Read Touching Scars Online

Authors: Stacy Borel

Touching Scars (26 page)

Timber slammed his fist down onto the solid wood. All sound and movement ceased from the other side. I covered my mouth to stifle my laugh that was bubbling up. Beaver’s head popped up, and he was wearing a smug, self-satisfied grin.

“Hey guys, have a good trip?”

Timber chuckled. “Yeah, we enjoyed it.”

“You are
busted, Mel. And you better be dressed. I don’t need Timber to get an eyeful,” I stated casually.

Her head came up in the same fashion as Beaver’s. Mel’s hair was completely disheveled and her eyeliner was smudged under one of her eyes. “I’m dressed… for the most part.”

I groaned. “Seriously, you two? You have homes you can go mess around in, why do you keep doing this in the bar?”

“Element of surprise?” Beaver made it a question, and Timber snorted.

“You’re hoping to get caught?”

“No, but the thought is there. Makes it hotter, Kat. Try it sometime.”

Now I was the one snorting. Mel came around to the side where we were standing and perched herself on a stool. She was readjusting her bra and her button on her jeans was still undone. I cleared my throat and tipped my head down to point it out to her. She let out a cheery “oops” and fixed it.

Beaver stood and leaned against the bar. “So really, did y’all have a good trip?”

I looked at Timber and blushed slightly. I could tell he was reading my mind. “It was definitely a good time.”

Mel looked back and forth between the two of us, then slapped me on the arm. “You two did the nasty, didn’t you?”

Her face was beaming with delight. My mouth dropped and I couldn’t believe she outed me like that in front of Beaver. “Only parts of it got nasty,” Timber chimed in. What the fuck? Was I in the twilight zone? I put my head on my forearm and groaned.

“Really, you guys. I wasn’t aware my sex life was up for discussion,” I mumbled into my arm.

“Sure it is. Especially when you didn’t even
a sex life before this god came walking in.” She wiggled her eyebrows at Timber. I rolled my eyes at her blatant attempt at flirting with my guy. I decided it was a good time to change the subject.

“How did you guys fare without me here?”

Now it was Mel’s turn to roll her eyes
. “Kat, its Port O’Connor.” She said it like that explained everything. “This place only gets so busy. We handled everything just fine.”

“Good. Where’s Ed?”

“He decided to take a week long fishing trip out of Corpus Christi. He won’t be back until the middle of next week.”

“Oh.” I felt slightly disappointed, only because I hadn’t seen him much lately and I wanted to spend some time with him.

“So I see you two are getting along good.” Timber gave that glorious half smirk. Why on earth was he bringing the conversation back around to this subject?

“You could say that.” Beaver’s sly grin at Mel wasn’t missed by me. “I think Mel here is benefiting quite nicely.”

She scoffed. “Pssh!
benefiting? I’m pretty sure my ears are still ringing from the shout you gave last night.”

He turned in her direction, and I felt like I was choking on the sexual tension that was building between the two of them. It was sweet and disgusting all at the same time. “Really… who was the one screaming my name when she got to ride the Tongue Twister?”

Timber’s eyebrows rose up as high as they could go. “The Tongue Twister? Care to enlighten the class?”

“Shut up, Nelson. Nobody wants to hear it.” I glared at him. Mel giggled.

Beaver reached behind him and grabbed a pad of paper and a pen. He slid them across the bar to Timber, then leaned back and smiled.

“What’s this for?” Timber asked.

“For notes, dude. Believe me, Kat will be singing your name in soprano as she comes if you listen to my instructions carefully.”

I started coughing violently, and Mel was hitting me on the back. Timber looked over his shoulder at me and winked. I coughed a bit harder.

“No worries, buddy. We’re good.”

Beaver looked skeptical, which was laughable. “You sure? I mean, if you have the right technique…”

“We’re good, Beav,” I shouted while plugging my ears so I didn’t hear anymore.

“Suit yourselves.” He turned to Mel. “You ready to go, Princess? I have some laundry to do, and I’m hungry for my dinner.”

“You already ate, you big lug.” She put her hands on her hips.

“I had a burger, but I’m thinking a Mel feast is on the menu.”

I gagged. This was too much info from my two friends. I’d rather stay blissfully unaware of their sexcapades. “And on that note, I’m heading upstairs to unpack. Y’all be good!” I shouted as I high-tailed it up the steps to my apartment.

I could hear Timber’s heavy footsteps behind me. Before I could open my door, he pushed me up against the wall.

His eyes were hard. “I need to check it out first. You know this.”

I wanted to tell him that he was being overprotective, but this was something I knew he wouldn’t concede. I handed him the keys and held my hand out for him to go ahead. As he went in front of me, I shook my head at my overbearing man. If this was something that made him feel better, I’d happily oblige him this one little thing. I loved him, and I loved that he wanted to keep me safe. I bit my lip at the little butterflies in my stomach. I was well and truly happy for once in my life. I stood there waiting for him to give me the all clear. When he did, it was game on and clothes off!





dimly lit room. Glancing at the clock over Kat’s shoulder, I saw it was five in the morning. The sun was just starting to come up and it was peeking in around the edges of the curtains. My pretty girl was curled into me with her back against my chest. Her hair was blowing slightly from the ceiling fan and little strands were tickling my chin. Tipping my head forward, I pressed my nose to the top of her head and breathed her in. Her sweet scent of coconut and some other fruit caused my lower half to stir. I was already sporting my usual morning wood, but now I wanted to be buried in something soft and warm. My hips involuntarily flexed forward and I heard her suck in a long deep breath through her nose. She was waking up. Turning her head slightly to the side, she blinked lazily back at me. Her hazel eyes were like a punch to the gut. I don’t think I’d ever seen a woman more stunning than she was. My eyes trailed the slope of her nose, the pinkness of her cheeks, and then to the full lips that were begging to be nibbled. I slid my hand from her hipbone to her stomach, splaying my fingers wide. Two of them found their way under the waistband of her underwear. I nudged her over onto her back and moved myself so my body was wedged between her sexy smooth legs. Accommodating me, she lifted her hips up and made contact with my already throbbing cock. It caused me to hiss.

“Morning, baby. Sorry, but you looked and smelled too good and I can’t stare any longer. I need to be inside you, now.”

The corners of her mouth tipped up in a devious little smile and I’m certain I heard her purr. “Okay.”

I loved that she didn’t bat me away as I leaned in and sealed my lips over hers. Screw morning breath — there was no such thing with Kat. I rested my forearms on either side of her head, keeping her solidly trapped beneath me. My tongue snaked out and licked her lips. She opened to me, letting me sink in, running my tongue over every surface. She sucked my tongue slightly. My hips kicked forward and I ground into her warmth. Kat was only wearing a t-shirt and black lace underwear. I was pleased that I had easy access to her if I wanted it.

“Oh, God,” she exhaled. “I need more, Timber.”

I didn’t need to be asked twice. I rolled slightly to my side and dragged my hand down the center of her body. I moved between her breasts, sliding over to one of her nipples and tugging it through the material. I felt it harden at my touch. She arched her back, demanding more contact.

“Greedy girl. You like when I pinch your nipples?”

I applied more pressure and bent my head to the neglected one on the other side. I put my mouth over it through the shirt and sucked on it, hard. Her hands came up and grabbed my head. She pulled my hair and moaned.

“Are you going to answer me, Kat?”

“Wha….” She trailed off as the sensations assaulted her.

I grinned. “I asked you if you liked it when I pinched your nipples. I could stop if you’d like.” I started to let go. Her eyes flew open and she glared at me.

“You know I do, now don’t stop. Please God, don’t stop!”

When she begged, it made me feel downright carnal. I wanted to rip off the clothes that were preventing me from seeing her naked body and lick and suck every inch of her. Going back to torturing her stiffened peaks, I moved my ministrations down her stomach, circling around her belly button. Her stomach concaved and she squirmed a bit. I chuckled.

“Don’t, Timber, you know I’m ticklish. I swear I’m going to hurt you if you don’t give me what I want.”

Now I was the one glaring at her. “Do you think it’s wise to boss me around right now? I’m pretty sure I’m the one with the upper hand at the moment.” Her body shivered at my threat. She wisely closed her mouth, chewing on her lower lip. “That’s what I thought. Now let’s discuss this. Do you want me to spend more time here,” my nose nuzzled the tip of her breast, “or would you like me to work you here?” I cupped her sex.

She lifted when my hand made contact where I knew she wanted me. “I want you inside me.”

“Shhh…I will, baby. Be patient.”

“I’m not feeling so patient when you wake me up and turn me into a puddle in your hands.”

“Hmmm…” I slipped my hand under her panties and smoothed my finger between her folds. “Yes, I’d say you are a puddle.” I worked my hand up and down, flicking the tip of my finger over her clit. Her silky fluid covered my finger and made it easy to cover her pussy in her juices. “Fuck, you’re soaked, Kat. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to do too much teasing here. My cock is aching.”

As if my words penetrated her brain, she reached down and took no time yanking down my briefs and grasping hold of me. I fell forward when the feeling was more than I could handle. Her small hand made no move to be gentle with me. She was working me from the base of my shaft to the tip. I felt her thumb swirl over the top of the head, coating me with the little drops of precum. No, I wasn’t waiting any longer. I’d have to take my time with her later. I used both of my hands to tug at the sides of the delicate lace fabric and heard the ripping sound of it being pulled away.

“You so owe me a new pair of panties.” She grumbled.

“Shut up, Kat. If I had it my way, you’d never wear another pair again in your life. Now open your fucking legs, I can’t hold off anymore.”

She once again relented to my demands and spread her legs open. I positioned myself at her entrance and swirled the head of my cock around, making sure that I was coated in her warmth. I nudged the inside of her pussy, slowly sinking in, letting her adjust to my size. She was so damn tight I had to squeeze my eyes shut and breathe through it. I was already beyond the point of no return, knowing that a few thrusts would finish me. Kat made a sudden movement with her hips, bringing them slamming into me, burying my dick all the way to the hilt.

“Fuck!” I shouted. Opening my eyes, I looked down at her. She had no idea how close I was to coming already and her little move only made me that much closer to the edge. “If you pull a stunt like that again, I swear to God I will make sure the next time I’m inside you, you’ll be on your knees and your ass will be rosy red.”

She was shifting around below me attempting, poorly I might add, to create some friction. “If it means you’ll give me what I need, I’ll promise to give you whatever you want. Just please let me feel you, Timber, please!”

I couldn’t let her pleas go unanswered. I started rocking my shaft into her in at a steady pace. She was rising to meet me part of the way. My blood was hammering through my body and I felt the familiar pull of my orgasm reeling me in. Gritting my teeth, I cursed. “You feel so fucking good. I’m close, Kat.”

I started pounding into her unabashed and incapable of slowing myself. I felt her walls clamp down on me and she screamed my name, her whole body convulsing. I continued to pump into her, my pace starting to falter. She was still coming when my own release hit me. My balls tightened and drew up while I poured myself into her. Her nails were raking down my back as I helped ease her through her milder contractions. My own release was so strong my arms were battling, holding myself up. I didn’t want to crush her but she was still pulling me into her. I wasn’t able to keep up my strength and my chest came down on hers.

Kat and I were both breathing heavily as she wrapped her arms and legs around me. She kissed my shoulder a few times before I felt her teeth graze my neck. My cock twitched inside of her and she moaned.

“Easy, baby. I need a few minutes to recover before we do that again.”

“Are you serious? My whole body is as limp as a noodle. I don’t know if I even
do that again so soon.”

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