Two for Protection (6 page)

Read Two for Protection Online

Authors: Marissa Dobson

Chapter Eight


sank down on the bed, lost in his thoughts. The day was playing out in his mind
as if reliving it again, the terror, anger, and heartache tearing off the scab
over the wound. It was so realistic he could smell her perfume, only to be
replaced by the sickening smell of blood. Rosemarie’s blood.

flipping on the radio by the bed, Courtney came to him, gently placing her hand
over his. “Whenever you’re ready.” She was so patient and understanding. He
didn’t deserve her.

He met
her gaze. The fear of not being able to protect her ate at him, tearing away
his confidence. No wonder fate decided she needed two mates. He had already
proven once he couldn’t protect those around him. At least she’d have Milo by
her side if he failed her.

came to stand in front of them and leaned against the dresser. “Whatever
happened, nothing is going to change our mating. We’ll need to find a way to
work through it. I’ve always believed it would help to move past what’s
bothering you if you talk to someone. Talk to us.”

forced himself to begin. “For my family, males have always overrun the
population, and females are rare. When one is born they are cherished,
protected, and sheltered. It was no different for my cousin, Rosemarie. As my
aunt’s third child, she was only a year younger than me, and we were close. So
close that when I went through the change at fifteen, it brought on hers.
Shifting early brought changes to her, and she was more irritable about being
contained. She saw it as unfair that the males could do as they pleased. Being
surrounded by everyone all day, I needed space at night, so I would slip out of
the house after everyone was asleep and wander the island in my bear form. It
was so peaceful then.” He looked up at Milo, knowing if anyone understood it
would be him. Milo had also grown up surrounded by his clan, but he enjoyed his
time alone. It was what provoked him to venture off on his own for a time.

slipped out and followed me. There were trespassers on the island that I was
sniffing out. Wanting to confront them when I located them, I stayed human. I
was nearing the poachers when I realized she was there. Her scent permeated the
island, as does all of the family, so I never thought twice. Through the trees,
I could see them, and they were focused on her. She was unaware of the danger
she was in, roaming through the woods without a care in the world. The island
was supposed to be safe, she never…”

Courtney squeezed his hand.

He closed
his eyes, taking strength from her before shaking his head. “No, if I don’t get
this out now, I never will.” They remained quiet, waiting for him. “I stepped
out of the woods, hoping to pull their attention from her. Instead, it only
made things worse. They shot, bullets sliced through her, blood squirted
through the air. She should have been able to heal the shots, but the youngest
one jerked when he saw me, sending his shot too high…hitting her in the head.
She was dead before she hit the ground.”

“Oh, love.”
The sympathy in Courtney’s voice pained him. He didn’t deserve it, not when he
was the cause of his cousin’s death.

he pulled away from her and stalked to the window. “She was killed because I
wasn’t on my game. Her blood is on my hands as much as if I pulled the trigger

were young, alone, and there was nothing you could have done to stop them,”
Milo said. “It isn’t your fault. I’m sure no one blames you.” The floor creaked
under his weight as he stepped away from the dresser and neared Tad.

couldn’t protect Rosemarie. How am I supposed to protect my mates?” Losing
either of them would be unbearable, especially if it was his fault. In that
instant, he realized it wasn’t just about protecting Courtney, but also about
protecting Milo.

you’ve been in the role of protector all your life. You’ve stood for those who
couldn’t do for themselves, you jumped when the Alaskan Tigers needed back up,
you saved countless lives, not to mention the ones you’ve made better by just there.
You’re not responsible for the actions of others.”

placed her hand on his arm, drawing his gaze from the window. “You can’t beat
yourself up for it, you’re not to blame.”

do you know?” Tad glanced at Courtney. “You’ve just met me, and fate announces
we’re destined to be together. How can you believe I’m worthy of you?”

can tell a lot about a person in a relatively short time. I know you’re a good
person, and you wouldn’t put anyone in harm’s way if you could avoid it.” She
moved enough to place her body between him and the window, wrapping her arm as
much as she could around his waist.

right.” Milo joined them, placing his hand on Courtney’s back and the other on
Tad’s shoulder. “I’ve known you for a few years, and time and time again you’ve
proved yourself worthy. I’d cover your six in a battle any day.”

Milo, that was high praise. He wouldn’t just follow anyone’s lead. When he was
coming of age, he’d spent a few years off by himself before joining the Alaskan
Tigers because he didn’t want to get into the politics of a clan. When Ty
became the Alpha, Milo dedicated himself to the clan as one of the Elder
guards. He was now assigned to Bethany’s protection, but occasionally assisted
with Tabitha’s.

a team, we’ll protect each other.” Milo squeezed Tad’s shoulder. “Nothing’s
going to happen to Courtney or any of us.”

hope so,” Tad whispered. Pulling them both tight against him, sorrow filled his
chest making it hard to breath, as if he had already lost one of them.

wrapped her arm around Milo, completing the connection between them. “You
mentioned Tate and Hazel already knew. How?”

were visiting the island at the time. It’s when we found out about Hazel’s
ability to remove memories from humans. It’s what saved them, that and Dad.”

“If a
shifter is killed in their animal form, they revert back. The poachers would
have seen it happen. It can also happen when a shifter is gravely injured and
can’t hold onto their beast,” Milo explained as Courtney’s confusion tingled
along the lines of their bond.

is the leader of the sleuth. He forbade us from killing them.” Unable to stop
himself, Tad’s embrace tightened around them. “Rosemarie’s murderer got away
without the knowledge he killed someone.”

would the knowledge have done? It wouldn’t have made anything better. Instead
it would have put your sleuth and our kind at risk. That wouldn’t bring justice
for Rosemarie. Only more death.” Milo pushed Tad to see the truth.

nothing brought no justice to Rosemarie. She deserved more from me, from

both seen more than our fair share of blood and death. No matter what happens
it can never bring back someone who was killed. Do you really think justice is
ever served?”

might have had a point, though it didn’t change the guilt Tad carried when he
thought of that night. Rosemarie looked up to him. He should have protected
her, and in the end he failed her. Somehow he had to prove himself worthy of
Courtney and Milo, even if it was the last thing he did.

Courtney cupped his cheek, and waited a heartbeat before continuing. “What
happened to Rosemarie is awful, and I’m truly sorry, but you can’t blame
yourself. From the stories you and Milo shared last night, you’ve proved
yourself as honorable. Nothing we can say or do will bring back Rosemarie, nor
will it take away the pain. You’ll have to move on, past what happened, without
basing every decision you make on that night. No one blames you for what
happened, and you shouldn’t either.”

He rubbed
his face along her palm, kissing the bend of her wrist as he did so. His beast
demanded the comforting touch, refusing to let him pull away from her. “You
weren’t there when it happened.”

been to Kodiak Bear’s Island and I’ve never seen it,” Milo said. “Devon, Ava,
your brothers, none of them blame you.”

you ever been to the island when I’m not there? Notice that Aunt Bev is around?
She keeps her distance when I’m there. She blames me…damn it, Rosemarie was her
only daughter. I can’t fault her for it either.” Tad wanted the conversation
over. He was tired of living in that day so many years ago. “It’s my past Turi
felt the need to bring to light again. There’s no need for either of you to
suffer due to my mistakes.”

shook his head. “Each of our pasts affects our future. We are no longer three
individuals living their own lives. We’re joined together as mates, and that
makes us one.” His cell rang, forcing him to take his arm away from Courtney
and unclip it from his belt. “It’s Tex.” Milo stepped away to take the call.

out of the memories, Tad moved them away from the window, not wanting to put Courtney
in any more danger. He hugged her against him, resting his head on top of her
and just breathing her in. His mate, the woman he was destined to be with, to
share with Milo. Even after hearing the worst of his past, she didn’t turn from
him. When she could have sought comfort in Milo’s arms, she didn’t. She
embraced them both, as they both tried to get him to see the light. It was more
than he deserved.

know you’re still angry with Turi, but he was right. I trust you and Milo. My
rational side says it’s all too fast and that I shouldn’t, but the connection I
feel between us is stronger than anything else. It wins out. I know you’ll both
keep me safe at all costs. Don’t let bringing this up make you doubt yourself.
Jeffery is dangerous. We all have to be on our toes if we’re going to make it
through this alive.”

going to be fine, and this will all be behind us soon. Then we can move on with
our lives together.”

closed his eyes and just enjoyed the mixture of emotions that coursed through
him. So much was going on within in, but the strongest of it all was the
unending love for both his mates. When he thought of Milo, he wished he was
there and longed for his touch to complete them.

* * *

house was quiet as Milo made his way down the hall, giving Tad and Courtney
privacy while he took the call from Tex. Hopefully, while he was busy with the
call, she would make progress with Tad. They didn’t have the manpower for the
best warrior among them to be questioning himself. In order to keep Courtney
safe, Tad had to be at his best. That meant moving past what happened to

Tex, what did you find?”

not a lot. The apartment is immaculate. I believe it’s a decoy. Connor’s
searching property records for anything else in his name or that’s linked to
him. I’ve spoken to the witness, and she even pointed Jeffery out from a photo
line up.”

Milo pressed.

remained silent for another moment before answering. “His business partner was
found dead this morning. They’re looking at Jeffery for it. Without the partner
flipping on him for a lighter sentence, probation, it puts the case on shakier
ground even with Courtney’s testimony. His lawyers are all over the news saying
the partner framed him, stole his DNA and everything. If he knocks them both
off, the case is over.”

The more blood he has on his hands, the easier the kills become.” Milo opened
the curtain enough that he could look out on the grounds without giving anyone
that might there a clear shot. Turi and Tate were just coming around the house,
making their pass along the perimeter.

sign of the weather breaking? Maybe you guys can get back to the compound,” Tex

going to happen right now. We have things lined up for Taber to fly in and get
us at the slightest break in the storm, but this weather is just too nasty to
fly in. Too much ice mixed in with the snow, not to mention the visibility is
no more than fifty feet. I won’t risk him trying to fly in these conditions. If
he’s going to come after her, we’ll be ready.” His tiger itched for a fight.

Avery out of his position of power over the Texas clan had reminded Milo just
how much his beast enjoyed the action. It felt good to be back in the fight,
protecting his clan. Since his shoulder injury, he had been out of the action,
stuck on the compound grounds on home protection for too long. Now things had
changed, and his beast enjoyed it. This bastard would suffer for threatening
his mate. No harm would come to Courtney while he was alive.

be in touch if I learn anything else. We’re just a call away if you need

Turi, Tate, and Hazel are here so we’re ready if Jeffery wants to take his shot
at her.”

ended the call and clipped his cell back on his jeans, still scanning the
grounds. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Still, he had a feeling it
wouldn’t be long before things weren’t so calm. The thought sent his fingers
twitching along the butt of his gun.

whole situation bothered him. There was something about Jeffery Park that
didn’t make sense. He had a house that was only for show. That didn’t fit with
a drug smuggler; he should have been living it up. So where was he normally?
Not at the mansion that was on record, that was for sure.

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