To Love and Submit (8 page)

Read To Love and Submit Online

Authors: Katy Swann

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

“Thank you,” she said quietly, looking straight ahead to avoid meeting his gaze.

“Look at me, Rachel,” he demanded in a voice that screamed ‘Dom’. She melted a little and turned to look at him.

“Good girl. Now, open your coat and let me see what you’re wearing.”

“Erm, okay.” She was feeling self-conscious now and looked up at the glass screen separating the driver from his passengers. His eyes were on the road, but it wouldn’t take much for him to glance in his mirror and see what they were doing.

Luke’s firm voice cut through her reservations. “Two things, Rachel. First, ignore the driver. Secondly, kindly address me as Sir.”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered, and slowly started to unbutton her coat.

When she’d finished fiddling with the last of the buttons, Luke leaned over and pulled the coat open, exposing her leather outfit and the bare, pale flesh of her chest and breasts, pushed up by the corset.

“Very nice,” he said, and gently kissed the exposed flesh. “Did you obey me last night?”

“Last night?” Rachel frowned. What the hell was he talking about?

“After we’d arranged to meet, I told you to get to bed.” He ran his finger lightly over her corset, sending little shivers of pleasure through her.

She giggled. “That was very sexy, but no, I’m afraid not. Mandy, she’s my flatmate, woke up and ended up cross-examining me about you.”

“Hmm,” he said, playfully, “already disobeying me, huh? I think you might have earned yourself a little punishment later. Have you ever been spanked?”

A shot of electricity ran through Rachel’s body and her breathing quickened. “No, Sir,” she managed to reply.

“Well, we’ll have to see if we can remedy that. So, what did Mandy have to say when you told her you were meeting me tonight?”

“She was really cross with me,” said Rachel, smiling. “She told me I shouldn’t go off with the first man who offered to give me a spanking.”

“She’s quite right, of course, but I’m glad she didn’t talk you out of it.”

“Your email this morning helped.”

“I thought it might.”

Just then her phone started ringing.
Mandy! It must be nine fifteen.
“Sorry,” she said to Luke and pressed answer. “Hi”

“Are you all right?” asked Mandy, her voice anxious.

“Yes, thanks,” replied Rachel, quietly. “All’s well.”

“You sure, hon?”


“What’s he like?”

Rachel rolled her eyes. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“Oh yeah, sorry, you can’t really talk right now, can you? Okay, sweetie, have fun and be good!”

Smiling, Rachel ended the call and switched her phone to silent. When she’d put it away she turned back to Luke. “Sorry about that.”

“Mandy?” he asked, with a grin.

“Yes, we agreed she’d call at nine fifteen.”

Luke nodded. “Good. Now, let’s go over a few things before we arrive at Boundaries.” He leant down and rummaged in a large bag, retrieving something with shiny buckles on. “Give me your wrists,” he ordered.

Rachel shrank into her seat. She glanced up at the driver again who quickly diverted his eyes from the mirror back to the road.
Oh, my God, he’s watching
. Or maybe he was just checking his rear mirror as any good driver should? She stared pleadingly at Luke’s face illuminated by the passing street lights.

“Rachel, I won’t say it again, give me your wrists. It’s the club’s rules that all subs wear cuffs.”

A quick glance told her the driver was still watching the road, so she slowly held up her arms and allowed Luke to buckle soft leather cuffs to her wrists. He checked they weren’t too tight and released her hands.

“Good. Now, turn towards me and lift your left leg up to one side of me on the seat and your right leg to the other side.”

Rachel stared at Luke in shock. “Why?” she gasped, realising that would mean her legs would be spread open before him. And what about the driver? It would be blatantly obvious what she was doing and, God forbid, she didn’t want to give him a cheap thrill, he might just crash the bloody cab.

“Rachel, just do it.” Luke’s voice was losing some of its patience now.

Slowly, she turned in her seat and raised her left leg, placing it between the side of his body and the backrest. Then, closing her eyes in dread, she raised her other leg and placed it against the other side of Luke’s body. She could feel cool air brushing against the thin, lacy material of her knickers and thought she would probably die of embarrassment right then.

Luke grinned and pulled more cuffs out of his bag, placing one of them around her right ankle and buckling it the way he had with her wrists. He then deftly attached the second cuff to her left ankle, but, thankfully, didn’t attach the two together. She glanced nervously up at the driver but he didn’t seem to take any notice. But what if he’d looked away just before she’d checked? He’d have seen Luke strapping the cuffs on her ankles with her legs splayed.
Oh, the shame
. She bit back burning tears of humiliation and tried to reassure herself that he was just a random driver whom she’d never see again.

“Stay where you are,” Luke ordered, when Rachel started to move her legs back down, desperate to resume a normal sitting position. She bit back an angry retort and forced herself to remain where she was, not daring to look up at the driver.

Luke slowly ran a finger up her leg, over her knee and up the inside of her thigh. Rachel held her breath as arousal soared through her body. She hoped he wouldn’t notice how turned on she had suddenly become. But then his finger moved ever so slowly a little farther up and very gently brushed against the material covering her pussy. She let out a small involuntary moan. He could probably feel her dampness through her skimpy knickers and she thanked God the orange coloured street lights meant he couldn’t see her burning face.

“Very nice.” He smiled, removing his hand, leaving her wanting more, but thankful that her embarrassment would finally come to an end. But just as she hoped he would let her put her legs back down, he flashed her a wicked grin, his teeth glowing in the orange shadows, and said, “I want you to touch yourself.”

“What?” she cried in disbelief. “No.”

Luke leaned closer towards her so their noses were nearly touching and growled, “Rachel, you will do as I say or I’ll make you walk into the club naked.” He sat back, crossed his arms and said calmly, “Your choice.”

Rachel’s face was now so hot that her eyes watered from the heat. She knew Luke was probably testing her, but could she really touch herself down there in front of him, and the bloody driver, who would undoubtedly have a good look. She also knew that Luke was serious and if she was going to have to humiliate herself, she’d rather do it in a relatively dark cab with an audience of just two than being made to walk into a busy, well-lit club, stark naked.

So, slowly, she lowered her hands and reached down to touch her damp knickers, still exposed to Luke. She started to rub gently, hoping that would be enough to keep him happy, but he didn’t miss anything and said, “Fingers inside, Rachel.”

Oh crap
. She slid her fingers inside her knickers. She was soaked. She was shocked at how much more aroused she became as she started to rub her throbbing clit, knowing she was being watched by Luke and, possibly, the driver.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Luke spoke again. “You may stop and put your legs back down now.”

“Thank you, Sir,” she whispered. She quickly lowered her legs before he changed his mind, all the time looking at the floor—she just couldn’t bring herself to look at him.

“Remain facing me.” Luke reached back down to his bag and pulled something else out. It was difficult to tell what it was in the dark, but it looked like something that matched the cuffs she was now wearing on her wrists and ankles. He reached out and gently ran his finger across her cheek before running it through her hair.

“Lift your hair for me,” he ordered, and she did as she’d been told. “The subject of collars is a difficult one,” he said, as he fastened the soft leather around her neck. “A Master doesn’t normally collar a sub so early on in their relationship, it’s normally a very special and intimate occasion, but I think it would be a good idea for you to wear one tonight.” He checked it wasn’t too tight and continued, “You’re a very beautiful woman, Rachel, and there will be a lot of Doms wanting to play with you tonight, but I don’t think you’re ready for that just yet. This collar will tell them you’re spoken for and will ensure you don’t get any unwanted attention.”

“Thank you, Sir.” She lifted her hand and ran her fingers over the soft leather. It felt nice.

“Do you have a safe word?”

“No, Sir.” Rachel had read about safe words, but hadn’t yet got round to thinking of one.

“The club safe word at Boundaries is ‘red’ so I think it’s best you use that for now. If you panic or if something becomes too much, you should use your safe word and everything will stop at once. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” Somehow, talking about safe words was making all this so much more real and Rachel felt a nervous twitch eating away at her stomach. She wondered how Luke would react if she used her safe word before they even arrived at the club.

As if anticipating her thoughts, he added, “Be aware, though, Rachel, the safe word isn’t an opportunity for you to control a scene—it’s only to be used as an absolute last resort. At the club, if you’re in a scene and you call out the club safe word, a DM will come over and check you’re okay.”


Luke chuckled. “You really are new, aren’t you? A DM is a Dungeon Monitor. At Boundaries, they wear red T-shirts with the letters DM in black on both the front and back. They’re there to protect you, but will also be happy to offer advice and show you how some of the equipment works.”

“Okay. Er, Luke? Is it all right to call you Luke?”

He frowned. “I thought I’d asked you to address me as Sir?”

“Sorry, Sir. I’ve read there are certain protocols and stuff. Are there any at Boundaries I should be aware of?”

Luke leaned over and kissed her on the lips. “That’s a very good question, and yes there are certain rules you need to be aware of. First and most important,
interrupt a scene. I can’t stress that enough. Apart from that, it’s the usual—keep your eyes lowered, never make eye contact with another Dom and don’t speak unless you have permission to. The main bar area is more relaxed, though, and it’s up to the Dom’s personal preference as to what the level of protocol should be.”

Rachel listened silently. A part of her felt angry at such ridiculous rules and yet another part of her found it strangely erotic at the same time.

“You should avoid going downstairs to the dungeons,” Luke continued. He was stroking her thigh very lightly with his hand, with just enough pressure to make her shiver.

“I don’t think I’d want to go down there anyway, they sound a bit scary.”

“The downstairs dungeons are definitely for the more experienced. It’s the only place in the club where edge play is permitted.”

“Edge play?” Even the name made her uncomfortable.

Luke shrugged. “Fire play, knife play, sensory deprivation, things like that. You will see it one day, but not yet. You’ll like the upstairs playrooms, though.” He smiled, mischievously, tickling her on the inside of her thigh.

“Playrooms? What exactly happens in a playroom?” She could guess the answer, but wanted to hear him tell her about it, so she feigned ignorance.

“It’s where all the fun stuff happens. Amongst other things, there are spanking benches, St Andrew’s crosses and lots and lots of chains,” he teased, playfully.

Wow, spanking benches, she certainly didn’t have to ask what those were. She wondered if Luke would be putting her over one tonight, and the thought sent a strong shudder of excitement through her.

Luke obviously noticed and gave her thigh a squeeze. Rachel suddenly remembered the driver and looked up quickly to try and catch him looking at them, but he was still watching the road. She wondered if he’d been listening to everything and if he was planning on sharing his juicy gossip with his mates at the pub later.

“Right, we’re nearly there. Are you ready?”

No. I think I’ve changed my mind.
Seeing the lights in the distance drawing nearer made her stomach clench into a tight knot and her heart beat even faster than it had a few minutes ago.

“Rachel. Answer me, are you ready?”

His sharp voice snapped her out of her momentary panic and she nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

She looked out of the window as the cab pulled up outside a seemingly disused warehouse in the middle of nowhere. The only indication that there was any sign of life were the bright floodlights above them.

Luke opened the door to the cab and held it for Rachel. “Thanks, Rob,” he said, and swung the door closed when Rachel was out.

“Do you know him?” she asked in surprise.

“He’s a regular driver for Boundaries,” said Luke, with a grin. “Don’t worry about what happened in the cab, he’s seen much worse than that.”

Well, that was at least a small consolation.

Rachel looked up at the shabby-looking warehouse as the cab pulled away and felt a prickle of unease. This certainly wasn’t what she had been expecting—an empty warehouse in the middle of nowhere. And she was there with a complete stranger who had cuffed her and could do anything he wanted to her. There was no one around to hear her scream. Suddenly, she wished more than ever that she’d listened to Mandy.

Luke took her arm and marched her towards a large wooden door under a dark canopy. He rang a bell and the door opened letting out the lights, sounds and smells of a busy nightclub.
Thank God

Chapter Eight

“Hey, Luke. Good to see you.” A giant bouncer shook Luke’s hand. He ushered them in before closing the door firmly behind them. Rachel stared around her in amazement. Where the outside of the warehouse had been dark, cold and desolate, the inside was in stark contrast—bright, warm and welcoming. A large reception desk stood in front of a mirrored wall with the words ‘Welcome To Boundaries Club’ written across it in white neon lighting.

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