Trickery & Envy (10 page)

Read Trickery & Envy Online

Authors: D.C. Johnson

“I know you got some money around here somewhere,”
Vernon uttered and went in Vivian’s bedroom. He lifted her king sized top mattress and flipped it over to the other side of the bed. “Umm, so what do we have here,” he said and lifted a gun atop the box-spring with his gloved hand. “Sis not herself some protection.” He ran his gloved hand across a thirty-two steel plated pistol. “Leave it to daddy he probably taught you how to use it. Well you won’t be shooting me or anyone with this one. Just what I need and Tracie better not had run her mouth.”

Vernon unload
ed the pistol and put the bullets into the front pocket of the shabby blue jeans he was wearing. He placed the gun in the other pocket then pulled his dingy white t-shirt from inside his jeans to conceal the weapon. He then continued on his hunt for money.

ought to spray this,” Vernon said referring to peeing on her King size bed. He then turned his attention to the walk-in closet looking around at the items inside with a jealous, knotted face. “Now I know damn well you don’t wear all these clothes. And what do you need with all these shoes?”  He picked up a dark colored shoe off a five tier rack and tossed it over his shoulder. He repeated this routine with the first row of about eight shoes before smiling in delight at the last shoe he was about to toss. “Oh snaps. Looks like I hit the jackpot,” spotting what looked like a hundred dollar bill sticking out from under the padding of her lavender-colored high heel shoe.

Vernon rip
ped the padding out and tossed it over his shoulder. “Bingo,” he said smiling again, removing a small stack of hundred dollar bills. He then tossed the shoe over his shoulder, licked his thumb, and commenced to counting his findings. “A grand, a hundred ninety-nine more thousand and I’ll be straight. You can go on about your merry life.”

Vernon stashe
d the bills into the pocket the bullets were in and then headed a few feet over to a small rack with Vivian’s purses. He stood in front of the rack shaking his head at the many different purses. He scanned for one that didn’t look used often thinking it was where she may hide some big bucks. Vernon picked up a red purse with thin, cheap looking straps. “I know damn well you too classy to be seen with this ugly purse. Let’s see what my prize is this time,” and he shook the purse then grinned, licking his lips. “I’m about to get paid again,” he said and opened the purse like you would a bag of potato chips. He reached inside and pulled out a large rubber band stack of bills. He let the purse fall to the floor. “This has got to be at least ten grand,” he said smiling and then he put the money into his back pants pockets. “Man I didn’t think you’d keep this amount of cash around,” and he then headed for the garage where he had came in.


It was close to midnight when Vivian, who invited Toni back to her house from an evening out arrived back home. She couldn’t understand why her remote to her garage wasn’t working. She hit the open button again to no avail.

“It was working this morning,” she

Toni in his
black SUV behind her got out and walked up to her car. “Is everything okay,” he asked.

“My remote to the garage isn’t working,” she said and pushed the open button on the remote again.

“Maybe it needs a new battery,” Toni suggested.

“Umm, I didn’t think about that,” and
Vivian smiled up at him. “Well, I guess we’ll just have to go in through the front door,” and she exited her car.

walking the few steps over to her front door with Toni trailing heard Jennifer calling out to her.

“Excuse me a minute, Toni,” she said and back
ed up some to see Jennifer sticking her head out her front door.

“Call me when you get a minute,”
Jennifer said, cupping one hand to her ear.

was looking down the street at the other homes and didn’t see Vivian when she pointed in his direction as if to say, do you see what I have here.

Okay,” Vivian said and smiled as she walked past Toni and up the step to her front door.

They went inside and
Vivian went over and flicked on the light switch by the sofa. She then headed to turn off the alarm.

“What,” she said looking perplexed
at the unlit alarm system on a wall near the kitchen.

“Is everything okay,”
Toni asked sliding his hands into his front pants pockets and walking over to Vivian.

with her black purse clutched under her arm was still looking peculiar at her alarm system.

Umm, I hope the battery isn’t gone in my alarm system too,” she uttered and quickly dismissed her strange look about the alarm. She was puzzled about something else. “Where are Darling and Darren? They always greet me at the door,” Vivian said looking around. “Uh umm Toni something isn’t right.”

“You want me to check
the rest of the house for you, stay right here,” Toni said without waiting for an answer moved in the direction of the kitchen.

“Where are my babies?” Vivian said
again and now with the feeling something had happened to them. “Darling, Darren,” she called out. They slowly emerged from behind the sofa and with soft cries slowly limped toward her.

stood looking shocked. She let her purse drop to the floor as she hurried over to the sofa to meet her limping poodles. She kneeled and with extreme care scooped up Darling who squealed from the pain in her broken leg.

My babies, somebody hurt my babies,” Vivian said tearing up and sat where she was, carefully laying Darling in her lap. She gently rubbed the broken leg then the top of her precious poodle’s head while Darling gave little cries of pain. “Come here Darren,” she said looking sadly over at him.

Darren like a puppy that’s been reprimanded lower
ed his head and moved slowly toward her. He stopped next to Vivian and rested on his belly panting rapidly. Vivian tried to console Darren rubbing him on his backside.

“What happened to my babies,” she
said and as Toni walked back into the living room from checking the rest of the house out.

“Baby,” he said walking over to where
she was. “Someone broke in.” He glanced back in the direction from which he came, her bedroom, and then looked back at Vivian. “It looks like they entered through the side door of your garage. Your bedroom is in disarray.”

“Why would
they hurt my babies,” Vivian softly cried. “They didn’t have to hurt my babies.”

Toni kneel
ed down beside Vivian and removed his cell phone from his shirt pocket and then dialed 911.

“My girlfriend’s home has been burglarized. Can you send
the police? The address is...”

quietly wailed about her poodles being hurt.

“I have to get them to a vet
,” she said and laid her hand gently against the side of Toni’s soft face as he disconnected the call to the police. “Why would anyone want to hurt poodles? They’re so precious.”

Toni wrap
ped his hands around hers. “I don’t know baby,” and he kissed the palm of her hand. “I don’t know.”

Minutes later Toni was opening the door for the police.

“Come in,” he said to the two officers. “This is my girlfriend’s home. We arrived here a short time ago and found that it’s been burglarized.”

Are you the homeowner?” one of the officers walking over to Vivian asked.

s,” she replied with a few bobs of the head.

officer removed a small notepad and pen from his breast pocket.

“I’m Officer Barlow and my partner, Officer James. What
is your name?”

“Vivian Fowler,” she stated and
carefully moved Darling in the crease of her left arm then raised herself up from the floor and over to the sofa where she gently laid Darling.

James headed toward the kitchen to investigate.

pproximately what time did you and what is your name sir?” Officer Barlow said looking over at Toni.

“Toni Gentry.”

“Mr. Gentry arrive home.”

Vivian went for Darren cautiously scooping him up. She sat him next to
Darling on the sofa.

“About a half hour ago,
she responded and crossed her arms. “Officer, I need to get my poodles to a vet. They’ve been injured,” Vivian informed him.

Are the injuries related to the break in?”

Vivian answered and then began moving in the direction of her bedroom.

Officer Barlow stop
ped her. “Ms. Fowler, if you can wait until we’re done investigating. You don’t want to move any evidence. How injured are your dogs?”

“One of Darling
’s, she’s the girl poodle, legs is broken. I’m not sure what is wrong with Darren but he’s panting heavy.”

Vivian move
d back over to her poodles.

Toni walk
ed over to Vivian and placed his arm around her shoulder. “Baby,” he said. “Why don’t I take them to the vet and you take care of things here?”

Vivian turn
ed and wrapped her arms around Toni’s waist. “You would do that for me,” she said and a few tears fell. “There’s a veterinarian right off Kedzie and 175
street. Darling and Darren records are there.”

Toni kiss
ed Vivian softly on the forehead.

he doorbell rang and Vivian walked over to see who it was. She was surprised to see that it was Vernon at her door. He was dressed like he was on his way to an interview. He had on a black suit with a light gray silk dress shirt and black tie. There was a dark gray belt around his waist and he was wearing a new pair of dress shoes. The lining around his forehead spoke a fresh haircut.

not caring about his attire and angry, spat, “Officer arrest him! He did it I know he did!”

officer radioed for his partner. “James we have what could be the intruder at the door.”

Vernon look
ed behind himself like the officer was speaking about someone else.

“10-4,” Officer James said and head
ed upstairs.

Vernon pointed his thumb toward himself. 
“Intruder, are you referring to me?” he said. “Girl what are you talking about? I came over here to see how you were doing.”

Vivian charge
d at Vernon clawing him in the face and drawing blood. “You did this!” she screamed at him. “You hurt my babies.”

Officer Barlow grab
bed Vivian with one hand bringing her to him and in the same motion extended his other to keep the situation under control. Toni had swiftly moved in Vivian’s direction.

“I got this,” the
officer said.

Vernon straighten
ed his tie and then said, “What is wrong with you attacking me...girl I’m your brother.” He then placed his hand to his face and on the spot his sister tried to take a plug out of. “Are you trying to disfigure me? I just wanted to know why the police are at your home. I was walking by heading to a friend’s house when I saw the police car out front...just wanted to make sure you’re okay in here.” Vernon then did a quick evaluation of Toni then looked back at Vivian as if he was innocent.

eyes were sharp looking at Vernon. She tried to get a positive read that he was responsible for breaking into her home, which never came. His coolness began to irritate her as her eyes deepened at his poise.

“You can’t fool me
, Vernon! I know you did this. You have the nerve to show up here just like you did when my salon was broken into. A bum doesn’t turn into success overnight,” Vivian said fuming.

Officer James
arrived from the basement. “What’s going on? Who is this gentleman?” he asked, observing Vernon from head to toe.

“He’s my half brother. His name is Vernon...arrest him!” Vivian demanded.
“How dare you act like you had nothing to do with this...Officer he threatened me?” Vivian cut her eyes at Vernon, ready to physically go to battle with him. She felt he was taking his threatening her, too far.

“Ms. Fowler do you have any proof
he’s responsible for the break-in. We can’t arrest anyone on suspicions,” the officer replied. “I’m going to turn you lose. However, I advise you not to attack Mr., what is your last name sir?”

, Vernon Fowler Jr.,” he said.

“Mr. Fowler could press assault charges against you,” Officer Barlow warned and he released Vivian.

Vernon straightened his tie again, lining it in the middle of his shirt. He then popped both flaps on his suit jacket and gave Vivian a hard look as if to say, I meant what I said. You’re going to give me what’s mine.

“I have proof! He
was here a few weeks ago and he threatened me.”

“Is that true?”
Officer James said and looking Vernon over again.

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