To Have And To Hold (5 page)

Read To Have And To Hold Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

“Yes, Will.”

The urge to spread her legs wider bombarded her system. She could smell the heady scent of her own sex perfuming the air between them. A part of her wanted to feel ashamed at her level of excitement until Will said, “I can smell you, Kelli, and your scent is driving me wild. I need to taste you.”

Still with his hand idly playing between her thighs, he guided her down to the bed. Flat on her back against the comforter, she had an unobstructed view of him kneeling between her wide spread legs. The erection tenting the white towel knotted around his hips let her know he wanted her.

The feel of his hand’s continuous stimulation of her pussy made her want to close her legs and trap him there for a lifetime. If asked, she would have said it was the most wonderful sensations, up until the moment Will bowed his head and licked her.

Her hips launched off of the bed at the initial contact. Will showed her no mercy. He slid his tongue up and down her slit. Alternating between suckling her clit and flicking it fast, then back to slow precise strokes. When he dipped his tongue into the needy opening of her sex she began to whimper and moan as the talented appendage began to fuck her as he held her ass in the palm of his hands keeping her fused to his mouth.

Will pulled out, then guided his tongue up and along her aching lips and swirled around her clitoris then back inside of her again. She thought she heard moans of satisfaction other than her own, but she wasn’t sure because after one strategic lick as soft as a butterfly kiss across the tip of her clit and everything shattered inside of her.

Bowing her back from the bed, she screamed and bucked uncontrollably as Will continued his sensual assault. When she could see beyond the stars in her eyes she felt the weight of Will’s body as he positioned himself between her trembling thighs. Looking into his passionate gaze she reached her hand up to his face. The heady scent of her aroma was more obvious with him lying above her, but it didn’t revolt her, it warmed her heart to know that he would give her pleasure in that fashion. In a way Brett never had time for.

“Are you back with me, beautiful?” he inquired.




“Yes, Will,” she confirmed breathlessly.

“Good, because we’ve only begun.” Giving her a quick kiss, he snatched the towel away from him and flung it toward the side of the bed not caring where it ended up. Tasting her sweet pussy had nearly been his undoing, and watching her climax had been the most beautiful thing he’d ever witnessed. She let go completely, without skilled restraint used by women who’d been having orgasms for years. Without a doubt, Kelli had never climax before, he’d seen the look of wonder clearly apparent in her gaze as she’d opened her eyes. He was glad he’d been the one to give it to her. But, he wouldn’t confront her, he’d keep her secret.

Needing to be inside of her, he took hold of his hard length and guided to her moist, heated cunt. Her wetness coated the sensitive tip of his penis. Groaning, he pushed forward and slid inside of her. She was so tight, his breath hitched as he felt her walls encase him. Pulling back, he thrust forward, burying himself to the hilt.

,” she chanted, her sex gripping him as her nails dug into his shoulder.

Rotating his hips to seat himself deeper, he said, “I know, baby, it feels good.” Beginning to pump his hips in and out of her body, he finished with, “You feel good.”

Then all speech ceased as Kelli wrapped her legs around his hips and met him with every movement. They moved as one and it felt like heaven being with her. Will couldn’t believe his fortune to have his dream wrapped in his arms. He attempted to keep it slow and gentle until Kelli began to call out.

“More, mo—” Breaking off her own speech, she spread her legs wider trying to take more of what he was giving her.

She placed kisses on his face and neck, then pulled him to her and gave him and open mouth kiss that made a frisson of heat race down his spine. He could feel the quivering of her stomach and the twitches along the channel of her pussy, letting him know she was near release. Hooking her legs up over his arms, he raised them toward his shoulders and buried his knees below her perfect ass as he propelled his hips forward repeatedly.

He must have angled correctly and massaged her in the right spot inside of her delicious cunt, because her vagina muscles clamped on to his shaft as she shook underneath him into an orgasm that had her arms flailing against the bed and clutching him, as if searching for an anchor.

“Yes, Will,

As he watched the glorious expression of wonder that crossed her face as she entered into sexual bliss, something happened to him. He joined her in ecstasy and the earth shifted like he’d had sex for the first time. Correction:
made love
for the first time.

His groan was almost barbaric as he held her tight and filled her with his hot seed.

Once his heart returned to normal, he rolled over onto his back and brought her with him. Exhausted she draped her body over his with her head on his chest as he lightly brushed his fingers along the length of her spine from her neck to her ass feeling her heart beating in time with his.

“You know, Will, I didn’t lie to you earlier when I told you I’d had orgasms before. I thought those little tremors I got after sex was over were my way of climaxing.” She rested her hand on his chest, a platform for her chin so she could look at him. “But, after what I just experienced with you, tonight. I can honestly say I’ve never climaxed before.” Leaning forward she kissed him. “Thank you.”

Touched by her honesty, he said, “You’re welcome, sweetheart.” He brushed her hair away from her face. “You know, Kelli, most dominants use withholding orgasms as a way of teaching their submissive control and obedience. Seeing you reach your peak is the most breathtaking site, so with me I’ll give you a million just to watch you get fulfillment.” Stroking her back again, he continued, “Never hold back with me.”

“Yes, Will.”


Chapter Four



Feeling a tickle along the crease of her ass cheeks, she opened her eyes in search of what had awakened her. Last night had been wonderful, and she wouldn’t have minded a repeat performance. Opening her eyes, she turned to her side, still bare, and saw Will seated on the bed beside her dressed in sweatpants and no shirt, with a long red feather in his hand. “Is the sun even up yet, Will?”

“Soon. Good morning, Kelli.”

Glancing at the pale orange, yellowish sky through the bedroom window, she refocused on him and smiled. “Yes, Will, good morning.”

“Ahh, she learns quickly,” he said.

Stretching, she asked, “Shall I cook you breakfast this morning?”

Standing, he slid the feather from her shoulder to the back of her knees, making her squirm on the bed. Her body was so sensitive with heightened awareness of Will that even the light touches were making her body respond.

“We’ll do that later. For now, get up and take care of whatever you need to in the bathroom and I will meet you on the back porch.”

“Yes, Will.” Sliding out of the bed, she strolled toward the bathroom feeling an extra spring of contentment in her steps.

“Naked, Kelli,” he informed her.

Stopping, she pivoted toward where he stood, but he’d already headed out of the room. Turning back in the direction she was going she felt butterflies fluttering around in her stomach wonder what he had in store for her this morning.




Leaving the bathroom after a quick shower, Kelli walked through the living room and stood at the porch door. Will stood at the wooden banister looking out in the distance, his body silhouetted by the rays of the rising sun. The muscles in his back were well defined, tapering down to his narrow waist, making her want to touch him and run her tongue over his skin. She sighed and noticed along his shoulder blades were half moon nail marks and small scratches. The warmth in her cheeks let her know she was blushing, she didn’t know what had come over her last night. She never felt so wild, but at the same time free. With Brett their sex had always been quick, no time for foreplay, except where he was concerned, and even in that she was rushed. Brett always made the excuse that she excited him so much he couldn’t wait, but now she knew he didn’t want to take the time to make it enjoyable for them both. But, no more. Being with Will was showing her that she deserved more.

“Join me, Kelli,” he entreated, his voice rich and steady, giving nothing away.

She took a deep breath; being out bare-chested at night was one thing, but now he wanted her to stand on the porch naked in imminent broad daylight.
Can I do this?

Will glanced at her over his shoulder, and his hazel eyes assessed her as if to see what she would do, if she would balk.

“Yes, Will.” Pushing her shoulder back and lifting her head, she took her first tentative step out onto the porch, then another. Before she knew it she was standing beside him. He smelled like mint and
soap and his own male blend.

Smiling, he leaned toward her, kissing her on the lips. Without deepening it, he pulled away. “Now, turn towards the cabin and assume the ready for bed position, but don’t kneel.”

Her sex went on instant notification. Desire and need began to flood her system, mingling with her blood headed south toward the apex of her thighs, where her nether lips began to pulse as if awakening.
Hell, two orgasms and my body’s starting to act like it can’t live without them.
“Yes, Will.” She turned, spread her legs shoulder width apart and placed her hands behind her back.

Walking over to the small table between the two wooden chairs, Will retrieved some items he must have placed there earlier, and came back to her. Between her legs, he placed a large bowl filled with water, her razor, a small cloth, a small pair of scissors, shaving cream and an oil of some kind, then he stood in front of her with a rope in his hand. Stepping behind her, he worked the rope around and between her hands. The bands bonds were snug, but not tight.

When he moved back in front of her, she tugged her hands slightly but didn’t have much leeway and assumed he’d fastened it to the railing. Thrills of excitement caused goose bumps to pop up on her body. She would have never thought she enjoyed being tied up, but her heart began to thump as if someone was playing ceremonial drums inside of her.

“First things first.” His fingers brushed her lightly between the legs. “I don’t know how attached you are to this...” He winked at her. “But, I like it bare. After the weekend is over, you can let it grow back if you choose. Who knows, you may even grow to like it.” He grinned.

She laughed at all his little puns. “Yes, Will.”

He walked away and grabbed one of the chairs and set it beside her. “Place your foot on the arm.”

Swallowing down her nerves, she raised one leg and put her foot down on the flat wooden arm. She could feel the rising sun warming the length of her backside and the cool breeze of the remaining night air playing across her exposed pussy.

Kneeling in front of her, Will discovered her secret. “You’re already wet and I haven’t even started, yet.”

Looking down, she watched his hand disappear between her legs and, at the first glide of his fingers across her slick slit, she couldn’t help pressing her hips forward, chasing his hand. His touches always made her want more.

Bringing those two glistening fingers to his mouth, he licked them clean. As she observed him, more of her sex juice began to flow at his intimate action.

“I will never get tired of your taste, Kelli.” Adoration weaved in his words as he stared at her, the sun reflecting in his eyes making them appear more amber and sincere. Gazing down, he lifted the small cloth and dipped it repeatedly in the bowl, then pressed it against her accessible sex.

He did that several times until water ran down her thighs, then he draped it over the side of the bowl. Picking up the scissors he pulled firm, but gently on her hair and snipped the longer pieces then set the scissors back on the wood planks. Shaking the can of her shaving gel, Will sprayed a small mountain into his other hand then set the can aside before pressing the foaming substance to her mound.

Biting down on her bottom lip to keep herself under control, she watched Will’s focused movements. He coated the skin between her legs, leaving no area with hair untouched. She even saw him lean down and apply the cream to the hairs between her ass cheeks.

Rinsing his hands, he picked up the razor, glanced up at her and smiled. He looked like a kid in a candy shop given permission to buy his favorite treat. She was amazed at her calmness as she stared at his hand with the blade, and wondered where Kelli Delaney went. A week ago, if someone would have told her that she would be allowing a man to shave her, she would have thought that person had lost their mind. But here she was being shaved by Will Robertson with no fear or embarrassment cloaking her. Nothing but exhilarating arousal as she felt each meticulous swipe of the razor around her sex.

Her sex started to bloom from the stimulation. She was becoming more turned on by the minute as Will lathered, shaved, and touched her pussy. Each breath became heavier and beads of sweat popped up on the back of her neck. She would have liked to blame it on the sun’s rays as they beat down on her, but she knew that wasn’t it. It was all due to Will’s attentive skills.

Sliding his fingers over her lips and ass, he searched, then said, “Well, I think I’ve got them all.”

Glancing up at her, she could see his hazel eyes had darkened to green. He was just as affected.

“You okay, sweetheart?” his voice husky.

“Yes, Will.” Her voice was breathy.

“Good. Now all I have to do is rinse you.” He gave her a sly smile.

She didn’t have time to wonder what was behind his smile, because he rose and walked to the other end of the porch and grabbed the water hose and turned it on.

He advanced toward her with the clear water streaming out of the end of the hose, then squatted before her with it flowing like an arch between her legs, not touch her yet.

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