Too Soon For Love (16 page)

Read Too Soon For Love Online

Authors: Kimberly Gardner

Tags: #MLR Press; ISBN 978-1-60820-300-0

“God, I need you, Alan.” Michael’s hands slid up over Alan’s shoulders and down his arms taking the shirt with them. The sleeves turned inside-out and for a moment his wrists were trapped. Those beautiful hands never stopped touching him, that amazing mouth trailing kisses down his throat and along his collarbone.

“You have a nice body,” Michael murmured, his lips traveling back up to Alan’s ear. He caught the lobe in his teeth and tugged.

“I need to take my time and appreciate it. But not right now.”

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“Michael.” Strong fingers wrapped around his dick and Alan gasped.

He was naked and Michael was still fully dressed, his fly open but everything else still intact. He even still wore his shoes.

It was incredibly hot.

“Hmm?” Michael planted a hand in the middle of Alan’s chest and pushed him back onto the bed.

The mattress sat atop a platform at just the right height for Alan’s butt. He perched on its edge and leaned back on his hands.

Michael leaned over him, his hand still gripping Alan’s cock and blew on the curls at the base. “I’m going to suck you now, so get ready.”

He hardly had time to process the warning before Michael swallowed him to the root.

“Uhng, God.” Alan’s fingers slid into Michael’s hair, fisted there.

Michael’s throat contracted around the head of Alan’s dick.

Alan gasped and his eyes crossed. As he pulled back, he dragged his tongue up the underside then swirled it around and around the head.

Letting go, he grinned up at Alan. “You like?”

“You could say that. Now, c’mere.”

“Nope, not done yet. Lay back and put your feet on my shoulders.”


“Don’t make me get rough with you.” Michael shoved him backward until he lay flat.

Obediently, Alan lifted his feet to Michael’s shoulders. The position left him incredibly exposed and vulnerable. The feeling only intensified when Michael’s finger teased his entrance.

“You’ll make me come if you do that,” Alan warned.

“I’m just getting you ready.” Michael rubbed his cheek over too soon FoR Love

Alan’s cock, the scrape of beard stubble excruciating against his sensitized flesh. Lips mouthed the length of his prick from base to tip then back before his balls were engulfed in wet heat.

Alan squeezed his eyes shut and concentrated on not coming.

There was a slight sting as the finger breeched him followed by the delicious sensation of being penetrated. The finger wiggled, searched then found its target. His prostate was nudged. His dick jerked and his eyes flew open.

“Ah, Michael, don’t. Please?”

The finger slid out of his ass and distantly he heard the tearing of the condom packet. His balls were released and Michael rose up between his legs. He felt the cool slickness of lube being spread in and around his hole.

He wondered briefly when Michael had gotten the lube and from where, but couldn’t bring himself to care enough to ask, not right then anyway.

Michael’s finger slipped inside him again and was swiftly joined by a second and a third. The sting was more intense but Alan didn’t mind. He pulled his knees up and apart, concentrated on the delicious anticipation, the knowledge that any moment he would have Michael inside him. Then he felt it, the press of Michael’s sheathed cock against his entrance.

To Alan’s mind there was no better feeling than this. Even orgasm, as wonderful as it was, didn’t compare with that singular feeling of having another man’s dick poised to push into his ass.

“Ready?” Michael rubbed the head of his cock over and around Alan’s hole. “You ready for me, Alan?”

“Yes, so ready. Fuck me.”

Michael pressed forward. Alan’s body resisted but only for a moment. The head popped through, the sting making him gasp.

Michael froze, a frown marring his beautiful face. “Am I hurting you?”

Alan shook his head, remembered Michael couldn’t see him and said, “No, or not really, not in a bad way. It always hurts a
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little if it’s been a while. Just give me a minute.”

“Okay.” Michael’s features relaxed. He stayed perfectly still except for the fingers stroking Alan’s hip.

“Now,” Alan said, his body relaxing, accepting the invasion, craving it even.

Slowly Michael pushed in, filled him, stretched him until his pubes prickled against Alan’s ass. He paused again, leaned forward, balancing with his hands on either side of Alan’s torso.

“You feel amazing, baby. So tight and hot. God. Can I move?”

“Yes, move.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You’re not hurting me. Move. I want it. Please?”

Michael pulled back, pushed forward, slowly at first as if he still didn’t quite trust that he wasn’t hurting him. But even the sting was fading now, turning into the most mind-blowing pleasure.

And added to everything was the sheer joy of watching Michael’s face, where every sensation, every emotion was naked for his eyes to feast on.

I could love him
, Alan thought, and immediately shoved the idea away. It was far too soon to even contemplate such a step. So instead he focused on the growing ball of heat in his belly, the slithery fingers of pleasure that snaked lower and lower, clenched tighter and tighter as Michael fucked him.

He covered Michael’s hands on his hips, interlaced their fingers and held on as the thrusts in his ass sped up. When the angle changed and Michael’s cock dragged across his gland, Alan groaned. His fingers flexed and he rocked his hips meeting his lover thrust for thrust, sweat breaking out all over his body, slicking his skin and dripping into his eyes.

The pounding in his ass became harder and faster, the thrusts shorter and sharper, more erratic. Michael had his lip caught in his teeth. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes squeezed shut and his skin glistened with sweat.

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“Alan, I can’t wait, I’m going to come. Come with me.”

Wanting nothing more than to do Michael’s bidding, Alan released his hand, gripped his own dick and pumped. It took only a couple of pulls before his orgasm flared, bright and hot at the base of his spine.

Michael’s face contorted and he shoved in deep. Once, twice then held himself there, buried to the hilt as his dick swelled and pulsed inside Alan’s ass.

He’s coming in me, Alan thought, and, oh God, that was all he needed. His balls went taut and his dick jerked. Cum spilled over his hand and belly, splashing up onto his chest and he pumped, prolonging the orgasm, drawing it out, until he’d given every drop.

All the strength ran out of Michael’s arms and he slumped forward. His dick slipped out of Alan’s body and he leaned on his hands, panting for breath.

“Careful, you’ll get cum on you.” Alan’s hand in the center of his chest stopped his forward progress.

“I don’t care.” But Michael straightened and yanked the shirt over his head. Shoving down his pants, he toed off his shoes and kicked free of them before he pulled off the condom and crawled up onto the bed. He fumbled a little tying it off then simply held it.

“Where’s the trash can?” Alan asked.

“Across the room next to the dresser.” Sliding off the bed, Michael took the condom to the trash and dropped it in. Picking up the trash can, he carried it back with him and set it next to the nightstand.

Alan laughed. “Planning on doing this again any time soon?”

“You better believe it.” Michael crawled up next to Alan and stretched out. When an arm slipped around him and tugged him close he went eagerly, pressing the length of his body against Alan’s side and nuzzling his sweaty hair. “Mmm, you smell good.”

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“I smell like sweat and sex. I should probably clean up.”

“Not yet.” Michael slung an arm and leg over the other man to keep him right where he was. “I’m not ready to let you go yet.”

He thought he heard a catch in Alan’s breathing, and what was that about? Had he said something wrong? He waited for Alan to speak, but he said nothing.

Michael was about to ask if he’d done something wrong, when Alan turned on his side, pulled him close and kissed him.

It felt good, Michael thought, as he closed his eyes and lost himself in the pressure of Alan’s lips on his, the heat of Alan’s body and the scents of sweat and cum clinging to them both.

It felt right and good, lying here, face to face, with Alan’s arms around him, the rise and fall of Alan’s chest and the steady thump, thump, thump, of Alan’s heart against his own.

He hadn’t felt so content in a very long time. Months, or maybe even years.

Of course it had been a very long time since he and Phillip and lain like this, wrapped up in each other in the post-coital haze of good feelings. In fact there had been precious little good feelings in the last months, or year if he was being honest. And why not be honest, since it was just him and his own thoughts.

“What’s the frown about?” Alan stroked a finger between Michael’s brows as if to smooth away the lines.

Michael smiled and deliberately cleared his head of anything less than the most pleasant, after-sex images. He caught Alan’s hand and pressed it to his cheek.

“Nothing. I’m good.”

Alan was quiet for a moment then he asked, “You sure?”

Michael nodded. “Sure, I’m sure.” He smiled. “I just got laid by a hot guy. What could be wrong?”

Alan laughed a little but it sounded forced. “I need to clean up.” He released Michael and rolled over. “Is there a clock in here?”

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“On the high dresser. See it?”

“It looks like it stopped.” Alan flopped back on the bed and sighed. “Can I use your shower?”

“Sure. Towels are in the linen closet. I’ll show you.”

“I can manage. You stay there.” He paused. “Unless you want to join me.”

Michael’s lips curved and he sent Alan what he hoped was a sultry, smoldering look. “Why, Mr. Stuart,” he drawled, “I do believe I will.”

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“Is there anything you miss? Besides driving, I mean.” Alan held Michael’s hand as they strolled along Main Street in the late March sunshine. Here in New Hope, just outside Philadelphia, they could hold hands on the street. Lots of same-sex couples did and no one thought anything of it. It was nice.

“Driving doesn’t count because I’ve never done it. You can’t miss something you’ve never done. That would be a regret.”

“That’s not what I mean.” Alan paused on the curb, suspending their conversation as a group of Harley Davidsons thundered by.

Once they had passed, he picked up the threads of what he was saying.

“I meant things you miss from when you could see. Down curb.”

“Hmm.” Michael considered as they crossed the street. “I miss seeing the sky. And scenery, I miss that too. But mostly the sky.”

“What about the sky?”

“Just the sky itself. When I was a kid, I used to lay on our back porch on my back and hang my head over the edge so everything looked upside-down, and I’d look at the sky until I got dizzy.” He laughed. “What can I say, I was a weird kid. But I miss being able to see the sky. All that deep blue emptiness, like you could tumble into it and keep on going forever.”

“Falling forever, that sounds awful, like some kind of mythical punishment.”

“No, I mean in a good way.”

Alan couldn’t quite imagine how you could fall forever in a good way, so decided to leave that alone. “What about people’s faces?”

“No.” Michael didn’t even hesitate.

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“Not at all? You aren’t curious about what people look like or what their expressions are saying when they talk?”

“Looks are over-rated. As for the facial expressions thing, that would be handy. I know there’s a lot of nonverbal stuff that goes on in conversation and I miss out on all that.” He grinned.

“It also makes it tough cruising the hotties at the bar when you can’t make eye contact, you know?”

They reached the end of the street and Alan spotted the foot-bridge. He led Michael in that direction. “I never thought about it.”

“Why would you, when it’s never been an issue? Where are we going?”

“There’s a little bridge over here a ways. It looks nice so I thought we’d cross it. Is that okay?”

“Sure.” They walked in silence for a while before Michael spoke again. “Talking about cruising the hotties, sometimes when we’d go out someplace, Phillip and I, he would tell me if there were guys checking me out. Like he’d say, ‘Hey babe, the bartender just stripped you bare-ass naked while he was taking our drinks order.’” Michael smiled at the memory. “I think it was his way of letting me know he thought I was still hot.”

“Well, you are hot.”

Michael laughed. “That was not my oh-so-subtle way of fishing for a compliment.”

“It wasn’t my oh-so-subtle way of paying one either.” Alan stopped walking in the center of the little bridge and tugged Michael over to the railing. “It just happens to be true.”

Michael stood with his hands on the rail, his face tilted up to the sun. Alan stood behind him, his hands on the rail, his arms caging Michael in, their bodies close enough that he could feel Michael’s heat. At six feet, he was about three inches taller than Michael, and broader in the shoulders. Michael was slim, almost delicate in comparison, though there was nothing remotely feminine about him. He was just … lithe, Alan decided. That was the word for it. And they fit very nicely together.

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“The water sounds fast.” Michael leaned back, his ass snugged up against Alan’s crotch.

“It is, probably from all the snow melt.” He resisted pressing against that deliciously tight little butt. It wasn’t easy, but he managed.

It felt good, standing like this with Michael. Alan could smell his shampoo and a hint of soap left over from his morning shower.

He wanted to kiss him. Just turn him around, pull him close and lay his lips on Michael’s. So what was stopping him? They were lovers now. They’d slept together. Except they hadn’t actually slept together. As much as Alan had wanted to spend the night, he had gone home because of Oscar.

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