Read Unbridled and Unbroken Online

Authors: Elle Saint James

Tags: #Erotica, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Everlasting, #Western

Unbridled and Unbroken (6 page)

“What if I can’t?”

“Can’t?” Clearly, he didn’t understand the problem.

Veronica pushed out a long sigh. “What if I can’t come that way! I take way too long. Your tongue would probably fall off.”

The very definition of disbelief encompassed his beautiful face. He put his hand on her cheek gently stroking his thumb along her upper lip. “You need to know something about me. First, I don’t give up, and second, I don’t give up ever when it involves pleasuring a woman. Neither does Johnny. Trust me.”

“So you can last all night?”

“If I need to because, like I told you, I don’t give up. Truthfully, I’d
give up or stop until the song was over and you’d sung the final high note. No matter how long it took.” Were they still talking about oral sex or had they drifted back to karaoke and dancing? Wait, this was probably a double entendre? She was
in over her head.

And yet Veronica ignored her lack and persisted in this mad quest to see if he revealed exactly what he referred to. “What if you get tired? Or what if you slip up, relax your muscles and lose all control?”

“I never slip. I never lose control.”

“Says you.”

“Don’t you know the secret?” His deep laughter filled her space and she gave him a confused look.

“Secret? What secret?”

“That’s what sports statistics are for.” Definitely a double entendre there. “So are you interested in
dancing and singing
with me this morning?”

. There was definitely a double entendre in that remark. The one she didn’t have the experience to pull off. But he seemed so confident.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Curiosity won over practicality and she decided she didn’t have anything to lose.

“All right. I guess I could play. Let’s go dance together and then sing.” Veronica didn’t expect him to succeed in his plan to lick her clit to satisfaction until she reached any high notes, but his utter confidence made the idea so tempting she decided to let him try.

Perhaps he knew secret moves. If he couldn’t bring her off, she could still pretend he had, scream in delight and then retreat home to her pulsing shower massager for relief.

He grabbed her hand and literally dragged her to the door next to Johnny’s. He closed the door behind them and signaled her to remain quiet. They heard Johnny’s voice still working out the details to some intricate construction plan from the next room. Adam quietly closed the adjoining room door and turned to her. “I’ll invite him to join us later, all right?”

Veronica nodded. “Are you sure he won’t be upset?”

“Positive. He’s busy working and once he’s done, he’ll want to relax. I hope you’ll let him join us.”

She nodded, but her heart sped up a beat at the thought of the idea of two men in her bed.
I’ll cross that bridge later

“How shall we begin?”

Adam turned to her and moved very close. “I’m going to undress you slowly, then I’m going to rock your world. I can’t wait to show you what oral sex is really all about.”

His fingers went to her the hem of her t-shirt and quickly pulled it over her head. In quick order came her skirt, sandals and still saturated panties. He removed only his shirt and kissed her so tenderly, she actually relaxed in his arms.

She expected him to fully undress, but he laid her down on the bed and didn’t remove his pants. He only kicked his shoes off.

He brushed her mouth with his lips, starting tenderly and moving quickly onto a deeper and more aggressive kiss until soon she was panting and moaning, trying to keep up as he devoured her. Only then did he move his hands to cup her breast. He rubbed her nipple as he kissed her, but soon broke the kiss and smiled. “Now I’m going to kiss my way to your clit,” he said with utter confidence coating his tone.

“Okay,” she responded without enthusiasm.

“You don’t believe me yet, but you will. I’ll have you screaming in no time.”

He kissed his way to her nipples and laved lots of attention on each of them. It felt great and made her wetter and wetter below.

The anticipation of what he was about to do had an impact on her arousal. She wanted so much for him to be right, but still a healthy amount of nagging doubt still weighed her spirit down.

He kissed her belly and scooted down the bed until he pushed his face between her legs. The urge to clamp her legs closed was overridden only by sheer will. He kissed one inner thigh and put his hands on her legs to keep them open.

Perhaps he read her mind and didn’t want his head stuck in the vice tight grip of her legs. He kissed the other inner thigh and then suddenly she felt his tongue lick her pussy lips. The sudden sensation was incredible. His fingers touched her and parted her lower lips.

She trembled as he continued a slow sweep all the way to her clit. Once he reached the hooded hot spot, he lingered. His tongue wiggled across her clit in perfect synchronicity. A tingling sensation built in her core. If he kept up what he was doing, she might just be able to come. But what if he got tired? Doubt always crept in.

Veronica tried to focus on what he was doing, but worried over her previous inability. He suddenly veered off her clit and licked her pussy lips again. A third lick and he pushed his tongue inside her pussy.
That was new.

“You taste incredible. I could eat you all damn day.”

“You may have to,” she mumbled.

He didn’t respond, just wiggled his tongue back in her pussy. It felt nice. But the direct stimulation of his tongue on her clit was what she craved.

He reached one hand up to pinch her nipple. He then licked her clit in the perfect spot in rhythm to his hand. It felt amazing.

Veronica pushed her hips slightly into his face as he licked her. She gushed moisture with each stimulation and for the first time in her life thought he might be right. Perhaps he could make her come with his tongue. She glanced down at his head working between her thighs and a spike of pleasure rode through her limbs. The visual of his dark head positioned between her legs would be burned in her mind forever.

He was a machine. Licking her clit and alternating pinching each nipple. Veronica started to pant. A crescendo was building inside her body. She wanted to come. She wanted to fall over the edge of oblivion and scream out in orgasm from oral stimulation. Ever so slowly her arousal built. Adam never wavered. And he also never stopped or even paused.

But she was also aware that time was going by. Too much time. He was amazing and she was taking too long. It felt so good, but it had gotten long past the time where she should have gotten off. Now she waited for him to stop and admit she was a lost cause where oral sex was concerned.

Adam didn’t stop. He moaned.

Veronica was about to tell him to give up, but he suddenly shifted slightly. One hand slid between her legs and two of his fingers dipped into her pussy. He still licked her clit and the added finger pressure in her core kicked up her arousal level. She was so close to coming. She wanted it. Please don’t give up quite yet, she silently pleaded. She tried to clear her mind of negative thoughts.

His fingers pushed in and out of her pussy. It felt incredible. His tongue licked her clit, his other hand flicked her nipples.

She was on the edge. She wanted it. Old humiliation crept in, holding her right on the edge of climax. Not quite able to fall over and scream. Not yet. Unable. Broken. Damn it.

Suddenly, his fingers shifted again, it felt like all four of them tried to enter her pussy. Then his entire mouth clamped over her clit. He sucked the hard bud between his lips. Mother of god, it felt so incredibly good. That’s perfect. Don’t stop. Don’t stop.

In the next breath, he pulled his fingers out of her pussy and his pinky slid toward her puckered hole. He sucked her clit once more. Heaven. She was on the brink.

He pushed his pinky into her virgin ass up to the second knuckle. The rest of his fingers slid into her slick wet pussy. He sucked hard on her clit and pinched equally hard on one nipple.

The combined sensation was astonishing. Her hips bucked up as a climax of earth-shattering proportions washed over her body. She screamed his name at the ceiling, bunched handfuls of duvet cover between her fingers and pushed her hips into his face, trying to get closer. He sucked the climax right out of her. She spiraled as more rushes of gratification pounded through her veins. Her hips took on a life of their own, pushing into his lips, demanding every drop of orgasm she could get.

Panting like she’d run a mile, Veronica floated on a high. She felt a little faint as she settled back against the pillows. He sucked her until
finally pulled away. Suddenly, her clit was too sensitive to be touched. He pulled his fingers from her pussy and rosette and rested his face on her thigh.

“Goddamn, you’re so sexy when you climax. I almost came in my pants when you screamed my name.”

Veronica smiled, “You’re amazing. And you were right. You do know how to make me climax.”

“I should have made a wager.”

“You should worry about me following you around for the rest of your life begging for this repeatedly.”

“Actually, that appeals to me.”

The connecting door suddenly pushed open to reveal Johnny framed in the doorway.

Adam shifted his head on her thigh to look back at the door. She couldn’t move, but felt her cheeks heat in embarrassment.

“Okay if I come in and join you?” Johnny asked. Was he upset? Was he jealous? She wasn’t sure.

“Johnny,” she whispered. “I should explain.”

Chapter Four

Johnny’s heart had actually ached the moment Veronica stepped out of his room accompanied by Adam. His only hope was that Adam would convince her to come back. They had an understanding. If he could, Adam would have her naked in his room within the hour. He was usually pretty good at that, but the startled look on her face when Adam had come in asking about lunch made Johnny question his luck this time. She didn’t run screaming to the bathroom, but she was obviously embarrassed. She’d gathered her clothes and got dressed in a hurry.

The phone call lasted longer than he expected as there was a slight problem at a building back in Colorado needing some attention. He soothed his client and assured him the problem would be fixed pronto. Then he called his lead construction foreman and walked him through the process of what needed to be done to assuage the client. After which he called several sub contractors to get them working on the unexpected project.

In between the calls he spent several long moments begrudging his profession and the hands-on way he ran his business. If he delegated more, perhaps clients wouldn’t call him during important sexual dates. And Veronica was so very important to him.

Johnny thought about her long blonde hair and perfect tits in between all the subsequent calls he made. He’d had a perfect woman naked and straddled across his lap and he’d chosen to take the stupid business call. He wondered at the sanity of his choice. Then again, he had lots of people depending on his skills. An excellent reputation for impeccable customer service had always been the cornerstone of his business. So he tried to shrug off his bad luck and the client’s horrible timing.

After half an hour, he had gotten the ball rolling and called his client back with the news that his problem would be resolved before the end of the week. And thankfully, his presence wasn’t required. The client was duly impressed and told him, “That’s why I always call you, Johnny. You’re the only contractor I know that makes an effort to finish the job on time.”

“I’ll see you in a week, Mr. Garth.” Johnny was glad this impromptu project could be completed in his absence. He hated to leave the day before the conference even started. Although cattle ranching wasn’t his primary occupation, he knew one day it would fill his later years. His cousins currently managed his substantial land and all the livestock for the day-to-day operation of the ranch. Johnny still loved to come home at night to his property.

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