Thyroid for Dummies (48 page)

Read Thyroid for Dummies Online

Authors: Alan L. Rubin

sugar, 184

thyroid function affected by, 112, 119–121,

diabetes mellitus type 1, 60, 260

250, 274

diarrhoea, 34

thyroid hormones affected by, 111

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Thyroid For Dummies

• E •

ferrous sulphate (drug), 116

fertility, 60, 68, 76, 135, 223


fibrosis, 131–132, 218

ectopic thyroid, 237, 279

fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB),

emotional effects of thyroid disease

49–50, 84, 279

anxiety, 12, 19–20

fish, servings, 174, 179

depression, 12, 20–22, 23

fistula, 129

overview, 17–18

fluoridised water, 113

thoughts slowing down, 18–19

fluorine (mineral), 113

endocrine gland, 81

See also

endocrinologist (specialist), 12–13, 21, 81

dangers of iodine for, 228

endoscopic retrograde

development of, 135–136, 221

cholangiopancreatogram (ERCP),

hyperthyroidism in, 227, 241–242, 243


hypothyroidism in, 224

endoscopic thyroid surgery, 154–155

iodine deficiency in, 141

enzymes, 32

need for iodine, 222

epinephrine (hormone), 94

folic acid, 181

erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), 124,

follicular adenoma, 99

125, 128

follicular thyroid cancer, 93, 99, 154

ethanol (alcohol) injections, 87, 164

food labels, 184–185

European Thyroid Association (Web site),

See also
diet; nutrition


for cancer prevention, 165

Euthyroid Graves’ disease, 42

goitrogens, 59, 102, 165


hypothyroidism aggravated by, 59, 62,

aerobic, 190–191, 193


hyperthyroidism, 192–193

iodine in, 143

hypothyroidism, 191–192

organic, 165, 186

raising ‘good’ cholesterol level, 183

thyroid function affected by, 111–112, 139,

strengthening, 190–191, 193

140, 188

types of, 177

free thyroxine (FT4), 38, 41, 280

exophthalmos, 71–72, 279

free thyroxine index (FTI), 40–41, 280

external beam radiotherapy, 99, 100

free triiodothyronine (FT3), 42, 280

eye disease (ophthalmopathy), 69, 71–72,

fruit, 174, 178

163, 284

furosemide (drug), 118

• F •

• G •

factitious (false) hyperthyroidism, 73, 79

genetic engineering, 218–219

Faculty of Homeopathy (Web site), 198


fasting from food, 194, 195

basics of, 208–213

fatigue, 191, 259

future developments, 218–220

fat-lowering drugs, 120

inheriting a thyroid disease, 214–217


language of, 209

cholesterol, 33, 182–184

medullary thyroid cancer, 94

choosing, 182–184

preventing thyroid disease, 218–220

servings per day, 180, 182

proteins, 212–213

thyroid hormone’s effect on, 33

RNA overview, 212

triglycerides, 33

subacute thyroiditis, 125

thyroid nodules, 83

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genotype, 209

HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol,

germline gene therapy, 219–220


gestational transient thyrotoxicosis (GTT),


225, 229–231, 280

abnormal heartbeat, 87

Gipsywort, 200

angina, 63, 68, 252, 253

gluten-free diet, 189

atrial fibrillation, 63, 68, 254–255

GnRH (gonadotrophin-releasing hormone),

hyperthyroidism’s effect on, 68, 192


hypothyroidism’s effect on, 191


resting heart rate, 34

children with, 136, 245

thyroid hormone used by, 33–34

in cretinism, 140–141

heart disease

defined, 280

high cholesterol, 183

foods triggering, 59

hypothyroidism, 159, 160–161

illustration of, 138

waist size, 176, 177

infants with, 228

heart failure, 33–34, 61, 68, 79, 80

iodised oil injections for, 171

heart rhythm drugs, 120

multinodular, 101–106, 280

heparin (drug), 41, 118, 250

number of people with, 134

hepatitis, 41

in pregnancy, 224

herbal remedies, 198–202

selenium’s role in reducing, 140

herbalists, locating, 198

treatment for shrinking, 105–106, 164


goitrogens, 59, 102, 165

heroin (opiate drug), 115

gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH),

heterozygous, 209, 280


high blood pressure, 184

GP (NHS general practitioner), 197

high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol,

Graves’ disease.
See also


thyroid disease

hoarseness, 58–59, 83

causes of, 70–71, 106


defined, 280

finding a practitioner, 198

hyperthyroidism caused by, 70

overview, 202–203

postpartum, 229

treating thyroid problems with, 203–204

in pregnancy, 225–229

Web sites, 198

signs and symptoms, 71–73

homocysteine, 160–161

study of homocysteine levels in, 161

homozygous, 209, 280

treatment options, 74–79, 228

thyroid hormone replace-

growth hormone, 116

specific hormones

GTT (gestational transient thyrotoxicosis),

hot nodule, 47, 85, 87

225, 229–231, 280

human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), 42,

223, 230, 280

• H •

Hurthle cell tumour, 93

hydatidiform mole, 231

Hahnemann, Samuel (homeopath), 202

hydrocortisone (adrenal steroid), 59

hair, 34, 56, 67–68

hydrogen peroxide, 140

hamburger hyperthyroidism, 25

See also
Graves’ disease

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

acquired, 239–241


causes of, 70, 73–74

HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin), 42,

central, 74

223, 230, 280

in children, 241–244

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Thyroid For Dummies


• I •

defined, 280

diagnosing, 69–70, 266–267

ibuprofen (drug), 126

emotional effects of, 19–20

impotency, 60, 186

exercise, 192–193

See also

factitious (false), 73, 79

goitres in, 228

growth of the thyroid in, 47

hyperthyroidism in, 227, 242–243

hamburger, 25

hypothyroidism in, 224–225

hot nodules, 87

increasing the intelligence of, 136, 171

multinodular goitre with, 103

iodine deficiency in, 136

muscles affected by, 32–33, 68, 192–193

risk of thyroid disease for, 16

older people with, 18, 253–255, 260

screening for thyroid disease, 235–236

in pregnancy, 148, 225–231

thyroid function in, 232–235

radioactive iodine scan for, 47

infections of the thyroid.
See also
subacute symptoms of, 11, 66–69


thyroid storm, 61, 80, 116, 282

acute thyroiditis, 124, 129–130, 262, 279

treatment for, 12–13, 79–80, 161–163

postpartum thyroiditis, 127–128, 262, 281

weight gain, 162–163, 187–189

Riedel’s thyroiditis, 131–132, 281

weight loss, 66, 67, 162, 260–261

silent thyroiditis, 127–128, 262, 281

hypothalamus, 28, 58–59

infiltrative ophthalmopathy, 71–72, 279

hypothalmic hypothyroidism, 238

infections of the thyroid

See also

intelligence in infants, 136, 171


International Register of Consultant

causes of, 53, 58–60, 113–117

Herbalists and Homeopaths (Web site),

in children, 236–241


coexisting autoimmune diseases in, 60

intestines, 34, 68

confusing conditions, 57–58

iodinated contract agents (drugs), 116

defined, 280

See also
radioactive iodine

diagnosing, 266–267

avoiding before thyroid tests, 190

drugs initiating or aggravating, 113–117

bread as source of, 145, 185, 272

emotional effects of, 18–19

daily recommended intake, 142, 272

exercise, 191–192

dangers to foetus, 228

food initiating or aggravating, 59, 62, 114

drugs competing with, 113–114

heart disease, 160–161

excessive, 145, 157–158

hormone dosage for, 159–160

herbs as source of, 199–200

in infants, 224–225

need for during pregnancy, 222

older people with, 250–253

sources and function of, 143, 181

in pregnancy, 171, 223–225

thyroid disease, 112

prevalence of, 160

thyroid hormones produced with, 29, 134

radioactive iodine as risk factor for, 87

in vegetarian diet, 189

selenium deficiency, 170–171

iodine deficiency

stopping thyroid medication for, 272

consequences of, 135–137

subclinical, 158–159, 191–192, 281

cretinism from, 137–142

symptoms, 11, 56–57

drawbacks of iodisation, 145

taking both types of thyroid hormone,

hypothyroidism caused by, 58


low TSH levels from, 43

testing for, 57

measuring, 135

treatment options, 12, 13, 61–64, 158–161

mental health affected by, 133

weight loss, 259–260

in pregnancy, 135–136, 224

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statistics, 134

• M •

treatment for, 142–145, 170–171, 264–265

iodisation, 143–145

magnesium, 181

iodised bread, 145, 185, 272

Mayo Clinic Foundation for Medical

iodised oil, 144, 171

Education and Research (Web site),

iodised salt, 134, 143–144, 145


iodum, 204

meat, 179

iron, 116, 181, 272

medical herbalists, locating, 198

irradiation, 83, 91, 246, 275

Medline Plus Thyroid Diseases (Web site),

isoflavones, 114


isthmus, 26, 280

medullary thyroid cancer (MTC)

characteristics of, 93–95

• K •

defined, 280

new discoveries, 168

Kashin-Beck disease, 140

treatment for, 99–100, 154

keloid (thick scar), 156

memory loss, 18

ketoconazole (antifungal drug), 113


kidney failure, 41

chronic thyroiditis in, 55

Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng), 200

Graves’ disease in, 70

Riedel’s thyroiditis in, 131

• L •

risk factors of thyroid disease, 11, 12

signs of hypothyroidism in, 57

LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol,

thyroid nodules in, 83


MEN (multiple endocrine neoplasia), 83,

L-dopa inhibitors (drugs), 118

94, 281, 286

leptin (hormone), 194, 280

Mendel, Gregor (scientist/monk), 207–208

Levothyroxine (generic T4 medication),

menopause, 31, 35, 57


menstruation, 35, 57, 60, 68

Lewis, Carl, (runner), 10

mental function

lid lag, 69

in children with hypothyroidism, 236


cretinism’s effect on, 138, 141, 142, 279

drinking, 185–186

iodine deficiency, 133, 134

healthy choices, 14–15

memory loss, 18

smoking, 71, 160, 161, 173

thyroid hormone, 12, 34–35, 235

lingual thyroid, 27

X-linked inheritance, 216

Liothyronine (T3 medication), 280

Merck Thyrolink (Web site), 283

Lipiodol (iodised oil), 144, 171

metabolic rate, 12

lithium (drug), 60, 113, 118

metabolism, 12, 32, 187

liver damage, 41, 79

methadone (opiate drug), 38, 115

lobectomy, 98, 99, 148, 154

metoclopramide (drug), 118

low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol,

metoprolol (beta-blocker), 79


milk, 114, 179–180

low-fat foods, 182

minerals, 181–182

low-iodine diet, 190

modified radical neck dissection, 98, 153

low-salt foods, 184–185

molar pregnancy, 42

lumpectomy, 49

motherwort, 200

lungs, 34

MTC (medullary thyroid cancer).

lymph glands, 67, 153

medullary thyroid cancer

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multinodular goitre, 101–106, 280.
See also


goitres; nodules

cancerous, 83, 86

multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN), 83,

children with, 245–246

94, 281, 286

cold, 85, 87, 105, 232

Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Type II, 216

described, 11, 82


diagnosing, 83–85

hyperthyroidism’s effect on, 32–33, 68,

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