To the Edge and Back [The Royal Wolves] (Siren Publishing Allure) (26 page)

“Anything that has you in my arms is a good thing.” He grinned rakishly at her. “But, I should warn you, this isn’t done in any of my clubs, darling. The closest we can come is a slow tune where the couples can plaster up against one another and grind.”

“We could always start a new tradition in your clubs.” Her smile was bright as she turned her face up to him. “We could start something new, something original, and have people want to come if only just for this one dance once a night.”

Smiling slowly, he spun around the floor with her. “Are you going to be there every night to dance with me?” he asked softly. Lowering his head, he pressed a kiss to the corner of her eye softly. “Because if you are I’ll do it, but I need to use you as the reason behind it, love, sorry.”

“Of course I will,” she said with a grin and moved her lips to caress them against his. “I will always be there with you, Janos. I love to be with you, honey, so yes, I will be there.” Ben would be able to take her there and she knew it. “We will even ask Ben to make sure that I am there.”

“He’d better drop you off each night you work or I’ll have his balls bronzed while they’re still attached,” Janos said softly against her lips. “He doesn’t treat my woman right, he won’t get a chance to meet his.”

“I have a feeling Ben will treat me just the way I need to be. He will be the big brother I never had, and in that I can’t go wrong.” She turned a cheeky grin up to him. “It will be fine, love. I will be there every night that you work, sweetheart. I am yours, and he will make sure to feed me and keep me safe.” She had a feeling she would have all of the brothers trying to feed her.

“They’ll all fatten you up nicely.” He grinned at her with a wink. “Pays to have big brothers with the same ethics toward a mate as I have. If Laz glares at you for the first while, just ignore him. It’s because you’re too thin, love, that’s all, not because he doesn’t just love and adore you as I do. Well, not quite the same.”

“I’m glad it won’t be the same way, because I couldn’t survive two of you.” The fact she didn’t want to share herself with anyone but Janos was beside the point. “All my life, I am yours, Janos. Today in this very moment and tomorrow in the whispers of the shadows I will love you.”

“I love you, too, Mina.” He smiled, kissing her gently. “And stop even thinking I’d let you near Laz in that way. I’d have a serious hissy fit first.” Spinning her around, he dipped her back and kissed the tops of her breasts. “I want you, Mina.”

“That’s a good thing, because I always want you, Janos.” She rose up close to him and pressed as much of her body to him as she could. “Make love to me here under the moon with the music playing in the background, please?” she whispered softly to him.

“Yes, ma’am,” he breathed against her skin and, with a minor change to the room, took her down onto the huge pillow with rose petals scattered all over the surface. Getting rid of their clothing was just as easy in the dream, and soon he had all of her luscious flesh bare to play with.

“This is incredible.” She would never get used to being able to play with him like this in their dreams, to be able to dance one moment and be naked and loving in the next. “I love roses,” she added with a grin as the fragrance came to her.

“And I learn something new.” He smiled at her. “I’ll remember that when I need you to let me out of the doghouse,” he teased, sliding his hand over her belly and up to rest flat between her breasts. “I’m thinking that you should be the one to torment me tonight, since I got to do it in reality,” he suggested, watching her.

“I think that sounds like a wonderful plan,” she said as she moved him slightly and flipped him so that he was on the bottom. “I really, really like the idea of being the one to torment you.” Her mouth came down and she brushed her lips over his neck and, with a wiggle, moved down to his chest where she began to nibble and suckle and mark him with her teeth and nails.

“Holy…” he breathed out before he growled softly. “Oh god yes, this was a damned fine idea,” he whispered, his hand moving to latch onto her hair. Lifting his head, he brought a pillow into the picture and settled in to watch her. “You can be rougher than that, love. I promise, I won’t break.”

She laughed and moved down his body so that her breasts cradled his cock happily. She leaned down and bit his belly just to the side of his belly button even as she clutched her breasts, as small as they were, against the sides of his cock and moved up and down on him. Finally her mouth found him, and she began to nibble him there as she licked and sucked.

“Mina!” he yelped as he lifted his hips in silent plea, his whole body shuddering under her ministrations and demanding more from her. “God,” he breathed out slowly, his eyes practically rolling back in his head.

Looking up his body, she grinned. “I think that means that I did this right?” She moved up his body with slow and easy movements, wanting and needing to be right there with him when they both left this world on orgasmic pleasure. “I need help, Janos.” She wasn’t very coordinated, but she wanted him inside of her. She wanted to ride him, needed to.

Swallowing hard, Janos took her hips in his hands. “Guide me in, love,” he croaked out, still not fully able to see straight, so she really needed to do this part of it.

Her hand closed over him once more as the other braced herself on his chest. “Yes,” she breathed as she felt him beginning to enter her slowly. “God, that feels…” She shivered and let her head fall back as she took all of him into her pussy and cried out as she did so.

His fingers curled into her flesh, his fingertips pressing deep into the soft flesh as he bit back a yell of pure ecstasy. Nodding at her, he lifted her up and let her slide back down slowly, then repeated until she got the idea and began to set her own pace.

Now with both hands braced on his chest she moved on him with the pace that was slow, designed to take the most from their moments as she could. “So good,” she muttered as she moved harder and faster.

Licking his lips, he grinned up at her. “Yes, you are,” he breathed out to her. “That’s it,” he encouraged her as he began to lift his hips to meet her over and over. “Do as you will, baby. Take everything,” he ordered.

She shivered and rocked on him again. “Oh god, yes,” she said with a growl and moved more. The feeling of him thrusting to meet with her was enough to send her spiraling out of control. She clenched him and then shuddered as she began to shake. “Janos,” she breathed, needing him with her because she wasn’t able to hold off her orgasm.

Gripping her waist tighter, he arched up and came, his seed spilling deep inside of her as he let a full growl pour from his throat. Closing his eyes, he squeezed them shut tighter as he felt a small buck of his body rock him in even deeper.

Her nails raked roughly over his chest, marking him as hers before she fell forward in a boneless heap on him. Eyes closed and panting, she lay there. They might have been dreaming, but their loving was just as intense in the dream as it was in reality. To be able to have him in both places was exhausting, but perfect.

Sliding his hands up, he wrapped his arms around her and held onto her body as the music filtered through his brain slowly. Stroking his fingers over her upper spine, Janos closed his eyes and simply enjoyed the press of her petal-soft flesh to his.

She smiled and shivered, a blanket manifesting to cover her as she did so. “I love you, Janos.” A whisper of a yawn fell from her lips. “But I need sleep, my love. I’m sorry.” She squeezed him tightly. “Don’t leave me? Stay inside of me while we sleep in our dreams, please?”

“I’m not going anywhere at all, my love,” he assured her, gently sliding a hand up to lace his fingers through her hair. “I’m exactly where I want, always and forever, to be, Mina. Let it take you under, baby. You need to rest.”

She did just that. She let the sleep overtake her and was soon sound asleep in the dream and reality. Finally Mina had come home. She finally was where she belonged, in the arms of her mate.

Chapter 42


“Okay,” he said, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. “Now, remember, if he annoys you, yells at you, or basically does anything that I would disapprove of, hit him over the nose with a rolled paper. He growls at you and you call me,” he told her with a grin.

Looking back toward the bookstore, he sighed. “Are you sure you’re ready to start today?” he asked, wondering if he was ready to let her start her new job. It was only a couple blocks from the bar. He could be there in bare minutes, but it was still too far for his comfort. He was working on it though.

She reached over and placed her hands on his that were gripping the steering wheel. “Yes, Janos.” She brought his hand from its strangle grip on the wheel and touched it to her cheek. “You need to get back to work, and I want to work. I am close, close enough that I can walk over to have lunch with you if you want, sweetheart.”

Looking to her and then the neighborhood, he frowned. “Call me so I know you’re coming, please. I don’t want you on the streets any more than necessary, honey. I know I’m sounding paranoid, but I am not comfortable with you being so exposed. I’ll meet you at the door when you come over,” he told her, stroking her skin lightly.

Sighing, he leaned in and kissed her slowly, tasting her as his eyes closed and drawing in her scent. “Go before I change my mind and lock you in our bedroom for the next fifty years.”

She grinned and shook her head. “I will call first, Janos. Now go.” She leaned in and kissed him again. “And don’t be too hard on Maxi, Janos. Be good to him or we will be all argumentative, all right, my love?” She smiled as she spoke to him.

Snorting, he shook his head. “I’m going over and beating him to death, right after I leave here. I’m going to pound his pointy little head just for being too friendly with my girl.” He smiled slightly to let her know he was kidding. “Go, love,” he murmured, kissing her once more. “I love you, Mina. Be safe.”

Shaking her head, she grinned and touched his cheek. “I love you, Janos. Go.” She turned from him before she wasn’t able to and headed into the store. “Benedek?” She called through the store looking for her missing in-law of sorts.

“In the back,” Ben called out, hearing her and shaking his head. He’d seen his brother and her in the car and knew this was killing Janos, but it was good for the boy, built character. “There’s coffee, water, tea, juice, and pop in the lunchroom as well as snacks for during the day. Today we’re ordering in pizza for our lunch, so if you have any preferences, dislikes, allergies, and such, speak now or live with whatever I decide to go with,” he told her as she came around the corner.

“You can stow your jacket and purse in my office. It’s always locked, so if you need to get it, you’ll need this.” He passed her the copy of the key to his office as he continued to poke through the box. “You know, I’d have sworn I had a copy of
Moby Dick
in here,” he grumbled. Sitting back on his haunches, he looked to her. “What’s up, honey?” he asked as he saw her slightly amused look.

“Nothing.” She touched his shoulder and took the key. “Thank you, Ben, for everything.” Reaching just above his head to the smaller of the boxes, she tugged out the
Children’s Classic
. “I think you are looking for this?”

Taking the book, Ben stared at it before narrowing his eyes on her. “Get to work,” he growled at her with laughter in his eyes.

She danced away at his teasing growl and, after stowing her things in his office, headed to the front. Magazines were picked up and stacked back where they belonged, books arranged, and she was all smiles when the small girl came in and tugged her shirt sleeve. “I’m wooking fur
Sweeping Bweuty
.” She was all of maybe four and had Mina’s heart in that moment.

“Of course, sweetheart. Would you like me to read it to you while you wait on your mommy?” Mina glanced and saw the woman who was likely the mother sitting on a stool in romance, devouring the newest novel from one of the premiere supernatural romance authors.

“Yes pweeze,” the little girl said and stripped her coat and gloves off followed by her hat. Mina’s heart clenched as she realized this little girl looked so like her that she could have been her daughter.

“All right, let’s settle in,” Mina whispered and was taken aback when the little girl settled herself on Mina’s lap, leaning back against her with her thumb in her mouth, waiting.

And so Mina began to read, the story not even half over when she realized the child fell asleep, and so, leaning back, she too closed her eyes, and that was where she was when Janos came to meet her for lunch.

“Hey, bro, I’m looking for my wayward female,” Janos said as he looked around the store. He could smell her, and it was interesting to note he didn’t seem to be all uptight about her scent mixing with his brother’s.

“Children’s section having a nap with a little girl she was reading to,” Ben said with a vague wave in that direction as he frowned at his computer. “I would have woken her, but I figured that you hadn’t actually been letting her get any sleep.” Ben pulled back as claws whipped past his face and chuckled.

“Asshole.” Janos shook his head, moving to the children’s area, pulling his jacket off. Stopping when he caught sight of her, he moved closer and touched her cheek. “Mina, honey,” he said, softly stroking her skin. “Come on, love, time to wake up and get lunch, baby.”

Mina cracked her eyes open and shifted slightly. “We fell asleep.” Well duh. She looked to where the mother was, and she was still happily reading, as if without a care in the world for the perfect little treasure that Mina held in her arms. She stroked a finger down the little girl’s hair. Mina looked up and smiled. “One day I want one.” Not today and not tomorrow, but someday.

Looking to the girl that was nearly a replica of Mina, Janos felt his heart jump and he swallowed. Lifting his eyes to hers, he searched them and nodded slowly. “If they are half as sweet and beautiful as this angel, we will be truly blessed, love,” he murmured softly.

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