To Have And To Hold (3 page)

Read To Have And To Hold Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

They both smiled and nodded their heads in agreement. He and Patricia had a few courses together and the exciting, smart black girl with the platinum hair always provided entertainment.

“So, if it’s not a relationship, then I guess your job won’t let you off.” She sighed and slumped down some in her seat. “I’d say that I can understand that, but since Brett made me quit working over a month ago...” Her words drifted off.

“My job is not a problem. I actually started my vacation today. I work for the mayor and when she takes time off with her family during the summer, she makes the office do the same.” I take it you didn’t want to give up your career.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement of fact he’d gathered from her tone.

“Nope, but where Brett is concerned you don’t get much choice.” A half-hearted laugh came out of her mouth then she fell silent. “Will, I know you think that I’m just having some random spur of the moment decision. And you know what, you’re right. But, over the last two hours alone in my car I had a lot of time to think.”

Will noticed the water beginning to fill her eyes again, and the sight caused his heart to ache.

“I’ve spent the last years of my life living it how Brett wanted. Maybe, because I didn’t have enough backbone to tell him no or because I just wanted to hold onto someone since my grandparents left. I don’t know. But, I did it. Now, I want something for me.”

“Honestly, Kelli, I care a lot about you.” He pushed his pride aside and revealed part of the truth to her. “I always have, but I will not be your rebound.” His cock leaped in disagreement with his words. It would have been happy for any reason to slide inside of Kelli Delaney.

“You won’t. You’ll be my freedom. Being with you will be my declaration of independence.” Reaching across the table, this time she clasped his hand in both of hers as if imploring him to understand. “Not from Brett, but to myself. Brett was the only guy I’ve been with and, if I have sex with you, I’ll be able to cut all ties forever.”

Squeezing her fingers, he intertwined them around his. He looked down at their hands once again, giving himself time to think.
Can I do this? Can I go away with Kelli and make love to her?
He refused to listen to his libido that was roaring loudly to commit, say yes. A clear mind was what he needed. Over the years he fantasized about all the things he wanted to do with and to Kelli. He wondered a million times over how she would respond to his dark passions. The side of himself he had only revealed to a few close friends.

But, his heart pushed him to be honest with her. If she truly wanted to spend the time with him at a cabin made for lovers, then she’d have to know what she was in for. Then, if she wanted to change her mind, they would part as friends and walk out of each other’s lives once again.

Please let her agree
. The small voice inside of him made a supplication as he pulled his hand from hers. He could feel sweat sliding down his back again and he was afraid his hands may have been next.

“Kelli, let’s go outside. What I have to tell you isn’t for family diners’ ears.” His life was private and over the years of being the public relations person for the mayor he had learned to maintain an impeccable public appearance. He wasn’t ashamed of his fascinations, just didn’t want them publicized and reflecting negatively on his employer.

When she agreed, he tossed enough money on the table to cover their beverages and then some. Standing, he waited until Kelli maneuvered the bulk of her dress out of the seat then, placing a hand on the small of her back, walked out the restaurant with her. He had to admit he was impressed. Kelli was the only person he knew who could walk around in a wedding dress, making it appear to be a sophisticated fashion statement. As if people dressed that way every day.

The bright afternoon sun beat down on them as they strolled in silence until they reached her car and stopped. Will wasn’t surprised at all at the color.

“Kelli, before I accept your offer I need you to understand some things about me.” Taking a deep breath he then released the air from his lungs and began, “Have you ever heard of BDSM?”

He watched her brow furrow.

“Yeah, I’ve heard of it.” She paused and gazed at him, her expression unreadable. “Are you into that lifestyle?”

With a dry chuckle, he said, “I don’t think you can call fantasies and a few parties with friends, being in a lifestyle. Hell, I don’t even fully know all that it entails outside of my own research and experimentations here and there. I told you that so you have some foundation of understand of what I’m interested in.”

“Wow,” she said and sank back against her car.

Will could feel his heart pounding. “Kelli, you said that you wanted to be free of Brett and find yourself, I want to help you do that. Sexually, at least.”

“So, you want me to agree to let you tie me up, spank me, beat me with whips, chains and let you fuck me in the ass all while I’m wearing a collar around my throat and calling you Master?”

All at the same time, his heart stopped beating and his dick went rock hard at her words. Images and scenes flashed before his eyes. Her expression was blank and he couldn’t tell how she felt about the idea. “ I’m not into collars around the neck.” His voice sounded thick to his own ears.

This time he caught the subtle rise and fall of her breasts above the heart shape cut of her bodice. His gaze trailed from her full breasts up her neck and watched her skin begin to flush. When he reached her eyes he noted the constriction of her pupils. He was shocked to see that Kelli was having a reaction to her own words.
But was it positive or negative?

“I’ve never been in any position beside missionary,” she replied openly with a slight timber to her words. “You’re asking me to be your slave for four days?” She spoke in a hushed whisper, almost breathless.

“Not a slave, more like a sexual submissive.” Stepping toward her, he cupped the side of her face and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Can you do that, Kelli? Can you trust me not to bring any harm to you? Believe that everything I plan between us will be done in a rational manner.” He lowered his hand to her neck, caressed down the soft side to her shoulder, and watched her eyes shudder and close. “Nothing will happen between us that we both don’t agree with.” Moving his body closer to hers, he placed his lips next to her ear and whispered, “Say you want this, Kelli. Say you want me. Touching and tasting you. That you want to feel me buried deep inside of you. I want to imprint your flavor on my tongue. Smell your prefect essence for the rest of my days. Hold you in my arms and feel your soft skin against mine. Tell me what you want, Kelli.”

He could hear her soft panting, and didn’t know if it was from excitement or anxiety, but either way her response was setting him on fire. The desire to peel the wedding dress from Kelli’s body piece by piece and make love to her with his mouth overwhelmed him.

“I want it, Will. I want you.” Turning her head, she brought her lips in contact with his and sealed the deal.

Momentarily stunned by her actions, it only took him seconds to join in the kiss. Remembering they were in public, he kept himself on a tight leash but made sure Kelli understood the level of passion she would be getting once they arrived at the cabin. Using his hand at the base of her neck, he pulled her against him as he deepened the kiss. He began with what he had wanted to do since he’d watched her sweep the droplet of tea from her mouth. He glided his tongue along her bottom lip, lightly tasting her. When she opened for him, he slipped into her hot mouth and stroked her tongue, coaxing her to play with him orally. With a moan she joined in and suckled his tongue into her mouth. His cock became hard as images of her mouth wrapped around his stiff shaft played in his mind, but he refused to give into his dick’s demands for him to grind his hips into hers, seeking her heat.

This was neither the time nor the place.
, he promised his erect member.

When they parted, they stared at each other with their heavy breathing echoing around them. The sound of applause and whistles jolted them out of their trance. Turning they saw customers and employees in both the windows and standing outside cheering them on.

“I think it might be time for us to leave,” he said, refocusing on her.

“I think you might be right.” Kelli still appeared a little off balance but there was an air of anticipation around her as well. Or maybe he was just hoping there was. Whichever the case, he would make the most of the next few days showing her a level of passion she would remember for the rest of her life.

“Follow me to my house. Do you need anything?”

Kelli pulled her keys from her purse. “No, my suitcase was still in the trunk for this trip. Patricia was going to put it in the limo at the reception.”

“Great, then after I pack we’ll be on our way.”

She nodded her agreement, still looking a little unsure. Pulling her into a hug, he kissed her on the forehead than waited for her to get into her car before he walked over to his own. The rush of his blood pumping in his ear felt like ceremonial drums being beaten inside his head. The thought that within a few hours he would be buried deep inside Kelli Delaney, the only woman he had ever loved, made him almost dizzy with anticipation.


Chapter Three



“This place is even more beautiful than it was a week ago when Patricia and I brought the groceries here.” The cabin stole her breath as she glanced around the blond wood interior, taking in the vaulted ceiling with its skylights. The room was comfortable and homey looking with the fireplace and taupe leather furniture.

“It is something. This cabin is nothing like the big eight room family house we rented when I was younger.” Will said from behind her as he carried in their suitcases. “Point me in the direction of the bedroom and I’ll put these down.”

“It’s the door to the right. The other door goes to the kitchen and dining room,” she explained.

Will headed into the room with their luggage and Kelli used the moment to escape onto the back porch. Stepping into the balmy night air, she walked over to the railing and gripped it. She couldn’t believe she was here with Will Robertson. Tall, broad shouldered, tanned Will with the sexiest hazel eyes she’d ever seen. Kind, sweet, and intense Will from school. He had always kept to himself in college, never giving into reckless behavior like the rest of the guys on the baseball team, Brett included.

She had promised to allow him to do things to her body that she probably couldn’t even name. Would he want her nude now? Bow to him and call him Master? Turning around, she stared into the cabin through the glass door and wondered what secrets the place would be able to tell once they left in a few days. Her hands began to shake and, shifting back around, she gazed out at the woods and the Great Smokey Mountain view. It had turned to dusk during their drive west, up Interstate 40 from Asheville, and now she could see the twinkling of cabin and house lights off in the distance. The town of Gatlinburg was close enough to get to by car, but far enough away to render couples privacy. She knew other cabins were hidden among the trees like theirs. For a moment she pondered how many other women had come to this place to renew and find themselves.

Do I really want to go through with this?
Her heart questioned.

At that moment, she felt Will step up behind her and slide his arms around her waist. His embrace was strong and his body warm. She felt secure and protected, a feeling Brett had never given her. Yes, she wanted to do this. When this trip was over she and Will would go their separate ways, but she would have memories to last her for a lifetime.

For once in her life she didn’t want to live vicariously through Patricia and Carl’s passionate sex life. No, she wanted to experience one of her own.

“Neither of us ate at the restaurant. How about I start dinner while you get out of this get-up?” He placed a light kiss on her cheek.

“Are you sure?”
Wasn’t I supposed to be serving him?
She looked over her shoulder at him, seeing if it was some kind of test. But he just smiled at her.

“Positive.” Squeezing her waist he turned her around to face him. “I can cook if that’s what you’re worried about. I’ve made it a practice of surviving on my own for years now.”

Smiling, she said, “Good. Then I’ll go shower and change and be right out to help you.”

Before she could step away, he pulled her back against his body and gave her a kiss that caused her thighs to quiver. Moving away from her, he gave her a slight push toward the door.

“Take your time.”

With lips tingling and legs shaking, Kelli gripped her dress and headed toward the room. Reaching the bedroom, she pushed the door closed and leaned against it. Placing a hand on her trembling stomach, she wondered how she’d gone through four years of college and not
noticed Will Robertson. Sexy...panty wetting Will Robertson? That was for sure. She didn’t have to check her underwear to confirm that fact; she could feel the swollen lips of her sex pressing against the drenched fabric. That was another first. Sex with Brett never got her wet like this. Never this soon. Usually he was in such a rush, because he was horny after sports, too drunk to get her excited or needing to study for law school and due to that fact it was halfway through their lovemaking session before her body lubricated its self. Which meant she spent the first few minutes in pain.

She didn’t think that was going to be an issue with Will. Stepping away from the door she moved to her suitcase in search of some comfortable clothes. Glancing over at Will’s bag, she was tempted to open it and see what he’d packed for their sexual adventure, but decided that most likely snooping into the master’s bag of tricks was a big no-no for a
sexual submissive




“Oh my God, this feels good.” Kelli purred as she sank into the hot tub on the back porch. Her eyes closed when she was chin deep in the water.

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