TWIN PASSIONS: (A Logan Brothers Novel) (3 page)

Read TWIN PASSIONS: (A Logan Brothers Novel) Online

Authors: L. A. Shorter

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult Romance, #college romance, #Young Adult Romance, #Contemporary Romance

Gem giggled as she glanced down
at my naked body. I was proud of it, and loved the look that girls
gave me when they saw it.

Erm, Cade, maybe you should
grab a towel.” She smirked and darted her eyes at the girl in the
corner, desperately trying to keep her eyes on the wall.

I turned and walked calmly back
over to the table, seeing the girl's breath heave as her will wilted
and her eyes drifted towards my groin.

It's all right, half the
people on earth have one.”

She turned from me, embarrassed,
and darted from the room. And there was I thinking masseuse's were
sexually open and impudent! I mean, she spends all day rubbing
people's bodies and yet can't handle the sight of my dick!

OK Cade, let's pick up with
your debrief tomorrow, huh? I can see you've got other things on your
mind now...” Coach gestured his eyes towards Gem as he moved off
towards the door.

And champ....good job

With that he paced through the
door and shut it tight behind him.

He was right. After abstaining
from sex for the last few days I did only have one thing on my mind.
And she had just walked through the door.


In the days leading up to any of
my fights I'd always steer clear of Gem to keep myself focused. My
mind had to be on my training and the fight alone, nothing more.

When Gemma walked through the
door after my fight, however, everything else in my head just dropped
to the floor. My thoughts were now beginning to fill with the sight
of her naked body under mine, the smell of her perfume, the taste of
her lips. My body began to stir at the sight of her there, her long
mousy brown hair hanging over her slender neck, her body wrapped in
some tight dress under her coat.

I walked once more towards her,
the towel around my waist loosely fastened and threatening to slip
again from my body. She was wearing heels but still I towered over
her by a good six inches, her eyes sticking to mine as I approached.

I took her by the hand and
pulled her over towards the massage table. She offered little
resistance. I was sure she wanted me just as much as I wanted her.

I turned her towards the table
and lifted her up, sitting her down onto it. She was light in my
arms, her petite frame nothing to me. The sound of her breathing
growing more heavy as I slipped my hands under her coat and over her
breasts turned me on even more.

I lifted the coat off her and
put it to the side, my hands then reaching round to the back of her
dress and feeling for a zip. I found it at the top of her neck and
pulled it down, my body beginning to pulse with anticipation as the
dress loosened around her body, her white bra shining underneath
against her golden sun-kissed skin.

My hands grew more busy as I
pulled the dress down and unclipped her bra, letting it slide gently
off her shoulders. Her breasts were small yet perfect to my eyes,
soft to my touch. I could feel her body shuddering as my fingers
passed over her nipples and my lips sped towards hers.

I kissed her firmly as my hands
continued to pull at her dress and slide it further off her body. She
pushed me back briefly and hopped down from the table, allowing the
dress to slip over her ass and down around her ankles. She stepped
out of it seductively before reaching down to untie her shoes.

I grabbed at her arm and lifted
her back up. “No, keep them on.”

I looked over her gorgeous
curves, the bulge under my towel growing, and reached for her
underwear, sliding my hands under it and grabbing at her ass. I heard
her yelp suddenly with pleasure as I squeezed and lifted her back up
and onto the table.

She lay down over it, her head
hanging over the opposite edge, her chest heaving up and down with
anticipation as I went to pull her panties from her body.

Baby, I've missed you,” I
said breathlessly as I dragged her underwear over her hips and down
her legs. They stayed closed as my spare hand slid up her inner
thigh, opening them up a fraction.

My spare hand ripped quickly at
the towel around my waist, preparing to tear it from my body, when
suddenly, out of the blue, a loud click and a voice sounded behind

Holy fuck, sorry bro.”

I turned quickly as Gem sat up
in a flash, her eyes wide with embarrassment as she shot her hands
over her body.

Some privacy Zack, I mean,
seriously!” I said, stepping to my left to hide Gem from sight as
much as I could.

Yeah man, I had no idea you
guys were, you know...I'll leave you to it.”

He turned quickly and prepared
to shut the door before stopping halfway.

Oh, and Cade, good job
tonight. I'm proud of you. We all are.”

He then shut the door tight,
leaving me once again alone with Gem, sitting up straight on the
table, her legs shut tight, her right arm squashed against her modest

I laughed as I turned back
around to look at her, her eyes lingering on the door.

Right, so where were we,” I
said lustily, my hands sliding back over her body as I moved in for
the kiss.

She recoiled, leaning back

What's up?”

She slipped off the table and
onto the floor, pushing me back slightly as she did, and pulled her
underwear back up.

Heyyyy...what are you doing?”

The moment's lost Cade. I
don't feel like it anymore.”

What, because of that? Come
on babe, who cares, it's only Zack. You can't leave me hanging like
this.” I gestured down to the bulge still present under my towel.

Maybe later. I can't do it
now. Take a cold shower or something.”

She kept dressing, slipping her
bra back on and stepping back into her dress. I stood there, the
blood slowly rushing back through my body and away from my loins, in
a state of mild shock. Well, annoyance my be more accurate.

Whatever,” I said. “Just
remember that there are dozens of girls out there who'd love to be in
your position.”

She looked up at me suddenly.
“Oh, very nice Cade, thanks. Don't you think it's hard enough
watching you fight with all these shrieking girls ogling you. Do you
have any idea what they write on their posters and banners?”

Yeah, I do. That's exactly my

Well, why don't you fuck one
of them on your massage table then. Act out this little porn film
fantasy you've got going on.”

Porn fantasy?! What the
fuck are you talking about?”

She held out her hands and
gestured around. “This, all of this. You really know how to make a
girl feel special Cade. Do you really think I want to screw on this
dirty massage table when anyone could just walk in.”

I was shaking my head in
What the fuck was her problem!

Jesus, what the hell's wrong
with a bit of passion. How fucking prudish are you.”

Prudish! Are you kidding me.
Good luck finding many girls who'd fuck you in here, with the door
unlocked, when anyone could just walk in at any moment. I mean, other
than your little whore fan club out there.”

I was silent for a moment. I
really had nothing to say. She was breathing heavily, this hurt and
confused look in her eye.

I thought you only got like
this when you were on your period. You're being completely fucking
irrational Gem.”

I guess that must have been the
final straw. Probably not a good thing to say right now.

She shook her head and looked
straight at me. “Fuck you Cade. You can sort yourself out tonight.
See you later.”

She turned and paced towards the
door, huffing loudly for effect.

Gem, come on...” I called
after her, but it was pointless.

She walked straight through and
slammed the door shut.

Jesus Christ, what a nutbag.
Maybe I should get one of those girls in here. I'm Cade fucking Logan, local fucking hero. I guess, maybe she'd never know? Maybe
she'd never find out?

What Gemma doesn't know,
won't hurt her.

Chapter 3 - Gemma

Present Day


elevator binged for the 4
floor and I stepped out to yet another Monday morning in the office.
I walked forward, past the large reception desk, and round to the
right through a set of glass double doors.

On most Monday mornings I'd
expect to walk into a quiet office, with subdued conversations
filling the air about weekend antics and people lightly tapping on
their keyboards to try to warm up for the week.

When I walked in on this Monday
morning, however, there was much more of a buzz in the air, with
groups, composed primarily of women, excitedly chatting in busy
tones. They all looked up in my direction as I walked in and towards
my small cubicle near the window, whispering and gesturing as if I
was somehow the subject of their buzz.

I quickly slipped into my chair
and booted up my computer screen. My desk was a bit cluttered, filled
with pictures of my family and other silly little bits of office desk
paraphernalia. The screen burst to life and I was met with a
half-finished article, one I'd been working on the previous week.

How to Get a Sexier Body in 5
Easy Moves!

I'd worked at the magazine for
over a year now and had come to realize there were only so many ways
you could tell people how to lose weight or look sexier. I'd spent
the last few months through the summer just regurgitating old
information for each edition of the magazine. Put a new spin on
something or give it a catchy title and people will keep buying.
That's what my editor had told me, so that's what I did.

It wasn't overly fulfilling
though. The early buzz I'd got when I first started had long since
begun to dissipate, leaving behind this empty feeling that my work
had little or no meaning to it.

50 Sexy Party Hairstyles

Lose 20 Lbs in a Month

10 Ways to Reverse the Signs
of Aging

Sexy Summer Outfits to Rock
on Your Vacation

The list went on and on, and I'd
begun to lose my enthusiasm for the job. I loved all that lifestyle
stuff, I really did, but there was a limit to what my editor would
let me do. I wanted to report on news, become a proper journalist,
not just talk about weight loss, anti-aging, and sex all the time.

I'd heard down the grapevine,
however, that there was a new job coming available and that they were
considering hiring in-house. It was a role as a proper reporter in
lifestyle: going to events, talking to celebs and other notable
people in the fields of fashion, health and so on. I'd actually be
talking about events that were happening now, commenting on the news
and giving my own opinion on things.

As it was now all I did was
think of lists involving numbers and then get myself onto Google for
my research. Last week I'd written about '20 Tips to Drop a Dress
Size in 2 weeks'. A couple of weeks before I'd covered '5 Celebs Who
You Never Knew Had Plastic Surgery'.

was now working on my final piece of this months edition of
and Them
, a lifestyle
magazine directed solely at women. I was thankful for the job, but
only really saw it as a stepping stone towards working for a more
well known and international publication in New York or LA.

This new job would be another
step up the ladder towards my dream.

I began reading over the work
I'd been doing the previous week, when Annie's face popped over the
cubicle in front of me. She worked opposite and was my best friend in
the office.

Heyyy babe, how was your
weekend? Particularly Friday night?” Her voice was always upbeat.

Friday night?”

Err, yeah, fight night down
at the Cave. Everyone's talking about it.”

that's what all the commotion was about. All the girls were probably
lusting over yet another glorious Cade Logan victory.

Really? I didn't know people
round here cared for boxing.”

everyone cares about it now. I had no idea you were seeing Cade '
' Logan! Why
didn't you tell me?!”

Huh! How do you know?! Is
that what all the girls are whispering about?” I darted my eyes
around the room to see people still staring in my direction. Oh God,
this was the last thing I wanted.

Um, yeah! I mean, it's Cade
Logan for Christ's sake. You know how his profile's been growing in
town this year! So what's going on, are you really sleeping with

shook my head out of confusion.
did everyone know?

So you're not?” Annie
asked, seeing me shaking my head and my face contorting into this
deep frown. “Well what was that about at the fight then?”

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