Read Unbridled and Unbroken Online

Authors: Elle Saint James

Tags: #Erotica, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Everlasting, #Western

Unbridled and Unbroken (4 page)

Given the sexy once over he gave her, Veronica thought he might like her long hair, too. The way he caressed her body with his gaze made her want to lunge on him, free his cock, impale herself on his rod and have her wicked way with him. Her panties got wet at the vision dancing in her mind.

“Not that I’m complaining at all, but what made you decide to find me? I didn’t think smart girls went out with strangers.”

“Since you told me your name and where you were from, I looked you up on the internet.”

His eyes widened. “Really? What did you find?”

“You’re basically a rich building contractor from Colorado. You aren’t married because there was a lovely article about you in the Hot Bachelors of the city issue of last month’s local paper. You also own a big ranch with hundreds of cattle and you looked great in last year’s ‘Cowboys in Colorado’ calendar.”

“Wow. I didn’t realize you could learn so much about someone on the internet.”

“It’s shocking. But ultimately you didn’t seem like a homicidal maniac. So with you forgetting the lottery ticket as incentive, I got a wild hair and came for a visit. Is that okay?”

“It’s perfect. Would you like something to drink?”

“Not really thirsty. I just wanted to see you. Get to know you a little better.” She smiled and moved closer before her nerve departed. She wanted to touch him, stroke him and get naked with him.

“Okay. Great. Where would you like to start?”

“I already have.” She smiled wider and moved to within inches of his frame. She wanted full body contact.

The tips of her breasts brushed his shirt and the sudden contact made her nipples tingle in desire. She’d never done anything as bold as this before. Today she planned to make a special memory.

Before thinking it through too clearly, Veronica quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed her mouth against his.

The sudden contact was electric and vivid, and she knew she’d made the right decision in coming here the moment her lips brushed his.

Veronica needed this wild experience. She needed to feel wanted. She needed to feel wanted by someone before they found out all about her tragic past. Eventually it would come out if she spent any time at all with him. But for now she could hide in anonymity. Just a woman wanting to be with a man.

His arms came around her back and crushed her against his muscular chest. He felt so good. His tongue slipped inside her mouth and licked the tip of hers. A gush of moisture filled her panties with the warm wet contact. He twisted his mouth across her and kissed her in earnest. He was very good at it. The seductive slide of his tongue dancing in her mouth made her glad she’d come here. She moaned and tightened her grip on his neck.

Anyone attempting to come between them right now risked serious injury. Desire for this sexy cowboy made her reckless. She wanted wild, wicked sex.

No, better yet, she wanted Johnny to make sweet love to her.

In her perfect fantasy, Veronica wanted to pretend that they were madly in love and needed to fuck repeatedly or die from the lack of pleasure.

He massaged the muscles along either side of her spine and she moaned again. She couldn’t help it. After being alone for so many months, humiliated and ashamed, today was the first time she’d come out of her self-imposed shell to desire something and actively pursue it.

His cock hardened between them. Veronica pushed her hips forward for encouragement, but he didn’t grab her and throw her onto the bed. He did reach between them to gently caress her breast. Perhaps she needed to make the first move. His on-line profile suggested a certain level of gentlemanly intent. There weren’t any splashy headlines showcasing him with any wild women where he was from.

If she wanted to ensure a sexual liaison with this visit, maybe she’d have to make the first move. That wasn’t a problem. Galvanized by her desire, she pushed him backwards toward the large bed centered against the hotel wall.

Once his legs hit the edge, the kiss broke and she pushed him back onto the flat surface of the comforter. She kicked her sandals off and signaled that she wanted to straddle him. He grinned and scooted back until she could sit on his lap without falling off of the bed. He then cupped her breasts through the thin T-shirt she wore. Could he tell she wasn’t wearing a bra? Time to show him.

She pulled her shirt off to reveal her naked tits. His eyes widened appreciatively and after a single kiss to her lips he moved his head to suck on one of her very sensitive nipples. The suction of his mouth went straight to her moistening pussy. She wanted to be naked and pressed against his perfect body.

His hands moved from her lower back to her ass and he pushed his hard cock against her panties. Could he feel how wet she was for him?

She pulled back, shot off the bed and pushed her denim skirt and totally saturated panties to her ankles. “Time to get naked, cowboy. I don’t think I can wait any longer.”

Veronica climbed on the bed and straddled his legs. The outline of his cock was nearly bursting out of his pants. She reached down to unbutton his fly. The slow slide of the zipper intensified her reaction. The back of her knuckles brushed against his straining cock. The hard, wide feel of his shaft made her pussy gush. Veronica wanted to relinquish any foreplay he planned and simply impale herself on his ready cock.

Just as he put his hands on her bare hips and the tingle from his touch further delighted her senses, she heard a sound from behind her as if from the connecting room. And then Johnny’s cell phone began ringing urgently.

Chapter Three

Adam did everything possible not to groan out loud as he watched Johnny and his new girlfriend engaged in what promised to be a very arousing sexual encounter through the slit in the door between the rooms.

The phone call was bad timing, but hopefully Johnny would get rid of the caller and get back to the spontaneous sexual program. He watched Johnny’s expression become irritated with each word spoken.

Mentally, he told Johnny to get off the damn phone and get back to what was much more important. Wild, spontaneous sex.

“No. That’s not possible. We have all the permits for the Colorado property lined up.” Johnny’s voice got serious in a hurry when he spoke about the DRMC’s property in Colorado.

What it sounded like, unfortunately, was a potentially long, detailed phone call not conducive to continuing the impulsive sexual romp. Adam worried that they were in jeopardy of losing this remarkable girl. So he did the only thing he could think of, he barged in and pretended he hadn’t heard her in the room.

“Johnny,” he began as he pushed the connecting door open. “Are we still going to lunch later on?”

Having watched her through the crack between their doors, Adam knew she was exquisite. She turned suddenly and his eye was drawn to the sway of her perfect breasts. In the next second, their gazes met, right before her hands came up to shield her rosy, kissable nipples.

“I’m sorry,” he said, but couldn’t turn away. His gaze dropped to her hand covered breasts again. He should back away, but lacked the will to do so. Her golden hair framed an oval face, the length of which almost covered her breasts for her. Almost. He scanned her naked body waiting for her to start putting her clothes back on. She didn’t.

Like a deer caught in headlights, she froze in place. Adam couldn’t tear his gaze from her luscious body.

Johnny said into his phone, “Can I call you right back? Let me get into the files on my laptop and I can answer your questions in more detail. Yeah. Give me five minutes. Thanks.”

During this exchange, Adam didn’t move. She didn’t either. Instead of embarrassment, he wondered if she was intrigued. Maybe she would be willing to spend time with them both. It was a remote chance, but if true, she’d be the ideal woman for their needs.

“Sorry,” Johnny said. The mood was broken. She ended the intense gaze between them. Her cheeks turned bright pink as she looked over at Johnny. He glanced down her body as if still in awe that a naked woman was in his room. As if suddenly realizing she was nude and in a room with two men, a small yelp came from her mouth and she snapped out of her trance. She bent over, scooped up her clothes and hurriedly started putting them back on.

“No,” he put up hands, trying to placate the situation. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to barge in.” Adam watched every move of her hands as she got dressed. He backed toward his door.

Once her skirt was back in place, she grabbed the T-shirt and pulled it over her head. A pity. Hair covering her face, she quickly slid her feet back into the sandals. Finished dressing now, she turned and flipped her long hair over one slim shoulder. God, she was sexy.

“I’d probably better be going,” she announced and took a step toward the door. “Sounds like you’re busy.”

“No. Wait.” Johnny grabbed her arm and pulled her into his body. “I’m sorry for the call.” He glanced at Adam. “And for the unexpected intrusion. This is my good friend, Adam.”

Adam resisted the urge to stick his hand out after the quick introduction. Once he touched her, he wouldn't want to stop.

She turned her head and stared at him. “Nice to meet you, Adam.” Her gaze slid from his head to his boots and back again.

“You don’t have to go,” Johnny whispered. “We’d love for you to stay.”

“It’s okay.” She looked at Johnny again. “You’re busy and it wasn’t like I was invited.” Her hands came up to his chest.

Johnny hugged her tighter. “Please don’t leave. After this phone call, I swear, I’m all yours.”

She glanced at Adam once more before settling her gaze on Johnny.

Without taking his earnest eyes from her, he said, “Convince her to stay, Adam.”

“If you must leave, let me walk you to your car.” The words were out of his mouth before Adam realized he planned to say them all along.

“What?” That got both Johnny’s attention and Veronica’s.

“Johnny’s got to make the return phone call. If you don’t want to stay, I understand. But please allow me to escort you to your car,” he repeated. “I’d like to make a better apology first for barging in and second for staring.”

Her eyes widened slightly. “You don’t have to apologize for that. It’s okay,” she mumbled.

Adam moved closer to them. Her gaze darted back and forth from Johnny to Adam and back again. He loved her attention to both of them. “But you
let me walk you downstairs, right?”

“Yes.” She flashed a quick smile. “Thank you. That would be very nice of you.”

Johnny grabbed a business card from his shirt pocket. “Call me and let’s get together soon. Next time I promise to destroy my cell phone first.”

Veronica laughed. “You don’t have to do that.” She took the card and tucked it into the pocket of her jean skirt. The skirt that had been pooled at her feet only minutes ago.

Adam took a deep breath and thought about all he would say to convince her to return to their suite of connected rooms. And that
his primary goal in walking her to her car. Secondary only to spending just a little bit more time in her company was to ensure she came back.

It literally pained him to think they’d never see her naked or otherwise ever again.

* * * *

“I’m truly sorry I barged in on you and Johnny,” Adam said before they got two steps away from Johnny’s door. “He’ll kick my ass if you never come back again. I hope you’ll consider returning if only to save me.”

Veronica stopped and stared deeply into his handsome face to assess his level of seriousness. Seeing his eyes dancing with merriment, she also laughed. “Well, we’ll see. This was sort of a spontaneous visit. I guess it wasn’t meant to be.”
Damn it.
All revved up and no one to screw.

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