Unbreak My Heart (Childhood Sweethearts Reunited) (17 page)

Read Unbreak My Heart (Childhood Sweethearts Reunited) Online

Authors: Helen Scott Taylor

Tags: #Romance

So that was his reason for pushing her on her career. He obviously had no plans to make her role as fake fiancée real. He was simply encouraging her to stand on her own two feet. A burn of disappointment made her catch her breath, but as the feeling faded she acknowledged he was right. She did need to earn more money if she wanted a comfortable life as a single mum, and she enjoyed the type of work he was suggesting. But even so…

"I really don't think I'm cut out for a job where I have to sell myself, and that's what I'd be doing. I'm not good with people. They don't usually like me," she added. Even Andre had admitted he was relieved to get away from her when they were younger.

"Rubbish." Andre sat back, his mouth a firm line. "You were a hit at Edmund's party. It's all down to your attitude. You're perfectly capable. I think you're just scared of the challenge. Look, you can't waste this opportunity. I won't let you! The public reaction to your Caspian design will be good. You'll get a buzz. I guarantee it."

Part of Kate wanted to agree simply to please Andre. But if she tried to present herself as something she wasn't, eventually the fancy crowd would see through the disguise and discover she was a fake. "The reason I was okay at the Delacroix's party is because I had you by my side. I wouldn't normally move in those circles."

"Maybe not, but most of the people at that party own businesses and they look for quality in their suppliers. If you do good work and present a professional front, they won't give a monkey's what your background is."

"I don't know, Andre. Can we just drop it for now?" She wiped her damp palms on her napkin and sipped her champagne. This subject made her uncomfortable and it seemed to be all he wanted to talk about. She couldn't understand why he kept pushing and pushing. "When will the Caspian article come out?" she asked, in an effort to move the conversation on.

The expression in his eyes indicated he recognized her ploy, but he let it go. "You heard what Jerry said. He'll let me know. Soon I hope. I have other publicity plans you and I need to discuss tomorrow. The newspaper article will set everything in motion."

A waiter appeared and served their hors d'oeuvres. When the man had gone, Andre leaned forward and touched her arm. "What's this birthday present you've got for me?"

Her muscles eased with relief at the change of subject. "That would be telling. You'll have to wait until we get back to the cottage to find out."

At the flare of heat in his brown eyes, she realized how he'd interpreted her comment and a warm, melting sensation gathered low in her belly. She thought of setting him straight, telling him about the painting she'd done of his cottage and the crystal dragon she'd bought. But as her gaze slid over his face and rested on his lips, the words wouldn't come. He desired her. She'd sensed it the night they kissed and seen it on his face. And she desired him. Would it be so wrong to indulge her fantasies this once?

Lifting her napkin, Kate held it against her lips to hide the longing she was certain showed on her face. The waiter returned with their main course and, as darkness fell, lit two candles in a medieval iron holder on the table.

Small lamps near the pool blinked on. The surrounding garden retreated into the night leaving an island of warm, soft light around them. "Eat up," Andre said softly as Kate fiddled with her meal.

"I'm not really hungry." Thoughts of food had wiped from her mind. All she wanted was to feel Andre's arms around her, his lips against her skin.

He gripped her hand and stroked small circles on her palm with his thumb. "Shall we wander back to the cottage then?"

Hand in hand they retraced their steps along the woodland trail. Andre's presence hummed through her, sensitized every nerve in her body. The heady fragrance of flowers and trees filled the air. Insects buzzed in the warm summer evening, bats dived with a delicate whoosh of wings, and Andre's hand enclosed hers—large, warm and more sensual than it should be.

As they neared the cottage, the shadows beneath the canopy of trees deepened. Andre pulled her to a halt and stepped in front of her. Moonlight filtered through the branches lending his face a pale mysterious glow, his eyes night dark, veiled, unreadable. He stroked back a few errant strands of hair from her face, traced his fingertips across her cheek. "How about a kiss for my birthday?" he asked, his voice low and husky, barely more than a whisper. Without waiting for a reply, he lowered his head and touched his lips lightly to hers.

Kate raised her free hand to his shoulder, closed her eyes, and floated on the blissful sensation of his lips, hot silk against hers. Whatever happened tomorrow, she wanted this, wanted to live her fantasy. He slipped his arm around her waist, drew her closer, and kissed her again, a summer kiss flavored with champagne and the fragrance of night-blooming flowers.

"Kate, sweetheart." His mouth touched her jaw, trailed tiny kisses down her neck to her collarbone. "There's only one thing I want for my birthday," he breathed. "To make love to you."

Chapter Nine

Kate was long past coherent thought. Sensible or not, she wanted to make love to Andre. She hadn't felt desired for so long. The night stilled in silent anticipation. The dense, dark shadows beneath the trees, heavy and intimate, wrapped her and Andre tightly together. She breathed in the heady fragrance of night, tasted his kiss on her lips, and whispered, "I want you too."

He drew back and looked down at her, his dark eyes hidden in shadow. "Are you sure, Kat?"

In answer, she
her hands into his hair, pulled his head down, and kissed him.

They made slow progress along the last section of path. Every few steps Andre stopped to kiss her. When they reached the cottage, they were both breathless.

Andre pushed on the front door, his arm around Kate as though he could not bear to let her go, even for a moment. "Don't forget Mrs. Cooper," she whispered, her thoughts turning to Keiko.

Andre leaned his forehead against hers. "God, I'm glad you said that." Reluctantly Kate stepped back, and he smoothed down his ruffled hair. "Am I decent?" he whispered.

"Passably." She wiped a hand over her tingling mouth, hoping her lips didn't betray how well-kissed they'd been on the walk back. Kate blinked in the light as they went inside, and even though she was half-dazed with passion, her gaze flew straight to Keiko cuddled in Mrs. Cooper's arms on the sofa.

"I didn't expect you back so early. Did you have a nice dinner?" the housekeeper asked, oblivious to the loaded atmosphere.

"Yes, thank you. Very nice," Andre replied, slipping back into the role of boss. Mrs. Cooper glanced at Andre and did a double take. Kate turned anxiously. Although he had straightened his hair, his cheeks were flushed, a languorous heat in his eyes. He radiated the sort of sex appeal that if bottled would make a fortune.

The older woman rose quickly, bustled across the room and deposited Keiko in Kate's arms. "I've just changed her diaper. She's a little angel. I've hardly had a murmur out of her." Mrs. Cooper picked up her bag, patted her hair, and shooting another curious glance at Andre headed for the door. "Good night then, Mr. Le Court. I'll see myself out."

As soon as the front door clicked shut Andre glanced down at himself. "Did I frighten her off? Have I got food on my face or something?"

"You look ruffled."

"Ruffled, hmm. Have you ruined my image, Ms. Frost?" He moved closer and wrapped his arms around both her and Keiko. He dropped a kiss on Keiko's fluffy, golden hair then kissed Kate's lips softly. "Come to my room when you're ready, sweetheart. I'll be waiting."

Andre sauntered across the room and disappeared up the stairs. Kate couldn't feel the ground under her feet. She was walking on air. Somehow, she made her way upstairs after him. Her insides buzzed. Hormones whizzed around, trailing sparks like fireworks set off in the box.

While her hands completed the mundane task of removing her dress and slipping on her bathrobe, her mind had gone on ahead and was already in Andre's bedroom, imagining what would happen shortly. The mad fireworks inside her made it difficult to keep still, but she managed to settle in the chair to feed Keiko.

After about ten minutes, Andre knocked softly and pushed open the door. He wore a rich burgundy robe that suited his dark coloring. He paused in the doorway and watched her for a moment. Suddenly self-conscious, Kate looked down at Keiko. Andre padded across the room with slow, languorous strides and folded his tall frame down to her level. "It's a miracle isn't it, how a baby is created and born?"

At the wonder on his face, her initial embarrassment as he watched her breast-feed melted away. Not for the first time, she wished Keiko was his daughter.

She swapped Keiko to her other breast and Andre smiled, his fingers gently caressing her arm as she settled her baby again. "When you arrived and bared your breasts to feed Keiko in my office, you floored me."


His lips quirked in a wry smile. "I'm not going to answer that question on the grounds I might incriminate myself."

"Tell me. I won't mind."

"Hmm. I doubt it's politically correct to lust after a mum feeding her baby."

She glanced at him in surprise. She'd been under the impression he was irritated with her when she first arrived. After Keiko drifted off to sleep, Andre lifted her from the pillow on Kate's lap and carried her to the crib. "Bedtime for you little one," he said, kissed her, and tucked her in. Kate rose and went to stand beside him. A flutter of deeper longings briefly eclipsed her physical needs. This was how it would be if they were a real family.

Andre caressed her cheek. "Bedtime for you, as well."

"I'll follow you in a moment." His eyebrows rose but he took the hint and headed for the door. As soon as he'd gone, Kate opened the drawer where she'd stashed the new lingerie.

He was waiting outside her door when she opened it. He put his arm around her waist and they walked across the hall to his bedroom together. It felt right and natural to be with him like this.

"Leave the door ajar so I can hear if Keiko wakes," she said.

Andre led her toward his bed. She stared into the dreamy depths of his eyes. Her stomach quivered, muscles jumped with nervous excitement.

"You've no idea how long I've waited for this," he whispered, his voice low, intense, stroking through her, touching deeply buried memories.

Kate lowered her eyelashes. She knew. She'd waited as well. Her heart beat in every cell of her body as he pulled her closer. "Are you naked underneath here?" Andre slid a thumb inside the front of her robe, caressed the skin beneath her breast.

Kate sucked in a ragged breath. "Not quite."

When he eased her robe open, he made a small sound of pleasure that danced over her skin like static. Slowly, he traced a fingertip along the waistband of her green silk panties. "How did you know I've been fantasizing about you wearing these?"

He pushed the robe off her shoulders and it tumbled at her feet. His gaze scorched her from head to toe. With gentle strokes he smoothed his hands over her ribs, across her belly. "I can't imagine what you looked like when you were pregnant. Your stomach is so flat now."

"A few months ago I looked as though I'd swallowed a beach ball."

"Oh, Kat." He pulled her against his body, his hands caressing her back in strong possessive circles. "I wish I'd seen you pregnant. I should have…"

She clung to him and he pressed his face to her neck, his lips trailing kisses over her shoulder and collarbone. "I have so many regrets about the past."

Kate didn't want to think about the past or the future. She wanted to enjoy the now. "Andre," she breathed. She unfastened the tie on his robe and pushed the fabric aside, touched her lips to his chest, tasted the silk of his skin while his heart beat firmly beneath her mouth.

He moved her toward his bed. As she lay on the mattress, he came down beside her, his lips and hands against her skin sending tantalizing streaks of pleasure racing through her body.

She smoothed his hair, felt the slight rasp of stubble as her fingertips ran across his jaw. His body was hot, so solid and masculine. Her fingers pushed at his robe and he eased back and shucked it off, leaving him naked.

Sprawled half across her, his erection pressed hard and hot against her thigh as his lips played along the top of her bra. Cupping her breast, he suckled the nipple through the silky fabric, making her back arch off the bed.

Dan had been her only lover, but being with him had never felt like this, a sensory feast where every touch, every taste made her hungrier, and the promise of satiation was so intense she ached.

She loved Andre with every fiber of her being. The feeling had been delicately traced, an outline on the canvas of her mind. Now her love shone bright with vibrant colors, so powerful and compelling she longed to tell him. But fear held her back. Fear he did not feel the same way.

He unfastened her bra and gently kissed her breasts. Then she lost her panties as well and they writhed together, skin against skin, mindless with sensation as hands roamed and teased, lips tasted and tormented. "Are you ready, sweetheart?" he whispered.

Kate was way past ready. Her reply rushed out, little more than a needy murmur. She heard a tear of foil as Andre protected himself, then he moved over her. She wrapped her legs around him and held on.

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