To the Edge and Back [The Royal Wolves] (Siren Publishing Allure) (25 page)

Mina screamed as he pumped into her harder and harder. Her mouth found the curve of his neck and she bit him roughly, hard enough to break the first layer of skin as she exploded in a sparkle of feeling and need.

Jolting when she bit him, Janos came hard, the shock and surprise of her move stunning him and electrifying him all at the same time. Yelling her name as he pressed into her deeper, he shivered as his seed spilled deep into her womb, his whole frame shaking from the explosion.

Chapter 40


She gasped when he swelled and locked deep inside of her pussy, the feeling of his seed spilling so hard and deep making her forget how to breathe. Her nails bit roughly into his back as she held on for her very life and rode out the pleasure that rolled through her.

Shuddering slightly, Janos pressed his forehead to her shoulder, the feeling of her hands on his skin making him swell even more. Gasping again, he jerked slightly and groaned at the feeling as her cunt clamped down on him even harder. God only knew if he’d survive making love to her when she changed, because he knew that it would be even more explosive if this was anything to go by.

She went limp in his arms, gasping for air and reveling in the feel of him. “I think we both died just now.” Because they had to be in heaven for something to feel as good as what they were doing. It was perfection, sweet and undiluted, perfection.

Nodding slightly, he groaned and reversed their positions, pressing his back to the tile. Sliding his hands down, he cupped her ass and held her up as he slowly slid down to sit on the floor of the shower stall. “I can’t feel my legs.”

She smiled slightly and nodded. “I can’t feel mine either, which is why I firmly believe you have just killed us with that amazing and spectacular display of pleasure.” She patted his chest even as she lay there curled into him and sighed. “If we are dead, this is definitely heaven right here in your arms.”

Snorting at her words, he shook his head before resting his cheek to her hair. “You’d think heaven would at least be dry,” he pointed out with a grin.

Rubbing her back gently, he hugged her to him. “You are amazing, sweetheart,” he said with pride in his voice for her. She was taking everything he gave and even giving back with the same intensity as a Wolf.

“Only because you are my mate, Janos.” She grinned up at him and then said, “I really, however, think we should get out of the shower, and since you are the one locked”—she shivered at the word and bit her lip with a moan—“you should likely get us out of here.”

Chuckling softly, Janos reached up and turned off the water before he slowly regained his feet. Carrying her from the shower, he snagged a towel and, wrapping it around her, moved toward the bedroom. Lying down with her under him, he let out a pleased sigh as he hugged her close to him.

She yawned and nuzzled him before biting him lightly. “I liked that,” she admitted when he looked down at her. “I liked biting you. Horrible of me, I know, but I liked the way it felt, to be that rough with you and know that I wouldn’t break you.”

Smiling, he shook his head. “You never have to worry about breaking me, baby. You can do that biting and scratching again any time you want. Trust me,” he murmured, nipping at her chin. “I will not protest in the slightest,” he assured her softly.

“Did you like it?” she asked as she pulled back to look at him, fascinated by this topic of conversation. “You never told me how much I could or couldn’t touch you, so I just needed to make sure.”

“You can do anything your little imagination can come up with. The harder the touch or stroke, the better it is,” he said with a smile. “I’m a Wolf, love. You can do anything to me that you want. If I don’t like it, I’ll tell you, honey, I promise.”

She let her nails experimentally move down his arms roughly, watching the pink lines well up, and shivered in reaction, the movement causing her to clench him all the tighter. “How do you like this?” she whispered as she bit her lower lip between her teeth.

Watching her, he smiled slightly as he leaned in and kissed her. “Do it again,” he said softly. Nibbling on her lip gently, he tugged on her soft flesh. “Do whatever you want,” he told her with a grin.

She did it again. The raw need was there and the desire to make sure that he felt each stroke that she gave him. “I love thinking that I can make you feel good from touching you a little rough like this. I think I am going to appreciate being able to have these moments with you.”

“While I enjoy soft petting at times where it’s appropriate, the animal in me needs more,” he told her softly as he fought to not roll to his back and kick his leg in bliss. Clichéd, he knew, but hell, when you found someone that gave you just what you wanted, how you wanted, it was hard to override several million years of evolution.

“I think that I’m going to enjoy giving both to you, Janos,” she said as she allowed her hand to move over him, nails scraping and causing marks that quickly faded. “Where else do you want me to rub and scratch you?” He was behaving like the Wolf he introduced her to, and it made her grin.

Growling at her teasing, he bit her neck quickly and lightly. “You are so bad,” he murmured in appreciation. “You know where I always want you to rub and scratch.” He rocked against her gently, reminding her of what always wanted her touch.

“Ah, now there is a place your Wolf didn’t want me to touch.” Well, at least he didn’t show her he wanted to be touched, she thought as her hand slid down his body and circled the thick root of his cock. “I think if he had I would have not been as welcoming to him as I am to you.” She stroked him roughly, both hands around him for the best grip, for the best intensity.

“He ever gets that interested in you and shows you that that is what he wants, I’ll skin him alive,” Janos growled at her even as he rocked against her hand. “Wolf shish kebabs will be on the menu for the next week,” he muttered darkly.

She shook her head and squeezed him lightly. “He won’t. To him I am his to protect, but only because of you, Janos.” She leaned in and brushed her lips over his chest. “I love you, my Wolf mate.” She did, more than anything. “But I think that talking was something we were going to do later?”

“I’m not the one that’s all chatty,” he pointed out as he tried to keep enough attention focused on her instead of her delightful touch. “I’m all for fucking you blind six ways to Sunday, love, but you keep asking things, pointing out things, and basically distracting me.”

“I’m sorry.” She wasn’t, not really. “I’m all for you fucking me blind. I think that was how you put it, right?” she asked with a grin and let him go so that her hands moved up his chest. “So how about you take care of that for me?”

Biting her lip, he smiled. “Hell yeah, woman,” he breathed and flipped her over onto her stomach. Grabbing all the pillows, he stacked them up and then laid her hips up on them, his fingers teasing her wet pussy. Shifting, he lay over her and smiled when she couldn’t move. “Now you are at my mercy, woman mine,” he teased against her ear with a gentle nip.

She grinned up at him and then laughed. “Who says that I am at your mercy?” She wiggled slightly and then felt the gooseflesh rising on her arms. “Gods, I love you, Janos, but if you don’t make love to me soon, I am going to have to hurt you.”

Scraping his teeth over her flesh, he grinned as he adjusted his position slightly. “How would you hurt me, love?” he asked softly a second before he plunged his cock into her hot and wet folds.

Pulling back, he did it again, driving her down into the pile of pillows over and over again.

“I would bite you,” she said as she gasped loudly. “Harder, Janos. God, I love it when you go hard and deep.” Her fingers fisted into the sheets as she met him thrust for thrust. “So good.” It was always good, forever would be wonderful.

“Biting me wouldn’t hurt,” he growled, incredibly excited for some reason by the prospect of her biting him. “Where would you sink your dainty white teeth?” he asked, scraping his own over her mating mark, his hips still moving hard and fast.

“I don’t know where, but I would find a place.” When he bit her, she jolted and screamed. The sensation of it was more intense than ever before. “Again, please,” she begged him as she went completely still with the caress and bite. “It feels different.” It did, too. It was more intense, and she wanted it again.

Smiling softly, he brushed his lips over her mark. “It’s because it’s supposed to, love. The mark becomes more sensitive with time,” he breathed before biting her again as he pushed into her deep again, driving into her over and over. Each time he did, he tightened his teeth on the mark just a little more.

She was whimpering when her vaginal walls clenched him again. “Now,” she demanded of him. Between him sliding in and out of her and the teeth on her mark, she was past her point of no return and cried out with the explosion of her orgasm.

Growling, he pushed into her as he came hard and fast, his seed spilling deep into her body. Holding her with his teeth, he shuddered as he slid his arms around her to hold her close. 

She moved one hand to lay over the top of his as she lay there like a guppy gasping for air. As her eyes closed and she panted, she found the breath to whisper, “Thank you. Love you.” 

Sucking in air, he just smiled slightly as he released her from his teeth and laid his forehead to her spine. “Love you, too,” he breathed out before sucking in more oxygen. Panting, he closed his eyes and focused on getting in air. He needed air in a bad way. Their loving was seriously lethal.

She was glad there were pillows to hold her hips up and a mattress beneath her cheek because she swore that every nerve in her body was fried. “God, Janos,” she gasped out finally. “I don’t think I will be able to survive you for too long, darling. The way you love me, it’s”—
deadly, amazing, lethal

Grunting out a laugh, he nodded, his cheek rubbing over her skin, the stubble rasping lightly. “I was thinking about the same thing, love, but I have to say that at least it’ll never get boring in the bedroom.” He grinned slowly. 

Her giggles made her body clench, and she died a fast death as she moaned, “Oh god.” She was going to go up in flames in his arms and their bed. “Can you adjust us a little though? My knees hurt and I really would like to lie on my side with you wrapped around me for a while, please?” 

Groaning, he slowly sat back with her and pushed the pillows away before lying on their sides. “So demanding,” he muttered against her neck as he hugged her close. “How are you feeling? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked softly. 

“A little, but you had better do it again and again.” She wasn’t going to lie and say it didn’t hurt, because it did, but it was such an intense pain that was actually more of pleasure than anything. “Thank you for adjusting us, Janos. Now I can nap nice and snug in your arms.” She yawned and wiggled even closer, if such a thing was possible. 

Pressing a kiss to her shoulder, he rubbed his cheek against her skin. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Mina. I hope you know that,” he whispered softly. 

“I know.” She smiled and looked up at him. “It felt really, very, very good Janos. It was unbelievable in the pure intensity of the moment, the way that it felt to have you taking me so rough and hard.” She clenched on him as she came, just thinking of what they shared. “Goodness, I could go for round two right this moment.” 

Smiling slowly, he shook his head. “You need a nap first, I think. I sometimes forget you’re human, love, and you do need a brief respite between bouts. But I’ll ravish you again in an hour, tops, I promise.” 

“All right, I am going to hold you to that one darling.” She yawned slightly and then shivered in contentment. “I love you, Janos, very much, but I think that you’re right.” She curled tighter against him and she was very, very soon sound asleep. 

Grinning as he rose up on an elbow to watch her, Janos shrugged. “Of course I’m right, love. It’s something that I try very hard to live with in my own humble way,” he murmured. Kissing her cheek, he stayed where he was just watching her, taking the opportunity to memorize every inch of her face, his fingers gently stroking over her hair, her cheeks, her body.

Chapter 41


“Where are you?” she asked as she turned in the center of the maze of her dream, looking for Janos as she twisted and turned. “Hello?” She was in a long white gown and had silk slippers on with her hair up. She was searching for him and smiled. “Janos?”

Lying beside her in the bed while she slept he pressed his cheek to her arm, he stared into her face as his fingers continued to drift slowly over the delicate features. Soon, though, he began to yawn and, against his better judgment, he slid into sleep.

Cracking an eye inside the dream, he spun around and then looked down. “Good god, woman, you had to put me in a monkey suit?” he squawked at the tux he was in.

“I want to dance with you, Janos,” she said even as the soft strains of a waltz kicked in. “Girly and childish of me, I know, but I want to dance with you, Janos, so will you, please?”

She was swaying softly to the music and then whispered, “I’m sorry, I should have asked if you would want to dress as you are.” She stepped back and started trying to think him out of the suit and into something he would feel more comfortable in.

Snatching her hand, he pulled her close. “The only other way I’d prefer to be dressed would not be good for this dancing dream of yours.” Tucking her into him, he began to move with her across the floor. “My mother used to take us into the Grande Ballroom and would teach us the basics of dances. After we left home, Laz insisted we complete our lessons so that we never shamed her. My brother has a way with words to get us to do what he wants us to,” he grumbled good-naturedly.

“I’ll just bet that he does,” she said as she felt her body relaxing against his. “I’ve never had dance lessons, just what I have seen on television from time to time.” She moved with him, swaying slightly to the time of the music and with him. “But it feels right, to be this close to you like this.”

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