious for the sweet invasion of his tongue. God, the man
knew exactly how to kiss, how to make her combust into flames with the slightest brush
of his hands. His fingers parted the shirt, exposing her aching breasts to his hungry

The second his fingers flicked across her hard nipples, she groaned, arching her back.
Wetness pooled between her legs, and she fought the urge to squeeze her thighs together
and appease the ache growing there. Damn, she wanted him. Her pussy throbbed with
the need to feel him plunging his thick cock into her, his ample girth stretching
and filling her. She’d never met anyone in her life that could make her so hot so

“Steve,” she growled, her impatience building by the second.

His strong hands gripped her ass and lifted her to the table. Shoving the shirt down
her arms, he pushed her to her back and settled between her legs.

“Yes,” she sighed, but he made no move to enter her.

She could feel his shaft twitching against the opening to her vagina, and she squirmed,
silently begging him to put her out of her misery.

“Patience, minx,” he mumbled against her breasts, his tongue tormenting one nipple
before moving to the other.

She undulated beneath him, desperate now for the feel of his hard shaft. She could
hardly breathe she wanted him so badly.

“Damn it, Steve,” she growled and dug her fingers into his soft hair.

He moved lower and rubbed his stubble-covered chin across her clit. “Oh, God,” she
screamed, so close to climax she could taste it.

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