Read Turbulence Online

Authors: Elaina John

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Urban, #Paranormal & Urban

Turbulence (13 page)

Greyson made a sound of derision. “I’m sure she does. She’s
a woman, ain’t she?”

Veeva pursed her lips. “Then it’s mighty selfish of you to
keep her in this relationship and deny her the things she most desires. She’ll
die a virgin waiting for you.”

“Someone help me,” Avalon groaned, putting her head in her

“If Avalon wants to leave me, she can. I’m not stopping

“You’re honestly telling me you’d easily let her walk away
from you?”

“Yes.” He hesitated only a moment, but Avalon heard it and
was sure everyone else did as well.

Veeva humphed. “I love my granddaughter and I swear to you
that I won’t be the only one. Either you give her what she wants or she’ll find
someone who will. Leroy, where does your grandson live?”

“That’s enough, Gram. Let’s go watch a movie, shall we?”
Avalon shoved back from the kitchen table without waiting for anyone’s
response. This was so embarrassing. Poor Leroy would probably never call her
grandmother again.

Avalon took the opportunity to apologize to Leroy before
allowing him to select the movie. Much to Greyson’s chagrin, he chose a
romantic comedy. He and Veeva sat closely on the couch whispering to each other
and smiling like teenagers. She and Greyson were on the loveseat, but there was
nothing romantic occurring between them. They didn’t touch or flirt. There was
enough space separating them that Avalon felt alone. His tension seemed to seep
into her. She felt wound up.

“I think I’m going to go home,” he leaned over and whispered
during the middle of the movie.

“But the movie is not over.”

“I know. I’m not feeling it and I’m really tired. Walk me to
the door.”

They got up. She ignored Veeva’s knowing stare as it
followed them out to the hallway. Avalon held open the door for Greyson.

“I’m sorry that I upset you earlier,” she said to him. She
should have never mentioned Ross.

He shrugged. “It’s nothing.”

“You’re still not going to say what’s bothering you?”

“Family issues,” he mumbled. He kissed her cheek. No deep,
mouth-ravishing kiss or even a peck. But he did manage a half-smile. “Sorry I
haven’t been the best boyfriend lately. A lot on my mind.”

“You have a great deal of responsibilities. I’m here for
you, Greyson. You don’t have to go through anything alone.” She hoped he
believed her.

His hand lightly skimmed her chin. “I know, sunshine. I
know.” He walked out.

This dating thing was not easy. No wonder she waited so long
to jump into the pool. And Avalon had unknowingly jumped into the deep end.





Chapter 13



He hadn’t left. Greyson couldn’t bring himself to walk away
from Avalon’s cabin even though his head wasn’t in the right place. Ross’s
words kept replaying through his mind. He didn’t want to think about them but
couldn’t seem to stop.

He leaned against the wooden logs on the side of the cabin. Greyson
would never be the man Ross painted their father out to be. He would not make
Avalon miserable like their mother supposedly was. He cared too much about her.
Maybe it did upset him that Avalon confided in Ross like his brother claimed.
Why would she need to do that when she had him? In his mind, he was all she

Veeva was right during dinner. Greyson would not willingly
let Avalon leave him. He would make a fool of himself by begging her to stay. He
didn’t need a blood bond for her to belong to him.

It was pissing on his father’s memory—his true one—but Avalon
had done something irrevocable to Greyson and he was okay with it. If he was
changing that much, next thing he knew he’d be spewing sweet words and telling
her he loved her. Nah, the latter of which would never happen.

Greyson meant what he said. He wasn’t bonding to her.
Jhetans only had children by being blood bonded to their mates. Avalon never
mentioned kids to him. That did not mean someday she would not want them. And
he couldn’t give them to her. It might have been cruel, but he would not do it,
not even for Avalon.

About an hour after he left, he heard Veeva wishing her old
geezer farewell. He didn’t like the old man. He wouldn’t be setting up Avalon
with any grandson of his, especially not a human. He couldn’t protect her from
the world like Greyson could. No other guy could treat her the way she
deserved. Hell, he was failing at it himself and he was an otherworlder.

Greyson continued to stand outside in the cold. It did not
affect him much. Jhetans had higher body temperatures than humans did. And his
gift for controlling air allowed him to keep the chilled air away from him. So
it was easy to allow his thoughts to drift back to his brother.

From childhood, he and Ross had never been as close as they
should have been. Greyson always thought it was because he was older and thus
had different interests than his little brother. Thinking back to their early
years, Ross used to spend more time with their mother whereas Greyson was
usually with their father being groomed to be the best at any and everything.

Even now, Ross was more comfortable hanging around women and
getting in touch with his feelings. What kind of man was that?

The lights in the cabin went out. Greyson crept along the
side of the house until he got to the back window. He tapped on it. The curtain
swung back. Two bright blue eyes looked back at him.

“Open up,” he mouthed, gesturing to the window.

Avalon shoved it open. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to spend the night.” He pushed the window the rest
of the way up and climbed inside, shutting it behind him.

Avalon’s room wasn’t big. It fit her small bookcase filled
with novels, a full sized bed, a dresser with a lamp on top, and a closet with
a few items of clothing. But he felt Avalon within every particle of air and
because that, it was better than being in a mansion.

“You seriously came to stay over?” The doubt in her expression
was understandable. He’d been distant all day and treated her like crap. He was
here to fix that.

Greyson stuck his hands into his pockets. “That’s what I

“Then why did you leave?”

“I told you there was a lot on my mind. Ross and I had a fight.”

In the dim lighting of the room, her eyes filled with
sympathy. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything about him.”

“It wasn’t your fault, sunshine. We have a long, troubling
history. I hit him,” Greyson stated for no reason other than to get it off his

Avalon gasped. “Is he okay?”

“He’s fine. I didn’t hit him as hard as I should have.”

“Oh, Greyson.” She shook her head in exasperation.

She folded her arms across her chest. Gaining a few pounds
had done her body extremely good, especially in the little silk number she was
wearing. She’d filled out in all the right places. Her breasts were fuller,
hips wider. Greyson licked his lips as his eyes traveled down to her bare legs.

“You shouldn’t have worn that,” he said. All thoughts of his
brother flew away while he stared at the beauty in front of him.

“Why?” She couldn’t hide the breathiness in that one word.

“Because I don’t think I’m going to be able to control
myself tonight.”

“Greyson, I won’t—”

He cut her off with a hard kiss. She purred and the sound
shot right down to his best friend in his pants.

“I don’t mean that. There are other ways to satisfy, Lonnie
Girl.” His lips moved to her ear, nipped at the lobe. “I’m going to touch you
and you’re going to touch me.”

“Even down there?” she squeaked, pressing her breasts
against his chest.

“Everywhere, sunshine.” He slowly rolled the straps of her
nightgown down her smooth shoulders. “I need you, Avalon. I need to know that
you’re mine. I might not be able to have you exactly how I want you, but we’re
both going to be satisfied tonight.”

“What if—”

“Shh. Don’t worry about anything. I would never hurt you.
Never. If anything becomes too much, just tell me to stop and I will. You are
in control. All right?”

She nodded. “Can I close my eyes?”

“You can do whatever you’d like.”

Greyson slipped the rest of the silk dress down her body. It
fell in a shimmering pool at her feet. The twin globes of her breasts rose and
fell with her quickened breaths, rosy nipples already hard. He reached out and
ran his hands down the flat expanse of her stomach. She shivered.

This wasn’t right. Not yet.

“I’m going to run to the bathroom.”

Her eyes flashed open. Violet. “My grandmother? She sleeps
pretty deeply, but this may be the one night she doesn’t.”

He kissed her neck. “She won’t even know I’m here. You just
have to remember not to be too loud.” He winked. “It may be hard.”

Reluctantly he left her to do a quick wash up. They might
not be having sex, but they were going to get close and he wanted to be clean
for her. After she’d left the farmhouse earlier in the day, he had put in a
couple sweaty hours lifting weights to help take some of the edge off his

Since most of the cabins were designed the same, Greyson had
no issues with finding the bathroom. He cleaned up and hurried back with not a
sound alerting him to her grandmother being awake.

He came back in the room and shut the door softly. Avalon
had gotten under the covers. There was no hiding from him. After tonight, she
would not hide from him ever again.

Slowly, as to not make her more nervous, he stripped down to
his underwear. Her lids lowered over her eyes.

“No. Look at me. I want you to see me.”

She shyly watched him step out of the underwear. The
timidity did not last long because she couldn’t seem to look away from the
long, hard, and aching shaft that extended from his body. Pink blotches stained
her pale cheeks.

“Is it supposed to be that big?” she whispered, eyes round.

She certainly knew how to make a man feel like king of the
world. “You got lucky, sunshine. Pull the covers back.”

“It’s cold.”

“I’ll warm you up. I want to look at you again.”

Avalon lowered the covers, her hands shaking. Greyson hit
the jackpot. She was perfect from head to toe. Delicate curves. Supple skin.
That was a body meant to be worshiped and cherished, not used for simple carnal
pleasures then discarded.

Greyson stretched out onto the bed beside her. He rested on
his elbow and stared down at her. While he was gone, she had undone her braid.
He fanned the waves around the pillow. He loved her hair. It felt like black silk
beneath his rough fingers and always smelled like vanilla, even when she was a
sweaty mess after workouts.

“Avalon, you are beautiful. No. You are stunning. I am in
complete awe.”

Thick lashes lowered over her eyes. He adored the
bashfulness of her personality. “Thank you. You’re quite handsome.”

Greyson chuckled. “I’m glad you think so. I’m going to start
touching you now.”

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. He wanted to see
the emotions flooding within them while he caressed her, but if shutting her
eyes made her more comfortable, then he was all for it.

“Okay. I’m ready,” she said.

He started by spreading his palm over her breasts and taking
turns kneading them. He teased her stiff pink nipples. She liked that as much
as he did. He thought about how he made her climax just from doing that and
grinding on him.

His hand slid down to her abdomen then to the subtle swell
of her hips. He could imagine those hips spreading as they carried his...
Greyson shook his head. No. He couldn’t imagine that. Didn’t want to imagine

“Is this okay?” he asked. She was shaking.

Avalon swallowed. “Yes. Yes, it’s good.”

“I’m going to go lower.”

His hand moved down her to thighs. Nestled between them was
the hairless mound of her sex. Jhetans grew no hair over their pubic region and
he was never more thankful of it than he was then. There was nothing to cloak
her from his eager eyes, his eager hands. His shaft gave an involuntary jerk.

Their sense of smell was stronger than humans’ was and
allowed him to inhale the intimate, female scent of her with deeper
appreciation. Greyson pushed her legs apart.

“Now I’m going to touch you down here. I’ll be gentle.”

Her eyes were squeezed shut, holding on for dear life, but
she managed to nod. That was all he needed. He slipped his finger between the
folds of her sex. She was so hot and wet.


He stroked his fingers over her silky slit, careful not to
penetrate. “You like it?”

“Oh… Yes.”

“I knew you would.”

All over. He touched Avalon all over her dripping, sensitive
sex until she began to pant and moan. When he found a rhythm on her tight bud,
she exploded, writhing and crying out. So much for being quiet.

Greyson didn’t allow her to get any relief. He slid down to
position himself between her thighs. She looked amazing. So lovely. So pink.
The intoxicating smell of her was overwhelming. He needed to taste her

“I’m going to taste you.”

Her eyes flashed open in alarm. Deep purple. “You can’t.”

“I can. Watch me. I mean it. Don’t close your eyes.”

Lifting one of her legs and putting it over his shoulder,
Greyson shifted so he was closer to her. As he put his nose between her thighs
and inhaled again, he kept his gaze locked with Avalon’s.

His tongue snaked out in a slow stroke. A rumble expelled
from deep within his chest. She tasted like honey. A small taste was all he
needed to get addicted. He’d gladly swap this new addiction for his old one. He
lapped at her, sucked on her nub. 

Oh, his sweet virgin liked this a lot too. Her hands fisted
into his hair, pulling him closer. He allowed his tongue to delve into her
inner depths, thrusting in and out. Avalon grinded against his face, taking him
deeper while he drank her sweetness.

“You taste so delicious, Avalon.”

“Greyson, what are you doing to me?” she whimpered.

“Exactly what we both need.”

She bit her lip and before Greyson knew it, she was coming.
Her thighs clamped against his head, holding him in place. He continued to
suckle at her until the shakes eased out of her body, until her thighs released
him, until her voice was hoarse. He crawled back up to her.

Her eyes were half-lowered as she gasped for air. “That was

“I hoped it was.” He smoothed away hair plastered to her
dampened forehead. “My turn.”

She turned her face and buried it against his shoulder. “I

“Don’t be ashamed.”

“You just made me feel wonderful. What if I’m horrible at it?”

“I’ll love it anyway. But I guarantee that you won’t be.” He
was half-way ready to release right then. All she had to do was look at him a
certain way and he would be gone.

He guided her hand to his shaft, a crystal drop already
sprouting on the tip. She sat up. He watched her throat work as her other hand
came around to grasp him. Her hands were so warm and small. Perfect where they

“That’s good,” he encouraged, trying to keep from coming.
“Just go up and down.”

She began to stroke the length of him. “Like this?”

He groaned. “Excellent.”

Just knowing it was Avalon’s hands gripping him, handling
him made this one of the best experiences of his life. He would take pleasure
in these intimate moments for many years to come. He wished he could drive into
her, spill his seed in her inner depths, but he couldn’t. And that was okay
because she desired him and was responsive to only him. He was the only man to
ever have her this way.

Avalon was a quick learner. She knew just when to tighten
her grip, how fast or slow to stroke him to build him up then hold off on his
climax. Eventually it became too much. Greyson felt like he blew apart in her
hands. The sensations were so strong, so intense that he couldn’t think,
couldn’t see. He only felt how high she took him. He felt drunk without a drop
of liquor.

When he finally came down from the clouds, he wiped off her
hands and his stomach with the towel he brought from the bathroom. Then he pulled
her into his arms. She fit perfectly there, so delicate.

“That was fantastic,” he stated in awe of her.

“Really? I didn’t mess it up?”

Greyson laughed. “No. You saw with your own eyes that I was
quite satisfied.” She yawned. “Go to sleep. I’ll be out before your grandmother
wakes up.”

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