Read Triumphs of Experience: The Men of the Harvard Grant Study Online
Authors: George E. Vaillant
Happiness, 25, 30, 165; divorce and, 192; as legacy for next generation, 189; long wait for, 139; love and, 50, 52
Harlow, Harry, 63–64
Hartmann, Heinz, 63
Harvard Block Assembly Test, 73
Harvard College, 1–2, 66, 103; cost of attending, 69; Department of Hygiene, 58, 80, 85; dropout from, 183; Fatigue Laboratory, 57–58, 62; Health Services, 97, 315; Phillips Brooks House, 166
Longitudinal Study, 1
Harvard Medical School, 103
Harvard publications:
The Advocate
, 66, 172;
, 56, 66;
, 66, 103
Harvard Study of Adult Development, 1, 5, 11, 141, 369; on alcohol abuse, 12; comparison with other studies, 379; Eriksonian Intimacy defined by, 191; records of, 105; threatened with extinction, 351.
See also
Grant Study
Hastings, Donald, 62, 81
Hastorf, Albert, 381
Health, 3, 9, 168, 212; biomedical, 6; causation and, 25; decline of physical health, 230–231, 242–246; interview questions about, 375–376, 378; longevity and, 224; mental health, 32, 42, 51, 242–244; objective, 31; “optimum,” 4; physical, 32, 224, 242–244; psychosocial, 6; religion and, 339–346; sexual activity and, 218–219; subjective, 31, 41
Health reading fluency, 332
Heath, Clark, 15, 17, 53, 54, 58, 84; administration of study and, 81; data analysis and, 75–79; funding for Study and, 85; on health, 234; interviews conducted by, 71; on maturation, 181, 183; military records reviewed by, 101; as pioneer of Grant Study, 59; on successful Study men, 166
Heraclitus, 1, 7
Heredity, environment versus, 127–133
Heroin addiction, 7, 91, 262
Hindu cultures, 147
Hippies, 120, 336
Hoarding, 365–366
Hogarth, William, 299
Holme, A., 224, 228
Holmes, Oliver, 113–117, 123, 126, 128, 135, 180, 208
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 225
Homosexualtiy: closeted, 171; dying taboo on, 186; fear of, 281, 282; Intimacy and, 152; “latent homosexuality,” 73; secrecy about, 95
Hooton, Earnest, 43, 62, 76–77, 82, 140
Hoover, Bert, 336–337
Hope, 110, 137, 163, 167–168, 178, 368; in face of death, 157; failed maturation and, 174, 176; lack of, 119; orality and, 120; Pollyanna stereotypes, 162; remarriage and, 207–208; spirituality and, 147; in youth, 108
Hormones, 116, 216
Horner, Matina, 105
Hot cognition, 265
House, James, 258
Howland, Lewellen, 196, 197, 221
Human Development
(Kail and Cavanaugh), 360
Humor, 23, 39, 116, 211, 268
Humphrey, Hubert, 336
Hypochondriasis, 39, 44, 46, 47, 50, 267
Id, in psychoanalytic theory, 265
Identity, 14, 150–151, 160, 175
32, 46, 47, 51, 55, 74
Immature defenses, 267–268, 272–273, 287–288
Income levels, 31, 69–70; alcoholism and, 331; Decathlon score and, 41, 42; never-married men, 179; successful aging and, 109
Individuation, 151, 361
Inner City cohort (Glueck Study), 5, 10, 83, 138, 329, 379–381; alcoholism and, 293, 295–298, 306–307, 309–310, 312, 314–315; cholesterol levels, 256; discomfort with anger, 126; education level, 330–331; family background, 176; included in major Study publications, 94; longevity of, 249, 252; maturity of defenses, 274, 289; never-married men, 179; predictors of high income, 109–110; Problem Drinking Scale (PDS), 314, 326; religion and, 345
Integrity, life stage of, 25, 149, 156–158, 160; coming to terms with reality, 168; dignity despite ravages of mortality, 188; Integrity vs. Despair, 156
Intellectualization, 268, 274, 275, 276
Intermediate defenses, 268
Interviews, 74, 91–94, 241; about childhood environment, 109–110; eye contact during, 119, 176, 319, 324; length of, 116; mosaic of, 95; reluctance to be interviewed, 93; schedules, 374–378
Intimacy, as adult task, 2, 18, 84, 151–152; defined, 191; failure at, 162, 173, 179, 324; Isolation as shadow of, 151, 365; mastery of, 47; recovery of lost loves, 136
Introspective trait, 219, 338
IQ (intelligence quotient), 41, 67–68, 88, 178; in college, 251; mental health and, 289; relationship with mother and, 134; social class and, 329, 331; Stanford, 176; of Terman women, 381, 382, 383; Wechsler-Bellevue, 176, 177, 379
Irish ethnicity, 290, 303, 307, 314, 380
Isolation, social, 32, 120
Isolation of affect, 268, 274
Italian ethnicity, 290, 307, 380
James, William, 21, 144, 339, 354
Jellinek, E. M., 299, 303
Jesus, 48, 49, 50
Jews, 69
Johnson, Lyndon, 17, 337
Johnson, Samuel, 9, 207–208
Joy, 32, 126, 224, 366, 368; absence of, 171; developmental accomplishments and, 179; love and, 370; marriage and, 207; mature defenses and, 285; spirituality and, 147; sublimation and, 275
Kagan, Jerome, 106
Kahn, Robert L., 227
Kail, Robert V., 360
Kandel, Eric, 9
Keeper of the Meaning.
Guardianship, developmental stage of
Kegan, Robert, 106
Kipling, Rudyard, 64
Audrey, 310
Knight, Robert, 303
Kretschmer, Ernst, 65, 72
Lantis, Margaret, 74, 83–84, 85
Lazare Personality Inventory, 74, 125
Levinson, Daniel, 4, 9
Liberals, 90, 232, 337–338
Life after Ninety
(Bury and Holme), 224
“Life chart,” 56
Life Satisfaction Chart, 231
Lifetime studies, 9, 367
Lincoln, Abraham, 156
Lindbergh, Charles, 159
Lives in Progress
(White), 104
Loevinger, Jane, 18, 106, 170, 187
Loman, Bill, a.k.a. Francis Lowell, 142, 321–327
Loneliness, 53, 119
Longevity, ancestral or familial, 36, 37, 128, 175, 251–252; of maternal grandfathers, 346–350; physical health decline and, 243, 244; as predictor of survival into advanced age, 250
Longevity Project, The
(Friedman and Mason), 249
Longitudinal studies, 26, 27, 44, 85, 369; contradiction and paradox in, 328; of coping mechanisms, 270; halo effects and, 194; heredity versus environmentalism in, 127; psychosomatic theories and, 254; recovery of lost loves and, 136; structure and purpose of, 3–7; value of, 351
Lothian Birth Cohort, 224
Love, 28, 36, 48, 147, 185; as act of creation, 279; bleak childhood and, 142; capacity for, 116, 126; as Eros, 64; failure of maturation and, 184; happiness and, 50, 52; identifying, 29; inability to, 142; mental health and, 190, 259; power of, 44; received in childhood, 37; recovery of lost loves, 135–138; restorative power of, 49; success and, 52
Lovelace, Sam, 117–123, 126, 129, 139, 142, 172, 186, 215, 221
Loveless, the, 112–113, 124, 125, 141, 179
Luborsky, Lester, 145
Lykken, David, 131
MacArthur Foundation study, 227
Mailer, Norman, 90, 234
Mandela, Nelson, 163, 167, 176
Manic depression, 86, 169
Marmot, Sir Michael, 331
Marriage, 20, 47, 68, 83, 190–193; Adult Adjustment scales and, 387, 388, 389; to alcoholic women, 119, 121, 165, 198; case studies, 201–216; correlates of good and bad outcomes, 217; Decathlon score and, 31, 41; dependence in, 215–216, 223; developmental failure and, 175–176; friendship within, 17–18; golden anniversaries, 209; happy and lasting, 2, 32, 164–165, 167, 222; Intimacy and, 152; length of, 39; ranked happiness of, 33; rating of, 193–196; relationship with father and, 134; remarriage,
103, 121, 196–197; sex and, 216, 218–219, 282; “so-so,” 192, 209, 211; thirty-year study of, 196–201; unhappy, 121, 122, 192
Martin, Leslie R., 249, 332
Massachusetts General Hospital, 98
Masturbation, 15, 16, 65, 216, 277
Maturation, 144–148; Erikson’s model, 148–160; failure to grow, 171–176; length of time to accomplish, 178–180; thwarted development, 180–186
Mature defenses, 268–269, 285–288, 355
McAdams, Dan, 84, 272
McArthur, Charles, 53, 54, 58, 84, 86–87; author’s interaction with, 90, 91; as director of Grant Study, 85; prospective studies of adults in midlife, 149; tests administered by, 74
McArthur twin studies, 252
McCarthy, Eugene, 335–336
McCarthy, Joseph, 120, 335
McCrae, Robert, 130, 354, 355
Mead, Margaret, 223
Meat, consumption of, 240–241
Medical examinations, 6
Meditation, 20, 23, 312–313
Memory, 9, 14, 19, 21–22
Memory loss, 238
Menninger, Karl, 302
Menninger Clinic, 145
Mental illness, 14, 143, 179; absence from family history, 113; aging process hastened by, 243; divorce and, 219–221; family history of, 128, 129; of father, 164; psychosomatic illness and, 254
Merchant of Venice, The
(Shakespeare), 156
Mesomorphy (muscularity), 15, 36, 37, 41, 65, 71–72; incidence among Grant Study men, 67; sanguine temperament associated with, 72
Meyer, Adolf, 56, 57, 103, 264
Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test, 295
Midlife crisis, 4
Military, U.S., 61–62, 164; Air Force, 58; Army Alpha Verbal and Alpha Numerical tests, 72–73; Army General Classification Test, 62; identification of potential officers, 79–80
Military-industrial complex, 17
Miller, Art, 99–102, 361
Milofsky, Eva, 74, 94
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, 253
Moderation Management, 310
Mondale, Walter, 337
Monks, John, 74, 79, 82, 99, 101, 333
Mormons, 340, 343
Mother, relations with, 109–110, 118, 140–141; adult living with mother, 172, 173, 324; alcoholic mothers, 70; assessment of childhood scales, 385; babies’ attachment to mothers, 64; in childhood, 111–112; defensive styles and, 269–270; dependency on mother, 280–281; fathering versus, 133–135; income levels and, 42; maturity of defenses and,
miserable, 18–19; mothers’ occupations, 69; thwarted development and, 181
Mourning, psychodynamic work of, 135–136
Myelin, 147
Narcissism, 24, 50, 146, 235
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 90, 105, 106, 263
National Institute on Aging (NIA), 98, 107
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), 96, 380
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 12, 130
Natural History of Alcoholism Revisited, The
(Vaillant), 5, 97
Nature and nurture, 2, 27–29, 35, 42, 55
Nazism, 82
NEO (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness), 130, 131, 333, 334, 349, 354–355, 367
Neugarten, Bernice, 106
Neuroanatomists, 265
Neuropsychology, 23
Neuroticism, 130, 131–132, 333, 334, 354, 355
New England Journal of Medicine
, 97, 329
Newman, Adam, 14–25, 35, 57, 124, 147, 170, 208, 215–216, 367
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 157
Nixon, Richard, 336
Not significant (NS) correlations, 34
Nurses Study (Harvard School of Public Health), 6
Nursing homes, 226, 227, 231, 265, 285
Oakland Growth Study, 5–6, 357
Obesity, 132, 244, 245, 248, 312
Obsessions, 268
O’Neill, Eugene, 102
O’Neill, James, 315–321
Openness, 130.
See also
Optimism, 162, 164, 207
Orality, 120–121, 301, 304
Outcome variables, 30
Pacifism, 114
Paine, Alfred, 70, 221, 223, 229–232
Parents: alcoholism in, 141, 302–303; death of, 140, 256; home visits with, 72; longevity of, 36, 239; mental health of, 127
Passive aggression, 267, 282
Pathology, 1–2
Penn, Peter, 142, 171–176, 179, 181, 196, 203, 214, 276, 362, 363
Perkins, Maxwell, 154–155
Perls, Thomas, 250
Perry, John C., 267
Perseverance, 332
Personality disorders, 86, 333, 349; alcoholism and, 303, 304, 327; social class and, 357
Personality profiling, 77–78
Personality traits, Big Five.
Pessimism, 120, 126, 135, 142, 168
Pets, 118, 181
of life, 19
Phobias, 268, 384
Physical fitness, 57, 71, 73
Physicians, 97, 114
Physiognomy, 28
Physiology, 11, 56, 65
Piaget, Jean, 8, 150, 353
Planfulness, 332
Play, 118, 119, 236, 271
Pornography, 186
Positive psychology, 58
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 82, 101, 332–335
Predictor variables, 30
Prescription drug abuse, 97
Problem Drinking Scale (PDS), 295, 314, 326
Projection, 39, 267, 287
Prospective studies, 3, 4, 34, 39, 83, 134
Protestants, 69
Pseudonyms, 13, 14
Psychiatrists, 15–16, 21, 56, 124, 286; alcoholism study and, 304–305; ancestral longevity studied by, 347; child psychiatrists, 45, 64, 317; fading influence of psychoanalysis, 255; interviews conducted by, 72, 93; psychiatric visits, 386, 389; selection of men for Grant Study and, 234; training of, 123
Psychoanalysis, 49, 64, 83, 253, 360; clinical teachers and, 103; defense mechanisms and, 291; fading influence of, 255; metaphysics of, 263, 352; NIMH research agenda and, 263
Psychobiology, 12
Psychodynamics, 105
Psychological Factors in Marital Happiness
(Terman), 199
Psychology, 12, 20; from biology to psychology, 63–65; cognitive, 265; developmental, 144; positive psychology, 58; social, 11, 17, 40
Psychopathology, 51, 52, 127, 132, 143, 255; absence of love and, 135; adaptation and, 262; developmental failure model of, 141–142
Psychopharmaceuticals, 31
Psychosomatics, 252–255
Psychotherapy, 31, 46, 120, 136, 199
Psychotherapy Research Project, 145
Psychotic defenses, 267
Quakers, 113, 114
Questionnaires, 87, 193, 229, 241; annual, 74, 83; biennial, 74, 75; face-to-face meetings contrasted with, 91; reunion, 88, 89; unreturned, 175, 196
Race and racial integration, 13, 15, 65, 71, 120