Tucker's Crossing (34 page)

Read Tucker's Crossing Online

Authors: Marina Adair

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

What the hell? Shelby looked about ready to pass out on top of her cupcakes. Five hundred bucks or not, did she think he would let her go home with some jerk? He’d only let this go on so long because he knew the guys bidding were harmless, and he realized the minute she saw that banner and her face paled she’d had no part in that ad.

Cody turned around, looking for the man who had just scared the hell out of Shelby. And froze. At the back of the crowd, standing under a laurel tree, wearing slacks, a button-up and smug look that made Cody want to kick his ass, stood Preston Van Warren.

Everything clicked into place and his stomach hollowed out. There was a reason Shelby looked terrified. He thought that he had a pretty good idea of what their marriage had been like, but seeing her face now, the way she stood there trying to look strong and brave, he knew he hadn’t even touched the surface.

“Five hundred?” Mister asked, obviously convinced he’d heard wrong.

“Yes, sir. Five hundred for my wife.”

Like hell. Cody stood, locking eyes with Preston, without words telling him exactly how today was going to play out. “One thousand dollars, and the bidding is closed.”

“Afraid that’s not how this works,” Preston said.

“Afraid in this town it does. And she’s no longer

Preston took a step forward. Even though Cody knew Preston was baiting him, wanting to make him look like his dad, Cody did the same, not surprised when the crowd separated to let him through. Or when Logan and his deputies moved in, preparing for the worst. He was surprised though, when a warm hand wove its way through his, tugging him and his heart to a stop.

He looked down into those big blue eyes and knew that she was asking him for something he wasn’t sure he was physically capable of giving.

Cody just stared at her, feeling helpless. Everything he was demanded he step up and beat the shit out of Preston for all of the hurt he’d caused, not to mention the fear that he put in Shelby. But if he did that, then he was denying her the chance to face him down, to stand up for herself and walk away with some of what Preston had taken from her.

He’d never felt so frustrated in all his life. This was how his life seemed to go. Every time he got something good that brought him happiness, it was as if the universe wanted to take it away. And if he ignored her plea, he’d be tossing away everything.

Shelby placed her hand on his cheek and waited.
Shit shit shit.

Everyone was staring now, waiting for him to react. He wondered if they thought he
become his old man. His hands were shaking and his mind kept telling him to go, end this with Preston once and for all, then get in his truck and head back to Austin. Even though the thought of living there didn’t sit right anymore. But living here, he was bound to blow, like now. Then she took his other hand, which was fisted and ready, brought it to her lips and kissed it, her eyes on his.

He guessed he looked like a guy about ready to snap, teetering on that fine line that would forever alter his life, because Shelby rose up on her toes, placed another kiss, this time on his right cheek, and whispered, “He’s not worth it.”

Cody lowered his forehead to hers, drank in every ounce of that unwavering belief she had that he could walk away, be something different from his dad, and whispered back, “But you are.”

He understood the enormity of those words the moment he said them, and that this was his chance to prove it. He felt uncomfortable when someone looked at him the way she did, like he was one of the good guys, like he mattered, like she believed in him.

“It’s all right, everyone,” Cody said, trying to pretend he was
guy, the kind who deserved
look. “Go on about your business. Logan, could you help me get some privacy here?”

Logan hesitated, not wanting to step away if this was about to turn to hell, but then began to clear people out as if willing to give Cody the benefit of the doubt. And for that, Cody owed his friend a drink.

“All right, Shelby Lynn,” Cody said, when most of the crowd had stepped back a few feet. “You tell me what you need.”

She didn’t even look surprised. She’d known he’d do the right thing even before he did. “I need a few minutes with Preston.”

Damn. That was not what he’d expected her to say.

Shelby watched Cody force himself to take a few steps back and she struggled to look in control, like she knew what she was doing and hoped that her pounding heart wasn’t audible. Cody was giving her a chance to stand up to Preston, and she knew how much it cost him. But she also knew that if he had lost it, here in front of her and his town, he’d never forgive himself, even if Preston deserved it.

When Cody was far enough away to give her privacy but still close enough to get to her if he needed to, Shelby gave him one last look, drawing on his strength before she turned to face her ex-husband. He’d never laid a hand on her, but a man like Preston didn’t need to.

“You are not welcome here.” God, that was hard to say. But did it ever feel good.

Preston just smiled that easygoing smile that made people take notice, got deals signed, made allies out of enemies. And masked his true character.

“And a good afternoon to you too.” Preston leaned down and placed a kiss on Shelby’s cheek. She turned her head. But as always, Preston was faster.

Cody moved behind her and she put her hand up. He stopped, looking angry and torn.

“You’re looking beautiful.” Preston smiled and Shelby resisted the urge to cross her arms to cover her chest, uncomfortable with the way her ex-husband eyed her from head to toe, taking in everything between.

“Again, you need to leave,” Shelby stated, hoping she sounded more confident than she felt. Preston had the uncanny ability to make her feel small, defenseless, insignificant. And he could do it all with that one smile.

“Would love to,” Preston said, pronouncing every word with academic precision. “As soon as you agree to come home and give us another chance.”

No way!
She’d walked away three years ago. And had no intention of going back.

“I made mistakes. We both did.” The only mistake Shelby ever made was marrying him. “But doesn’t our family deserve another try? You, me, and Jacob.”

“There is no you, me, and Jake. And there never will be,” Shelby clarified. “I’ve talked to Cody. I know you lied about everything. So again I ask, why are you here?”

He displayed no movement or outward sign that he was nervous. Not a single emotion played across his face. Had she really expected to see one? She was beginning to fear there had never been anything there other than cold calculation.

Preston tilted his head, taking in his surroundings, and when he nodded at the deputies she felt her fear begin to ebb. “I read in the paper that Jacob’s school was having a fund-raiser and wanted to do my part. But I was outbid, and now I can see that today was not a good idea.”

Sweat trickled between her breasts.
This was not happening.
How did he know so much about her? About Jake? The only way he could have known about the ad was if he’d been waiting for her to turn up here. She’d never gone as far as changing their names, he hadn’t seemed enough of a threat to do that, but she hadn’t notified him as to where they were either.

Maybe he’d already known where they were and was just waiting. For what, Shelby didn’t know. But Preston was a planner. He wouldn’t be here unless he had reason. And that reason would have to greatly benefit him.

“So if you’ll excuse me,” Preston said, and dipped his chin. “I’ll just be on my way. It was good to see you, Lynn.” She hated the lack of her first name. Preston had dropped the
, saying it made her sound like a hick. “You have a good evening.”

She didn’t even bother with a good-bye. Watched him walk toward the lot behind Mable’s. Logan headed after him, probably to threaten him so he wouldn’t come back. But he would be back.

Chapter 19

It was well past nightfall and Cody sat at the table watching Shelby attempt to rustle up a late dinner. After Preston had left, and Shelby assured him she was fine, they’d both been pulled in separate directions. Shelby insisted on cleaning up the remains of the chili cook-off, even though Gina told her she could leave. And somehow Cody got suckered into breaking down the auction riser.

Logan had asked him to fill in since he needed to take his overly tired daughter home. Cody figured after the sheriff threatened Preston with several misdemeanors, all of which were bogus, that he owed the guy. Shelby didn’t seem to want his help dismantling her booth. And his kid and half the football team had left hours ago for Ryan’s house, excited about a party that included sleeping bags, a barn, and some kind of scavenger hunt.

When the sun went down and the band set up, they turned Laurel Street into a dance hall, complete with twinkle lights and dance floor. Shelby took one look at the couples twirling in a circle and said she was tired and wanted to go home. All and all, Cody’s day had gone to hell the moment Preston showed up and it only got worse after he left.

Shelby hadn’t avoided him. It was more that she’d been distant and quiet since the auction. The second they’d walked in the front door she had excused herself and taken a shower, only to reappear fresh-faced and wearing a thin tank top and pink drawstring pajama bottoms. The first of which was sheer enough to see through, and the second hugged her ass perfectly as she bent over and dug through the refrigerator. An invitation his dick couldn’t resist.

“Dang it!” Shelby slammed the door shut and thumped a bowl equally as hard on the counter. “There isn’t anything in here but leftover frosting, string cheese, and a juice box.”

He watched her move to the stove and he crossed the kitchen, wrapping his arms around her from behind and pressing up against her. The shoulders that she’d been holding high all day fell a little and she leaned back into him, resting her head against his chest.

“What if Preston’s behind everything? The fence, the cows, my room?” she whispered, meeting his eyes in the reflection of the window. He could hear the fear in her voice. Dammit, he should have kicked Preston’s ass when he’d had the chance.

“I’ve got Logan looking into it.” That was another reason Logan had left early, to run some background checks on Preston. See when he came into town, why he was here, and when he was leaving.

“If it turns out he was behind any of it,” she said, “I’m so sorry. I never imagined he’d follow me here.”

“Follow you or find you?”

“Both, I guess.”

“You want to elaborate on that a little? I’m trying to give you the space you need, but the images running through my head are killing me,” he admitted. And when it came to dealing with abusive assholes, he had plenty of material to pull from.

Shelby ran her hands down his arms, sliding her fingers between his. “Preston never laid a hand on me.” Cody felt his body relax. He’d never felt so relieved in his life, but the weariness in her posture told him not to relax too soon.

“He was just controlling to the point of suffocating. He liked things a certain way.” She shrugged. “Me a certain way. And when I didn’t live up to whatever it was he had in his head, he manipulated the situation so I couldn’t make that mistake again. What I wore, who I saw, where I went were all regimented like I was a prisoner. That’s why I left.”

“Why did you stay?”

“For Jake.”

Jesus. She’d married Preston because he’d left her pregnant and alone. Then she was forced to stay with the bastard because she wanted to give their son a stable life. It was never about Preston’s money or his family name. But he guessed he already knew that, had shoved her into the role of gold digger because it was easier than the truth. She’d been forced to live with that bastard for six years because of him.

He wanted to apologize, go back and somehow fix everything, keep her safe, and make her happy. But before he could say a word, she stepped out of his arms and spun to face him.

“Why did you announce us getting married today?”

Whoa, she sounded mad. And hurt. And looked ready to fight.

“Because we are. I didn’t know it was a secret.” Unless. “You thinking of backing out?”

“Not sure yet.”

Cody’s heart stopped while he stared at the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen and felt the beginnings of what it was going to be like if she walked out that door.

“Tell me why you chose today to tell everyone.”

Because I think about you every second. Dream about you every damn night. Want you all the time, even when I’ve just had you.

“For a week you’ve treated me like a roommate in front of the ranch hands and then you suddenly decide to up and tell the whole town? Was it because of the ad?”

Man, he’d royally screwed that one up. He should have talked to her about what he was thinking. “I waited until I could talk to JT. I blew it by not bringing him to see you at the clinic the other day and I didn’t want him to feel forced into something. It took me three days of football, a video-game marathon, and a long ride, but finally I got up the nerve yesterday.”

All of her bluster faded and her eyes went misty. “Yeah, and what did you talk about?”

“I asked him, man to man, for your hand.”


“He said yes.”

Shelby smiled; it was watery but there. “So you didn’t bid on my cupcakes so no one else could get them?”

The tension suddenly shifted, turned steamy. He gave her a thorough once-over, taking in her nipples poking through that damn see-through tank, bottoms that would easily slide down her legs with a single tug, and her bare feet, tipped in red. “Oh, I’ve never been good at sharing, especially when it comes to your cupcakes.”

“Too bad they were all ruined,” she said, gently swishing back and forth. She bit her lower lip and boldly yanked her top up and over her head, dropping it to the floor. “I’ve still got these. Maybe they’ll do.”

“Damn, honey,” he breathed. Her breasts were perfect. He still couldn’t imagine them bigger. He’d tried, but every time he’d gotten so horny he wound up working all day with a hard-on, which sucked if he was out riding, or he’d find Shelby and they’d disappear for a little while. Like they were going to do now.

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