Two for Protection (11 page)

Read Two for Protection Online

Authors: Marissa Dobson

looked to where he nodded. A charming log cabin sat nestled amongst the trees.
A large porch dominated the front, and a few feet away a creek flowed, the
sound of the water instantly relaxing her. “It’s beautiful.”

climbing the steps to the deck, she was anxious to see what the inside looked
like. Milo slid the key into the lock, pushed the door open, and stepped back. She
was overwhelmed by the space. It was larger inside than she thought it would be.
She stepped inside, moving out of the way so Milo could get out of the chilly
air. A large cream sectional stretched in front of a fireplace, acting as a
divider to the kitchen. It was very open and airy. The creamy brown walls added
character and color to the place, and drew out the warm tones of the hardwood.

She wandered
toward the kitchen, where the warm honey color wood cabinets highlighted the
gold of the granite countertop. A gourmet six burner stove and double ovens
made her smile. It was everything she needed to make delicious sweets for her

are two bedrooms in the back. Does it suit you okay for now?”

perfect.” She turned to face him. “Two bedrooms?”

This cabin is normally used for visitors. Why?”

just thought…”

because they’re there, doesn’t mean they both have to be used.” He smirked and
came toward her, quickly picking her up and setting her on the counter. “My
amazing mate.” He kissed her, claiming her as his again.

Chapter Fourteen


watched as Lisa paced the room. He had been there for over ten minutes and still
hadn’t gotten any useful answers out of her. She was furious that Courtney had
mated without consulting her mother first.

please sit down and tell me what the hell has you so worked up.”

up? You bastard…you let my only daughter mate with
.” She spit out
him as if it was a bad word.


you stand there and act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. How could

He ran
his hand over his face, completely put off by her attitude. Taking a deep
breath, he reminded himself he was doing it for Courtney. “Lisa, it wasn’t your
decision. Mating is stronger than anything you’ve ever felt before, but even
with that she made her decision. I don’t understand what you have against Milo,
and frankly I don’t care. He is our mate. What I do care about is what you’re
doing to Courtney.”

doing? What about what he will do to her?”

is in no danger, she has two mates to protect her.”

She threw the glass in her hand at the wall, shattering it.

If he
didn’t get her under control quickly, Ty would have her removed from the
grounds. “What do you think he’s going to do to her?”

heard what tigers do to their mates. She won’t survive the first time he’s
mated with her. You’re going to let him kill my daughter!”

almost laughed at the absurd idea. “Not that it’s any of your business, we’ve
already mated with her. Nothing’s going to change the fact that Milo and I are
your daughter’s mates. Now I don’t know what you’ve heard, but obviously they’re
lies. You’ve seen her for yourself, she’s uninjured.”

stopped pacing and stared at him. “Tigers are dangerous.”

bears aren’t?”

it, Tad, how could you let this happen? Hazel told me she’d end up with a bear
and another. I assumed it would be a human or another bear. Not a tiger.
Courtney deserves a normal life, not surrounded by danger. At least with you,
she’d be safe on the island. She’s my only daughter, I don’t want her killed
because your kind has enemies.”

think your problem is that you can’t see us as anything but animals.” Tad
narrowed his eyes. “You’re referring to us as if we’re inferior. We’re people
just like you and we deserve to be treated as such.”

family might be close to human, but the rest of these animals…they’re just
that, animals.”

he could suppress it, a growl vibrated the walls. Anger and hurt welled up
within him.

She pointed to him, her eyes wide. “You’re an animal. Humans can’t do that.
I’ll tell the world what you are if it means getting my daughter back. They’ll
destroy this compound as soon as the news hits.”

have been a friend of my family for years, but now your true nature comes out.
I believe you would do just as you threaten, even if it meant your daughter’s
life.” He pulled out his cell phone, pressed a couple buttons, and brought it
to his ear. “Ty, I need a guard for Lisa, and if you could meet me at cabin
twelve, there’s something that needs to be discussed in the presence of my

send Styx and meet you there.”

wait for Styx, then I need to swing past and grab Thorben so I’ll be there in
ten minutes.” He ended the call and met Lisa’s gaze. “You have created this
mess, and you’ll have to deal with it.”

* * *

With a
roaring fire warming the cabin, Courtney snuggled against Milo. The only thing
missing was Tad. She slid her hand under his shirt, exploring his chest,
wanting him naked. Suddenly his body tensed under her touch.

is it?”

His words where cut off by a knock at the door. “Come in.”

A man
with dark shoulder length hair stepped in and Milo stood, clearly surprised to
see his Alpha. “What do we owe this to?”

asked me to meet him here.” Ty came around the sofa. “Welcome, Courtney.”

you.” Hesitantly, she took the hand that was offered. “I hope my mother isn’t
causing too many problems for you.”

believe that’s what Tad has asked me here for. He was collecting Thorben, but
should be here soon.”

As if
summoned by the statement, the door opened and in stepped Tad, with Thorben on
his heels. “Ahh, Ty, thank you for coming.” Tad shook Ty’s hand before coming
to her, taking up her other side. “Let’s sit.”

everything okay?” She was trying to figure out what her mother had done and how
it was going to affect her, all the while trying to remind herself that in less
than forty-eight hours they’d be on their way to Minnesota, far away from Lisa.

afraid there’s been an issue with your mother, and I’ve gathered us all here to
make a decision.” Tad spent the next few minutes filling them in on what had happened.
His voice held so much sympathy as he watched how Courtney was handling it.

stomach roiled, and her heart broke. Her mother would honestly rather see her
dead than with the men she loved. “She’ll have to be asked to leave.”
Courtney’s eyes brimmed with tears and she wrung her hands in her lap.

afraid it’s beyond that now.” Ty dragged his hand through his hair. “She’s a
security threat.”

does that mean?” She met Ty’s gaze, hoping he didn’t mean they’d kill her. She
might not be that close to her, but she didn’t want her to die either.

tell the world our secret, it’s the reason we don’t normally tell humans. Lisa
found out by accident, but it has to be fixed. It’s why I wanted you here for
this discussion. Being that she’s your mother, I wanted you to have a say.” Tad
took her hand in his.

don’t mean she has to die…” Courtney took a deep breath, biting her lip.

shook his head. “Not if there are other options.”

if Tabitha speaks with her? Explain what we’re trying to do. Where is she
anyway?” Milo leaned forward, placing his hand on her leg.

that wouldn’t work,” Ty said. “We can’t risk her knowing any other secrets. Tabitha
and Bethany are cooking, or she’d be here. They’re making food to take to
Kallie. Since she doesn’t cook and Taber is laid up, they offered.” Ty glanced
at Thorben, raising an eyebrow. “Two bears eat a lot.”

I could have cooked,” Thorben snapped.

could we get back to my mother?” Courtney wanted to scream, but instead she
clenched her fists in her lap. “You said other options, so what are they?”

options.” Tad squeezed her hand. “Hazel could remove Lisa’s memory, or she
could be kept here in complete isolation.”

third.” Her throat tightened, knowing what the last one was. She needed to hear


don’t understand why I’m here,” Thorben said.

family is deeply involved in this,” Tad explained. “If Lisa tells our secret,
then the island is in grave danger. I’m emotionally and physically invested in
Courtney, and depending on her decision we might need someone to think

made a small sigh. “Then remove her memory of shifters. It’s the best option.
Living in isolation isn’t a life and it’s worse than death.” She let out the
breath she was holding.

not that easy.” Milo pushed off the sofa and stalked to the window. Waves of
guilt poured off him and into his mates. “Removing her memory of shifters, our
mating, and anything that has to do with Tad’s family means you can’t see her
again. Seeing you again would trigger those memories, forcing us back to the
position we’re in now. Hazel will have to replace the memories of you with
something else.”

aren’t options. No matter what is chosen, she loses.”

nodded. “It’s the reason Tad said you had to be the one that makes the
decision. She’s your mother. Are you willing to give her up so she can live the
rest of her life?”

if I talked to her, maybe I can…oh hell, she’s never listened to me. This won’t
be any different.” The tears she had been holding back fell. “What about Hazel
and Tate? Won’t their presence as her neighbors trigger the memories?”

which is why they will have to move. Tate’s mistake, and their choice to tell
her what he is, is now affecting everyone. It’s trickling down to everyone who
had contact with her since then. Lisa will lose a big portion of her life, and
because of that she can’t be relocated so she doesn’t come into contact with
them. Instead Hazel, Tate, you, the Browns, all of you have to stay away from
her.” Ty leaned back against the sofa. “We’ll have to put someone else in
Hazel’s home to watch over Lisa to make sure she isn’t remembering anything, if
this is what you choose.”

about Kenneth?” Milo suggested.

be a good choice. He’s a former Special Forces solider, and would be able to
keep tabs on her without seeming suspicious. Plus, he owes us.” Tad turned to
her. “First, you must make your final decision.”

make it sound like I have a choice. No matter what I choose, I’m about to lose
my mother. How can I make this decision?”

stared outside. “I’m sorry, this is my fault.”

She brushed away from Tad and went to him. “Milo.” She placed her hand on his
back and still he didn’t look away from the window.

was brought on because of the rumors she heard of the tigers. She might have
never shown this side of herself if you had only been mated to Tad.”

doubtful,” Ty interjected. “Tad has been working with us, and within time Lisa
would have found out. She would have eventually made her hatred known. I’m just
thankful it was before she was able to tell anyone our secret.”

this isn’t your fault.”

turned to her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. “You
shouldn’t have to deal with this.”

one should have to deal with this.” She took comfort from Milo before glancing
back to Ty. “Wipe her memories, with the condition that I’m allowed to see her
before you do.”

take you,” Tad offered.

that settled, I’ll make arrangements for Lisa to be transported back to Nome
where Hazel can clear her memory. It’s best to have it done in her home since
she’ll sleep for hours once the ritual takes place. I’ll have Kenneth and his
family take over Hazel’s house.” Ty stood. There was a deep sadness in his eyes
when he glanced at her. “Courtney, you have my sympathies. I know this isn’t an
easy decision, but Lisa will be able to continue her life without a threat to
any of us.”

must be done to keep the secret. I can’t risk losing Milo and Tad.” She pressed
her face into Milo’s shirt, unable to hold back the sobs that shook her body.

“Oh, sweetie,
I’m sorry, don’t cry.” Milo smoothed his hand over her back.

front door shut, and seconds later she felt another hand caress the small of
her back.

I’m sorry,” Tad whispered.

Chapter Fifteen


her heart breaking, Courtney stood at the airstrip trying to make the goodbye
with her mother end on a good note. Lisa believed she was only going to
Minnesota and then would come back to her, but Courtney knew the truth. This
would be the last time she would ever see her mother, feel her arms around her.
The woman who had given birth to her, and had driven her insane more often than
not, would be out of her life for good. There was a freedom mixed in with the
unending loss.

okay to do this?” Tad asked, placing a hand on her arm as Lisa approached with
Styx directly behind her, acting as her guard.

have to.” She nodded and stepped toward Lisa.
Keep it positive, let her know
you love her, that’s it. Don’t fight with her.
Instead, she wanted to
scream about the injustice being done. Having to choose between the men she
loved and the only family she had was impossible. “Mom…”

take that tone with me, child. It’s out of the question for you to go with
them. I won’t stand for it, now I want you to gather your things and come back
with me.”

With a
deep breath, she bit her tongue, refusing to scream at her mother. Instead she
decided to stick with what she’d rehearsed. “Decisions and commitments have
been made, and I’m going to Minnesota. I’ll think about what you said about
Milo while I’m gone. When this is over, I’ll come to Nome and we can discuss it
further. Please…I don’t want to fight with you.”

about while you’re there? He could kill you before you even have a chance to

Tad will be there. He’s not going to let anything happen to me.” Not denying
that Milo might hurt her went against everything in her, but it was Milo’s idea
in an effort to avoid an argument.

you asked me to protect Courtney before, this is no different. You realized I
would lay my life down in order to protect her. Trust that I will keep her safe
now and always.” Tad stood next to her, making it hard not to reach out and
touch him.

not touching part had been another of their ideas. If Lisa saw them embracing,
it would only be a reminder that Courtney was also mated to Milo. She hadn’t
realized how hard it was not to share in those little gestures.

is going to be fine, Mom. Tad needs me to go to Minnesota, but I’ll be back
soon. In the meantime, I need you to go back home. I’ll come to you when I

come home?” Surprise was clear in Lisa’s voice.

she’d come home, just not the home Lisa expected. She’d come back to the
compound. It was her home now. There was nothing left for her in Texas, and
even less in Nome. By the end of the day, Lisa wouldn’t even know Courtney. The
plan was to leave her with a memory of her daughter passing months after the
graduation ceremony. Kenneth, his sister, and his niece had already taken over
Hazel’s house and would be there as her friends. Everything was in place, but
none of it made parting any easier. Not bothering to clear up the confusion,
she nodded.

have to go. I love you.”

love you too, and I just want what’s right for you.” Lisa stepped forward,
wrapping her arms around Courtney.

away the tears that filled her eyes, she returned the embrace. The last

had no idea how long they stood there before Tad cleared his throat, but it
didn’t seem long enough. All the frustration she held for her mother, the anger
over being controlled, never being able to do the right thing, none of it
seemed to matter anymore. For the first time since she was a little child,
there was peace between them.

have to go.”

nodded. “Stay safe.”

turned to the plane before the tears began to fall. Making her way across the
tarmac, she knew when she broke down and grieved, her men would be there for

her safe, Tad.” Lisa called out to them as Courtney hurried up the plane steps.

in good hands.” There was a hint in his words that Lisa missed, letting
Courtney know he wasn’t just talking about himself but also about Milo. He
pulled the steps up, giving them privacy, and in that moment she couldn’t hold
the tears back any longer.

“Oh, sweetie.”
Milo rushed down the aisle to her, wrapping his arms around her.

okay.” She spoke through her tears and buried her face against his hard chest.
Tad came up behind her, folding his warm body around her back.

* * *

plane glided through the air smoothly, making good time even with the delay. In
no time they’d be in Minnesota giving Milo a chance to appease Calvin’s
demands. After making sure the blanket was snuggly around Courtney’s sleeping
form, he made his way to the cockpit. Tad would want an update on their mate;
he’d been reluctant to leave her when she was in distress, but someone had to
fly them to Minnesota. Arriving late wouldn’t make their job any easier,
especially not with Calvin who would use any excuse to get out of Tabitha
having a say in his clan.

is she?”

wore herself out and is finally sleeping peacefully.”

know this isn’t your fault.” Knowing just what Milo was feeling, Tad tried to
reassure him. “If Tate hadn’t told her of the secret, she’d have never known.
He didn’t just give away his secret, but my family’s, which wasn’t his to

has some blame in this, but we have to deal with the consequences. Courtney
lost the only biological member of her family. Even us, the sleuth, and the
clan won’t replace that.”

can replace the bond between a mother and child, but this was the best option
we had. Would you have risked your whole clan, my family, all of the shifters
to keep Courtney and Lisa in contact when they already had a very strained
relationship that might not have survived Courtney’s search for her own
freedom?” Tad glanced over his instruments before looking over at him again.

you put it that way…” He glanced out the window, not that there was anything to
see but blue sky and large, fluffy clouds. “It doesn’t change the guilt.”

turned to find Courtney standing in the doorway, her face still stained with
tears and the blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

nothing to be guilty about,” she said, her voice soft. “My mother made her own
decisions. No words can take away what I know you’re feeling, but I don’t blame
you. Like my mother, I also made my own decisions. I chose you, both of you.”

leaned against the co-pilot’s chair and held out his hand to her. When she took
it, he pulled her tight against his body and whispered, “I love you.”

love you too.”

about me?” Tad teased.

locked in Milo’s embrace, she reached back and touched Tad’s shoulder, his head
tilted enough to lay a kiss on the back of her hand. “I love you too, my very
own Taddybear.”

I plan to show you how much I love you, but we’re approaching our decent. Milo,
you have just enough time to make your phone call if you’re quick. So sit down
and buckle up.”

“Can I
stay up here? I always wanted to see a landing from the cockpit.” She pushed
away from Milo enough to look out the window.

Take the co-pilot’s seat. That means you’re alone in the back, Milo.”

problem. I need to call Calvin and let him know. We’ll stop at the hotel first,
check in, and change before meeting with him.” He leaned in and kissed a very
excited Courtney before she could slip into the co-pilot’s seat. “Have fun.”

“Oh, I
will. I always wanted to do this. Could you teach me to fly? I think it would
be so amazing.” There was an exhilaration in her that he’d never seen, and it
made him smile.

we get back, I’ll teach you anything you want.” Tad winked at them both before
Milo left.

his way to one of the seats, Milo let go of the tension he had been holding
when it came to Courtney, only for it to be replaced by the stress of dealing
with Calvin. The Minnesota Alpha could be an ass, and at that moment Milo
didn’t have the patience to deal with games. He wanted the Minnesota clan
committed to Tabitha so he could return to his mates.

his seat, he pulled out his cell phone and called Calvin.

A deep voice answered.

it’s Milo. We’re coming in for our landing now. We’ll check into our hotel,
freshen up, and should be there…” He glanced at his watch, quickly doing the
math for the time change. “By seven.”

Calvin growled. “You’ll be here by twenty minutes after six or don’t bother coming.
We will be having drinks at six-thirty.”

will be cutting it close.” He should have known Calvin would try to worm his
way out of meeting with them that night.

here or we’ll try to meet tomorrow. Your choice, but make the right one or your
Queen might be upset you failed.” Calvin hung up.

squeezed the phone, wanting to shatter it in his hand. Calvin would test all of
Milo’s patience and then some. It would take everything in him not to ruin
this. With the Elders depending on him, he had to find a way to make it work.
Hopefully, Courtney and Tad would be the strength he needed to get through it.

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