Under By Treaty (SciFi Romance) (19 page)

“You did this to yourself for me? So you could come back and be my servant all over again?”

He snorted at the idea. “I intended to become your husband. That didn’t work out so well.”

“You won, Jaden. Isn’t that what you wanted? To prove you could best me? To prove human superiority over the Qui?”

“No! I don’t care who is stronger, or faster, or meaner. I wanted to marry you, Sonil. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.”

She shook her head. “There is no such thing within the seat of the
Qui. The Qui does not take a wife or husband, though many select a Qui Consort like my mother. And just as many others have filled the palace with a harem of tribute consorts to meet their needs. It is the choice of the Qui, but there are no husbands and wives. Power within the Court is never shared. Never.”

Jaden nodded and sighed. “Mostly I just wanted to be with you again. You almost killed your own mother, Sonil. I know now that you
really do love me in your own way, and that is enough for me.”

“You willingly la
id down your freedom, relinquished the rights you earned by Tarkesh, just to be with me?”

“Yes. You make a good ruler, Sonil.
I’m happy to serve at your side.” He paused. “On one condition.”

Sonil narrowed her eyes. “You do not get to make conditions.”

“Please, hear me out. I want to culminate with you, Sonil. I want you to know what’s in my heart. No more secrets. After all that’s happened, I don’t want you doubting me ever again. I think I’ll be safer that way.”

Sonil grinned wide, a hint of blood showing on her teeth. “I like that idea. I like it a lot.”

He could see that she recognized what he was offering – the restoration of honor. He’d learned his lessons the hard way, Sonil lived by her honor, even if her family did not.

“What if you didn’t have to give up your rights
?” A mischievous twinkle lit up her face, and the woman he cherished above all else in the universe peeked out from underneath her Qui mask. “Well, not entirely.”

“I’m listening.” He was damn near holding his breath waiting for her to continue.

Torturing him with silence, she caressed his face, and her fingers trailed down his chest, passing the slight markings that were all that remained of her wicked gouges in his body. Her lethal talons wrapped his semi-hard cock in a sure grip and she licked her swollen lips.

God damn the woman was pure sexual energy, even with a pair of black
ened eyes and a bloody lip.

“I will be your wife, and you will be my husband, here, in our chambers,
in private
.” She pointed to the door leading to the hallways and throne room. “Out there, you are my consort, seen but never heard, ever at my side, a step behind me.”

He gulped audibly when her fingers traced the very tip of his cock and her tongue darted out to wet her lips. “In the bedroom you have every right, everything you could ever ask of me, it’s yours to take, my husband.”

His cock ached so hard he could scream as he kissed his wife’s swollen lips. “Well what are we waiting for? It’s time to culminate… that is if you can fly.”

She led him out to the bedroom by the hand.
Her wings snapped out wide, strong as ever, and she wrapped her beautiful blue body around him, effortlessly lifting him into the air and out the huge open window overlooking the distant mountains.

Sonil’s gold
en eyes teased him as he clung to her, the Qui palace disappearing beneath them. “Make love to me, Jaden.”




Jaden jumped into their bedroom as Sonil hovered outside, floating on a cloud of post-culmination bliss. He stepped aside quickly and she perched on the ledge and folded in her wings. Her angelic lizard appearance had morphed to normal-gorgeous Sonil by the time he gave her a hand down from the window sill.

Culmination had rid her of her bruising and
Jaden thought her face couldn’t decide between guilt or elation.

“You said you could control yourself,” he rebuked softly.

“You overwhelmed me,” she replied, stepping forward and grasping his balls in one hand. Her lips nuzzled his chest. “There was no danger. You brought me around in time. We were nowhere near the ground.”

I barely held on to you

Her fingers moved to his stiffening

“Oh no,
Sonil, you don’t get around me that easily.”

Her head tilted back
, her eyes round and sparkling. “Your cock says otherwise.” She continued to tease him, the sexy woman he craved, the Qui left outside the bedroom window. “Don’t worry. I’ll be more careful next time.”

Jaden was alarmed.
“Next time?”

“Next time we have issues to resolve.”

He grabbed her wrists and pinned them behind her, testing her reaction. Sonil went still. Her eyes glowed. Then her breathing increased. He pulled her against him and stepped back. She followed.

He edged her to the drawer where she kept her collection of implements for his torture.
Still she did not resist. With his free hand he pulled the drawer opened and selected some soft rope.

He let go of one wrist and spun her around to face away from him, taking her trapped wrist in front of her stomach. Her head tilted back
as his cock nuzzled between her legs. He grabbed her free wrist and brought it forward. She gasped as he bound her hands from behind her. He used the longer piece of rope making sure there was plenty left over. Then he marched her to the end of her bed.


Her gaze followed his every move as he collected a pillow and placed it over the end rail. He forced her over it. The cushion allowed her to bend over comfortably without her upper torso actually resting on the bed. Then he kicked her feet together, crouched down and bound her ankles together with a second length of rope, tight enough to put her slightly off balance.


e pushed her further over until her pelvis rested more securely on the pillow. “Okay?”

“Getting impatient

He grinned and
moved to the side of the bed, grabbed the free end of the rope and pulled. When her arms were fully stretched he tied the rope off to the center of the headboard.

stood back and inspected the result.

Bent forward her ass was round and in a perfect position for a spanking, but
still giving him access to her moist silky folds. He had her stretched so she was slightly raised off her feet, able to support herself on her tiptoes but also able to lift them off the floor and rest fully on the pillow. Her breasts were full, but their hard, tight nipples couldn’t quite touch the bed covering. He would have free access to play with them from behind. She made a sexy picture and he had to resist the temptation to take her there and then.

Her head turned towar
ds him. “Getting desperate here.”

He grinned, walked over and gave her behind a stinging slap.
“You are not in charge here.”

She groaned. “But I will be.”

He stuck a finger into her glistening opening and rudely probed her. She squealed and her bottom lifted, then her knees drew up, her feet left the floor, making her sink into the pillow and put all her weight on her arms. She quickly reconnected her toes to the floor and squirmed against him.

He withdrew his fingers.


Her bottom thrust towards him.
He slapped it. She gasped. He wondered how long he would last. His cock was throbbing so badly. After culmination, he should be exhausted. Instead, he felt revitalized. He delivered a string of stinging blows until her cheeks were a purplish tinge and her feet were off the floor.

ggh,” she yelped when he gave an extra hard whack.

“This isn
’t a lesson hard enough to remember, is it?” he said, positioning himself behind her. His cock teased her entrance. She pushed back on him, but he was too far away.

“Jaden, please.”

He gripped her waist and slammed into her, forcing her hips against the pillow. She countered him and he filled her to her womb. He held still. She tried to rotate around him, but his grip on her waist was firm. “Hold still.”

She moaned and then nodded.

He reached around and tweaked her nipples. She gasped and seemed to freeze. He twisted and pulled until she could stand it no longer. The moment she moved to enhance her pleasure he withdrew.

She wailed. He spanked her. Her feet left the floor. He spanked her again, alternating between both cheeks. Her whole body began to dance.

“Do you want me?”

“Yes!” she growled.

“Then hold still.”

groaned, but stopped with the squirming. Jaden slowly slid into her, driving both of them wild. She began to whimper. He found and massaged her swollen breasts, making sure to brush their sensitive tips. She tried to move her nipples into his fingers. He pulled out and rained more blows on her ass until it was a fiery purple and her feet were dancing.


“Still not enough of a lesson,” he said.

“It is, I promise you,” she gasped.

He walked to her drawer and opened it. Her head twisted. He took out a paddle that would warm her up nicely. Then he spotted the cane. He paused. It would sting like hell. Leave nice stripes across her behind. She would know what it was like not to be able to sit after a thrashing. And she had all those audiences to do. He turned towards her and raised it. Her eyes met his. For a moment, she looked unsure. Then she seemed to relax. Her head turned away, she let it drop towards the mattress, and her pert ass thrust into the air.

He used the paddle first, spanking her ass and the tops of her legs until she was yelping with every smack. When she looked like she could take it no longer, he threw it down, gripped her waist and entered.

“Don’t move.”

Her body didn
’t. But her muscles inside did. They contracted over his cock spasmodically, desperate to move him deeper inside of her. He played with her breasts until she could not breathe.

Then she
went very still. “I’m so close,” she gasped. “I think I’ll come the moment you leave me.”

’t you dare. Three of the cane on each side. Then you wait for my say so. Okay?”

She moaned
then nodded.

He withdrew gently. He could feel her body ready to
shatter. He picked up the cane.

“Try to relax, Sonil.”

“I’m so close.”

’t move.”

He hit the cane lightly against her left cheek and she bucked wildly.

“Hold on.” He whipped the other cheek just as lightly, but she was so sensitized he might as well have been beating the crap out of her. She wailed and tugged at the rope on her wrists. The whole bed creaked.

“Control yourself, Sonil, or you’ll pull the bed apart.”

He placed a calming hand on the sensitive bone in her back and waited for her tremors to subside into shudders of sexual desire. He increased the power in the next two whacks, pleased to see white lines appear before fading to that purple-blue glow. Sonil had a handle on herself and just grunted this time, although her buttocks clenched from side to side.

He placed the cane against her right cheek, aiming for a different spot where her ass met the top of her legs. He landed hard, whipped strikes one after the other on both cheeks, tossed the cane, and entered her before she could come without him.

She screamed his name.

held her steady as she fought her bonds and detonated around him. Her contractions were so strong his cock ejected its second load of the morning. As his warm semen filled her she clamped around him. Her legs rose off the floor, lifting him up as she bucked madly under him.

As her tremors passed, he pulled from her quickly, lifted
her heaving torso off the pillows and onto the bed proper. He untied her wrists, bringing her arms back to her sides, before releasing her feet. He lay beside her and rubbed her sore behind. She clasped his hand and pulled it around her until he was spooning her.

She pushed her ass against his cock and sighed. “My husband?”


“You are very good at making love, but terrible at
giving punishment. I have
learned my lesson.”

Jaden pressed his lips against her neck
. “Then sadly, Sonil, we will have to do this again.”




Sonil signed the agreed treaty between the Qui Galactic Empire and the Trexan System. The Trexan Ambassador took his signed copy reverently. He seemed hardly able to believe he was holding the solution to the Trexans’ problem in his hands.

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