Read Unbreak My Heart Online

Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Contemporary, #Coming of Age, #New Adult, #Military, #Romantic Comedy, #Romance, #Fiction

Unbreak My Heart (25 page)

He was relentless.

I was unprepared for how fast he could get me off.

The orgasm sideswiped me in a throbbing, pulsing, hair-pulling, toe-curling burst of sensation.

I didn’t even mind his cocky little chuckle.

He’d earned it.

Boy, had he ever earned it.

My ears were still ringing and my head was filled with the white fluffy clouds of post-orgasmic bliss when Boone tugged me upright.

He said, “Hang on,” and pulled me off the counter, keeping his hands on my ass as I locked my shaking legs around his waist and circled my arms around his neck.

The man could multitask like no one’s business; he carried me, almost blindly since his mouth was busy on my throat. He growled, “Need inside you now,” and laid me on my back on the kitchen table.

Boone didn’t take his eyes off mine as he shoved his athletic shorts down. He fisted his cock and jacked himself. “You’re wet enough to take me.”

Not a question.

That confidence, that passion, that raspy voice…all of it, sexy as fuck.

Then those rough-skinned palms were on my knees, pushing them apart.

Seeing the way his eyes glittered and the determined set of his jaw, I felt the need rising in me again. Tingles, chills, anticipation.

He slammed his cock into me to the hilt in a near-punishing stroke.

I gasped and locked my ankles above his ass.

He grinned and did it again. He angled forward to take a nipple in his mouth, not wavering in the pounding rhythm he set.

I couldn’t look away from him. So beautiful and fierce lost in passion and answering his body’s demands. When I began to slide up the table from his powerful thrusts, I latched onto his biceps to anchor me.

That caused him to slow down.

Boone layered his chest over mine and planted the palms of his hands beside my head. He gave me that dirty grin and began to do a circle and grind thing with his hips.

I managed to choke out, “What the hell is that?”

His lips teased mine with whisper-soft kisses. “Like that, do you?” He pressed down on the upstroke, giving my clit extra friction.


“Come like this for me.” Another feather-light, seductive kiss. “I fucking love to watch you come.”

“Might be too soon,” I panted.

He shook his head. “You’re almost there.” His mouth migrated across my jaw. He proved my readiness with the steady rocking of his pelvis until I unraveled again.

After I floated back to earth, he whispered, “You’re beautiful.”


He picked up the pace. His hard fucking with table-thumping ferocity lasted half a dozen strokes. Then he threw back his head and let go.

Before he fully recovered, the timer on the oven started to ding.

I scrambled upright. I’d totally forgotten about the banana bread.

Then Boone was in my face. “Not letting you go without this.” He kissed me with the mix of surety and sweetness that I needed. How he’d picked up on that in less than twelve hours…

Don’t dissect it; accept it as your good fortune.

Against my lips, he murmured, “You deal with the banana bread. I’ll wipe down the counters.”

“We are such a great team already.”

He laughed. “All fucking in, baby.”

My body was
still humming with pleasure when the front door opened and Lu’s voice boomed from the foyer. “Me’n Raj are here, so put some clothes on.”

Boone sent me a cocky grin before he called out, “We are dressed and in the kitchen.”

Lu came around the corner with Raj directly behind her. “I thought I smelled banana bread. But I figured you two wouldn’t surface from the bedroom for at least three more hours.”

“In a house this size? Why would we limit ourselves to one room?” Boone replied, keeping his eyes on mine. “Lucky thing you weren’t here half an hour ago.”

I tried to hide my blush behind my mug of coffee.

“It looks like you had time to wipe the butt prints off the refrigerator, Miss Neat Freak,” Lu said.

“We didn’t do it against the fridge,” I retorted.

Raj muttered something to Boone. Whatever Boone said had Raj giving him a huge grin and a fist bump.

And they said women were bad, gossiping about sex.

I squinted at Lu as she shook out four Excedrin tablets. “You don’t look too hung over.”

“Oh, I am.” Lu popped the pills and took a big drink of water. Then she looked over at Boone. “Thanks for keeping me from getting arrested last night and for dragging my drunken ass to Raj.”

“No worries.”

“I’m glad it didn’t mess up your plans with Sierra.”

“Nothing would’ve kept me from her last night.” He repeated, “Nothing.”

That swoopy sensation started in my belly and spread lower. Boone’s gaze hooked mine and I was powerless to look away.

“Knock off the eye-fucking,” Raj said with a sigh. “We gotta talk about some stuff and then you two can go back to rockin’ the rafters.”

Lu stopped beside me and rested her head on my shoulder. “I’m gonna punch your cousin Hayden in the junk next time I see him for making me drink shots last night.”

I petted her hair. “Poor baby. I warned you not to fall prey to his Fireball challenge.”

“True. Now I can add that to my ‘never ever’ list of booze.”

“So what did you need to talk about?” I asked.

“Living arrangements,” Raj said.

Boone and I exchanged a look. Good thing we’d already discussed this. Well, not this part specifically. “Since you’re as crazy about Lu as I am, and you’re used to living with Boone, you’re welcome to move your stuff here, Raj.”

He grinned. “While that is downright sweet and thoughtful, for now, I think my woman wants to move in with me. At least until my sister gets back and kicks us out.” He dipped his chin toward Boone. “West is staying with you?”

“Yes.” Imagining waking up with Boone every morning and sharing the same space the rest of the time…hello belly flip. But I’d never had a roommate besides Lu. What if Boone and I weren’t compatible with the day-to-day roommate stuff?

“Then it’s settled. Lucinda Grace, baby, get your things.”

“You’re ditching me?” I said to her.

“Temporarily.” She lifted her head. Something in my face had her turning toward Raj and Boone. “Can you guys give us a moment?”

“Sure.” Raj said, “I’ma make you get your stuff outta my car anyway, West. Come on.”

As soon as they were gone, Lu slumped against the counter and snagged her water bottle. “You were baking first thing this morning, S.”

“Just making breakfast for my man.”

She rolled her eyes. “How freaked out
you about Boone moving in?”

“It was my idea. It’s just surreal. Yesterday we weren’t together and now we’re living together.”

“I might’ve been slam-a-lammered last night, but Boone was frantic to get to you, Sierra. Frantic.”

I smirked. “That’s because I blew him and ran off before he’d put his pants back on.”

Lu choked on her water. “No way. At the party?”

“Yep. Classy, huh? I didn’t plan to blow and bail, trust me.”

“No wonder he tossed me onto the sidewalk and peeled out as soon as he saw Raj’s pearly whites.” She laughed. “That is fucking hysterical, S. Another classic Sierra moment to add to the others.”

“Promise you won’t tell Raj.”

“I’m sure he already knows and Boone asked him not to tell me.” Her smile faded. “I don’t want to lose the ability to talk to you, or you to me, because we’re juggling keeping lovers’ confidences now too.”

“Me either.”

“And if me’n Raj call it quits, and Boone is living here with you…” She snorted. “I can’t even voice that possibility because it’s so ridiculous.”

“What? You and Raj breaking up?”

She nodded. “Won’t happen. With him…all the pieces just clicked. For both of us.”

“I’m happy that you found the one true dick that fits.” I dodged her arm punch and laughed.

“So I’ll just ask you straight out; is this thing with Boone about sex and making up for lost time?”

My kneejerk reaction was
I don’t know

But you do know.

“The man is a fucking machine. Sex with him? Ah-may-zing. Physically we’re in synch. But we spent a lot of time talking last night and things are different for us. More solid.” I groaned. “Jesus, Lu. Please tell me I’m not letting my body make this decision and I’m ignoring common sense.”

“If that were true, it’d be the first time since I’ve known you.”

“Thank you for that.”

“You’re welcome.” Lu drained her water. “Come on. Help me pack some stuff.”

I waved her off. “Go on. I don’t need to see your sex toy collection again.”

She stretched and her shirt rode up, giving me a glimpse of the hickeys in a heart shape around her tattoos.

“Cute love bites,” I said.

Lu glanced down. “Oh. Those. They’re starting to fade. You should see the ones on my ass.”

I blushed and said, “Pass.”

“You’re so cute, pretending you don’t have marks like this all over yourself.” Before she walked out of the kitchen, she said, “While I’m sorting through my sex toy collection, you sure you don’t want me to leave the big, black dildo? Since I don’t need it anymore?”

Do not blush
. “No! It’s not like I can repurpose it.”

“Maybe you can’t, but I can.” Lu smirked. “Come on. Maybe I can give you a few tips.”

could not
keep my hands off Sierra.

Not that I’d tried.

Not that she acted like she wanted me to back off.

She couldn’t stop touching me either.

I’d never been high, but if it felt anything like this? I could understand it.

Because Sierra had become my addiction.

In less than twenty-four hours I couldn’t imagine my life without her.

I’d said as much to Raj when he’d swung by to drop off my stuff a few hours ago.

He’d opened the back end of his SUV and unloaded my few belongings. I didn’t own much besides clothes and the college medical textbooks I’d kept. I’d never stayed in any place long enough to accumulate more than a few basic household items—most of which were in storage in Fort Hood.

“This is all your stuff?” Raj asked.

“I’ve got a few boxes in my car, but this is all I brought to your sister’s place. Why?”

Raj shot a look at Sierra’s house. “Only people I’ve ever known our age that lived in a place like this were drug dealers.”

I laughed. “Sierra is a dealer of sorts—a wheeler dealer in the real estate market. Don’t worry. Everything is on the up and up with her.”

“That ain’t what concerns me, B.”

“Then what?”

“You have a chip on your shoulder about paying your own way in all things. You’ve never let me buy you a beer without repaying me in kind. So how’s it gonna work with her? No matter how crazy you are about her, I don’t see you agreeing to livin’ in her house without—”

“A detailed spreadsheet of who pays for what?” I supplied.

“Something like that. I’m betting you haven’t discussed it at all.”

“Actually we have. Not as detailed a discussion as we need to. Sierra already knows about my pride, or the chip on my shoulder, or whatever you wanna call it. She understands since she knows where I—where it—came from. Dividing up the grocery and utility bills isn’t a concern compared to my fear that my honesty about how I feel about her is too much for her to handle.”

“Since you’re basically a relationship virgin, I’ma give you some advice. Women love that honesty shit.”

“So I didn’t fuck up by telling Sierra I loved her after our first night together?”

Raj’s jaw dropped. “You’re kidding me.”

I laughed. “Yeah, man. I’m messing with you. I didn’t say the ‘L’ word, but I did tell her that she’s it for me.” Since I’d kept my true feelings from her before, this time she deserved to know from the start that I wasn’t fucking around with her heart.

He sighed. “Just…cool it down from here on out. Give it more than a damn day before you get into the serious stuff.”

“Like you gave it more than a day with Lucinda? You barely gave it more than a

Raj appeared ready to argue. He wanted to tell me his situation was different. Instead he just sighed. “We’ll check this convo for now.”

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