Trouble Triangle (Tyler's Trouble Trilogy) (21 page)

"You ready to order?" A chubby waitress stood at the end of the table and repeatedly tapped the end of her pen against her order pad.

Holly jerked her head up and looked at the waitress. "Oh…umm…I'm not ready yet." I slipped my hand inside her leggings and under her panties. "
," she shrieked as she twitched.

I looked at the waitress while I slid a finger into Holly. "Two Aloha burgers, please," I said.

"Would you like
fries or onion rings?"

"Look," I snapped, "can we just have the burgers. We don't care what they come with. Surprise us. Now leave us alone."

"No need to get uppity." She reached over to take Holly's menu.

Holly slammed her hands on the menu and looked at the waitress. "I'm not done with this yet. Leave it."

The waitress tightened her eyes. "Yeah, right." She spun on her heel and left.

"Like, I was just about to come when she walked up." She looped her arm through mine. "Let's go to the restroom. You've really got me worked up."

I gave her a closed mouth smile, leaned in and whispered in her ear. "I'm
make you come right here." I grew hard at the thought.

Holly moaned as my hand went to work on her under the table. We got occasional glances from other diners, but no stares. After a few minutes, her moans of pleasure got quicker, and rose in
volume. Her body twitched.

"Oh my God," she murmured, "this is it. You bastard. Oh God, don't stop now. Oh, God, please." She grabbed a napkin off the table and shoved it in her mouth. Her body went into mild convulsions. She screamed into the napkin as her body jerked. Other diners
now stared. Her intensity grew.

The waitress appeared at the table with the manager by her side.

"I think you better leave," the manager said.

Holly yanked the napkin out of her mouth. "Not now, shithead!" she screamed. She finished her orgasm without any silencing aids, and under gaze of the other patrons in the restaurant.

I pulled my hand out of her pants. She shook her body like she was shaking off a chill, then took a deep breath. She turned and kissed me before we slid out of the booth.

Holly looked at the manager and threw her nose in the air. "The service was lousy anyway."

We headed for the door with the manager right behind us. A few of the male diners looked at us in awe. Everyone else looked at us in disgust.

We went back to the cinema and settled on a bowl of popcorn and a jumbo bag of peanut M & M's as dinner, washed down with the super size coke which we shared. Seeing Holly enjoy the movie gave me more satisfaction than the film itself. She was engrossed in it from start to finish, so I resisted the urge to fondle her again.

After the show, we went back to her apartment. When we arrived, she took me by the hand and
led me straight to the bedroom.

"That was like so cool what we did tonight. I keep getting horny just thinking about it."

We stood next to her queen-size bed. She unbuttoned my shirt as we kissed; she fumbled with my buttons, and I with hers. She couldn't get my second button undone and just ripped my shirt open, buttons flying in every direction. I returned the favor, and sent the buttons of her Liz Claiborne blouse pinging off the cream colored walls.

She breathed heavy. "I want you, Tyler. Fuck me like you never have before. Treat me like a whore."

I put my mouth on hers, darting my tongue in and out. I stopped the kiss and stood back, taking a moment to admire her round breasts. She stepped forward, unbuckled my belt, unzipped my pants and ripped them down to my ankles. She lowered my unde
rwear and dropped to her knees.

As soon as I felt her warm mouth on me, the phone rang.

She stopped and looked toward the living room. It rang again.

"Ignore it," I commanded.

"It might be important," she said.

I pointed to my hard cock. "This is what's important."

"I'll be right back."

She trotted into the living room topless, and answered the phone. I shuffled to the door to see her in the living room, my pants still wrapped around my ankles.

"Hello?" she answered.

- "Oh, hi, Daddy." She put her arm over her tits like she was embarrassed to be talking to her father while half nude.

- "No, you didn't wake me."

- "I went out tonight and forgot to call you. Sorry."

- "As a matter of fact, yes, I am still dating him.

- "No, Daddy. Enlisted personnel aren't allowed to date officers. He's a First Class Petty Officer, E-6. I told you that. So he does outrank me."

- "Of course I want you to meet him, but I don't know when we'll both be able to fly back home together."

- "You're coming out here? When?"

- "Oh…yeah, um…that's great."

- "Okay. Call me later with the details."

- "Love you too. Bye."

She hung up the phone. "Shit," she mumbled.

I staggered over to her bed, still shackled by my pants at the ankles. I moved enough of her stuffed bears to lie down.

Holly came in and took off her leggings.

I looked at her perfect naked body. "That's it, babe, tell me about it later. We got business to tend to."

She went to her chest of drawers and fished out a 'Barbie Rocks' nightshirt, slipped it on,
and put on her house slippers.

"Aren't we going to finish what we started?" I asked.

"Don't be ridiculous. I can't have sex just after I talked to Daddy."

"How long before this purity thing washes off and we can fuck?"

"Tyler! I told you not to use that word."

Uh, oh, this Daddy syndrome thing was sending her loopy. Or loopier, I should say. A minute ago she wanted me to fuck her like a whore. Suddenly she’s Saint Holly and I
' nun.

"Doesn't he know you're having pre-marital sex?"

"Damn you to hell if you tell him."

"Oh, come on." I held out my hand as if offering a handshake. "'Hello, Mr. Knight. I'm Tyler. I'm the one who makes your daughter orgasm in public. Can I just say what a wonderful fuck she is, sir?'"

She put her hands over her ears. "Tyler, stop it!"

Uh oh. I pushed a button. She certainly didn't have the same sense of humor that Debbie and I shared. I didn't like seeing her upset.

Sex was definitely off. I rocked myself off the bed and pulled up my pants. "Come here," I said, my arms opened. She shuffled over in her pink bunny slippers with floppy ears into my awaiting hug. "Sorry, babe. Sit down and tell me what your dad said." I kissed her forehead, and we moved over to sit on the edge of her bed. I briefly rose again to get Yogi Bear out of my
ass and tossed him to one side.

Holly sniffled. A tear formed in the corner of her eye.

"I was supposed to call him tonight. He got worried when I didn't, so he was checking up on me. He called to say he's coming out here. He's preaching at the Neal
Center next month. He's super excited about it." She left for a minute and returned with a glass of water. "And he wants to meet my boyfriend."

"So, I get to meet the world famous Cornelius Knight." I cracked my knuckles
and let out a triumphant sigh.

"Umm…no. I don't think that would be a good idea."

mean? Holly, I'm like your boyfriend." Shit. She had me talking like her now. "Haven't you told him about me?" I was nervous at the prospect of meeting her dad, but I was her boyfriend. And part of that responsibility meant meeting Daddy.

"Not really. I've been telling him what he wants to hear. He expects someone older, more sophisticated. I told him I'm dating an E-6, and he thinks my boyfriend is into Beethoven and Shakespeare, like him. I've been lying to my dad." She looked to the heavens. "God, I am so going to hell."

I squeezed her in my arms. "Okay, never mind. Come on, babe, tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it."

She looked at me intensely. "Tyler, my dad is like right next to God. You're like right next to Satan. I'm like totally screwed."

"Oh ye of little faith. You need a boyfriend, right? And I am your boyfriend, right? I just need to act smart and impress him, right? Easy
." I crossed my heart. "I'll be on my best behavior, promise."

She let out a deep breath. "So help me, if you embarrass me, I'll never speak to you again."

I gently stroked her cheek with the back of my hand. "You won't regret this. I'll be a boyfriend you can be proud of." I kissed her. "You can count on me."


Holly's dad was an iconic man. One of great stature. Holly so wanted to make him proud of her, and to do that she needed to be in a relationship according to him. Holly was a pretty cool chick. She was up for hot sex nearly all the time, she bought me a tattoo and she could drink nearly as much as me. I had gotten used to her ways and all in all, she made a pretty good girlfriend. I wanted to impress Mr. Knight for her sake. Give her something to be proud of me for. And if it wasn't for her, I'd be
in an Indiana jail. I owed her.

I went to the library in Honolulu Saturday afternoon to begin my education program. After finding the Shakespeare section, I grabbed a book about his life and sat down. The first one was a little dry, so I found another. Then another, and another.
. Who can read this crap? To be this, to be that. Maybe
Beethoven will make more sense.

I moved over to the section that housed books on Beethoven. A bit better. I couldn't hear the music, but I got a feel for the guy. I decided to make symphony number seven my favorite. Five might give me away as a fake. People who don't know anything about Beethoven still know what number five sounds like. I took some notes and thought I should probably buy a cassette to make sure I heard his music before I started talking shit to Reverend Knight.

Before I knew it, four hours had passed and the librarian asked everyone to leave so she could lock up. Who would have thought I could have spent that long in a library, and studying literature and classical music no less? My world really was turning upside down. My hard work deserved a reward, and having just been paid the day before, I left th
e library to have a few drinks.

A 'Happy Hour' sign a few blocks away caught my eye. Sure, I had an hour to get happy, and headed for the sign.

A voice spoke from the entrance of an office building. "Spare a dollar, brother?"

A man sat on the pavement at the entrance with a blanket covering his legs and a bowl placed in front of him. He didn't look old enough to be a bum. In his thirties, I guessed. His scraggly brown hair hadn't seen a bottle of shampoo for some time. His face was weathered and unshaven, and his clothes tatty.

A twinge of sadness hit me. I had over two hundred dollars in my pocket and this poor man sat there with nothing. I envisioned that it could be me one day. "Sure." I reached in my
pocket and handed him a dollar.

"God bless you."

"You're not going to blow it on dope, are you?"

"A buck? Get real. Besides, never touch the stuff. A few more kind donations and I'll be able to get a hot meal."

I sat down next to him. I caught a whiff of
, but I was intrigued as to how he wound up in his predicament. "So, what's your story? How come you're here and not in a suite at the Hilton? I'm Tyler, by the way." I held out my hand.

"Otto." We shook. "I took a bullet to the brain in Nam. They said it turned me into a
. Spent a few years in a psycho hospital, then they decided I wasn't crazy enough to be in there taking up a bed, so they chucked me out. Tried to get a job, but nobody was interested in a loony ex-sergeant. Been on the streets four years now."

"Wow. That's sad. Do you always hang out here?"

"I move around a bit." He moved his begging bowl to the other side, out of my reach.

"Can't you get help from the VA or something?"

"Man, they're so busy with paperwork, they don't have time for people. They kept giving me forms to fill out and say bring '
back next week. The next week, more forms and more delays. After a year, I quit going. They were quite happy to send me to the jungle to kill people, but they don't want to know about my flashbacks."

I shifted my butt and moved in a little closer. "You ever kill anyone?"

"Yeah, five. Still have nightmares. Don't ever think killing someone is just part of the job description, dude. It seriously fucks with your head." He rolled his finger around the side of his head giving the 'crazy' gesture. "One of '
was just a boy. Thirteen, maybe fourteen. I can still see his face."

Two cops appeared. "Move along. This
no haven for hobos," a big Hawaiian said, his hand resting on the butt of his pistol.

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