Read Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC Online

Authors: Jordan Marie

Tags: #Romance, #MC, #Fiction

Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC (73 page)

She gasps and then her hand comes out to slap me. I grab her wrist, by reflex.

“I’m sorry I even tried to get through to you!” She growls, yanking her hand away and turning to open the door.

She’s not going to get the final word.
Oh hell no
. I get out and face her.

“You didn’t try shit! You already had your mind made up we were done. You’re just enjoying getting your revenge!”

“My revenge? Are you crazy? What the hell are you talking about?”

“You got your panties in a twist. So you want to see me hurt, like I hurt you. I get it, Nicole. I do. Go ahead and rip my fucking heart out, leave me and take my son. Throw me away yet again, like yesterday’s garbage. I’m done begging you to stay!”

“Oh will you quit saying that to me. You are not garbage!”

“Then what am I, Mama? What the fuck am I?”

“I…” she stops, her eyes wide and her forehead creased in confusion.

“You’re…home,” she says and the words are such a drastic change from the argument we are having that I have to stop and replay her words in my head.

“Mama?” I ask confused on if we’re still fighting or what the hell just happened. I think the fucking woman just gave me whiplash.

“You’re home, Dragon,” she says again, her eyes wide. She’s breathing hard, her hair is fanned around her face and down her shoulders.

I don’t think, I’m pretty sure that’s impossible right now, anyway. I grab her by the back of the neck and slam my mouth against hers. Her hands come up pulling on my cut, at the same time I take her mouth. She pushes my cut off my arms and I maneuver so it falls to the fucking ground. I don’t give a damn. My hands reach the silk blouse she’s wearing and I rip it apart. Buttons pop and fly out of the way at the same time her hands lift my shirt up. I yank it over my head. Our lips break apart, only because I have no choice, as the shirt joins my cut on the concrete.

“Fuck, Mama….” I hiss as her nails bite into my sides. I feel the soft skin of her stomach slide against mine.

“Dragon, I need you.” She moans before our lips come back together. My hand goes to the button of her jeans, undoing it and sliding the zipper down.

“I got you Mama, I got you.” I mumble, my lips kissing down her neck, my fingers slide into her underwear and immediately delve into her depths.

She’s so fucking wet, my dick is pounding against my jeans—demanding to come out and play. I slip my fingers against her soaked clit torturing it and she bites into my shoulder.
, I need inside of her now. I pull back just enough so I can slide her clothes down over her hips. My hand goes to my belt, fumbling around like a fucking teenager, when Nicole pushes against my chest.

“No…” she growls.

I jerk back. My dick is free, I’m about to slide home and
when she wants to stop?

“Damn it, Mama…”

“We can’t, not here, Dragon. Anyone can see.”

It hits me we’re in the middle of the hospital parking structure. If I listen, I can hear cars and voices. I try to breathe, because I can barely think. Blood is pounding in my system and I can hear it echoing in my ears. I’m at the point I don’t care who is around, I’ll take her on the fucking hood.

Finally, I spot the cement pillar behind us. I pick her up and carry her to it. I put her back against the stone, as her feet slide to the ground. My eyes hold hers.

“Take your clothes off.”

I expect her to argue. I expect her to shoot me down. She doesn’t. She kicks off her shoes and steps out of her clothes. She’s buck naked from the waist down. Her shirt is open and torn all to hell, her breasts are heaving in a blue lace maternity bra and her skin is marked up from my rough kisses.
She’s fucking phenomenal
. I’d crawl on hot coals to get to this woman, I know instinctively, I always will. Everything about her is perfect, and I get lost just staring at her.

“Are you going to fuck me or wait for everyone and their grandmothers to join us?” She asks.

I guess I might have been staring a little too long, but fuck me it’s been so long…

“Haven’t you heard that the best things come to those who wait, Mama?” I ask, blanketing my body against hers, running my tongue along the outer shell of her ear, whispering my words, tasting the salty-sweet flavor of her skin.

“I’d be satisfied just to cum, Dragon. It’s been too damn long,” she says back, her voice thick with need.

I’d laugh but her hand wraps around my dick and positions it at her entrance, while her other hand tugs on my jeans and her hand flexes against my ass.

“Why do you get to keep your jeans on?”

“Why are you asking….questions? Jesus, Mama.” I hiss out the last as I slide into her.

It has been too long—way too long. Her silky walls instantly stretch and welcome me, enclosing around my cock tightly. She whimpers and her teeth latch onto my neck.

“Too soon, Mama, we can stop?” I ask because it would kill me, but I’ll pull out before I hurt her.

“If you do I’ll kill you,” she whispers into my ear.

Both her hands slide under my opened pants, and grab my ass, pulling me deeper.

“It’s never close enough, Dragon. No matter how deep you get inside, it’s never close enough.”

She’s right. She’s fucking-absolutely right. It’s always been that way. I wrap my hand around her knee and pull her leg up to my thigh, sinking in just a little more.

“Ohh….fuck, yeah. That feels so good,” she moans.

I smile and take control. My woman has become more vocal since we’ve been apart. That’s good to know. I pull back until my cock is almost completely unsheathed and then angle so I go back in differently, scraping her walls. I kiss her, thrusting my tongue in and claiming her mouth. Her tongue dances with mine, wild and fierce and hungry—just like her slick, tight pussy. I keep our mouths fused, as I pick up my pace. It’s been so long and we’re both so far gone, I know it won’t take long. Still, I take my free hand and slide her bra down just enough I can tease her nipple. I pinch it hard, giving her a bite of pain, knowing they have to be tender. A touch of her milk glides against my fingers and right or wrong I fucking love it. I squeeze harder, releasing just a little more and use the wetness to slide over and over her nipple, all the while pounding into her. My balls are actually sore from the climax just waiting to explode, but somehow my woman is managing to hold on. I feel her walls flutter against me. She’s ready, but she’s holding back. I can’t have that. My lips slide along the line of her jaw, up into the shell of her ear.

“Your pussy is so good, Mama. When we finish here I’m going to take you home and spread you out on the table in my office.”

“You are…” she gasps as I pinch her nipple again.

“I’ve thought about it for months. I’m going to get out our toys and slide a nice, thick vibrator into that ass of yours, turn it up on high, and fuck you with it.”

“Oh shit…Dragon… I’m…..”

Her body jerks in reaction to my words, clamping so tight on my cock that my eyes nearly roll back in my head.

“All the time I’m doing that Nicole, I’m going to be eating your pussy over and over. I won’t stop until you scream my name so loud you lose your voice.”

With that last promise, Nicole detonates. One thrust…two…and then I join her.

Chapter 36


can’t believe
we just did that in the middle of a hospital parking garage.” I say, shaking my head—more at myself than him. Dragon doesn’t care. He’d fuck me wherever and whenever, he’s always been like that. Case in point, the way he smirks and smiles at my words like the fucking cat that ate the fucking canary. I shake my head even as my womb clinches, watching him slide his cock back into his pants and zipping up. I want him again.

“You keep looking at me like that, Mama and we’re going to go for round two.”


“I think we’ve given people enough of a thrill,” I return, thankful that no one seems to be around.

I get busy pulling my own clothes on and righting them. My shirt is a total disaster. I tie the ends and do my best to cover my boobs. Then I brush my fingers through my hair, knowing that’s probably hopeless, too. I look up and see Dragon still has that same look on his face, but thankfully (or regretfully) he has his pants done up now.

Regretfully, girl. Definitely, regretfully.
Bad Nicole chimes in. She seems to only speak these days when Dragon is around to prod her. Weird, I’ve missed her voice, too.

“What?” I ask when he doesn’t move or speak, choosing instead to stare and make my knees weak.

“I’m pretty sure you scared anyone away when you screamed out my name, Mama. So, no worries.”

I do my best to hide the smile I feel. I

“You do realize we just had sex without protection?”

“Not wearing a glove with you, Mama, I love the feel of your pussy too fucking much.”

“Hate to break it to you bad boy, but no more sex until you start wearing gloves. I’m going on birth control, but your soldiers are so damned stubborn we’re being extra safe.”

“Whatever you say, Mama.” He says in such a way, I have no doubt his mind is made up and it’s
because he’s decided to go buy condoms.

“Fine. Then you can pull out,” I grumble, bending down to pull the strap of my sandal over my heel. When I stand back up Dragon is right in front of me.

“Two things,” he says, his voice is gravely in a tone he gets when we have sex. It sends chills through me and makes my nipples hard. How does that happen? As hard as I came, it should be impossible at least for a few minutes, right?

“Enlighten me,” I say, trying to sound unaffected by him. I don’t think I succeed.
I don’t think any woman could.

“One, I’m ecstatic, freaking over the moon that you plan on having sex with me again and I don’t have to fight shit to get us there.”

“Dragon….” He stops my reply with a finger on my lips. It should annoy me but instead, my inner hussy opens my mouth and sucks his finger inside.

His eyes go dark and swirly. So, good girl that I am? I suck harder and wrap my tongue around it.

“Jesus,” Dragon mutters and I can’t help but smile as I release his finger with a pop. He shakes his head.

“And two, mark this down, Nicole… I am not now, nor ever will be pulling out and giving up your warm, wet pussy, to leave my soldiers cold. Not going to happen. Unless it’s to cum on your face and tits, so I can slide my cock in between them and go for round two…I might could for that,” Dragon says, staring at my breasts like a drowning man looking at a life preserver that is just out of reach.

I close my eyes and picture what he is saying and swear that one touch could rocket me out of the stratosphere. This man is definitely my kryptonite.

I open my eyes to find him laughing. He picks me up and pushes me against my car. My legs go around him and my fingers plow into the hair on each side of his face. His eyes are lit up. Happy. Dragon is happy. It speaks to me. It makes me feel…

“I’ve missed you, Mama. I’ve missed you so fucking much,” he says, bending down to press our lips together. I open for him without thinking and the kiss is heated, but also sweet and slow. It’s about the two of us being together again. It’s the sweetest kiss I’ve ever had.

“We still need to figure some things out,” I caution, because I may have decided to take a leap here, but both of us need to learn to open up to the other more.

With one last soft touch of our lips, he lets me slide back down his body. His hand brushes the side of my face, tucking some of my hair behind my ear.

“We will, Mama. Long as we do it together, I’m good.”

“Forever,” I promise.

His smile freezes and then kicks up another notch.

“Fuckin’ A.”

I laugh, shaking my head at him.

“You going to take me home and make good on your promise or what, Dragon?”

“Thinking I should definitely take you home.”

He takes my hand into his and leads me over to the passenger side of his Tahoe.

“You know, you hardly ever ride your bike, lately. It’s like I’m in love with just a regular guy with a nine to five job.”

“Bite your damn tongue. It’s because my woman hasn’t been in any shape to ride with me.”

“I think I just proved I can handle riding on your bike.”

“Then tomorrow, unless we’re needed for Dom, we will go for a ride. Just the two of us.”

“To the Falls?” I ask excitedly, because it’s been so long since we’ve done that.

“Anything you want, Mama,” he says kissing my forehead. He opens the door and I slide in, feeling more my old self than I have since the day Michael Kavanagh’s goon stood at mine and Dani’s table.

“We do have one major problem, Dragon.”

“Just one? Hell, we’re practically home free now,” he says mockingly.

“Sarcasm does nothing for you, sweetheart.”

He shakes his head at me, putting the vehicle in reverse. We drive for a little bit before he finally asks me the question I’ve been waiting for.

“I give, what’s our
problem, Mama?”

“We can’t raise Dom at the club, sweetheart. I know it is home to you, but a baby needs a house to grow up in and I don’t want my seven year old wandering out of his room to get a snack and see Twinkies getting it on with some of the men. That is just
going to happen.”

Dragon goes silent and I worry a little, but I know I’m right. The club was fine when it was just him and me, but Dom deserves a home. A place to grow and be happy and loved in. All the things Dragon and I never had growing up.

“What if we build a house next to the compound, out back, away from the main grounds? We could put up a big privacy fence, so Dom would be protected from any of the craziness. Plus, it’d be close enough to be protected by the club and the defenses already in place.”

I think about it. I like it. Plus, it’d be close enough that Dani could watch Dom when… shit… Dani.

“Okay, Mama, if you don’t like that we’ll start looking at houses close by.”

“No, no sweetheart, I like the idea—honest. I was just thinking about Dani. I need to talk with her. I’ve not been nice to her lately.”

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